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each, carriers who were found to have unjustly discriminated against shippers of lumber located on an independent short line, were ordered by the Commission to cease and desist from charging them higher through rates than were contemporaneously charged for like services from other points within what is called blanket territory. Each case was heard before three judges on plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction, on defendant's motion to dismiss the bill for want of equity, and on final hearing. In each the whole record before the Commission was introduced. In No. 40 the federal court for southern Mississippi perpetually enjoined the enforcement of the order issued by the Commission in Swift Lumber Co. v. Fernwood & Gulf R. R. Co., 61 I. C. C. 485. In No. 38 the federal court for Wyoming dismissed the bill; thus sustaining the order issued by the Commission in Pioneer Lumber Co. v. Director General, 64 I. C. C. 485. Each case is here on direct appeal under the Act of October 22, 1913, c. 32, 38 Stat. 208, 220.

The facts in No. 40 present most of the questions of law requiring discussion. The so-called blanket territory, which extends south from Jackson, Mississippi, to the Gulf of Mexico (about 200 miles), and from the Mississippi River into Alabama, produces yellow pine lumber in quantity. Through this territory, the Illinois Central' Railroad extends from New Orleans to Jackson and thence to the Ohio River crossings and leading lumber markets of the North. Partly by its main line, partly, also, by branches, and partly by connections with independent lines, it serves a large percentage of the lumber mills in the territory. From all these points on the

'Compare St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. v. United States, 245 U. S. 136, 138, note 1. The carriers insist that the rates are not properly called blanket rates, since they do not apply to all points within the territory; and that they should be termed group rates.

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Illinois Central main line, from all on its branches, from all on three independent short lines which connect indirectly with it, and from all on the Mississippi Central (a longer independent line which crosses it running East and West) the carriers have established the same through lumber rates to the northern markets, regardless of the varying distances within the blanket territory. At Fernwood, Mississippi, a little south of its Monticello branch, the Illinois Central connects with the Fernwood & Gulf, an independent short line, on which the Swift Lumber Company has a mill at Knoxo. The distance from Knoxo to the junction is 27 miles. The joint through rate from Knoxo via Fernwood to northern points, voluntarily established by these carriers, is 2 cents per 100 pounds higher than the rate from Fernwood or any other point within the so-called blanket territory on the Illinois Central main or branch lines or on the connections mentioned above. The distance to the northern markets from many of the points on these lines is much greater than the distance from Knoxo, which lies near the centre of the so-called blanket territory.

The Swift Lumber Company instituted proceedings before the Commission against the Illinois Central, the Fernwood & Gulf, and connecting carriers in which it attacked the higher rates from Knoxo both as unreasonable, under § 1 of the Act to Regulate Commerce, and as unjustly discriminatory, under § 3. The Commission found that the rates from Knoxo were not unreasonable; but that they subject the Lumber Company to undue prejudice, in view of the lower rates so given competing points within the so-called blanket territory. The order directed the carriers "according as they participate in the transportation . . . to cease and desist " from the discrimination found. All the carriers except the Illinois Central and the Fernwood & Gulf acquiesced in the order.

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These two joined as plaintiffs in this suit, and urge on several grounds that the order is void.

First. It is contended that the order exceeds the powers of the Commission. The argument is that a carrier cannot be held to have participated in an unjust discrimination unless it is a party both to the rate by which a preference has been given to others and to the higher rate which is given to the complainant; that the Fernwood & Gulf did not participate in the discrimination complained of, since it did not join in the lower rates from other points by which the Swift Lumber Company claims to be prejudiced; and hence, that it cannot be required to coöperate with the Illinois Central in reducing rates from Knoxo which have been found to be inherently reasonable. That, on the other hand, the Illinois Central cannot be held to have subjected the Swift Lumber Company to undue prejudice, since Knoxo is not on its own lines and it is not in a position to remove, by its own act, the discrimination complained of. Neither proposition is sound. Proceedings to remove unjust discrimination are aimed directly only at the relation of rates. By joining with the Illinois Central in establishing the prejudicial through rate from Knoxo, the Fernwood & Gulf became as much a party to the discrimination practiced, as if it had joined also in the lower rates to other points which are alleged to be unduly preferential. Compare St. Louis Southwestern Rý. Co. v. United States, 245 U. S. 136, 144. If such were not the law, relief on the ground of discrimination could never be had against preferential rates given by a great railway system to points on its own lines which result in undue prejudice to shippers on short lines connecting with it. Moreover, it is not true that the Illinois Central can

