TIFFANY (5) STUDIOS MR. LOUIS C. TIFFANY personally supervises the execution of all the memorial windows made by the Tiffany Studios. Designs and estimates for windows, tablets, monuments and all forms of memorials will be submitted on request. Correspondence Invited. Madison Avenue and 45th Street Reforming an Unsocial Pastor. T BY E. I. FARRINGTON. HE Rev. Ephraim Somers was an excellent preacher, a prime favorite with the young people, an unusually good financier, but, according to some of the promi nent members of his church, he had one grave fault-he was not social enough. They meant by this that he did not call frequently, that he rather discouraged invitations to receptions and entertainments, and that, unlike his predecessor, he did not have a habit of often dropping in informally upon his parishioners at tea time. vously during this explanation. He looked furtively at the minister now, as the latter gazed abstractedly into the open fire. Finally he inquired hesitatingly: "Did the-did the agent tell you the landlord's name?" "No, he did not," replied the clergyman, arousing himself, "and I did not think to ask him." The deacon drew a long breath and arose to his feet. "Must you go?" said the minister. "I hope I have not bored you with this story. Really I must apologize for my lack of tact. Such a matter could have had no interest for you." "It did though, it did indeed," said the deacon, as he passed down the steps. The Hon. Richard Whiting prided himself on the fact that he had always been an early riser, and he decided that it would be interesting to see how the minister spent his morning hours. He left his own mansion uptown at about 8:30 o'clock on Tuesday of the next week after his conference with Deacon Smiley and Mr. Stubbs and walked briskly in the direction of the parsonage. Just as he turned a corner before reaching the house he was surprised to see the Rev. Mr. Somers descend the steps and hurry down the street with an undersized and shabbily dressed man. He really had expected to find the reverend gentleman just eating breakfast and was hardly pre isters always do have. I think he ought pared for this discovery, but he deterto be spoken to." "I agree with our brother that the minister ought to have the matter laid before him," assented Deacon Smiley; "but I think it would be better to see him as individuals. Suppose that each of us pays a visit to the parsonage during the coming week. This will have the effect of showing him that the discontent is widespread." This was the plan adopted and the three gentlemen adjourned their conference with a mutual agreement to hold another session after the prayer-meeting the following week, when each should report on the reception which the pastor gave his suggestion. The next day Deacon Smiley knocked at the parsonage door and inquired for the pastor, only to be told by the trim maid who answered his summons that the minister had been out all the afternoon. "I don't understand what he does with himself all day," remarked Deacon Smiley. "He certainly can't spend all his The good deacon was surprised. It was time writing two sermons." "It isn't fair to the men who pay his salary," complained the Hon. Richard Whiting. "Why, he has not called at my house for over a month." "It is my personal opinion," declared Mr. Thomas Stubbs, the hardware merchant, and the richest member of the church, "that he spends all of his time reading. The house up there is running over with books and papers, and they aren't all religious either. So much reading just tends to make a man lazy. The minister's all right, but it would be a great sight better for him to do more reading of human nature and less of books and magazines." Mr. Stubbs himself never read anything but the newspapers. "I suggest," said the Hon. Mr. Whiting, "that we constitute ourselves a committee of three to wait on the minister and let him know what the people of the church think about his negligence in this mat ter. He must have plenty of time-min THE NURSERY'S FRIEND is Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. Scientifically prepared as an infant food it is the nearest approach to mother's milk. Send for Baby's Diary, a valuable booklet for mothers, 108 Hudson street, New York. late and he had felt sure of finding the pastor at home. He left his card and was descending the steps when the Rev. Mr. Somers stepped from a passing car and walked toward the house. He seemed tired and troubled. The deacon wondered at his appearance and after he had entered the house and passed into the study at the invitation of the pastor, he inquired anxiously if the latter was unwell. The minister smiled wearily. "No, indeed," he said. “I am feeling very well. If my face shows pain, it is not on my own account. I have