Obrázky stránek

most of its people had been killed, and that the rest had left it. It appeared to have been a long time deserted. According to Mr. Budd, who was occupied in its survey, the site of the town is easily distinguished by a large spirit-house that stands on the beach in front of it. The Feejee tomato (Solanum) in its green state, was first seen at Tavea.

It was from this town, Tavea, that the natives belonged, who came off to the Peacock eating human flesh, and it was not surprising that ranges of pots for cooking the unnatural food were seen beside the mbures.

A short time before noon, the Vincennes got under way, and before night anchored off the town of Muthuata, near the Peacock.

On the 31st July, the boats from Malolo reached the ship, and also Lieutenant Case, from Somu-somu, by the south side of the island, having been engaged in surveying some small harbours that I was desirous should be more particularly examined than had been done previously.

Captain Hudson now began a very particular survey of the harbour of Muthuata, continuing it as far as Mali, the boats of both ships being engaged in this duty. The shore was frequently visited by the officers and naturalists, and the botanical specimens much increased. The tomato, already spoken of, was found here in its ripe state. It is believed to be a perennial plant. The fruit is the size of an orange, and of an agreeable flavour; it has been grown and ripened in Philadelphia, and I am in hopes will in a short time be acclimated in the United States, where it will be a great acquisition.

The return of the boats from Malolo, brought the melancholy news of the death of Lieutenant Underwood and Midshipman Henry.

Immediately on the receipt of this information, Captain Hudson ordered the flags of both ships to be lowered halfmast, and issued the following order, which was read to the crews of both ships.


Information having been received, from the commander of the Expedition, of the death of Lieutenant Joseph A. Underwood and Midshipman Wilkes Henry, on the 24th instant, who were treacherously murdered by the natives of Malolo, one of the Feejee group of islands, the officers of the United States ships Vincennes and Peacock will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, as a testimony of regard for the memory of their departed brother officers, who have been suddenly cut off from their sphere of usefulness in

the Expedition, while arduously engaged in the performance of their (Signed) WILLIAM L. HUDSON, Commanding U. S. Ship Peacock.

public duty.

Feejee Islands, July 31st, 1840.

Subsequently to this, on the 8th of October, a meeting of the officers was held on board the Peacock, at which Captain W. L. Hudson was called to the chair, and Lieutenant R. E. Johnson appointed secretary. The chair announced that the object of the meeting was to obtain a just expression of feeling in relation to the death of Lieutenant Joseph A. Underwood and Midshipman Wilkes Henry, who on the 24th of July last were treacherously killed by the natives of Malolo. On motion, a committee, consisting of Lieutenant Johnson, Dr. Palmer, Mr. Rich, (botanist,) Passed Midshipman Blunt, and Midshipman Blair were appointed to draft resolutions befitting this melancholy occasion.

The committee, in obedience to their instructions, reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That amid the toils and dangers which the officers of this Expedition have been called upon to encounter, they could have incurred no deeper calamity than the untimely death of their beloved coadjutors, Lieutenant Joseph A. Underwood and Midshipman Wilkes Henry.

Resolved, That the loss of these gentlemen is most deeply mourned, not only on account of their personal worth, but from our sincere interest in the Expedition, which has thus been deprived of two most efficient officers.

Resolved, That the energetic and persevering manner in which the lamented dead performed all duties, however arduous, offered an example worthy our emulation, and that the strongest terms of sympathy with their friends at home, are inadequate to the expression of our regrets.

Resolved, That as a mark of affection and respect for our lost associates, we cause a monument, designed among ourselves, to be erected to their memory, in the cemetery at Mount Auburn.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the bereaved relations of Lieutenant Underwood and Midshipman Henry.

It was further resolved, that a committee of nine persons be appointed to carry the foregoing resolutions into effect, and that the committee consist of the following gentlemen: Captain W. L. Hudson, Lieutenants James Alden and Case, Dr. J. C. Palmer, T. R. Peale, (ornithologist,) Passed Midshipman S. Blunt, Purser W. Spieden, Midshipmen G. W. Clark and J. Blair.

Resolved, That the sum of two thousand dollars be appropriated for

the erection of the monument, and that the pursers of the Expedition be authorized to charge the said sum to the officers and scientific corps in proportion to the rate of their several salaries.

