American Law Reports Annotated, Svazek 139Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 1942 |
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action affirmed agreement alimony alleged amend amount annotation appeal appellate court application attorney Bank barratry BTA F CCA 2d CCA 6th certificate certiorari denied claim Commissioner of Internal consent judgment constitutional contract corporation court held court of equity creditor decedent decree defendant dominant estate easement election Eng Reprint entitled equity estate tax estoppel evidence F 2d F Supp fact fendant grant ground Helvering husband indorser infra infringement injunction Internal Revenue Iowa land liable liquor litigation ment Minn Mo App month motion Okla owner paid party payment plaintiff poll tax principal debtor question railroad rehearing rendered res judicata reservation retail rule sales tax St Rep statute statutory provision suit supra surety SW 2d taxable Tex Civ App thereof tion transfer trial court trust estate trust instrument vote voter wife writ of certiorari