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TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1886.

The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the National Educational Association met in the Grand Opera House, Topeka, Kansas, at 8 o'clock P. M. President N. A. Calkins called the meeting to order and announced that His Excellency, John A. Martin, Governor of Kansas, will preside.

On taking the chair Governor Martin invited the Rev. J. P. Findlay of Missouri to open the meeting with prayer. After prayer, the Modoc Singing Club of Topeka was introduced, and sung two appropriate songs. Governor Martin made a brief address, after which he introduced Hon. W. H. Rossington of Topeka, who gave an address of welcome to the Association in behalf of the state of Kansas, and of the city of Topeka.

Prof. P. J. Williams, of the State University of Kansas, welcomed the Association in behalf of the teachers of Kansas.

At the close of this address Governor Martin announced that the President of the Association would respond to the addresses of welcome. At the close of his response the President introduced William E. Sheldon, Secretary of the Association, who made further response to the addresses of welcome.

At the close of Secretary Sheldon's remarks, the President introduced Zalmon Richards of Washington, D. C., who was elected president at the first meeting of the Association. After his address the President introduced Prof. A. G. Boyden of Massachusetts, who spoke in relation to Normal Schools in the United States.

After singing by the Modoc Club, the evening session closed with a benediction by Bishop Vail of Kansas.



The Association was called to order by the President at 9 o'clock A. M. Prayer was offered by Rev, A. B. Hinsdale of Ohio,

The minutes of the meeting for Tuesday evening were read by the Secretary of the Association, and approved.

On motion of Dr. John B. Peaslee of Cincinnati, Hon. LeRoy D. Brown of Ohio, was elected Assistant Secretary.

The report of the Committee to Audit the Treasurer's Accounts was made by the chairman, J. L. Pickard, LL. D., of Iowa. This report was adopted and ordered to be printed in the proceedings of the Association. The President of the Association, Dr. N. A. Calkins of New York, delivered his inaugural address, which was listened to with great interest.

The Chair introduced Mrs. J. Eilen Foster of Clinton, Iowa, who read a paper entitled "Physiology and Hygiene with Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics." This was followed by a discussion of "The Effects of Alcohol on the Human System and the Method of Teaching Them," by Professor A. G. Boyden of Massachusetts.

The Secretary read the following letter from the Board of Trade at Lawrence, Kansas, inviting the Association to visit that city, which, on motion of Mr. Sheldon, was accepted with thanks.


At a special meeting held this date the following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted:

Whereas, The National Teachers Association will hold its annual convention at Topeka for four days of next week, commencing Tuesday, and

Whereas, We earnestly desire that an invitation should be extended to the Convention to visit Lawrence, and view her Educational Institutions and the City generally, and

Whereas, Dr. Lippincott has kindly offered to tender such invitation in person, Resolved, That on behalf of the city and this body we do hereby proffer the hospitalities of the City of Lawrence to the Convention for such date as may be most convenient, and hold ourselves in readiness to do all that is possible to make the visit pleasant and profitable, if our invitation is accepted.

By order of the Board,





The President announced a committee of one from each state and territory represented at the meeting of the Association, on the nomination of officers for the ensuing year, of which J. L. Pickard, LL. D., of Iowa, was chairman.

The following committee on resolutions was also appointed:

A. G. BOYDEN, of Massachusetts,


J. BALDWIN, of Texas.

The Association adjourned to meet in the Opera House at eight o'clock P. M,

Evening Session.

The Association was called to order at 8 o'clock P. M. by President Calkins. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.

The Secretary read several notices, and the President, after announcing that the address on "Education in the South," by the Hon. William M. Beckner of Kentucky, would be postponed on account of the absence of the gentleman, introduced Rev. A. E. Winship, late Secretary of the New West Education Commission, Boston, Massachusetts, who delivered a lecture on "The Educational Cure of Mormanism." The Association adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock Thursday morning.



The Association was called to order by the President at 9 o'clock A. M. and opened with prayer by the Rev. S. McChesney of Topeka.

The minutes of the last session were read and approved, and the report of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, presented by Dr. E. E. White of Cincinnati was received and unanimously adopted.


Article IV.

1. In Sec. 1, strike out in lines 4 and 5 the words, "officers charged with the administration of their respective departments," and insert the words, presiding officers of the several departments and a Board of Trustees to be constituted as hereinafter provided.

2. Add to Sec. 3, the words, except as hereinafter provided.

3. Add to Sec. 4, the words, but no person shall be elected to any office of any department, or of the Association, who is not, at the time of the election, a member of the Association.

4. For Sec. 7, insert the following:

SEC. 7. The Treasurer shall receive and, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, hold in safe keeping all moneys paid to the Association, shall expend the same only upon the order of said Board, shall keep an exact account of his receipts and expenditures, with vouchers for the latter, which accounts, ending the first day of July, each year, he shall render to the Board of Trustees, and, when approved by said Board, he shall report the same to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall give such bond for the faithful discharge of his duties as may be required by the Board of Trustees, and he shall continue in office until the first meeting of the Board of Directors held prior to the annual meeting of the Association next succeeding that for which he is elected.

5. In Sec. 8, line 2, after the word "Association" insert the words, excepting those herein entrusted to the Board of Trustees.

