Letters to the Spectator; from Rosalinda, with a Defire to be admitted into the Ugly Club, N. 87; from T. T. complaining of the Idols in Coffee-houses, ibid. from Philo-Britannicus on the Corruption of Servants, 88; from Sam. Hopewell, 89. from Leonora, reminding the Spectator of the Catalogue, 92; from B. D. con- cerning real Sorrow, 95; from Annabella, recom- mending the Bishop of Cambray's Education of a Daughter, ibid. from Tom Trusty, a Servant, contain- ing an Account of his Life and Services, 96; from the Master of the Fan-Exercise, 102; from-against the Equestrian Order of Ladies, 104; from Will. Wimble to Sir Roger de Coverley, with a Jack, 108; to the Spec- tator from complaining of the new Petticoat, 127; from a Lawyer on the Circuit, with an Account of the Progress of the Fashions in the Country, 129; from Will. Honeycomb, 131; from George Trusty, thanking the Spectator for the great Benefit he has received from his Works, 134; from William Wiseacre, who defires his Daughter may learn the Exercise of the Fan, ibid. from a profess'd Liar, 136; from Ralph Vallet, the faithful Servant of a perverse Master, 137; from Pati- ence Giddy, the next Thing to a Lady's Woman, ibid. from Lydia Novell, complaining of her Lover's Con- duct, 140; from R. D. concerning the corrupt Taste of the Age, and the Reasons of it, ibid. from Betty Santer about a Wager, ibid. from Parthenope, who is angry with the Spectator for meddling with the Ladies Petticoats, ibid. from upon Drinking, ibid. from Rachael Baflo concerning Female Gamesters, ibid. from Parthenia, ibid. from containing a Reflexion on a Comedy called The Lancashire Witches, 141; from Andromache, complaining of the false No- tion of Gallantry in Love, with fome Letters from her Husband to her, 142; from concerning Wa-
gerers, 145; from complaining of Impertinents
in Coffee-houses, ibid. from
an old Batchelor, ibid. from
Skirts in Mens Coats, ibid. from
the Common-Prayer, 147; from the Spectator to a
dancing Out-law, 148; from the same to a dumb Vifi-
tant, ibid. to the Spectator from Sylvia a Widow, de-
firing his Advice in the Choice of a Husband, 149; the Spectator's Answer, ibid. to the Spectator from Simon Honeycomb, giving an Account of his Modesty, Impu- dence, and Marriage, 154; from an Idol that keeps a Coffee-house, 155; from a beautiful Milliner, com- plaining of her Customers, ibid. from with a Reproof to the Spectator, 158; from-concerning the Ladies Visitants, ibid. from complaining of the Behaviour of Persons in Church, ibid. from a Wo- man's Man, ibid. from with a Description of a Country-Wake, 161; from Leonora, who had just loft her Lover, 163; from a young Officer to his Fa- ther, 165. To the Spectator from a Caftle-builder, 167; from concerning the Tyranny of School- masters, 168. from T. S. a School-boy at Richmond, ibid. from concerning Impertinents, ibid.
from Ifaac Hedgeditch, a Pocher, ibid. Lewis of France, compared with the Czar of Muscovy, Ν. 139.
Lye given, a great Violation of the Point of Honour, Ν. 103.
Life: in what Manner our Lives are spent, according to Seneca, N. 93. Life is not real but when chearful, 143. In what Manner to be regulated, ibid. How to have a right Enjoyment of it, ibid. A Survey of it in a Vifion, 159.
Love, a Paffion never well-cured, N. 118. Natural Love in Brutes more intense than in reasonable Creatures, 120. The Gallantry of it on a very ill Foot, 142. Love has nothing to do with State, 149.
M Acbeth, the Incantations in that Play vindicated,
Ν. 141. Mahometans, a Custom among them, N. 85, Males among the Birds have only Voices, N. 128. Man, variable in his Temper, N. 162. Marlborough (John Duke of) took the French Lines without Bloodshed, N. 139.
Marriage-Life, always a vexatious or happy Condition, Ν. 149.
Master, a good one, a Prince in his Family, N. 107. Α Complaint against some ill Masters, 136.
Merab, her Character, N. 144. Mirzah, the Visions of, N. 159.
Mode: astanding Mode or Dreis recommended, N. 129. Modesty in Men no ways acceptable to Ladies, N. 154. Mourning: the Signs of true Mourning generally misun- derstood, N. 95.
IGRANILLA, a Party Lady, forced to patch on the wrong Side, N. 81.
Nutmeg of Delight, one of the Persian Emperor's Titles, Ν. 160.
OBSCURITY, the only Defence against Reproach,
Oeconomy, wherein compared to Good-breeding, N. 114. Omniamante, her Character, N. 144.
