The Great Power: Its Origin, Use, and Influence; a Brief Explanation of the Necessity for Monetary ReformPaul, 1897 - Počet stran: 205 |
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Strana x
... legislation under- taken to improve his monetary system ; and although both theory and system were defective and injurious , they were accepted by the great mass of the people of the United Kingdom practically without protest or comment ...
... legislation under- taken to improve his monetary system ; and although both theory and system were defective and injurious , they were accepted by the great mass of the people of the United Kingdom practically without protest or comment ...
Strana xiii
... legislation CHAPTER IV . The modern theory of money - The generally accepted functions of money - How those functions are con- sidered in England's Currency Laws I 16 31 44 CHAPTER V. The modern theory of money essentially wrong -
... legislation CHAPTER IV . The modern theory of money - The generally accepted functions of money - How those functions are con- sidered in England's Currency Laws I 16 31 44 CHAPTER V. The modern theory of money essentially wrong -
Strana xiv
... legislation of 1816 examined by the light of a practical theory of money - Effects on internal trade of fluctua- tions in the purchasing power of money -- Effects on international commerce - Conclusions theoretical 77 CHAPTER VIII . An ...
... legislation of 1816 examined by the light of a practical theory of money - Effects on internal trade of fluctua- tions in the purchasing power of money -- Effects on international commerce - Conclusions theoretical 77 CHAPTER VIII . An ...
Strana 11
... legislation by the operation of which their use as money has been so generally confirmed . Wherever the institution of money has be- come thoroughly established , there , those who possessed sufficient money , have generally been able ...
... legislation by the operation of which their use as money has been so generally confirmed . Wherever the institution of money has be- come thoroughly established , there , those who possessed sufficient money , have generally been able ...
Strana 13
... legislation . Just as the thirst for metallic wealth explains in a large measure the invasion of Europe by the Phœnicians , so the desire for gold and silver explains the conquest and plunder of America by the Spaniards . It is true ...
... legislation . Just as the thirst for metallic wealth explains in a large measure the invasion of Europe by the Phœnicians , so the desire for gold and silver explains the conquest and plunder of America by the Spaniards . It is true ...
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The Great Power: Its Origin, Use, and Influence; A Brief Explanation of the ... M. De P. Webb Náhled není k dispozici. - 2015 |
The Great Power: Its Origin, Use, and Influence. a Brief Explanation of the ... M. de P. Webb Náhled není k dispozici. - 2016 |
Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
Adam Smith advance Alexander del Mar barter Board of Trade cent century circulation civilised Coinage Act commerce commodities Common Measure consequently demand desire economists effect England England's currency Europe EXPORTS fact fluctuations foreign functions of money gold and silver gold coins gold money gold nations gold or silver Government human increase Index Numbers India influence issued labour legal tender legislation level of prices Lord Liverpool's Majesty's mankind matter Measure of Value measuring functions medium of exchange metallic money Millesimal Fineness monetary system necessary ounces of silver paper money pennies pieces power of money precious metals proclamation progress Public Measure Purchasing Power recognised relative values schedule silver and gold silver coins silver money silver nations sovereign standard weights Stimulus to Industry Store of Value supply of money theory of money tions Trade Statistical Abstracts United Kingdom United States Mint utilised value of gold value of money Vict Vide whilst
Oblíbené pasáže
Strana 198 - An Act for the further prevention of the counterfeiting of silver tokens issued by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England called dollars, and of silver pieces issued and circulated by the said Governor and Company called tokens, and for the further prevention of frauds practised by the imitation of the notes or bills of the said Governor and Company.
Strana 197 - An Act to prevent Paper Bills of Credit hereafter to be issued in any of His Majesty's Colonies or Plantations in America from being declared to be a legal Tender in payment of Money and to prevent the legal Tender of such Bills as are now subsisting from being prolonged beyond the periods limited for calling in and sinking the same...
Strana 185 - Every person who acts in contravention of this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds.
Strana 51 - Every contract, sale, payment, bill, note, instrument and security for money, and every transaction, dealing, matter and thing whatever relating to money, or involving the payment of or the liability to pay any money...
Strana 194 - Every branch of the Mint which at the passing of this Act issues coins in any British possession shall, until the date fixed by any proclamation made in pursuance of this Act with respect to such Branch Mint, continue in all respects to have the same power of issuing coins and be in the same position as if this Act had not passed, and coins so issued shall be deemed for the purpose of this Act to have been issued from the Mint : (4) The said Acts (unless relating to a Branch Mint and unless in the...
Strana 191 - Byelaws under this section shall be published in such manner as the Board of Trade may from time to time direct.
Strana 193 - means the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled, " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders," inclusive of any Acts amending the same.
Strana 200 - Where any gold coin of the realm is below the current weight as provided by this Act, or where any coin is called in by any proclamation, every person shall, by himself or others, cut, break, or deface any such coin tendered to him in payment, and the person tendering the same shall bear the loss.
Strana 189 - To revoke or alter any proclamation previously made. Every such proclamation shall come into operation on the date therein in that behalf mentioned, and shall have effect as if it were enacted in this Act.
Strana 204 - Act a gold coin shall be deemed to have been illegally dealt with where the coin has been impaired, diminished, or lightened otherwise than by fair wear and tear, or has been defaced by having any name, word, device, or number stamped thereon, whether the coin has or has not been thereby diminished or lightened.