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At an early hour on the 21st, the king and queen, one of their children, and Ngaraningiou, together with the son of Vunivalu, came on board. As Mr. Phillips was already there, all the royal family, excepting Vendovi, were, by their own act, within our power, and it was said he was also to come in the afternoon. There was an evident constraint in the manner of the visiters, which was apparent from their not expressing the usual astonishment at every thing they saw. Their little daughter, of five or six years of age, had a sprightly countenance, and, as is usual, her head was enveloped in twisted locks. One of the officers presented her with a sash, which he tied on, and the bystanders were much amused to see the queen rearranging it after the Feejee fashion.

The queen was observed to have paid more attention than is usual to the decency of her dress, being enveloped in the pareu, after the Tonga fashion. She is a fine-looking woman, with an intelligent countenance. The king wore his maro, accompanied with the seavo, which is the name they give to the long trains of tapa attached to it, that are worn by chiefs to denote their rank. The seavo of the king trailed several feet on the ground.

The person who attracted the most attention was Ngaraningiou, with nis attendant chiefs. In truth, he came in fine style, moving towards the ship in his beautiful canoe, with its long streamers (denoting. the rank of the owner) floating in the breeze. When he came on board, it was at once seen that he had decked himself specially for the occasion. His face was painted red and black, which, if possible, improved his appearance as a savage chief. He was, by far, the finest-looking person among the whole assembled group. His hair was frizzled out with great care; around his neck he wore a necklace of shells, with armlets of the trochus; and his thighs were encircled with a black cord. The usual seavo was worn by him, and over it a flounce of black fringe, which added much to the effect of the whole, and gave him the look of being partly dressed. Every exertion being made to entertain them, the constraint they were under was soon dissipated, and never did people seem to enjoy themselves more.

It was hoped by Captain Hudson, until afternoon, that Vendovi would make his appearance; but four o'clock came, and no chief. Captain Hudson then concluded that he was not coming, and that it would be impossible to take him, unless by force. He therefore determined to try the expedient of retaining those he had on board until Vendovi should be forthcoming. He ordered the drums to beat to quarters, and placed a sentinel at the cabin-door, ordering at the same

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