spent the afternoon trying to help a poor family down on Canal Square in the tenement district. It is a sad case. The mother is dying of consumption; the father broke his leg a week ago and is unable to work or to provide for three small children. He hasn't been able to pay his rent and this morning his furniture and his family were moved into the street. He told the agent that he would pay up the arrears as soon as he was able to work again, but the agent declared that the landlord insisted that if a tenant could not pay his rent promptly he must be ousted to make room for another who could. I presume that what the agent said was true. Many of these rich landlords seldom visit their slum property and know practically nothing of the conditions of their tenants." The deacon sat twirling his hat ner mined to follow the pair and ascertain what called the pastor abroad so early in the day. The walk was not a short one and it led to one of the poorer quarters of the great city. The Hon. Mr. Whiting was forced to walk rapidly to keep the minister and his companion in view. At last he saw them turn in at the door of a A WELL SPREAD TABLE And the Man "Fell Out" with It. A manufacturer in Missouri says he started out as a young man with almost perfect health, but that "by the time I was twenty-four my digestive apparatus was so completely wrecked as to make my life a positive burden. "I was neither a hard drinker nor an inveterate user of tobacco-my condition could not be charged up to these things. "I had simply ruined my digestion by a course of living common among those who indulge in unwisely selected food and deny their appetites nothing. And so years passed, during which every sort of food seemed to do just the opposite of what it should have done with me. A well spread table was offensive to me. The sight or smell of food made me deathly sick. In brief, I had dyspepsia in its worst form, and spent many a hard earned dollar for remedies which did me no good whatever. "This was my condition when a friend insisted that I should try Grape-Nuts food, and to please him I consented, ex pecting to derive no more benefit or pleasure from it than I had from other prepared foods that I had tried. But I was most happily disappointed. "For more than a year I ate positively nothing but Grape-Nuts-it was my soup course, my meat and my dessert. I never tired of it, and grew steadily fatter and more hearty, till I put forty pounds of good solid flesh, that had never been there before, on my bones. My dyspepsia is gone the memory of a terrible nightmare. "I am well now seems like I cannot be ill-and Grape-Nuts is still found on my table, in one form or another, at every meal, and it is never out of supply in my home. A meal without GrapeNuts is a mighty poor meal for me." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. CALIFORNIA You can play out of doors THE HOTEL DEL CORONADO, Coronado Beach. The world's most equable climate. A new pleasure for every day. Golf and incomparable seaside strolls. THE NEW GLENWOOD, Riverside. California's Mission Hotel. Old-time art and modern comfort. Orange blossoms and golden fruit everywhere. THE CASA LOMA, Redlands. 'Mid orange groves and snow-capped mountains. A model hotel, in a model town, in a model climate. THE HOTEL GREEN, Pasadena. Surrounded by flowers, combining perfection in art and nature. A sun-kissed jewel in Pasadena's crown. THE RAYMOND, Pasadena. On a foothill smmit, facing mountain and valley. On every side an inspiring view. Where every sense is gratified. THE MARYLAND, Pasadena. Pasadena's home hotel. Open all the year. Amid these beautiful surroundings, Italy and California join THE ANGELES, Los Angeles. Central, convenient, luxurious. Latest Eastern ideas joined with Western hospitality. All advantages of a city. THE LANKERSHIM, Los Angeles. Los Angeles' newest hotel in the heart of the city. All the advantages of experience. A welcome for everyone. THE ALEXANDRIA, Los Angeles. Opens January 15th, 1906. A gem set in steel and marble, meeting every demand of comfort and service. THE POTTER, Santa Barbara. The scenic seaside hotel of the Pacific. Facing the famous Santa Barbara Channel. For all who want the best. THE ARLINGTON, Santa Barbara. Where tradition and reality unite in perfect satisfaction. Near beautiful Santa Barbara Mission and peerless Montecito. THE PASO ROBLES HOT SPRINGS, Paso Robles Where sunshine and hot springs give health and happiness; most completely equipped bath house on the THE HOTEL DEL MONTE, Del Monte. By the sea, near Old Monterey. Golf and all out-door pleasures and countless flowers every day in the year. THE SEA BEACH, Santa Cruz. On a bluff by the ocean spray. Where fishing is good. In a genial climate; close by the big trees; a wondrous THE VENDOME, San Jose. Embowered in blossoms. In the beautiful Santa Clara Valley. Here the stage starts for the famous Lick Observatory." THE ST. JAMES, San Jose. Solid comfort for all who travel. 