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du grade de Vice-Consul au moins, quel que soit le pays que ce dernier représente ou la nationalité à laquelle il appartient.

La Conférence donne acte de cette déclaration.

M. de Bunsen, premier Délégué de la Grande-Bretagne, fait la déclaration suivante:

"Tout en autorisant les Délégués de la Grande-Bretagne à signer la Convention, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique leur a donné l'instruction de faire en son nom la déclaration suivante:

"En ce qui concerne la question d'un Office international de santé (art. 181 et annexe III de la Convention) le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté renouvelle les réserves faites par sa Délégation dans la Commission des voies et moyens, sur l'utilité d'un tel établissement.

"En ce qui concerne les articles 81, 82 et 180 (station sanitaire d'Ormuz), il renouvelle la déclaration faite par sa Délégation à la sixième séance plénière de la Conférence, en y ajoutant les réserves suivantes, qu'il attache également à son acceptation desdits articles: "Qu'il soit bien entendu: 1° que la Commission mixte pour la revision des tarifs sanitaires ne soit autorisée à statuer sur la provenance des fonds pour la construction de ladite station qu'avec l'assentiment de tous ses membres, et 2° qu'on ne procède à l'établissement de la dite station qu'après la réorganisation du Conseil supérieur de santé de Constantinople, conformément aux prescriptions de la présente Convention.

"Les Plénipotentiaires britanniques déclarent en outre que les stipulations de la présente Convention ne seront applicables à aucune des colonies, possessions ou protectorats de Sa Majesté britannique qu'après notification à cet effet addressée par le Représentant de Sa. Majesté britannique à Paris au Ministre des Affaires étrangères de la République française, au nom de telle colonie, possession ou pro


"Il est entendu par le Gouvernement britannique que le droit de dénonciation de la présente Convention, ainsi que le droit des Puissances de se concerter pour l'introduction de modifications dans le texte de la Convention, subsiste, ainsi qu'il résultait de la Convention de Venise de 1897.

"En ce qui concerne les frais de dératisation, lorsque cette mesure est exécutée par une société ou par un individu, la Délégation d'Angleterre s'associe au vœu que vient d'émettre la Délégation d'Allemagne." La Conférence donne acte de cette déclaration.

M. de Piza, Délégué du Brésil, annonce qu'il signera la Convention ad referendum.

M. de Suzzara, Délégué d'Autriche-Hongrie, lit la déclaration ciaprès, dont la Conférence lui donne acte:

"L'Autriche-Hongrie, tout en signant la Convention, ne croit pas pouvoir se départir des réserves faites par sa Délégation au cours des discussions de la Commission des voies et moyens à l'égard de l'établissement prévu par l'article 181 de la Convention."

MM. les Délégués des États-Unis d'Amérique se déclarent prêts à signer la Convention ad referendum, en faisant seulement des réserves quant à la substitution de la surveillance à l'observation, en raison de la législation particulière des différents États de l'Union.

La Conférence donne acte de cette déclaration.

M. Popovitch, Délégué de Serbie, fait connaître qu'il est en mesure de signer la Convention ad referendum.

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Sous le bénéfice des déclarations qui précèdent, la Convention est signée par les Délégués munis des pleins pouvoirs nécessaires.

M. le Président donne ensuite lecture du vœu suivant, qui a été émis par la Conférence en ce qui concerne le pèlerinage marocain:


La Conférence a exprimé le vœu que le pèlerinage marocain soit dûment réglementé et qu'une station sanitaire soit installée au Maroc dans un lieu facilement abordable, bien isolé et à proximité du siège du Conseil, à Malabata par exemple, de manière que le Conseil puisse surveiller l'exécution des mesures sanitaires."

En foi de quoi, les soussignés, Délégués à la Conférence sanitaire internationale de Paris, ont signé le présent Procès-verbal, auquel une copie authentique de la Convention sera annexée.

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Certifié conforme à l'original:

Le Président de la Conférence:

Pour le Président et par autorisation spéciale,
Le Chef du Secrétariat de la Conférence:




In execution of Article 184 of the International Sanitary Convention of December 3, 1903, the undersigned, representatives of the cosignatory Powers, to wit: H. S. H. Prince Radolin, Ambassador of Germany; His Exc. Count de Khevenhüller-Metsch, Ambassador of Austria-Hungary; M. Leghait, Minister of Belgium; M. de Piza, Minister of Brazil; H. Exc. Mr. White, Ambassador of the United States of America; H. Exc. M. Pichon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic; H. Exc. Sir Francis Bertie, Ambassador of his Britannic Majesty; H. Exc. Count Tornielli, Ambassador of Italy; M. Vannerus, Chargé d'Affaires of Luxemburg; M. Brunet, Consul of Montenegro at Paris; M. le Chevalier de Stuers, Minister of the Netherlands; Samad Khan, Minister of Persia; M. Ghika, Minister of Roumania; H. Exc. M. de Nélidow, Ambassador of Russia; M. Lardy, Minister of Switzerland, met in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Paris in order to deposit the ratifications of the High Contracting Powers with the Government of the French Republic. The Undersigned note that:

I. The Governments of Greece and Servia having given notice, by means of two communications delivered to the Legations of the French Republic at Athens and Belgrade on May 16 and July 14, 1904, that they did not adhere to the said Convention, it follows that Greece and Servia, whose delegates signed this act ad referendum, can not be considered as contracting parties.

