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Greetings for the New Year.

HE editor of the Young People's Department makes one new editorial resolution every year, and that is, that the Young People's Department shall be as good as he can make it, in the year to come, and better, if possible, than he made it in the year past. There is one queer thing about some editorial resolutions: if they are to amount to anything they have to be made about six months

ahead of the calendar. The editor began to go to work on his New Year's resolution for 1906 in the middle of last

summer, so as to be on time for New

Year's Day. And now, in order that you may see how hard he is trying to keep the resolution, he is going to tell you about a few of the things that are to appear in the Young People's Department during this year. First, there is

to be a short series of stories and legends of trees, illustrated by photographs of trees especially taken for the series. These will run during the winter and spring months, when the real trees are waking up out of their winter sleep. Then there will be a series of merry jingles, entitled "Men about Town," illustrated by funny pictures, and beginning, very appropriately, in January, with "The Ice Man." Instead of having a prize riddle contest to last the whole

long year, we shall have two prize contests; one beginning in January and lasting till May, in which you will

have a chance to hunt for familiar quotations in familiar poems; another contest to begin in May or June, in which you will have a chance to show what you know about English History,


especially English religious history. connection with these historical questions the editor is planning a series of short biographies of famous Churchmen, which he hopes you will read. Last year we had seven interesting articles on "Children Who Labor." This year we are to have three or four about the "Vacations of the Children of the Poor." Vacations come in summer, and so do these articles. Finally, the editor has his eye on one or two short

serials, which are being written with the young people of THE CHURCHMAN specially in mind.

Read the Young People's Department and join in the contests, and write the editor occasionally, so that he may be encouraged to keep on making good resolutions.

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I. The Ash, or the "Great World-Tree."

ANY years ago, when the world was young, there were great primeval forests to be seen on every side, where the trees grew straight and tall toward the sky, and all the wildwood creatures made their home. The people living on the outskirts of these forests were, for the most part, simple and untaught, and dwelt in close companionship with nature. The mountains, trees and clouds were always with them, and were often worshipped and peopled with good or evil spirits.

The trees were nearer than the clouds

and mountain peaks, and as the peasants saw their vigorous life, or watched the saplings grow from day to day, they imagined the tree-life to be almost like their own. And so they cut the trees for fuel and timber, carefully and with anxious hearts, for, as they believed, the tree-spirit felt each cruel

blow, and sometimes cried out in pain, until the work was ended.

Even now, in some secluded parts of Germany, the woodman asks forgiveness of a beautiful tree, before he fells it to the ground and takes its life away.

The great first forests were composed of many kinds of trees. There was the ash, which was tall and sturdy, and the oak, symbolic of great strength and power. The birches, too, were there, with quivering leaves and dazzling bark, in the midst of hemlock, spruce and stately pines.

The ash is a most beautiful forest tree, and has been called "The Queen of the Forest," and "Fairest of the Woods." It grows in Europe, Africa and Asia, and in all parts of our own

The Great Ash Tree.

A branch from the Ash Tree.

broad country, except in the far north. There are various species of the ash, both in the old world and the new, each differing a little from the others, but all with a strong family resemblance. They belong to the olive family, which is large and of great value.

The roots of the ash grow deep and wide, and sometimes act as drains in the moist, swampy regions where the tree is often found. And so when the peasants wish the pathway of a friend to be secure, they say: "May your footfall be by the root of an ash!" that is, on solid, well-drained ground.

The wood is valued highly in Great Britain, and ranks next to that of the oak. It is light as well as strong, and weapons have been made of it from earliest times. In the old Greek story known as the Iliad, Achilles bore mighty ashen spear, and the first men of all are supposed to have carried clubs made from the ash.



The many kinds of ash in North America bear a strong likeness to the European trees. The white ash is the most beautiful, and spreads its sturdy branches over many a country road. It grows, too, in our forests, which are still so vast and wild. The leaves are pointed, long and very green, and the grayish bark is deeply furrowed in diamond-shaped ridges, which cover, with a coarse lacework, the great trunk of the tree.

Like human beings, the trees are shaped by their surroundings, and standing alone the ash grows full and rounded, while as a forest tree its growth is tall and straight, and the lower branches fall away.