'Mid orchard and city. THE CALIFORNIA, San Francisco. The homelike hotel of a city of travelers. A chef for every palate. In the heart of the metropolis. THE ST. FRANCIS, San Francisco. Faces Union Square Park. The hotel answers every want, its information bureau every question. THE PALACE HOTEL, San Francisco. A resting place for the world's tourists. Its palm garden and sweet-voiced organ are known everywhere. Write to the Manager of any of these superb hotels for booklets and full information regarding this CHAIN OF CALIFORNIA RESORTS. This body of ours is a wonderful repair shop, in which nature is constantly at work replacing the wornout tissues. Under normal conditions this work goes on smoothly, and the body is kept in perfect conditionhealthy. But when from over-work, mental strain or accident, the vitality consumed and the natural waste is in excess of what nourishment and rest replace, the body suffers correspondingly. Nerves unstrung, weak, exhausted, enfeebled condition, wakeful nights, irritable temper, loss of appetite, deranged digestion, headache, neuralgia, poor memory mark the victim of excess waste-lost vitality. The system needs a nerve medicine-a nerve tonic. Nothing else will answer. Dr. Miles's Restorative Nervine is prepared for just such cases. It feeds the nerves, and gives energy and vitality to the whole system. Try it to-day. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. TO MUSIC LOVERS $10.00 Worth of Music for $1.00 Adds a set of books to your library. Send me your name and I will forward particulars. A. L. ΚΝΟΕΡKE, 801 Lexington Ave., New York City. great tenement block. What could the minister want there? Quietly the Hon. Richard Whiting slipped in the door. It was impossible to see in the dimly-lighted hall, but he could hear footsteps on the stairs above him and he was guided by the sound. Finally the footsteps ceased, and a door opened and closed. Presently the pastor's kindly voice could be heard, and the parishioner crept along until the words reached him distinctly: "There is life and hope in the Master." "For me? Oh, can there be for me? It was the long hours and the little pay that did it-not enough to live on, without thinking of clothes. Oh, kind sir, if you knew the temptations of the girls in that store." It was a girl's weak voice, and she named one of the largest department stores in the city. When the listener heard it he bit his lip until the blood He heard the minister lift his voice in earnest prayer and then he quietly tip-toed down the stairs. came. Mr. Stubbs met the minister by chance, just as the latter was leaving the home of a prominent member of another church than that to which he belonged-a wealthy and fashionable widow. "Well, parson," he said, genially, "you have been paying an afternoon call, I see." There was no answering smile on the pastor's face. "An afternoon call, yes," he replied soberly; "but not of a social nature, I am sorry to say." Mr. Stubbs appeared surprised. The minister noticed this fact and continued: "I may as well tell you the circumstances, you will soon see them recorded in the afternoon papers. The young man who was the apple of that mother's eye is dead-dead by his own hand. Her own pastor was out of town and so she sent for me to offer what consolation I could." a Mr. Stubbs, shocked and grieved, could only frame the natural question as to the motive for such a deed. "It is not necessary to go far to find the motive," said the minister. "Over there," he continued, pointing to fashionable apartment house, "a private gambling den is maintained. It is frequented almost entirely by young men of good standing. I suppose that some man of position, perhaps of prominence, owns that building and does not care enough about the welfare, morally and spiritually, of his neighbors' sons to have such a pitfall rooted out." Mr. Stubbs shrugged his broad shoulders uneasily and excused himself so hastily that the minister looked after him with surprise. Following the prayer-meeting that week, Deacon Smiley, the Hon. Richard Whiting and Mr. Thomas Stubbs met for a private conference, as agreed upon the week before. There was an embarrassing silence for a moment. Then Mr. Stubbs, with characteristic frankness, admitted that although he had been in conversation with the pastor he had said nothing in regard to the reverend gentleman's neglect of his social duties. He then rehearsed the details of his meeting with the minister. After that Deacon Smiley and the Hon. Mr. Whiting related their experiences. Even then some further explanation seemed