6. For Sec. 9 insert the following sections:

SEC. 9. The Board of Trustees shall consist of four members elected by the Board of Directors for a term of four years, and the President of the Association who shall be a member ex-officio during his term of office. At the election of Trustees in 1886, one Trustee shall be elected for one year, one for two years, one for three years, and one for four years, and annually thereafter, at the first meeting of the Board of Directors, held prior to the annual meeting of the Association, one Trustee shall be elected for the term of four years. All vacancies occurring in said Board of Trustees, whether by resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term and the absence of a Trustee from two consecutive annual meetings of the Board, shall forfeit his membership therein. The Board of Trustees thus elected and constituted shall be the executive financial officers of this Association as a Body Corporate, as conferred by the certificate of incorporation under the provisions of the Act of General Incorporation, Class third of the Revised Statutes of the District of Columbia, dated the twenty-fourth day of February, 1836, at Washington, D. C., and recorded in Liber No. 4, "Acts of Incorporation for the District of Columbia."

SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to provide for the safe keeping and investment of all funds which the Association may receive from life directorships or from donations, and the income of such invested funds shall be used exclusively in paying the cost of publishing the annual volume of proceedings of the Association, excepting when donors shall specify otherwise. It shall also be the duty of the Board to issue orders on the Treasurer for the payment of all bills approved by the Board of Directors or by the President and Secretary of the Association acting under the authority of the Board of Directors; and, when practicable, the Trustees shall invest all surplus funds exceeding $100, that may remain in the hands of the Treasurer after paying the expenses of the Association for the previous year.

Article V.

7. In Sec. 6, line 3, at the beginning, insert the words, the President and.


For By-Law 2, substitute the following:

2. The President and Secretary shall certify to the Board of Trustees all bills approved by the Board of Directors.

Dr. White read a paper, on "Moral Training in the Public Schools.” Discussion of the paper which on motion was limited to five-minute speeches, was participated in by Dr. I. W. Andrews of Ohio; Dr. J. W. Stearns of Wisconsin; Dr. John B. Peaslee of Ohio; Professor Wiener of Missouri; Professor Wm. Baker of Kansas; Professor H. T. Kealing of Texas; and Professor A. G. Boyden of Massachusetts.

Superintendent Louis R. Klemm of Ohio opened a discussion on "Some of the Serious Errors of Teaching," by treating of "Study and Recitations; per cent, System of Marking Pupils; Competitive Examinations,”

This discussion was concluded by Superintendent J. M. Greenwood of Missouri.

The Chair called for the report of the Committee on Nominations, which recommended the election of the following list of officers for the ensuing



Dr. Pickard of Iowa, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the report, and in accordance with the unanimous recommendation of the committee the following were nominated as the officers of the National Educational Association for the ensuing year:

President, WILLIAM E. SHELDON, Massachusetts,
Secretary, JAMES H. CANFIELD, of Kansas,

Treasurer, E. C. HEWETT, of Illinois.

Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Delia L. Williams of Ohio, Henry Sabin of Iowa, A. G. Boyden of Massachusetts, Miss F. E. Holbrook of Illinois, Aaron Gove of Colorado, Hattie O. Thoms of Wisconsin, Warren Easton of Louisiana, W. R. Garret of Tennessee, Julius D. Dreher of Virginia, Mrs. M. A. Stone of Connecticut, Miss Ella Calkins of New York.

Counselors at Large, E. E. White of Ohio, N. A. Calkins of New York.

Counselors, L. H. Marvel of Maine, C. C. Rounds of New Hampshire, A. L. Hardy of Vermont, L. Dunton of Massachusetts, Geo. A. Littlefield of Rhode Island, S. T. Dutton of Connecticut, George A. Bacon of New York, H. S. Jones of Pennsylvania, Joseph Clark of New Jersey, Isaac T. Johnson of Delaware, Henry A. Wise of Maryland, J. L. Buchanan of Virginia, S. D. Brown of West Virginia, J. H. Carlisle of South Carolina, Gustavus J. Orr of Georgia, W. H. Council of Alabama, S. R. Preston of Mississippi, E. E. Sheib of Louisiana, Alexander Hogg of Texas, Leroy D. Brown of Ohio, W. A. Bell of Indiana, D. S. Howell of Michigan, Thomas H. McBride of Iowa, Wm. H. Bartholomew of Kentucky, T. C. Karns of Tennessee, D. C. Tillotson of Kansas, Henry M. James of Nebraska, S. S. Laws of Missouri, G. D. Purinton of Arkansas, N. C. Dougher ty of Illinois, Charles S. Young of Nevada, E. H. Anderson of Utah, J. O'Connor of California, T. O. Hutchinson of Oregon, Z. Richards of the District of Columbia, W. D. Parker of Wisconsin, D. L. Kiehle of Minnesota, J. E. Manox of Dakota, J. M. Allen of Kentucky, and L. S. Cornell of Colorado.

On motion of Supt. B. A. Hinsdale of Ohio, Dr. E. E. White was authorized to cast the ballot for the Association, and the Chair announced that those reported by the committee were elected.

Adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock P. M.

Evening Session.

The minutes of the morning session were read and approved. Secretary Sheldon read the following communication:

To the National Educational Association :

At the last meeting of the Association it was ordered that a committee of five be appointed to consider the subject of Physics-teaching.

By some accident

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