ART. I.-Notes of a Wanderer in Search of Health. By W. F. СимMING, M.D. 2 Vols. London: Saunders and Otley. 1839. DR. CUMMING has been a wanderer over many lands. The four Quarters have been visited, we may add, penetrated by him. It is needless to say that he is also a well-educated and accomplished man; but it is still more essential to have it demonstrated, as is done in these volumes, that sound sense, superior acuteness, and a discriminating liberality of opinions and construction on whatever subject may come under his notice, distinguish him. He is in fact one of the most complete cosmopolitans that we have met with. True, he does not pretend to, nor exhibit more knowledge and taste in classical matters, in the arts, or in regard to antiquities, than may be acquired by any gentleman whose education has been liberal, and who attaches himself to a learned profession; although Dr. Cumming's extensive observations, naturally sound judgment, and remarkable habits of eliciting information and interchanging ideas, are advantages which few can be said to possess in a higher degree. Again, the space of eighteen months over which these volumes extend, when we consider the great variety of places and countries visited, the consequent rapidity of the journeyings, the heaten track generally followed, the infirm state of health of the "Wanderer," and the fact that we have merely the " Notes of a Diarist" necessarily speaking much of himself, the whole being in a familar tone,-cannot be supposed to yield any extraordinary novelties. Still, as we have hinted, the author has the faculty and cherishes the habit of extracting information out of what others would deem barren fields, while he with equal frequency and liveliness throws every subject he touches into a framework of his own, which is rich and cheerfully lent; and thus we have a very agreeable as well as instructive Journal. He thinks for himself, and freely communicates; hence there is sometimes novelty together with abund