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[Titles of papers and addresses are printed in italics.]

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Amos, Charles Hestwood, biograph- Brewer, David J., 45

ical sketch of, 23, 24

Annual addresses, 264

Appeal, abolition of right of, 183
Appeals, delay caused by, 181
Appomattox, surrender of Lee at,

Arguments, limitation on, 180
Arp, Henry A., biographical sketch
of, 24

Articles of Confederation, plans for
revision of, 69-71; reference to,

Attorney General, part of, in disbar-
ment proceedings, 49, 50, 52; in-
vestigation of judges by order of,

Auditing Committee, report of, 18

Baldwin, Charles, 38
Bank of America, 68

Brown, C. M., biographical sketch of,
24, 25

Burk, William D., 26
Burlington, 7, 47, 218

Butler, James D., biographical
sketch of, 24

Butler, Pierce, 80

By-Laws, proposed amendments to,
60, 61

Call, Asa C., 26

Call, Asa F., biographical sketch of,
26, 27

Callender, Albert Woodworth, bio-
graphical sketch of, 25
Carnegie, Andrew, 86
Carr, E. M., report by, 43
Carroll, Daniel, 196

Carskaddan, Jerome, biographical
sketch of, 26

[blocks in formation]

Clark, T. Elwood, 168

Clymer, George, 67

College of Philadelphia, 78
Colonies, power of Governors in,

192; absence of democracy in, 194
Colt, Le Baron B., 45
Committees, reports of, 14-16, 18,
21-23, 48-52, 53-55, 56, 57-64, 65,
218, 219, 220, 221, 232, 233; sub-
jects referred to, 53, 65, 171, 230,
268; amendment relative to, 59;
appointment of, 87; members of,
96, 97, 233; list of, since organi-
zation of Association, 248-263
Confederation, failure of, 193
Constitution and By-Laws of Bar
Association, proposed amendments
to, 57-64; text of, 239-247
Constitution and By-Laws, Commit-
tee on, subject referred to, 53; re-
port of, 57-64; question recom-
mitted to, 64; motion to print re-
port of, 64; members of, 236
Constitution of United States, ser-
vices of Wilson in securing adop-
tion of, 74-76; evolution of, 97,
98; amendments to, 156, 157; op-
position to adoption of, 197; pro-

visions of, for removal of judges,
200, 201

Constitutional Convention of 1787,
services of Wilson in, 68-74; char-
acter of delegates to, 194-196
Constitutional government, character
of, 189

Constitutions, disrespect for, 153,
154; veneration for, 188; charac-
ter of, in America, 188; methods
of amending, 202-204; recall of
judicial decisions by amendments
to, 206, 207

Continental Congress, powers of, 193
Contingent fees, recommendation
relative to contract for, 220, 227,

Contracts, obligation of, 216
Convention system, abolition of, 211
Cooper, A. T., 53; report by, 57;
discussion by, 63, 233, 234
Cornish, J. N., 29
Council Bluffs, 47

Courts, Criticising the, 171-187
Courts, power of, to declare laws un-
constitutional, 100, 184-187, 200,
201, 202, 212; constitutional jus-
tice taught by, 104; demand of,
for support, 105, 106; legislative
restrictions on, 109, 110; criticism
of, 172-187; position of, in col-
onies, 192, 193; powers of, under
Articles of Confederation, 193;
principles which should be en-
forced by, 212, 213

Criminal cases, abolition of right of
appeal in, 183
Cromwell, Oliver, 101
Crosby, J. O., 218
Cushing, Caleb, 108

Dartmouth College case, 124
Davenport, 7, 47, 50, 51
Davis, Crawford F., biographical
sketch of, 29, 30

Dawson, A. E., 31

Dawson, Thomas Cleland, biograph-

ical sketch of, 27-29
Dayton, Jonathan, 195, 196

Decisions, reversal of, 182-184; rec-
ommendation of law relative to,
220, 223

Declaration of Independence, 190-


Deemer, Justice Horace E., remarks

by, 118-120, 236, 237; address by,

Delinquencies, question of, referred
to committee, 233, 234
Democracy, cure for ills of, 144,
145; absence of, in early English
reforms, 189, 190; reference to,
190, 192; absence of, in colonies,
194; fear of, 197, 198, 201; im-
possibility of having, 204; absence
of pure, 207; plans to produce
greater, 209-212

Demurrer, recommendation relative
to, 221, 230, 231

Des Moines, 9, 13, 14, 47, 151
Dickinson, John, 66, 196

Dickson, Samuel, 86

Dillon, John F., 45

Disbarment, discussion of subject of,

48-52; resolution relative to, 65
Distributees in an estate, recom-
mendation relative to, 221, 228,

Divorce, recommendation relative to
actions for, 221, 230

Divorce Act, 54

Draper, George E., biographical

sketch of, 29

Dred Scott decision, 124

Dubuque, 7

Due process of law, 214, 215, 216

Dues, amendment relative to, 60, 61;
question of, referred to commit-
tee, 233, 234
Dunn, Henry W., 87

Electoral College, 72, 73, 211
Ellsworth, Oliver, 196

Ely, N. D., discussion by, 50, 51; re-
port by, 53; resolutions by, 65
Employers' liability, 157
England, lack of democracy in early
reforms in, 189, 190; models for
government adopted from, 198;
changes in government of, 199,
200; removal of judges in, 201
Evans, E. B., report by, 220, 221;
discussion by, 226, 227

Examiners of Department of Justice,


Executive Committee, 58, 59; mem-
bers of, 96, 97, 278; report of, 218
Extradition, laws relative to, 55

Family desertion, act relating to, 54
Farnham, Charles W., remarks by,
46-48, 126

Faville, F. F., paper by, 171-187
Fees, amendment relative to, 60, 61
Fellows, L. E., biographical sketch
of, 30

Fiske, John, 198

Fleischmann, Simon, response to

toast by, 150-158
Foster, John W., 45
Frame, W. H., 168

France, Advocate-General of, 68;
reign of terror in, 101

Franklin, Benjamin, 68, 87, 98, 109,
194, 195, 196

Franklin's Plan, 193

Gallatin, Albert, 87, 107, 108
Georgia, 81, 83

Georgia and State Rights, 84

Georgia Yazoo Company, 80

Germany, 20

Gerry, Elbridge, 196, 198, 200
Gettysburg, battle of, 103

Gibson, Dwight T., biographical
sketch of, 30, 31

[blocks in formation]

Healy, Robert, motion by, 114, 115;
discussion by, 227, 230

Hedges, Christian C., biographical
sketch of, 32, 33

Helsell, W. A., discussion by, 231
Henderson, G. F., 103

Henley, Hadley M., biographical
sketch of, 31

Henry, Patrick, 82, 195, 198

House of Commons, 189, 193, 198
House of Lords, 189, 198, 199
Hubbard, Elbert H., biographical
sketch of, 34

Hubbell, Frederick M., remarks by,
Hudson, N. C., 168

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Judges, Americanism and American,

Judges, recall of, 12, 178, 200, 204,
205; principles of government es-
tablished by, 106; secret investi-

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