Louvet's Emily de Varmont, 235 effects of) in the venereal disease, 109 1 Lycidas of Milton, Greek version of Nolan's reports, the, 98 NOVELS, ROMANCES, &c. SERMONS, by Thomas, 184 τος (Four) by Horne, Moorhouse, 240 Rights of infants, 336 Sheep, Account of the Ruffian and Rife of Mahomet accounted for, 223 Tartarian, 546 Robinfon's sketches in verse, 474 Shrove-tide child, 478 Rollo on diabetes mellitus, 44 Sicilies, Travels in the two, 253 Roman antiquities at Bath, Illustration Simeon's fermon, 224 of, 358 Sketches in verse, 474 Ruth's medical inquiries and observa. Smee's abstracts of acts of parliament, tions, 410 460 Ruffia, Public affairs of, 587 ST. DOMINGO, Historical furvey of Sommers tracts, Selection from the, the French colony in the island of, 550 419 Salmon's grammaire Angloise com- 469 guide pour la langue An. Spain, Public affairs of, 583 lies, 253 470 Sanders (Char'otte)'s little family, 471 Specimens of British minerals, 67 229 ancy, 113 Sca'h of France, 101 Stockdale's invincible island, 231 Schiller's Fiefco, 201 (Mif-)'s effutions of the minifter, Schultz's Maurice, 238 SERMON, by Burges, 106 Clark, 466 Hawtayne, Stones fallen from the clouds, Re- 344 Summerfett's probable incidents, 357 224 Surgeon's drefling for 1**d T**r**w, 117 Magee, 225 Surgeons (Defence of the bill for eret- ing the corporation of) into a col- lege, 116 Poulter, 339 Surgery, Address to the professors of, Powys, 466 115 Simeon, 224 Swainfon's mercury stark naked, Toulmin, 465 Sweden, Literature of, 521 342 Switzerland, Public affairs of, 581 SERMONS, by Gray, Hinchliffe, 344 TABLEAU spéculatif de l'Europe, Shropshire clergyman, 106 Tasker's Arviragus, 495 231 Voltaire's Henriade, New tranflation book of, 393 407 of, Zconomia, 121, 400 END OF THE TWENTY-SECOND VOLUME, |