Obrázky stránek



Superintendent of Money Order System
-Edward F. Kimball (1903), Mass., $3,500.
Supt. of System of Postal Finance-C.
Howard Buckler (1902), Md., $2,250.
Superintendent of Registry
Edwin Sands (1904). D. C., $2,500.
Superintendent Rural Delivery Service-
W. R. Spilman (1903), Kan,, $3,000,
General Superintendent of Railway Mail
Service-Jas. E. White (1890), III., $3,500.


Superintendent of Dead Letter Office

James R. Young (1905), Penn., $2,500.
Superintendent of Railway Adjustment

-James H. Crew (1892), Ohio, $2,500.
Superintendent City Delivery Service-
Ervin H. Thorpe (1903), Vt., $3,000,
General Supt. Salaries and Allowances
-C. M. Waters (1903), Col., $4,000.
Chief Postoffice Inspector-William J.
Vickery (1904), D. C., $3,000.

NAVY DEPARTMENT. .....VICTOR H. METCALF (1906), Cal., $8,000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY TRUMAN H. NEWBERRY (1905), Mich., $4,500 CHIEF CLERK..... ......B. F. PETERS (1897), Penn., $3,000






Medicine and Surgery.
Supplies and Accounts.

Steam Engineering.
Construction and Repair.

Yards and Docks.


Name. Date appointed. *Rear Admiral George A. Converse (retired) July 29, 1904 Captain William S. Cowles... Jan, 23, 1906 *Commander Newton E. Mason...... Aug. 1, 1904 *Medical Inspector Presley M. Rixey.... Aug. 24, 1900 *Pay Director Eustace B. Rogers..... Nov. 1, 1906 *Captain Charles W. Rae... ..Aug. 9, 1903 *Chief Constr'c'r Washington L. Capps. Nov. 1, 1903 *Civil Engineer H. H. Rousseau. Dec. 10, 1906

Judge Advocate General. ........ Commander Samuel W. B. Diehl..... June 4, 1904



Chief Clerk-Edward M. Dawson (1897), Md., $3,000.

Commissioner of General Land OfficeWilliam A. Richards (1903), Wyo., $5,000. Assistant Commissioner General of Land

Office-George F. Pollock (1906), Ohio, $3,500.

Commissioner of Pensions-Vespasian Warner (1905), 111., $5,000.

First Deputy Commissioner of Pensions -James L. Davenport (1897), N. H., $3,600.

Second Deputy Commissioner of Pensions-Leverett M. Kelley (1897), 111., $3,600.



THOMAS RYAN (1897), Kan., $6,000 ...JESSE E. WILSON (1905), Ind., $4,500 Commissioner of Patents-Frederick I. Allen (1901), N. Y., $5,000.

Assistant Commissioner of Patents-Edward B. Moore (1901), D. C., $3,000.

Commissioner of Education-Elmer E. Brown (1906), Cal., $3,500.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs-Francis E. Leupp (1905), D. C., $5,000. Commissioner of Railroads

( ). -, $4,500.

Director of Geological Survey-Charles D. Walcott (1897), N. Y., $6,000.

Superintendent of Capitol Building and Grounds-Elliott Woods (1902), Ind., $5,000. OF AGRICULTURE.

Chief Clerk-Sylvester R. Burch (1903),
Kan., $2,500.
Chief of Weather Bureau-Willis L.
Moore (1895), Ohio, $5,000.

Assistant Chief of Weather Bureau-
Henry E, Williams (1903), Penn., $3,000.
Chief of Bureau of Animal Industry-
Alonzo D. Melvin (1906), $4,500.

Chief of Bureau of Plant Industry-B. T. Galloway (1901), Mo., $4,500.

Chief Clerk-Frank H. Bowen (1905), D. C.. $3,000,

....JAMES WILSON (1897), Iowa, $8,000
WILLETT N. HAYS (1904), Minn., $4,500
Chief of Bureau of Forestry-Gifford
Pinchot (1898), N. Y., $3,500.

Chief of Bureau of Chemistry-Harvey
W. Wiley (1893), Ind., $3,500.

Chief of Bureau of Soils-Milton Whitney (1901), Md., $3,500.

Chief of Division of Publications-Geo. Wm. Hill (1895), Minn., $3,000.

Chief of Bureau of Crop EstimatesVictor H. Olmstead (1906), D. C., $3,500.

