Ionian Islands, state of education in the Langdale, Lord, and Court of Chancery, 103 Ireland and common sense, 127 Irish execution, picture of an, 563 Iron Lamp, The, notices of, 586 J. JACQUES Raimbault, character of, 581 James the First, Goodman's Court of, 149 Japan and Malaysia, voyages to, 88 Jonah's fate like to be Mr. Wilson's, 111 Judaic laws in behalf of the poor, 298 Κ. KANGAROO Island, Mr. Leigh at, 364 Kelp in the Magellanic seas, Darwin's Keeling Islands, Darwin's account of the, 402 Keratry, Mr., on Modern French litera- Kerry, Lord, effects of ennui on, 55 Kindness to Slaves, its principle, 311 Kingcraft and James the First, 151 Knight, G., his Hannibal in Bithynia, 448 Knowledge of the present day, its charac- Kock, Paul de, as a writer, 472 L. LADIES' School, Marryat at an examina- Lady Cheveley; or the Woman of Ho- Lafayette, Brougham's sketch of, 392 165 Language and Literature of Italy, Carlo Pepoli on, 36 Language of the Burmese, 484 Le Roi s'amuse, Victor Hugo's, 182 Lewis, Life and Correspondence of Monk, Malek Kossim Mirza, account of, 249 Man of Honour, The, a novel, 15 Landscape Painters, Mr. Best on English, Man, nature and constitution of, 413 66 Manor of Glenmore, The, a novel, 511 Mantilla, Spanish use of the, 420 National education, Mrs. Austin on, 548 350 Marine, notices of the American, 525 Mary, amiable traits in the Life of Queen, 121 Masham, Mrs., notices of, 354 Masson, M., his Lampe de Fer, 583 Masonic Symbols of the Temple Church, 436 Maternal instinct and affection, distinction Medical profession overstocked, 609 Medicine, Opium as a, 260 Mediterranean, Views of Shores and Men towards women, alleged conduct in Messiah, Job's hopes of a coming, 271 Miser, The, and lawyer, 558 Modern literature of France, 457 Monk Lewis, Life of, 51; Death of, 60 Monuments the seal of history, 39 Natural history, Job's allusions to, 276 compared, 531 Notes of a Wanderer, 1 Nicholas, alleged pastime of the Emperor, 26 Nile, Dr. Cumming on banks of the, 8 0. ODIOUS Comparisons, Best's, 61 Origin of Wood Engraving, 225 P. PALM Sunday, Dr. Wiseman's account of, 380 Parental ambition, effects of, on education, 538 Monumental criticism, Pepoli's method of, Party, Lord Brougham on, 81 40 Moore, Th., and Lady Cork, 56 Moral attributes of Deity, evidence of, 411 Morality of the closet and morality of real More, Sir Th., anecdote of, 155 31 Muda Hasim, merits of, 96 Murray on the Plague and Quarantine, 617 Ν. NAN Darrell, a novel, 439 Native education in India, Bryce on, 327 Parliaments and Councils of England, Parry's, 243 Parish, Sir W., his Buenos Ayres, 515 of England, 243 Patagonians, notices of the, 394 Phenomena, social, connected with the tea- Philadelphia, outrage at, 325 Plan of new Constabulary force for Eng- Plan of legal studies, Mr. Carey's, 50 Rights of Necessity, The, 296 Plata, Parish's Provinces of the Rio de Reynolds' Modern Literature of France, 457 la, 515 Poland, Gnorowski's Insurrection in, 20 Popular superstition, strength of, in Ire- Population of Burmah, amount of, 479 Professional character of barristers, 82 153 Progress of Wood Engraving, 226, 234 Protector Somerset, his letter to his brother, 124 Puelches, Parish's notices of the, 522 Q. Rivalries in America, 502 Robert's Geological Dictionary, 606 Robinson on the Nautical Steam-engine, 455 QUARTERLY Review and Mr. Reynolds, Scotland, eminence of Agriculture in, 29 R. RAMBLES in the South of Ireland, Lady Security of the roads in England and on Chatterton's, 126 462 Sea-fights, early American, 527 the Continent, compared, 345 Selfish man, Picture of a, 13 Sepoy soldiery, character of, 199 Settlers in Australia, occupations of new, 365 Rawleigh, Sir W., letter of, 157 Real property, subtlety of the English law Self-training, Grattan's oratorical, 581 Shunammite, The, by Rev. H. Woodward, 618 Shying horse, how to treat a, 204 Sidi Cadua, fortunes of, 221 Sigmond, Professor, on tea and its effects, 564 Simony and Bishop Goodman, 156 Surveying Expeditions to South America, 393 Symmetry of Cicero's eloquence, 74 Sydney Smith, works of the Rev., 611 Sixtine Chapel, Dr. Wiseman's account of Switzerland, condition of artizans in, 281 Smith, Mr., and the subsoil-plough, 30 Tenacity of life, instance of wonderful, 432 Smuggling of Opium into China, extent of, The Lion, a Tale of the Coteries, 510 264 Social condition of slaves, 311 Solomon Seesaw, Mr. Robertson's, 514 Thelwall on Evils of Opium Trade with China, 258 Theodore Hook, novel by, 12 Thieves in England, chances of escape for, 347 Somerset the Protector, events of his Theories of the existence of the world, 407 South of Ireland, Lady Chatterton's Ram- Spanish smugglers, habits of, 418 Spartan youths and Mr. Wilson, 108 Thirty Years in India, Bevan's, 192 55 Threshing-machines and steam-engines, 33 Thurlow, Lord, anecdotes of, 84 Tiger hunt, account of, 194 Tierra del Fuego, scenes and adventures at, 393 Tiflis, Captain Wilbraham at, 254 247 Translations from the German &c., 613 430 Transparency of Cicero's language, 75 233 Turnip-slicer, notices of the, 33 U. Subsoil-plough, notices of the, 30 Sugar, sketch of its history, 564 UNION, prospects of the American, 322 duties of a, 96 Summer in Andalucia, A, 416 Sultan, and his prime minister, several Urumiah, Nestorians at the lake of, 253 V. Supplies, abundance of, in United States, VAGABONDS, systematic proceedings of 504 English, 341 1 |