Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes, 1833-18691854 |
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Act of Parliament Act passed Admiralty aforesaid Application appointed Assessment Authority belonging Bills Board of Trade Borough Burgh Carriage Certificate charged Clerk Commissioners Consent Conviction Council County Court Court-martial Declaration deemed Deputy Lieutenants directed discharged District duly Duties Election enacted England enlisted entitled Exchequer Expenses granted Hackney Carriage hereby herein-after mentioned herein-before incur a Penalty intituled An Act Ireland Justice Lands lawful liable Licence Lords Spiritual Magistrate Majesty's Treasury Manner Marine ment Militia Money Monies Non-commissioned Officer Number Oath Offence Officer Order Owner paid Parish Party payable Payment Penalty not exceeding Person Pilot Pilotage Place Port Pounds Power Prison Proceedings Punishment Purpose Queen's most Excellent Rates receive Regiment Register Registrar Registry Regulations respect Royal Marine Sale Schedule Scotland Seaman or Apprentice Secretary-at-War Service Sheriff Shillings Shipping Master Soldier therein thereof thereto think fit thousand eight hundred Tonnage Town Trinity House United Kingdom Vict whereas
Oblíbené pasáže
Strana 121 - means the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales, with respect to summary convictions and orders...
Strana 100 - Officer, (for which certificate a fee of five shillings and no more, shall be demanded or taken,) shall upon proof of the identity of the person of the offender be sufficient evidence of the first conviction, without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the same...
Strana xii - An Act to defray the Charge of the Pay, Clothing, and contingent and other Expenses of the Disembodied Militia in Great Britain and Ireland ; to grant allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers, Adjutants, Paymasters, Quartermasters, Surgeons, Assistant Surgeons, Surgeons' Mates, and Serjeant Majors of the Militia; and to authorize the Employment of the Non-commissioned Officers.
Strana 524 - ... any meat drink entertainment or provision to or for any person, for the purpose of corruptly influencing that person or any other person to give or refrain from giving his vote...
Strana 246 - Servants, notwithstanding any Notice, Condition, or Declaration made and given by such Company contrary thereto, or in anywise limiting such Liability ; every such Notice, Condition, or Declaration being hereby declared to be null and void: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the said Companies from making such Conditions with respect to the receiving, forwarding, and delivering of any of the said Animals, Articles, Goods, or Things, as shall be adjudged by...
Strana 592 - ... by two ; add these products together, and to the sum add the first breadth and the...
Strana 687 - In narrow channels every steam vessel shall, when it is safe and practicable, keep to that side of the fairway or mid-channel which lies on the starboard side of such vessel.
Strana 524 - Enactment shall not extend or be construed to extend to any Money paid or agreed to be paid for or on account of any legal Expenses bona fide incurred at or concerning any Election.
Strana 33 - Felony, purporting to be signed by the Clerk of the Court or other Officer having the custody of the Records of the Court where the offender was first convicted, or by the Deputy of such Clerk or Officer...
Strana 523 - Election : 5. Every Person who shall advance or pay, or cause to be paid, any Money to or to the Use of any other Person with the Intent that such Money or any Part thereof...