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE AND LABOR..OSCAR S STRAUS (1906), N. Y., $8,000 ASSISTANT SECRETARY.... ..LAWRENCE O. MURRAY (1903), 111., $5,000 Commissioner General of Immigration and Naturalization-Frank P. Sargent (1902), III., $5,000, Commissioners at Ports-Robert Watchorn (1905), New York, $5,000; Louis T. Weis (1902), Baltimore, Md., $3,000; George B. Billing (1897), Boston, $2,500; John J. S. Rogers (1895), Philadelphia, $2,500; Hart H.

Commissioner of Corporations-James R. Garfield (1903), Ohio, $5,000.

Deputy Commissioner of Corporations Herbert Knox Smith (1903), Conn., $3,500. Commissioner of Labor Charles P. Neill (1905), D. C., $5,000.

Rank of rear admiral while chief of bureau. Rank of captain while Judge Advocate General.


North (1895). San Francisco, $2,500;
John H. Clark (1905), Montreal, $2,500;
David Healy (1899), Vancouver, $2,500:
Graham L. Rice (1904), San Juan, Porto
Rico, $2,500.

Supervising Inspector General of Steam
Vessels-George Uhler (1903), Penn., $3,500.
Director of the Bureau of Standards-
Samuel W. Stratton (1901), 111., $5,000.

Commissioner of Navigation-Eugene T. Chamberlain (1893), N. Y., $4,000.

Director of the Census-S. N. D. North (1903), Mass., $6,000.

Commissioner of Fish and FisheriesGeorge M. Bowers (1897), W. Va., $5,000.

Superintendent U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey-O. H. Tittman (1900), Mo., $5,000. Chief of the Bureau of Statistics-Oscar P. Austin (1898), D. C., $4,000.

Chief of the Bureau of ManufacturesJohn M. Carson (1905), Penn., $4,000.

Lighthouse Board-President, Sec. of Commerce and Labor, chairman, Rear Admiral George C. Reiter, U. S. N.; members, Col. Walter S. Franklin, U. S. A.; Col. Amos Stickney, U. S. A.; Henry S. Pritchett, Capt. Albert Ross, U. S. N.: Major Harry F. Hodges. U. S. A.; Captain Uriel Sebree, U. S. N.. naval secretary: Lieut. Col. Daniel W. Lockwood, U. S. A., engineer secretary.


Interstate Commerce Commission. Commissioners-Martin A. Knapp (1891), N. Y., chairman; Judson C. Clements (1892), Ga. Charles A. Prouty (1896), Vt.; Francis M. Cockrell (1905), Mo.; Franklin K. Lane (1906), Cal.; Edward E. Clark (1906), Iowa; James S. Harlan (1906), ІЦ.; each, $10,000.

Secretary-Edward A. Moseley (1887), Mass., $3,500.

Civil Service Commission. Commissioners-John C. Black (1904), III.; Henry F. Greene (1903), Minn.; John

A. McIlhenny (1906), La.; each $3,500.
Examiner-Frank M. Kiggins


(1903), Tenn., $3,000.

Secretary-John T. Doyle (1880), N. Y.,


Government Printing Office. Public Printer-Charles A. Stillings (1905), Mass., $4,500.

Library of Congress.
Librarian Herbert Putnam
Mass., $6,000.

Assistant Librarian-A.
1897), Ohio, $4,000.



(1899), Spofford

The actual strength of the army on June 30, 1906, including the Philippine Scouts and the Porto Rico Regiment, was 3,892 officers and 64,480 enlisted men-total, 68,372. There were lost to the army in the year ended June 30, 1906, 170 officers and 25,945 enlisted men. Of the officers 27 were killed in action or died from wounds or disease. Of the men 435 were killed in action or died from wounds or disease; the remainder representing men discharged for expiration of term of service, for disability, by sentence of court martial, desertions and retirements. There were in the Philippine Scouts on June 30, 1906, 116 officers and 5,043 enlisted men, and in the Porto Rico Regiment 26 officers and 522 enlisted men.

Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell, Chief of Staff.

Brigadier General Thomas H. Barry.


Brigadier General Arthur Murray.
Francis J. Kernan, 25th Infantry.


David Du B. Gaillard, Engineer Corps,
Charles Lynch, Medical Department.

Enoch H. Crowder, Judge Advocate Gen- William W. Gibson, Ordnance Departeral's Department.