AMP HILIO, a good Master, N. 137. Parties: an Instance of the Malice of Parties, N. 125. The dismal Effects of a furious Party Spirit, ibid. It corrupts both our Morals and Judgment, ibid. And reigns more in the Country than Town, 126. Party Patches, 81. Party Scriblers reproved, 125. Paffions of the Fan, a Treatise for the Ufe of the Au- thor's Scholars, N. 102.
Pedants, who so to be reputed, N. 105. The Book-Pe- dant the most supportable, ibid. Pericles, his Advice to the Women, N. 81. Perfians, their Institution of their Youth, N. 99. Petticoat, a Complaint against the Hoop-Petticoat, N. 127. Several Conjectures upon it, ibid. Compared to an Egyptian Temple, ibid.
Pharamond, fome Account of him and his Favourite, N. 84. His Edict against Duels, 97. Phocion, his Behaviour at his Death, N. 133. Physiognomy, every Man in some Degree Master of that Art, N. 86.
Place and Precedency more contested among Women of an inferior Rank than Ladies of Quality, N. 119. Plato, his Notion of the Soul, N. 90. Wherein, accord- ing to him and his Followers, the Punishment of a vo- luptuous Man confifts, ibid.
Pleasure, when our chief Pursuit, disappoints it felf, N. 151. The Deceitfulness of Pleasure, ibid.
Pontignan (Monfieur) his Adventure with two Women, N. 90.
Posterity, its Privilege, N. 101. Poverty, the Inconveniencies and Mortifications usually attending it, N. 150.
Prejudice, the Prevalency of it, N. 101. Procrastination, from whence proceeding, N. 151. Providence, demonstrative Arguments for it, N. 120.
Punishments in Schools disapproved, N. 157.
EASON, not to be found in
Riding, a healthy Exercise, N. 115. Rival Mother, the first Part of her History, N. 91. Roman and Sabine Ladies, their Example recommended to the British, Ν. 81.
Rosalinda, a famous Whig Partizan, her Misfortune, N. 81.
CHOOLMASTER, the Ignorance and Undif- of them, N. 157, 168. Scipio, his Judgment of Marius when a Boy, N. 157- Sentry, his Account of a Soldier's Life, N. 152. Servants, the general Corruption of their Manners, N. 88. Assume their Masters Title, ibid. Some good among the many bad ones, 96. Influenced by the Example of their Superiors, ibid. and 107. The great Merit of fome Servants in all Ages, 107. The hard Condition of many Servants, 137. Shakespear, wherein inimitable, N. 141. Sincerity, the great want of it in Conversation, N. 103. Sloven, a Character affected by fome, and for what Rea-
S cerning of the Generality
fon, N. 150. The Folly and Antiquity of it, ibid. Snuff-box, the Exercise of it, where taught, N. 138. Socrates, his Behaviour at his Execution, N. 133. His Speech to his Judges, 146.
Soldiers, when Men of Senfe, of an agreeable Conver- sation, N. 152.
Sorrow, the outward Signs of it very fallacious, N. 95. Soul, the Immortality of it evidenced from several Proofs, Ν.ΗΠ.
Spectator, his inquifitive Temper, N. 85. His Account of himself and his Works to be written 300 Years hence, 101. His great Modeity, ibid. He accompa- nies Sir Roger de Coverley into the Country, 106. His Exercise when young, 115. He goes with Sir Roger a hunting, 116. and to the Afsizes, 122. His Adven- ture with a Crew of Gipsies, 130. The several Opi- nions of him in the Country, 131. His Return to London, and Fellow-Travellers in the Stage-Coach, 132. His Soliloquy upon the sudden and unexpected Death of a Friend, 133.
Spirits, the Appearance of them not fabulous, N. 110. Squeezing the Hand, by whom first used in making of Love, N. 119.
Story-Tellers, their ridiculous Punctuality, N. 138.
ASTE (corrupt) of the Age to what attributed, Ν. 140.
Tears, not always the Sign of true Sorrow, N. 95. Theodofius and Conftantia, their Adventures, N. 164. Time, our ill Use of it, N. 93. The Spectator's Direc tion how to spend it, ibid.
Tom. Touchy, a quarrelsom Fellow, N. 122. Tom. Tulip, challenged by Dick Craftin, N. 91. Flies into the Country, ibid.
Truepenny (Jack) strangely good-natured, N. 82.
Not to be admitted into Company, but on Condi- tions, 143.
Vapours in Women, to what to be ascribed, N. 115. Varillas, his Chearfulness and Good-humour makes him generally acceptable, N. 100.
Virgil, his beautiful Allegories founded on the Platonick Philofophy, N. 90.
Virtue, the Exercise of it recommended, N. 93. Its In- fluence, ibid. Its near Relation to Decency, 104. Volumes; the Advantage an Author receives of publish- ing his Works in Volumes rather than in single Pieces, Ν. 124.
Uranius, his great Compofure of Soul, N. 143.
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