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II. The ratification of the President of the United States of America is deposited with the following declaration, to wit: "That it is necessary to substitute observation " for surveillance in the United States in the cases contemplated by articles 21 et seq., on account of the peculiar legislation of the different States of the Union." III. The ratification of H. M. the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Emperor of India, is deposited with the following declarations:

"1. That the establishment of a sanitary station on the Island of Ormuz by the Superior Board of Health of Constantinople shall not take place until the said Board shall have been reorganized in conformity with the provisions of the Convention of December 3, 1903, and until the Mixed Tariff Commission shall have placed funds at the disposal of the said Board for this purpose by a unanimous decision.

"2. That the stipulations of the said Convention shall not be applicable to the colonies, possessions, or protectorates of His Britannic Majesty until after notification to this effect shall have been sent by the Representative of His Britannic Majesty at Paris to the Minister

of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic in the name of such colony, possession, or protectorate."

IV. The ratification of H. M. the Shah of Persia is deposited with the following declaration, to-wit: "That it shall be understood that the flag which is to fly over the sanitary station of Ormuz shall be the Persian flag and that the armed guards who may be necessary to insure the observance of the sanitary measures shall be furnished by the Persian Government."

V. The signatory Powers have made the following double declaration, which is, moreover, in conformity with the stipulations contained in the Convention of Venice of March 19, 1897, viz: "That the Contracting Powers reserve the right to agree with one another with regard to the introduction of modifications in the text of the present Convention and that each of these Powers preserves the right to denounce the present Convention, which denunciation shall not have effect except with regard to it."

VI. The deposit of the instrument of the ratifications of the Egyptian Government is made through the medium of the Government of the Republic in compliance with a request made in a letter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of His Highness the Khedive under date of October 25, 1906.

The Undersigned also declare that their Governments agree to grant to Spain and Portugal, whose Parliaments have not yet acted on the Convention of December 3, 1903, the privilege of depositing their ratifications later and within the shortest period possible.

The Government of the Republic shall take note of these ratifications and shall advise the other ratifying Powers of the deposit of the ratifications of the two Powers above mentioned.

Whereupon, all the ratifications having been presented and found, upon examination, to be in good and due form, they are confided to the Government of the Republic to be deposited in the Archives of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic.

In witness whereof the present Procès-Verbal has been drawn up and a certified copy thereof shall be transmitted, through the Government of the French Republic, to each of the Powers which ratified the Sanitary Convention of December 3, 1903. Done at Paris, April 6, 1907.

[L. S.]


[L. S.]


L. S.]

Signé: A. LEGHAIT.

L. S.]


[L. S.]


[L. S.

Signé: S. PICHON.

[L. S.


L. S.]


L. S.


[L. S.]

Signé: BRUNET.

L. S.

Signé: A. DE STUERS.

L. S.

Signé: M. SAMAD.

[L. S.]

Signé: GR. G. GHIKA.

[L. S.


[L. S.]

Signé: LARDY.

Pour copie conforme:

Le Ministre Plénipotentiaire, Chef du Service du Protocole.



Signed at Paris May 18, 1904; ratification advised by the Senate March 1, 1905; adhered to by the President June 6, 1908; proclaimed June 15, 1908.


Proclamation by the President. I. Authority for centralization of information.

II. Supervision over stations and harbors of embarkation.

III. Declarations of women and girls; return.

IV. Expense of return.
V. Special conventions.
VI. Supervision over agencies.
VII. Nonsignatory powers.
VIII. Effect; denunciation.
IX. Ratification.



Whereas a project of arrangement for the suppression of the white slave traffic was, on July 25, 1902, adopted for submission to their respective Governments by the delegates of various Powers represented at the Paris Conference for the repression of the trade in white women;

And whereas, in pursuance of Article VII of the said project of arrangement, the Government of the United States was, on August 18, 1902, invited by the Government of the French Republic to adhere thereto;

And whereas the Senate of the United States, by its Resolution of March 1, 1905 (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), did advise and consent to the adhesion by the United States to the said project of arrangement;

And whereas the stipulations of the said project of arrangement were, word for word, and without change, confirmed by a formal agreement, signed at Paris on May 18, 1904, by the Governments of Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Norway, and the Swiss Federal Council, a true copy of which agreement, in the French language, is hereto attached;

And whereas the ratifications by the said Governments of the said agreement have been duly deposited with the Government of the French Republic; and the said agreement has been adhered to by the Governments of Austria-Hungary and Brazil;

And whereas the President of the United States of America, in pursuance of the aforesaid advice and consent of the Senate, did, on the 6th day of June, 1908, declare that the United States adheres to the said agreement in confirmation of the said project of arrange


Now, therefore, be it known, That I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said agreement to be made public, to the end that the same, and every article and clause

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