There were many wonderful stories told of the ash and other trees in early times, and these were repeated from one village to another, until a large number came into existence, and were at last written down in books and carefully preserved. Legends and fairy tales we call them now, but the peasants of the old world believed them to be true, and there are still places where these simple folk hold fast the superstitions which cast a glamor over their dull and quiet lives.

The ash was long considered a safeguard against all poisonous reptiles, and was planted by the peasants near their huts, that it might serve as a charm. In an old book it is written, that if a serpent found itself between a fire and the leafy branch of an ash, it would try to pass through the fire rather than go near the fatal tree.

The shrew-ash is a name given many years ago in England to an ash in which a hole was made to receive a little shrew-mouse. The cavity was closed and the touch of the tree thereafter was supposed to cure all cattle bitten and poisoned by such a mouse. The little creature is now known to be harmless, but the superstition lived for many years, and there is now standing, in an English garden, an old ash called by this name.

There are many other stories and legends of the ash, but the most interesting come down to us from the old Scandinavian folk-lore. In days long past, the people who lived in Scandinavia thought that the great god Odin, whom they worshipped, had created the first man from the branch of a strong ash tree, and so the ash was Odin's tree, and "Aska" was their word for man.

When Wagner wrote the great musical dramas which have made him famous, he combined some of the Scandinavian legends with the German stories of later years.

In the first scene of his beautiful opera, "The Valkyr," the house which shelters the heroine, Sieglinde, is built around a giant ash, with strong, farspreading roots, and leafy branches that cover the whole dwelling. In the trunk

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of this great tree is buried to the hilt Siegmund has strength to remove and the magic sword, which only the heroic carry to the approaching conflict.

Long before this was written came a story from the Edda, the epic poem of Iceland, which expresses with still greater force the reverence for the ash. The people thought then that the earth was flat instead of round, and in the centre of its vast expanse a great ash tree was growing. This wonderful tree was called by another name, which is hard to speak, and quite as hard to spell. It was "Tggdrasil," the great tree of the universe. The world was covered with its branches, spreading far and wide, and beneath its shade the councils of

One the Scandinavian gods were held. root of "Tggdrasil" stretched up as far as heaven, the second was planted in the country of the strong Frost-giants, and the third reached down into the lower

world. Three maidens watered the old ash tree from fountains of wisdom and knowledge, which sprang up at the roots, and the leaves dripped gentle dew upon the world below.

Far up in the tree-top sat an eagle, watching over the earth, while at the roots of the ash an evil serpent was ever gnawing. Between the serpent and the eagle a little squirrel ran back and forth, carrying the news and making mischief by his tale-bearing.

When the great Horn of Doom, hid

Den About Gown

The Iceman


A queer little man on his travels one day
Dropped into my house as he passed on his way.
I said:"Kindly tell me your name, if you please"
He answered. Excuse me, I'm just going to sneeze."
Then he gave me his hand, when, lo and behold!
My fingers were chilled with a terrible cold,
And drops of ice-uxater tan over the floor,
As coughing and sneezing he walked to the door.
"Your name, I called loudly "pray what is your name?"
"The Ice-man he shouted of world-renowned fame."

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HOULDERING the bundle which contained all his worldly goods, including his carving tools, Heinrich cast a last look about the room that had served both bedchamber and workshop, and stepped briskly down the village street. The houses of gray plaster flanking either side were seemingly deserted, save for an occasional white head bent over a piece of knitting, or a group of blue-eyed children at play, for it was spring time, and the younger folk were up among the hills, tending their herds of cattle and making butter and cheese. With a friendly nod and a farewell word from one or another of the old

women, Heinrich hurried on. The previous evening he had said good-by to all but little Hedwig, whose business it was to care for the flock of geese belonging to Master Andreas Scholtz, the one rich man of the community. Although the sun was barely up, she must have started to the meadow with her feathered companions, but why had he been unable to find her last night? And why were the heavy shutters of the house closed and the door locked? Well, it could not be helped. His future lay before him in the beautiful unknown world, and he and the little Hedwig would meet no more.