George S. Anderson, 1st Cavalry.

Ramsey D. Potts, Artillery Corps.
James T. Kerr, Military Secretary's De-

Henry A. Greene, 1st Infantry.

Lieutenant Colonels.

John G. D. Knight, Corps of Engineers.
W. W. Wotherspoon, 19th Infantry.

Smith. S. Leach, Corps of Engineers,
Thaddeus W. Jones, 8th Cavalry.

Albert S. Cummins, Artillery Corps.


George W. Goethais, Corps of Engineers.

William A. Mann, 14th Infantry.


James K. Thompson, 12th Infantry.
Stephen L'H. Slocum, 8th Cavalry.
William M. Wright, 2d Infantry.
Charles H. Muir, 2d Infantry.
James H. McRae, 3d Infantry.
George W. Read, 9th Cavalry.

Ulysses G. McAlexander, 13th Infantry.

M. J. Lenihan, 25th Infantry.
Grote Hutcheson, 6th Cavalry..
Sydney A. Cloman, 23d Infantry.
Robert E. L. Michie, 12th Cavalry.
C. DeW. Willcox, Artillery Corps.

Millard F. Waltz, 16th Infantry.
Carroll A. Devol, Quartermaster's De- Peyton C. March, Artillery Corps.


Eben Swift, 12th Cavalry.

Samuel Reber, Signal Corps.
Henry L. Ripley, 8th Cavalry.
Erasmus M. Weaver, Artillery Corps.


Charles T. Menoher, Artillery Corps.
John W. Furlong, 6th Cavalry.

Ralph H. Van Deman, 21st Infantry.
George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry.
William Chamberlaine, Artillery Corps.

Brigadier General Thomas H. Barry, president; Commander H. S. Knapp, U. S. N., and Lieutenant Colonel Smith 9. Leach, directors; Major Samuel Reber, secretary.

For Philippine and Panama Canal Strip Commissions, see under "Insular Dependencies."


The Atlantic Division.-Embracing the Department of the East and Department of the Gulf. Headquarters, Governor's Island, N. Y. Commander, Major General James F. Wade.

Department of the East.-Embracing the New England States, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, West Virginia, Virginia, Porto Rico and islands and keys adjacent thereto. Headquarters, Governor's Island, N. Y. Commander, Major General Frederick D. Grant.

Department of the Gulf. - Embracing the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. Headquarters, Atlanta, Ga. Commander, Brigadier General W. P. Duvall.

The Northern Division. - Embracing the Department of the Lakes. Department of the Missouri, and the Department of Dakota. Headquarters, Chicago, Ill. Commander. Major General Adolphus W. Greely.

Department of the Lakes. Embracing the States of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Headquarters, Chicago, Ill. Commander, Brigadier General William H. Carter.

Department of the Missouri. - Embracing the States of Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming (except the Yellowstone National Park) and Kansas. Headquarters at Omaha, Neb. Commander, Major General Adolphus W. Greely.

Department of Dakota.- Embracing the States of Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, and so much of Idaho and Wyoming as is included in the Yellowstone National Park. Headquarters, St. Paul, Minn. Commander, Brigadier General John W. Bubb.

The Southwestern Division. - Embracing the Department of Texas and the Department of the Colorado. Headquarters, St. Louis, Mo.

General Frederick Funston.

Commander, Brigadier

Department of Texas. - Embracing the States of Texas, Louisiana, Missouri and Arkansas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma. Headquarters, San Antonio, Tex. Commander, Brigadier General William S. McCaskey.

Department of the Colorado. - Embracing the States of Colorado and Utah, and the Territories of Arizona and New-Mexico. Headquarters, Denver, Col. Commander, Brigadier General Constant Williams.

The Pacific Division. - Embracing the Department of California and the Department of the Columbia. Headquarters, San Francisco, Cal. Commander, Lieutenant General Arthur MacArthur,

Department of California. Embracing the States of California and Nevada, and the Territory of Hawaii. Headquarters, San Francisco, Cal. Commander, Lieutenant General Arthur MacArthur.

Department of the Columbia.- Embracing the States of Washington, Oregon and Idaho (except that part included in the Yellowstone National Park), and the Territory of Alaska. Headquarters, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Commander, Brigadier General S. P. Jocelyn.