necessary. Deacon Smiley drew his handkerchief from his coat pocket and nervously mopped his shining bald head. "Confession is good for the soul," he quoted abruptly. "I was the landlord who owned the tenement from which that poor family was evicted." The Hon. Richard Whiting blew his nose violently. am the principal "I stockholder," he said, "in that department store." Mr. Stubbs placed a sympathetic hand on the shoulder of each of his friends. "And I," he admitted, "own the building which sheltered the gambling club where that young man came to his death." He paused a moment, and then continued, "It is not there any longer." "A new order of things has gone into effect at that department store I mentioned," said the Hon. Mr. Whiting quietly. "And that evicted family," Deacon Smiley announced, "is back in its home." "And now," declared Mr. Thomas Stubbs, with unwonted energy, "I want to say that in my opinion the minister is working too hard. He must have an assistant." "Indeed he must," assented the Hon. Richard Whiting, "and we must raise his salary, too." Mr. Thomas Stubbs rubbed his glasses vigorously. "The next man who says we ought to have a more social pastor," he asserted deliberately, "will hear from me." DR. AYMERD writes to The Lancet advocating the substitution of glass for lint in dressing wounds. He describes an experiment with a piece of thick window glass, the edges of which were ground smooth. He smeared the glass with carbolic oil and applied it to a wound, which healed quickly without leaving a scar. The doctor contends that his method results in an immense saving in the cost of hospital practice. It is painless and the wound heals twice as quickly. It also enables the wound to be examined without the removal of the dressing. IT is a foolish notion to suppose that the ringing of bells or "tanging" of tin pans will cause a swarm of bees to settle, says Country Life in America. The real origin of this custom dates back to the reign of Alfred the Great, who, in order to prevent disputes regarding the ownership of a swarm, ordered that the owner should always ring a bell when his bees swarmed; and, even since then, the good farmer's wife has been rushing out with ringing bells whenever the bees swarmed, and the fact that they settled verified, in her own mind, the belief that the bell did it. The Cathedral Etchings DURHAM, RHEIMS, BURGOS, THE CHOIR. A NEW PSALTER. Longmans, Green & Co. have recently published a new Psalter by Dr. A. Madeley Richardson, entitled "The Southwark Psalter." This Psalter is an earnest attempt to give musical illustration to the Psalms as advocated by Bishop Westcott in his "Paragraph Psalter." The main idea is to provide suitable music to each psalm, so that the sense and structure of the psalm shall be revealed. The prevalent custom is to sing a single or double chant to each psalm, no matter whether it fits the structure of the psalm or not, and there is no doubt that this practice has done much to abolish the singing of the Psalter in this country. It has been estimated that the Psalter is sung at about 5 per cent. of our churches at the present time! Dr. Richardson's plan is unique. He has composed a special chant (or chants) to each psalm, and has varied the music as the words demand. In case of a change of sentiment from joy to sorrow, a short organ interlude is provided, and this, we think, should prove most effective. One thing, though, is certainly necessaryeach member of the congregation should be provided with a copy of the book, or some differences of opinion between choir and congregation are likely to occur. Best Quality Only "Eddy" Refrigerators Our Standard for a Quarter of a Century The "Premier” Glass-Lined Refrigerator, The style of chanting resulting from the use of this work would be picturesque, and would be very likely to find favor. The perfection of cleanliness and economy. The author gave an exhibition of his system at the recent Liverpool Church Congress, and was much eulogized for his book; furthermore, the examples sung by the choir were beautifully done, and great interest was manifested in the work. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention. 