OF YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTISE IN THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE During 1906 the New-York Tribune Write for Advertising Rates. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, NEW YORK. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER 1 is a twenty-page high class national illustrated agricultural Read East and West by prosperous, up-to-date, enterprising, liberal people with Advertising Rates Per line, each insertion............ Thirty cente For estimates or any additional information desired, address NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New York City Farmers' "Want" advertising, four cents a word, Write for particulars. The A COMPLETE News Section. An Illustrated Supplement of Timely Topics. Two Sections of Interesting Special Features. Strong Editorials. Fine Half-Tone Pictures, AND A SUPERB Colored Cover Magazine Is a Part of THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE Each Week. This magazine differs from other magazines in only one respect-it has no axes to grind. Its sole purpose is to entertain and to instruct. Its only policy is that this world is pretty good after all, and that so-called exposures and muck rakings are not within its province. Its aim is to supply good, clean reading for all the family and to illustrate its contents with the best drawings obtainable. 17 to 31 Vandewater St., NEW YORK CITY, PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHIC INKS THE TRIBUNE is Printed with Frank T. Morrill & Co's Ink. Newspaper Perfecting Press Ink - one of our specialties is used by many of the leading papers in the United States. The New York Herald uses our Colored Inks on their P. P. Presses, as do many other papers. |