2 The cases relied upon by the carriers are not inconsistent with this conclusion. In Central R. R. Co. of New Jersey v. United States, 257 U. S. 247, the creosoting privilege was not a part of the joint tariff. It was an item in the local tariff granted without the con

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not remove the discrimination without the coöperation of the Fernwood & Gulf. The order leaves the carriers free to remove the discrimination either by making the Knoxo rate as low as that from Fernwood, or by raising the rate from Fernwood, or by giving both an intermediate rate. American Express Co. v. Caldwell, 244 U. S. 617, 624. The Illinois Central, acting alone, is in a position to raise the rate from Fernwood. For its main line extends from there to the Ohio River crossings, the rate-breaking point.3 Second. It is contended that the order of the Commission is unsustained by proof. That there is discrimination against Knoxo is not denied. The rates charged from that station are higher than those charged from competing points within the so-called blanket territory for transportation of the same commodity, to the same market, for the same or longer distances, mainly over the same route; some of these competing points being located on the Illinois Central main line, some on its branch lines, and some on independent lines. But mere discrimination does not render a rate illegal under § 3. Only such rates as involve unjust discrimination are obnoxious to that section. Manufacturers Ry. Co. v. United States, 246 U. S. 457, 481. There is no claim that any one of the evidential facts found by the Commission and relied upon to show

currence of the carriers before the Commission; and the revenues derived therefrom were not shared by them. In Philadelphia & Reading Ry. Co. v. United States, 240 U. S. 334, 340, it was pointed out by the Court that: "Undue discrimination against itself or the locality of its plant, as alleged by the cement company [the petitioner before the Commission] was not found; the community declared to be prejudiced by established conditions [Jersey City] had offered no complaint and was not party to the proceedings." In Penn Refining Co. v. Western New York & Pennsylvania R. R. Co., 208 U. S. 208, 221-222, it was sought to hold one of the connecting carriers liable for what the Court deemed to be the act of another.

See St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. v. United States, 245 U. S. 136, 139, note 2.

Opinion of the Court.

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263 U.S.

that the discrimination was unjust, is without adequate supporting evidence. The argument is that these facts, even when supplemented by others appearing in the evidence, do not warrant the finding of the ultimate fact, that the higher rates from Knoxo are unduly prejudicial to the Swift Lumber Company to the extent that they exceed the blanket basis of rates from Fernwood (the junction with the Illinois Central) and other points.

A carrier is entitled to initiate rates and, in this connection, to adopt such policy of rate-making as to it seems wise. Interstate Commerce Commission v. Chicago Great Western Ry. Co., 209 U. S. 108, 118-119; Southern Pacific Co. v. Interstate Commerce Commission, 219 U. S. 433; Interstate Commerce Commission v. Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co., 227 U. S. 88, 92. In the exercise of this right, the Illinois Central adopted the policy of establishing blanket, or group, rates on its main and branch lines, by which the remoter lumber producing points were granted, regardless of distances within the territory, the same rates to northern markets as points located nearer. In the exercise of the same right to initiate rates, the Illinois Central adopted, also, the policy of granting to connecting independent short lines, and to longer connecting carriers, an allowance (called shrinkage or absorption) by reason of which the Illinois Central's division of the through rate on traffic originating on connections is reduced, by the amount of the allowance, to less than its rate for freight originating on its own line at the junction point. The Illinois Central insists that its general policy is not to grant to points on connecting lines the blanket, or junction-point rate; and that it departs from this policy only when it is compelled by competition to do so. Where the through rate is the

'See The Tap Line Cases, 234 U. S. 1; Louisiana & Pine Bluff Ry. Co. v. United States, 257 U. S. 114.

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