130 and 132 West 42d Street, and 135 West Forty-first St., New York. it. "Knowledge is power" - if you use It is not the possession, but the application of the knowledge that produces results. If you are convinced that it is wrong to suffer with headache, because pain weakens and destroys the brain nerves, and you no effort to relieve it, this power. But if Several obstacles will be in the path of a general adoption of the Psalter. First, it involves a complete revolution in chanting, and choirmasters are already overburdened with work. Second, few congre-make gations are willing to relinquish their little stock of favorite chants; and third, it would need severe study on the part of the people before they were able to participate. The author, however, is entitled to the highest praise for his book. It should be in the hands of every clergyman and organist who take the least interest in the singing of the Psalter, for it throws a new light on nearly every page of the Psalms. His ideal is a high one, and will doubtless receive much criticism, but its ultimate success is certain. "An Elizabethan Virginal Book," by E. W. Naylor. (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., $2.) This is an essay on the contents of a manuscript in the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge. It is designed for students who are unable to gain access Hand printed from copper plates made from the original signed proofs purchased at a to the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, which cost of $600. is a rare work on Elizabethan music. Judging from its title, it would seem that the book would be interesting only to the antiquarian, but this is not so. The author has really compiled from the larger work what is worthy of notice. Students of the Elizabethan drama are numerous, and this book will aid them in finding knowledge has no you know that Dr. Miles's Anti-Pain Pills will stop headache in a few moments, and you take the remedy, your knowledge is power, because it has produced results. Use this knowledge and take Dr. Miles's Anti-Pain Pills whenever you suffer from neuralgia, backache, rheumatism, sciatica, or pain in any part of the body, and they will bring relief. If taken when you feel the attack coming on, they stop the progress of the attack and save prolonged suffering. This is applied knowledge, which is power. Druggists everywhere guarantee Dr. Miles's Anti-Pain Pills, and will return the price of the first box if they fail to benefit. Twenty-five doses 25 cents. sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Never Soothe the throat and stop a hacking cough. A safe and simple remedy. Sold only in boxes. musical illustrations suitable for repre- Gathedrals of France sentations of these works, as the book contains a complete set of instrumental pieces strictly contemporary with Shakespeare's time. The Christmas services at the Church of the Ascension, Chicago, Ill., consisted More than 200 illustrations. The Ghurchman Go. THE CHURCHMAN will gladly answer requests of its readers for information about advertisements. ) "SECTIONAL GVNX BOOK CASES Buy a Bookcase for Your They will be ruined if they lie around The doors are removable, roller-bearing, no unsightly iron bands, the appearance is that of a solid piece of furniture. You don't get done Gunn Sectional Bookcases are sold through Write for our beautifully illustrated booklet in colors, which shows all the newest styles, combinations and prices-Mailed Free, Gunn Furniture Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. B. Case Manufacturers of Gunn Do not be satisfied with an indefinite Peter Moller's may be obtained of any good druggist. It Free from all Disa- Digests completely-no nauseous "repeat-, of First Vespers, on the evening of At the Church of the Epiphany, Chicago, Ill., the choir sang the Christmas selections from "The Messiah" on Christmas Eve. At St. Peter's a good deal of the same oratorio was sung during Christmas week. The choir of Grace church, Oak Park, also gave parts of the oratorio. furs, fisheries and minerals have yielded us $250,000,000 since our flag was raised over it. Its resources in coal, iron ore, and timber, none of which has been really touched yet, are inexhaustible. Its possibilities in agriculture and fruit-raising are larger than its mineral resources. All that Alaska needs to develop these vast riches are railroads and wagon roads, and these are beginning to appear. Congress has neglected this vast and opulent region too long. This winter it should erect creation of good roads, and enact other needed legislation. All Saints', Methuen, Mass., the Rev. Gilbert V. Russell, rector, held a special | Alaska into a Territory, provide for the Mid-Advent Service on Wednesday evening, Dec. 13. The church was filled, and many were obliged to stand throughout the service. A musical service was rendered under the direction of Ernest Douglas, the organist and choirmaster, who arranged a programme of high-class church music, consisting of an organ recital by himself, and anthems by the choir of men and boys. Spohr's "Last Judgment" was sung with much success during Advent by the choirs of Calvary church, New York, and St. Paul's, Baltimore. Mr. Edgar C. Thompson is giving a series of organ recitals at All Saints' Cathedral, Spokane, Wash. Recent programmes have included Bach's Preludes