The subject of an inscription was referred to a future meeting, and the committee was instructed to select a model from the designs which hey might hereafter receive. The meeting then adjourned.

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Since our return this monument has been erected at Mount Auburn, after a design by Mr. Drayton, by John Struthers and Son, of Philadelphia. The opposite wood-cut is a representation of it.

Another deserter from the Peacock was recovered, being delivered up by the king. The amount, according to the regulations, was at once paid for his apprehension.

The Kai-viti schooner, Passed Midshipman Harrison, arrived with a load of yams from Somu-somu, having on board the mate and cooper of the ship Shylock, Captain Taylor, which vessel had been lost on Turtle Island on the 20th of June. The mate stated that the ship was run on the reef about ten o'clock, P. M., when seventeen of the crew narrowly escaped in two boats, leaving eight on the wreck, whose fate was unknown. The two boats reached Vavao in two days and a half, without any provisions. Five of the seventeen, including the captain, mate, cooper, and two men, joined a missionary schooner, and reached Somu-somu, and thence the mate and cooper came in the Kai-viti to join the squadron.

William Smith, ordinary seaman, was accidentally drowned from on board the Kai-viti during her last cruise. (See Appendix XVI.)

On the 2d of August, a sail was descried off the island of Kie. Lieutenant Budd was despatched with a boat to board and offer her any assistance that she might require; she was brought in under the pilotage of that officer, and was found to be the whaleship Triton, Captain Parker, without any guns or arms on board


Had it not been for the presence of the squadron, she would at once have been taken possession of by the natives, on learning that such was the fact. When such imprudence is committed, it is not surprising that so many ships that have gone into the Pacific have never been heard of. In many cases, doubtless, not one has been left to tell the tale of the many, very many, valuable lives that have been lost from over-confidence in these treacherous savages.

This alone would point out the strong necessity of providing our numerous and hardy navigators with a correct knowledge of these islands, as well as those still further to the westward.

I am happy to know that we shall enable the navigator to visit this group without fear and with comparatively little danger, if he will but observe a proper share of caution; and there is now open to him one of the best groups in the Pacific for obtaining supplies and refreshing his men after their arduous labours.

The time having elapsed, the king was punctual in sending off such

portions of the flags stolen as he had been able to recover, soliciting pardon for the offence of his people, and making an offering of ten hogs and one thousand yams for the flags not returned. This offering, Captain Hudson received, determining before leaving to repay their full value.

Captain Eagleston, in the Leonidas, having completed his cargo of biche de mar at Mali, again anchored at Muthuata, and communicated that Gingi, the chief suspected of the murder of Cunningham, had told him that the old king of Muthuata had never sent after the murderers as he had promised.

An officer was at once sent on shore, with David Whippy as interpreter, to tell the king what had been heard, and to demand the murderers forthwith. The king, on his part, made many asseverations that he had uttered no lies, and had not deceived us, but had made every attempt to take the murderers; that his people were now in the bush, and that when they returned he would call a meeting, and let Captain Hudson know in the morning.

The Porpoise joined the squadron from Ovolau, on the 7th of August.

As nothing was heard from the king, Lieutenant Walker was despatched on shore, with the interpreter, to ascertain the cause. The king replied, that he was afraid, for the people of the town of Navendarra, where the murder had taken place, had sent him word, "That if he interfered, they would come and burn him out." This proved what had been for a long time suspected, that the old king's power was all but extinct; and Captain Hudson, under the circumstances, did not feel justified in punishing them.

The day before his departure, he paid the king and chiefs a visit, gave them some advice relative to their future conduct, and mentioned to them that he was going away. The king and chiefs, with great naïveté, replied that they were extremely glad to hear it, for they had been in constant dread of having their town burnt, in consequence of the number of lies that were constantly told to him of them.

During the stay of the vessels at Muthuata, one of the mountaineers who frequented the town, stole a comb from the king's house. On search being made, the thief was discovered among the mangrovebushes, where he was captured and taken before the king, who ordered his punishment after the following mode. They laid him on a canoemast, about seven inches in diameter, one end resting on a log a little above the ground; his hands were tied, and his arms stretched beyond

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