The Philippines Division. - Embracing the Department of Luzon, Department of the Visayas and Department of Mindanao. Headquarters, Manila, P. I. Commander, Major General Leonard Wood.

Department of Luzon.-Embracing all that portion of the Philippine Archipelago lying north of a line passing southeastwardly through the West Pass of Apo, or Mindoro Strait, to the 12th parallel of north latitude, thence east along said parallel to the 124th degree 10 minutes, east of Greenwich, but including the entire Island of Masbate: thence north to San Bernardino Strait. Headquarters, Manila, P. I. Commander, Frigadier General J. F. Weston.

Department of the Visayas. -Includes all islands south of the southern line of the Department of Luzon and east of longitude 121 degrees 45 minutes east of Greenwich and north of the 9th parallel of latitude, excepting the islands of Mindanao, Paragua, and all islands, east of the Strait of Surigao. Headquarters, Iloilo, P. I. Commander, Brigadier General John J. Pershing.

Department of Mindanao.-Includes all the remaining islands of the Philippine Archipelago. Headquarters, Zamboanga, P. I.

Tasker H. Bliss..

Commander, Brigadier General

Army of Cuban Pacification. -Headquarters, Havana, Cuba. Commander, Brigadier General T. J. Wint.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

CHIEF OFFICERS OF STAFF CORPS. Officers marked thus are detailed from the line, under Section 26, act of Feb. 2, 1901. MILITARY SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT, FRED C. AINSWORTH, the Military Secretary (rank of major gen.).. April 23, 04 WILLIAM P. HALL, Military Secretary (rank of brigadier gen.).......... April 23, 04 Colonels. Name. Date app't'd. Name. Date app't'd. Name. Date app't'd. *Robinson, H. E... Apr. 7. 04 Todd, Albert...... Nov. 6, 02 Heistand, H.O.S.. July 22, 02 *Hickey, J. R... Nov. 30, 04 *Dunning, S. W.. Mar. 19, 03 Andrews, George.. Aug. 7, 03 Brodie, Alex. O.. June 10, 05 *White, John V....Aug. 3, 03 Simpson, W. A..Aug. 18, 03 Alvord, Benj.... June 17, 05 Noyes, C. R... Aug. 12, 03 McCain, H. P.... Apr. 23, 04 Dyer, A. B..... Feb. 16, 06 *Kennedy, C. W..Jan. 24, 04 Kerr, Jas. T..... June 17, 05 Majors. Ladd, Eugene F.. June 23, 05 Lieutenant Colonels. *Liggett, Hunter. May 5, 02 *Haynes, Ira A....Oct. 3, 06 *Davis, T. F.....Aug. 14, 03 *Lassiter, Wm. May 28, 02 Morgan, G. H.... Dec. 1, 06 *Crane, C. J....Aug. 21, 03

INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. ERNEST A. GARLINGTON, inspector general (rank of brigadier general).. Oct. 1, 1906 Colonels. *Wood, Wm. T... Feb. 3, 06*Morton, C. G..... May 28, 02 Mills, Stephen C.. Apr. 12, 03 *Wilder, W. E..Sept. 13, 06 Miller, S. W.....July 30, 02 Chamberlain, J. L., *Anderson, Geo. L. Oct. 1, 06 *Blocksom, A. P.. Feb. 17, 03 Νον. 21, 04 Majors. *Galbraith. J. G..Apr. 18, 03 Ward, F. K... June 23, 05 Nichols, Wm. A.Oct. 5, 01 *Erwin, J. B..... Apr. 23, 03 Lieutenant Colonels, *Torrey, Z. W... Nov. 8, 01 Treat, C. G. Dec. 1, 06 *Brush, D. H....Aug. 15, 03*Gale, G. H G... Dec. 6, 01

JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. GEO. B. DAVIS, judge advocate general (rank of brigadier general)..... May 24, 1901 Colonels. Hull, John A..... Apr. 16, 03 Goodier, Lewis E. June 18, 01 Crowder, E.H. (g.s.) Ap.16,03 Dunn, George M.Nov. 22, 03 Morrow, Henry M.Jan. 27, 03 Dudley, Edgar S. Nov. 22, 03 Majors. Bethel, W. A...... July 15, 03 Lieutenant Colonels. Dodds, Frank L... May 22. 01 Winship, Blanton.. Jan. 4, 04 Carbaugh, H. C..Dec. 18, 02[Porter, John B... May 27, 01 QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. CHAS. F. HUMPHREY, quartermaster general (rank of brigadier gen.). April 12, 1903 Colonels. Von Schrader, F. July 9,04 Knight, John T... Feb. 24, 03 Marshall, J. M... Feb. 2, 01 Sawyer. J. E..... July 10, 04 Carson, J. M., jr.. Apr. 12, 03 McCauley, C.A.H.Feb. 24, 03 Stevens, R. R.... Dec. 15, 05 Baxter, J. E.....Aug. 15, 03 Clem, John L...Aug. 15, 03 Hodgson, F. G..Mar. 31, 06 Zalinski, M. G....Aug. 17, 03 Patten, Wm. S..Aug. 17, 03 Wood, W. S. Jan. 20, 04 Pond, Geo. E.....Jan. 20, 04 Bellinger, J. B.... Feb. 2, 01 Baker, C. B......Jan. 22, 04 Pullman, J. W.. June 25, 04 French. J. T., jr.. Feb. 2, 01 Will'mson, G.McK. June 25, 04 Lieutenant Colonels. Areshire, J. B..... Feb. 2, 01 Slavens, T. H......July 9, 04 Pope, J. W....... July 5, 02 Littell, Isaac W..Oct. 26, 01 Stanley. D. S..... July 10, 04 Ruhlen, Geo......Aug. 2, 03 Bingham, G. S...Oct. 26, 01 Schofield, R. McA.Dec. 15, 05 Miller, Wm. H..Aug. 15, 03 Devol, Carroll A.. May 5, 02 Yates, A. W.....Mar. 31, 06 Jones, S. R.....Aug. 11, 03 Cruse, Thomas... July 5, 02 Crabbs, J. T..... June 30, 06 Robinson, W.W.jr. Jan 20, 04 McCarthy, D. E..Oct. 2, 02


SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. HENRY G. SHARPE, commissary general (rank of brigadier general).... Oct. 12, 1905 Colonels. Davis, Geo. B. Oct. 6, 05 | Davis, Alex. M... Mar. 17, 04 Osgood, H. B....Jan. 19, 05 Kniskern, A. D.Apr. 24, 06 Gallagher, H. J..Jan. 19, 05 Dravo, E. E...... Oct. 6, 05 Majors. Ruthers, G. W...Aug. 28, 05 Smith, Abiel L... Oct. 13, 05 Eastman, F. F... Apr. 1, 01 Wilkins, H. E.....Oct. 6, 05 Lieutenant Colonels. Krauthoff, C. R..Apr. 8, 01 Geary, W. L......Oct. 13, 05Allison, J. N....July 27, 03 Hart, Mm. H... July 27, 03 Stivers, C. P.....Apr. 24, 06 Brainard, D. L..Aug. 28, 051


ROBERT M. O'REILLY, surgeon general (rank of brigadier general) Sept. 7, 1902


Heizmann, C. L.. Apr. 7, 02 Harvey, Philip F.Aug. 6, 03 Hoff, J. Van R... Jan. 19, ОБ Girard, J. B..... Sept. 7, 02 Byrne, Chas. B... Aug. 9, 03 Adafr, G. W... Apr. 6, 05 Gorgas, Wm. C... Mar. 9, 03 Havard, Valery.. Apr. 26, 04 Moseley, E. B... Mar. 17, 06 Date app't'd. Name.