and Fugues in E minor and B flat. IN fifty years New Zealand's population has grown from 37,000 to 857,000, consisting of 454,000 males and 403,000 females. In 1870 1,140,000 acres were under cultivation; in 1904, 13,868,000 acres. In 1904 New Zealand had 314,000 horses, 1,736,000 head of cattle, 18,280,000 sheep, and 255,000 hogs. Exports increased from $6,695,000 in 1861 to $73,000,000 in 1904, while imports rose from $5,705,000 in 1858 to $66,455,000 in 1904. BISHOP TALBOT, of Pennsylvania, whom Owen Wister had in mind when he created the Bishop of Montana in "The Virginian," has spent a number of summers in the White Mountains. The bishop, says a correspondent of The Boston Herald, who enjoys a good time of the healthy sort as well as any one, is to be seen morning and afternoon playing golf with the earnestness of a much younger man, and, unlike many younger men, is an early riser. A young man who had a room next to him frequently heard him moving about at six o'clock in the morning, and then, hearing long continued murmurs, thought he was saying his prayers, until one night the bishop, who had dropped into his room for a little chat, said: "I hope I don't disturb you in the morning, but I am an early riser, and to pass away the time I CHARLES BACIGALUPO, who recently presented to Pope Pius X. a $5,000 robe on behalf of the wealthy Italians of New York, is a disciple of William Morris, though perhaps he doesn't know it. At any rate be believes in raising a sign above the mere level of a bald announcement. The little Italian church of The Precious Blood in Baxter street, and the Church of St. Anthony in Sullivan street, are now decorated with marble panels, sculptured in high relief, with "Charles Bacigalupo, Sexton," at the bottom. The panels were cut by Enrico Repetti of Lavagna, Italy, and represent Biblical scenes illustrating the names of the two MALARIA??? Generally That Is not the Trouble. Persons with a susceptibility to malarial influences should beware of coffee, which has a tendency to load up the liver with bile. A lady writes from Denver that she suffered for years from chills and fever which at last she learned were mainly produced by the coffee she drank. "I was also grievously afflicted with headaches and indigestion," she says, "which I became satisfied were likewise largely due to the coffee I drank. Six months ago I quit its use altogether and began to drink Postum Food Coffee, with the gratifying result that my headaches have disappeared, my digestion has been restored and I have not had a recurrence of chills and fever for more than three months. I have no doubt that it was Postum that brought me this relief, for I have used no medicine while this improvement has been going on." (It was really relief from congestion of the liver caused by coffee.) "My daughter has been as great a coffee drinker as I, and for years was afflicted with terrible sick headaches, which often lasted for a week at a time. She is a brain worker and excessive application together with the headaches began to affect her memory most seriously. She found no help in medicines and the doctor frankly advised her to quit coffee and use Postum. "For more than four months she has not had a headache-her mental facul Church Vestments sit down and figure out what my golf ties have grown more active and vigor EMBROIDERIES CLOTHING for CLERGYMEN. 262 Fourth Avenue, New York. score for the day ought to be." ALASKA'S gold product for 1905, says Leslie's Weekly, would pay twice over the $7,200,000 which we gave for that province to Russia. And this is only one item in our annual income from that region. Its ous and her memory has been restored. "No more tea, coffee or drugs for us, so long as we can get Postum." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in packages. Please mention THE CHURCHMAN in writing to advertisers. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL, churches. The panels on the Church of St. Anthony show St. Anthony praying at the cross and the miracle of the fishes, Few People Know How Useful it is in while those on the Baxter street church Preserving Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal is the safest and most efficient disin fectant and purifier in nature, but few realize its value when taken into the human system for the same cleansing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of it the better; it is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities always present in the stomach and intestines and carries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking, or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and improves the complexion, it whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels; it disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money