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falfehood and vanity of his art. But Socrates told them, that the principles of his art might be very true, notwithstanding his present mistake; for that he himself was naturally inclined to those particular vices which the physiognomist had discovered in his countenance, but that he had conquered the strong dispositions he was born with by the dictates of philosophy.

We are indeed told by an ancient author, that Socrates very much resembled Silenus in his face; which we find to have been very rightly obferved from the statues and busts of both, that are still extant; as well as on several antique seals and precious stones which are frequently enough to be met with in the cabinets of the curious. But, however observations of this nature may sometimes hold, a wife man should be particularly cautious how he gives credit to a man's outward appearance. It is an irreparable injustice we are guilty of towards one another, when we are prejudiced by the looks and features of those whom we do not know. How often do we conceive hatred against a perfon of worth, or fancy a man to be proud or ill-natured by his aspect, whom we think we cannot esteem too much when we are acquainted with his real character? Dr. Moore, in his admirable system of ethicks, reckons this particular inclination to take a prejudice against a man for his looks, among the smaller vices in morality, and, if I remember, gives it the name of a Profopolepsia.




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-Nimium ne crede colori. VIRG. Ecl. ii. v. 17. Trust not too much to an enchanting face.


Thas been the purpose of feveral of my fpecula

tions to bring people to an unconcerned behaviour, with relation to their perfons, whether beautiful or defective. As the fecrets of the Ugly Club were expofed to the publick, that men might fee there were fome noble spirits in the age, who are not at all difpleased with themselves upon confideration which they had no choice in; so the difcourse concerning idols tended to lesten the value people put upon themselves from personal advantages and gifts of nature. As to the latter species of mankind, the beauties, whether male or female, they are generally the most untractable people of all others. You are fo excessively perplexed with the particularities in their behaviour, that, to be at eafe, one would be apt to wish there were no fuch creatures. They expect so great allowances, and give so little to others, that they who have to do with them find in the main, a man with a better person than ordinary, and a beautiful woman, might be very happily changed for fuch to whom nature has been lefs liberal. The handsome fellow is usually fo much a gentleman, and the fine woman has fomething fo becoming, that there is no enduring either of them. It has therefore been generally my choice to mix with chearful ugly creatures, rather than gentlemen who are graceful enough to omit or do what they please; or beauties who have charms enough to do and fay what would be disobliging in any but themfelves.


Diffidence and prefumption, upon account of our 1 perfons, are equally faults; and both arife from the want of knowing, or rather endeavouring to know, ourselves, and for what we ought to be valued or - neglected. But indeed, I did not imagine these little confiderations and conquetries could have the ill consequence as I find they have by the following letters of my correfpondents, where it feems beauty is thrown into the account, in matters of fale, to thofe who receive no favour from the charmers.

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June 4.

AFTER Ihave affured you I am in every refpect

one of the handfomest young girls about town, I need be particular in nothing but the make of 'my face, which has the misfortune to be exactly ' oval. This I take to proceed from a temper that naturally inclines me both to speak and hear.

With this account you may wonder how I can ' have the vanity to offer myself as a candidate, • which I now do, to a fociety, where the SPEC'TATOR and Hecatiffa have been admitted with fo ' much applaufe. I do not want to be put in mind how very defective I am in every thing that is ugly: I am too fenfible of my own unworthiness in ⚫ this particular, and therefore I only propofe my' self as a foil to the club.


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• You fee how honest I have been to confefs all my imperfections, which is a great deal to come from a woman, and what I hope you will encour age with the favour of your interest.

There can be no objection made on the fide of 'the matchless Hecatissa, since it is certain I shall ' be in no danger of giving her the leaft occafion of jealousy: And then a joint stool in the very loweft place at the table, is all the honour that is co• veted by

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Your most humble

rebanksy Laome and obedient fervant,

davit eisi la kns planos add ROSALINDA.' P.S.




P. S. I have facrificed my necklace to put into.

the publick lottery against the common enemy. And last Saturday, about three o'clock in the af⚫ternoon, I began to patch indifferently on both • fides of my face.


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Mr. SPECTATOR, London, June 7, 1711. UPON reading your late differtation concerning Idols, I cannot but complain to you that there are, in fix or seven places of this city, coffee• houses kept by perfons of that fisterhood. These Idols fit and receive all day long the adoration of the youth within such and such districts: I know in particular, goods are not entered as they ought to be at the custom house, nor law-reports perufed at the Temple; by reason of one beauty who detains the young merchants too long near 'Change, and another fair one who keeps the students at her house when they should be at study. It would be worth your while to fee how the Idolaters alternately offer incense to their Idols, and • what heart-burnings arife in those who wait for their turn to receive kind afpects from those little thrones, which all the company, but these lovers, call the Bars. I saw a gentleman turn as pale as afhes, because an Idol turned the fugar in a tea-dish • for his rival, and carelessly called the boy to ferve him, with a Sirrah! Why don't you give the gentleman the box to please himself? Certain it is, that a very hopeful young man was taken with leads in ' his pockets below bridge, where he intended to • drown himself, because his Idol would wash the

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dish in which she had but just drank tea, before • she would let him use it.

'I am, Sir, a perfon past being amorous, and do not give this information out of envy or jealousy, but I am a real fufferer by it. These lovers take any thing for tea and coffee: I faw one yesterday • furfeit to make his court; and all his rivals, at the

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the fame time, loud in the commendation of liquors that went against every body in the room that was not in love. While these young fellows 'refign their stomachs with their hearts, and drink at the Idol in this manner, we who come to do business, or talk politicks, are utterly poisoned : They have alfo drams for those who are more enamoured than ordinary; and it is very common for fuch as are too low in conftitution to ogle the Idol upon the strength of tea, to fluster themselves with warmer liquors: Thus all pretenders advance, as fast as they can, to a fever or a diabetes. I must repeat to you, that I do not look with an evil eye upon the profit of the Idols, or the diversions of the lovers. What I hope from 'this remonstrance, is only that we plain people may not be ferved as if we were idolaters; but that from the time of publishing this in your paper, the Idols would mix ratsbane only for their admirers, and take more care of us who don't love them. I am,





SIR, yours,

T. T.



NO 88.


Quid domini facient, audent cum talia fures ?

VIRG. Ecl. iii. v. 16.

What will not masters do, when fervants thus



May 30, 1711.

HAVE no small value for your endeavours to lay before the world what may escape their ob

• servation, and yet highly conduces to their fer

• vice. You have, I think, fucceeded very well on

many fubjects; and feem


to have been con



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