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position have been pleasant; I have formed new acquaintances and cemented older friendships that will endure through life.

At the close of this session, I will request the Vice-President, Justice Deemer and Mr. F. F. Dawley to conduct the newly elected President to the Chair, and thus install him before we separate.

SENATOR SAUNDERS, the newly elected President, was accordingly escorted to the Chair and said:

Gentlemen of the Bar Association: I take it, on this hot afternoon, you desire to return to your homes as soon as may be. For that reason I shall be exceedingly brief at this time. First of all, I desire to thank you, one and all, for this very high honor you have conferred upon me. The bar has been the ambassador of civilization in all times, and to us is given a sacred responsibility. We owe a duty to our clients, but a higher one to our State and Nation, and I therefore appreciate more than I otherwise would, this great honor you have placed upon my shoulders. I only hope that I in the coming year may be as successful in the discharge of these duties which you have assigned me, as has been my predecessor, Senator Carney, of Marshalltown. I hope that we may be able to present for your delight and edification next year a program that shall be equal, if not superior to the one we had at this time.

Gentlemen, I again thank you.

JUDGE M. J. WADE: It was suggested in a statement I saw in a paper the other day, that at the State Bar Meeting in Illinois, its membership committee presented 2,000 new members at its meeting. I do hope special efforts will be made to enlarge our membership during the next year. I also believe it is the duty of the membership of our Association in their respective communities, to try and help the committee on membership in picking up the right kind of men to join the Association. I believe, with a little effort, we can add three or four hundred new members. The Bar Associations of this country are becoming great factors and we should make special efforts to enlarge our membership.

PRESIDENT SAUNDERS: I am glad to have the suggestion of

Judge Wade. I wish to say, I hope every member of this Association will be perfectly free to offer to the President such suggestions as he may desire for the success and welfare of the Association. The chairman of the Membership Committee has not yet been named and is to be hereafter designated by the President of the Association. I will make an appointment at an early date, and shall be glad to receive suggestions along this line. It was suggested by a member to my left, that the marvelous membership was due to the appointment of a sub-committee in every city in the State, and each member was required to bring in new members from his own community. I think that is a good suggestion.

Upon motion duly made, at 5 P. M., the Association adjourned sine die.







SECTION 1. This Association shall be known as the Iowa State Bar Association.



SECTION 1. This Association is formed to cultivate the science of jurisprudence, to promote reform in the law, to facilitate the administration of justice, to elevate the standard of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession, to encourage a thorough and liberal education, and to cherish a spirit of brotherhood among the members thereof.



SECTION 1. The membership of this Association shall be composed, first, of the charter members present at the organization as shown by the roll and paying the annual dues; and, second, members may be hereafter admitted to the Association on application to and recommendation by the Committee on Membership, provided the applicant be recommended for admission by either the County Bar Association of the applicant's county or by three members of this Association in good standing.



SECTION 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, VicePresident, Secretary, Librarian, and Treasurer, who shall be elected at each annual meeting by ballot, without the intervention of a nominating committee, and who shall each hold office until his successor is elected and qualified. SEC. 2. The members adopting this Constitution shall at once organize

by electing officers and an Executive Committee, as provided in Article V hereof, to serve until the first annual meeting hereafter to be held.



SECTION 1. The business of the Association shall be managed and controlled by an Executive Committee composed of the President, who shall be ex-officio Chairman, and eleven other members, one from each Congressional District, to be nominated by the members of this Association present from each Congressional District at each annual meeting.

SEC. 2. Any committee, standing or special, may consider and take action upon any matter of business pending before it, by correspondence; the vote being taken in writing and duly entered of record upon the minutes of such committee, and when so taken and entered shall stand as the act of the committee.



SECTION 1. There shall be the following standing committees, who shall be elected by the Executive Committee, from the body of the Association, at their first meeting hereafter to be held and at their first meeting succeeding each annual meeting of this Association, to-wit:

First. On Membership, to be composed of three.
Second. On Grievances, to be composed of five.

Third. On Law Reform, to be composed of seven.

Fourth. On Legal Education and Admission to the Bar, to be composed of five.

Fifth. On Legal Biography, to be composed of three.



SECTION 1. The admission fee shall be three dollars ($3), payable in advance, and to accompany the application for admission.

SEC. 2. The annual membership dues shall be three dollars ($3), payable at each annual meeting, and if not paid within sixty days thereafter the membership may be forfeited, and the name of the delinquent shall not appear upon the published roll of membership.

SEC. 3. The payment of the admission fee shall relieve the member from further payment until the next annual meeting thereafter held.



SECTION 1. The annual meeting shall be held at such time as the Executive Committee may determine. The annual meeting for 1895 shall be held in the city of Des Moines, but thereafter the place of meeting shall be selected by the Executive Committee.



SECTION 1. This Association will at any time admit as honorary delegates not exceeding two from the Bar Association of any county in the State, they to be entitled to all the privileges of membership at such meeting, with the exception of the right to vote and hold office.



SECTION 1. The Executive Committee is charged with the duty of adopting appropriate By-Laws, not inconsistent herewith, for the government and control of the officers, committees and the business of the Association. These By-Laws shall be, however, subject to change by the Association at any regular meeting.



SECTION 1. This Constitution may be amended at an annual meeting by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of all the members present, but can be amended by a majority vote when the proposed amendment has been submitted to the last preceding annual meeting of the Association.




SECTION 1. The regular annual meetings of the Association shall be held at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Executive Committee and the place shall be announced by the Executive Committee before the adjournment of the annual meeting prior thereto.

SEC. 2. Twenty-five of the active members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.



SECTION 1. At the hour appointed for the annual meeting, the President, or in his absence the Vice-President, shall take the chair and the Secretary shall proceed to call the roll and note the members present. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, the members present shall elect a President pro tempore as soon as the Secretary shall announce the presence of a quorum. Should no quorum attend within the hour appointed for the meeting, the members present shall fix a time for which the meeting shall stand adjourned.

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