is in Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics in tablet form or rather in the form of large, pleasant tasting lozenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The daily use of these lozenges will soon tell in a much improved condition of the general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of it is, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician in speaking of the benefits of charcoal says: "I advise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffering from gas in stomach and bowels, and to clear the complexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver is greatly benefited by the daily use of them; they cost but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although in some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal in Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than in any of the ordinary charcoal tablets." Exclusively first-class tour under the auspices of the Tourist Department, Chicago, Union Pacific & North-Western Line, leaves Chicago Wednesday, Feb. 7, spending the disagreeable portions of February and March in the land of sunshine and flowers; $350 includes all expenses, railway fare, sleeping cars, meals in dining cars and hotel expenses. Service first-class in every respect. Itineraries and full particulars on application to S. A. Hutchison, Manager, 212 Clark street and 120 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. are entitled "The Precious Blood," and "The Death of St. Joseph." The panels have only recently been put up and are still a pure white, which glistens against the stained walls. THE disastrous results which have followed the collapse of the coffee-growing industry in Porto Rico, upon which 70 per cent. of the island's population depend for support, are graphically set forth in the seventh of the series of articles on "Our Record in Porto Rico," which Charles W. Tyler is contributing to Harper's Weekly. Owing to the fact that the Porto Ricans have been deprived of the protection for their chief industry which they received under Spanish rule, the value of the coffee export for the current year is less by $6,131,291 than in 1896, when the industry was protected. Under these conditions the native coffee-pickers were able to earn as much as $40 or $50 a week during the busy season. Now, but little over one-twentieth of the planted coffee area is cultivated at all; hundreds of acres of what only a few years ago was land that produced a vast proportion of the island's wealth is abandoned and left to run wild. Thousands of families that before were well supplied are now in dire want. The method of relief is clearly apparent, says Mr. Tyler: "Give them," he says, "the advantages enjoyed by others who live under the American flag: give to the coffee of Porto Rico the protection which California has for its wine, Louisiana for its rice and sugar, and Massachusetts for its cotton." AFTER drifting for several years over arctic seas, two casks set adrift by agents of the Geographical Society have been recovered on northern coasts. The casks were set adrift at the suggestion of Admiral Melville, made in 1899, that thirtyseven casks, containing literature in various languages, be dropped at the furthest northern points reached by explorers. Together with the literature were enclosed blank forms requesting that the finders of the casks fill in the date and circumstances of the find and send them to Philadelphia. As no word had been received from any of them it was feared that the casks, stoutly bound with iron bands, had become lost or imbedded in icebergs and that nothing would ever be learned of them. The fact that two have been discovered, however, has encouraged the members of the society greatly, as they say that their having been found not only goes to prove theories long held regarding Arctic currents, but that the discovery will be a great aid to science and will assist materially in future polar expeditions. Set adrift on Sept. 13, 1899, off Cape Barrow, Alaska, one cask has followed the course taken by the Arctic exploring ships, "Jeannette" and "Fram," and is believed to have followed the Arctic current around and possibly across the pole itself. It was discovered two weeks ago on the shore of the northern coast of Siberia, ninety-five miles northwest of Randall's Island, having drifted 380 miles in a southeasterly direction. The other cask, set adrift on Sept. 13, 1899, was found within a few days of the other off the north coast of Iceland. CHURCH ATIMANUS JOHN CARPETS SPARKLING SEEDS Muir's A delicious, sparkling, ACKER, MERRALL & CONDIT CO., Sole Agents AT MANU JOHNTH. PRAY & SONS CO., THE CHURCHMAN will gladly answer requests of its readers for information about advertisements. |