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT-(Continued). Lieutenant Colonels. | Name. Date app't'd. Name. Date app't'd. Johnson, R. W... Nov. 6. 99 Frick, Euclid B. June 28, 02 Maus, Louis M.... Apr. 7. 02 Wakeman, W. J.Feb. 21, 00 Keefer, Frank R.June 30, 02 Taylor, Blair D.. June 30, 02 Stepherson, W... Apr. 28, 00 Raymond, T. U..Aug. 12, 02 Torney. Geo. H... Aug. 6, 03 Phillips, J. L... Oct. 8,00 Snyder, Henry D.Sept. 7, 02 Crampton, L. W.Aug. 9, 03 Borden, Wm. M.. Feb. 2, 01 Wales, Philip G..Oct. 27, 02 Corbusier, W. H. Apr. 26, 04 Mearns, E. A... Feb, 2, 01 Smith, Allen M.. Nov. 23, 02 Appel, D. M...... Aug. 3, 04 Edie, Guy L..... Feb. 2, 01 Clarke, Joseph T. Feb. 13, 03 Perley, H. O....Aug. 14, 04 Crosby, Wm. D.. Feb. 2, 01 Ireland, M. W....Aug. 3, 03 Davis, W. B.....Jan. 19, 05 Gandy, Chas. M. Feb. 2, 01 Fisher, Henry C.. Aug. 9, 03 Gray, W. W..... Apr. 6, 05 Ewing, Chas. B.. Feb. 2, 01 Shaw, Henry A.. Sept, 22, 03 Brechemin, I...... July 1, 05 McCaw, W. D... Feb. 2, 01 Kieffer, C. F.... Apr. 26, 04 La Garde, L. A.Mar. 17, 06 Kean, J. R...... Feb. 2. 01 Winter, F. A.....Aug. 3, 04 Banister, J. M..Mar. 29, 06 Raymond, H. I.. Feb. 2, 01 Purviance, W. E.Aug. 14, 04 Ives, F. G. Feb. 2, 01 Deshon, G. D... Dec. 5, 04

Majors. Appel, Aaron H..May 3, 97 Kendall, Wm. P.. Feb. 2, 01 McCulloch, C.C., jr.Jan. 19, 05 Powell, J. L......Oct. 1. 97 Morris. E. R.... Feb. 2, 01 Reynolds, F. P..Mar. 31, 05 Richard, Chas.. Nov. 15, 97 Harris, H. S. T.. Feb. 4, 01 Woodson, R. S.... Apr. 6, 05 Carter, W. F... Nov. 30, 97 Banister, Wm. B. Apr. 2, 01 Hallock, H. M... July 1, 05 Ebert, R. G.... Apr. 17, 98 Woodruff, C. E..Apr. 13, 01 Newgarden, G. J.Nov. 23, 05 Gibson, Robt. J.Apr. 23, 98 Shillock, Paul.... June 7, 01 Straub, Paul F.. Mar. 17, 06 Arthur, Wm. H.Aug. 23, 98 Rafferty, Ogden.. Oct. 24, 01 Stark, A. N..... Mar. 29, 06 Bushnell, G. E.Dec. 10, 98 Mason, Chas. F.. Dec. 9, 01 Lynch, Charles... Apr. 2, 06 Birmingham, H.P.Dec. 15, 98 Glennan, Jas. D..Jan, 1, 02 Kulp, J. S....... May 26, 06 Carter, E. C....Dec. 21, 98 Bradley, Alfred E.Jan. 1, 02 Munson, E. L.... July 11, 06 Wyeth, M. C.... June 8, 99 Willcox, Charles.. Apr. 7, 02


CULVER C. SNIFFEN, paymaster general (rank of brigadier general).. Sept. 11, 1906
Vinson, Webster... Apr. 3, 99 Holloway, G. T... Nov. 30, 03
Towar, Albert S... Feb. 2, 01 Wallace, H. S.... Sept. 9, 99 Gambrill, W. G...Jan. 23, 04
Whipple, C. H... Jan. 25, 04 Payson, F. L..... Mar. 5, 00 Keleher, T. D.....Jan. 25, 04
Comegys, W. H. Sept. 13, 06 Downey, Geo.
Lieutenant Colonels. Goodman, T.
Tucker, Wm. F.. Feb. 19, 03 Houston, Jas.
Muhlenberg, J. C.Jan. 23, 04
Smith, Geo. R....Jan. 25, 04
Halford, E. W.. Sept, 13, 06
Rogers, Harry L.. May 2, 98


F... Feb. 2, 01 Pickett, Geo. E... Sept. 6, 04
C... May 3, 01 Curry, M. B...... Apr. 13, 65
B... May 3, 01 Dawes, J. W.....Aug. 12. 05
Ray, Beecher B.. Nov. 12, 01 Canby, Jas... Oct. 4, 05
Lord, Herbert M.Feb. 20, 02 Coffin, Eugene.... Aug. 6, 06
Rochester, W. B., jr.
Lynch, John R.. Sept. 13, 06

July 24, 02/
Smith, Robert S. Feb. 19, 031


ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, chief of engineers (rank of brig. gen.)..Jan. 23, 1904
Kingman, D. C.. Feb. 16, 05 Fitch, G. D....... Apr. 23, 04
Lydecker, G. J... Apr. 30, 01 Black, W. M..... June 26, 05 Gaillard. D. DuB.Apr. 23, 04
Stickney, Amos.... May 2, 01 Fisk, Walter L..Oct. 15, 05 Taylor, Harry..... Apr. 23, 04
Adams, M. B.... Apr. 23, 04 Roessler, S. N... Apr. 2, 06 Sibert, W. L..... Apr. 23, 04
Livermore, W. R. Apr. 23, 04 Derby, Geo. McC.May 5, 06 Kuhn, J. E.......Apr. 23, 04
Heuer, W. H.... June 11, 04 Abbot, F. V..... Sept. 9, 06 Craighill, W. E.. Apr. 23, 04
Adams, H. M... June 26, 05 Casey, Thos. L.. Sept. 26, 06 Newcomer, H. C.. Apr. 23, 04
Davis, C. E. L.. Oct. 15, 05
Patrick, M. M....Apr. 23, 04
Quinn, James B.. May 5, 06 Townsend, C. McD...
Riché, C. S. June 11, 04
Lockwood, D. W.June 27, 06
Jan. 29, 00 Rees, T. H July 11, 04
Ruffner, E. H... Sept. 9, 06 Goethals, G. W... Feb. 7,00 Potter, C. L..... Sept. 14, 04
Lieutenant Colonels. Millis, John...... Apr. 2,00 Shunk, F. R...... Feb. 16, 05
Sears, Clinton B.. Apr. 21, 03 Biddle, John.....Apr. 30, 01 Jervey, Henry.....Oct. 15, 05
Knight, J. G. D..Jan. 23, 04 Hodges, H. F..... May 2, 01 McKinstry, C. H..Jan. 1, 06
Hoxie, R. L...... Apr. 23, 04 Warren, J. G..... May 3, 01 Judson, W. V.... Mar. 2, 06
Marshall, W. L..Apr. 23, 04 Burr, Edward....Jan, 29, 03 Winslow, E. E.... Apr. 2, 06
Willard, J. H....Apr. 23, 04 Beach, LL. H....Feb. 20, 03 Flagler, C. A. F.. May 5, 06
Bixby, Wm. H... Apr. 23, 04 Zinn, George A..Apr. 13, 03 Hardir.g. Chester. June 27, 06
Rossell, Wm. T.. Apr. 23, 04 Langfitt, W. C.. Apr. 21, 03 Harts, W. W..... Sept. 9. 06
Symons, T. W... June 11, 04 Sandford, J. C..Jan. 22, 04 Jadwin, Edgar...Sept. 26, 06
Leach, S. S..... Sept. 14, 041 Chittenden. H. M.Jan.23, 04

WILLIAM CROZIER, chief of ordnance (rank of brigadier general).. Nov. 22, 1901
MacNutt, Ira.... June 25, 06 Wheeler, Chas. B. June 25, 06


Phipps, Frank H. Feb. 17, 03 Baker, Frank... June 25, 06 Peirce, William S. June 25, 06
Greer, John E...Jan. 19, 04 Mitcham, O. B.. June 25, 06 Burr, George W.. June 25, 06
Smith, Chas. S..Jan. 19, 05 Bruff, L. L..... June 25, 06 Ruggles, Colden L'H. Jne25,06
Blunt, S. E..... June 25, 06 Clark, C. H.... Nov. 12, 06 Horney, Odus C.. June 25, 06
Heath, Frank... June 25, 06
Montgomery, Geo. June 25, 06
Tayior, D. M... Nov. 12, 06 Hobbs, Frank E.Aug. 16, 03 Dickson, Tracy C. June 25, 06
Lieutenant Colonels. Benét, J. W.....Jan. 19, 04 Fuller, Lawson M.June 25, 06
Lyle, D. A.....Jan. 21, 04 Gibson, W. W...Jan. 21, 04 Jamieson, Chas. C. June 25,06
Rockwell, James, jr...
Babbitt, E. B... Aug. 25, 04 Joyes, John W.... June 25, 06
Sept. 17, 04 Lissak, O. M.... Sept. 17, 04 Hoffer, Jay E.... June 25, 06
Russell, A. H....Jan. 19, 05 Dunn, B. W.....Jan. 19, 05 Morton, Kenneth. Nov. 12, 06
Birnie, Rogers.. June 25, 06 Thompson, John T.June 25,06

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