Hardly had he left the village when a voice called after him, "Whither away so fast, Heinrich?" and turning, he saw Mutter Brigitte, hobbling toward him. Mutter Brigitte, with her crooked back and searching, black eyes, who was thought to be a witch by the bad boys of the place, so sure was she to ferret out any unusually mischievous prank; but let one of these same little scamps fall ill, and no gentler hand could ease an aching head, or prepare a cooling draught for a fevered body. Heinrich, left an orphan when a tiny fellow, loved her dearly, and learned to go to her for guidance and sympathy.

"Your blessing, Mutter Brigitte," he cried. "I am off for good, you know. Johann says he can teach me no more; that I carve as well as he, so I must find another master."

"My blessing I give thee, willingly," said the old woman. "But first let me

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tell thee a charm," for she loved to veil her advice in some such manner. "Under the big oak by the brook are blooming the first white violets. Pluck one, and keep it in memory of your youth. But first scoop up a little water in the hollow of your hand. One drop let fall on the flower, as a sign of purity in your new life; one drop flick with your forefinger toward the blue heaven, as a promise to the good God that you will keep His Commandments; and one drop flick ahead of you, as a sign that you will walk the straight and narrow path. Moreover, watch carefully what three things meet you as you set out."

When she had ended, Heinrich knelt to receive her blessing, and then did as she had bidden him.

As he stooped under the oak to gather the violet, the flower, with its delicate pencilling, looked up at him like the face of Hedwig, and opening his psalm book he placed it between the leaves. Leaping over the brook, he ran down the steep path leading to the plain, where, like a white ribbon, stretched the road among the poplar trees, on and on, until, in the dim distance, it stopped at Greifenzell. Advancing toward him was a little cloud of dust, and as Heinrich looked closer he saw the mail wagon, which once a week brought news from the outer world.

"That is the first thing I meet,' " he said. "Now I must mark what happens."

As soon as they were near enough the mail-carrier called out: "Three in two days to leave us. Soon the village will be empty. My greetings to the little Hedwig and her mother in Greifenzell."

And he went on to tell how he had carried them there the day before with their household goods, both weeping bitterly, for in spite of all her care, the great grey goose, the chief of the flock, had disappeared, and Andreas Scholtz had sworn a big oath and handed over the flock to another maiden. Poor as they were they could no longer pay the rent, and Hedwig hoped to go out to service in the city, where they were now settled in a couple of small rooms.

"So I shall see her again," said Heinrich to himself, as he moved on. But a

movement in some bushes at the roadside brought him once more to a standstill.

Half limping, half flying, all his plumage awry, and with one leg broken, out came the great grey goose.

"Ah, now are you well paid for deserting the little Hedwig!" said Heinrich. "Well, come here, old fellow; I will set the broken bone."

Recognizing a friend, the bird, without a struggle, allowed his deft fingers to place a splint on the leg and to fasten it securely with a strip torn from one of the garments tied up in the blue kerchief.

"Sign number two," said Heinrich. Number three was not long in following.

Working so busily he had not noticed the sound of wheels until they were close upon him. Perched on the high seat of a wagon belonging to Andreas Scholtz, was a man returning from Greifenzell with provisions for his master.

"Hello, just in time!" said Heinrich, and tearing a bit of paper from a bundle protruding from the wagon he wrote these lines:

"Sound and well your goose will be; But Hedwig's like ne'er shall you see."

"Here, take this with my greetings to Andreas Scholtz," he said, tying the paper about the bird's neck.

A feather from the tail of the grey goose fluttered to the ground..

"Many thanks for your payment," said Heinrich, with a sweeping bow, and sticking the feather in his cap he swung off at a good round pace.

The sun was now high in the heavens, the larks carolled merrily, but not one of them could rival Heinrich, who tramped along, singing song after song out of the fulness of joy welling up in his heart.

Toward the close of day Greifenzell was no longer a mere suggestion of a town. As beautiful as the heavenly city, thought Heinrich, it stood above the green sward and great chestnut trees. Enclosed by a massive wall with red tiled turrets, slender spires arose among the steep roofs, also covered with red tiles, and beyond the city, up almost as high as the eye could reach, soared the mountains, and the highest were covered with glistening snow, now flushing rosy red in the rays of the setting sun. As if that were not enough, a rainbow arched over the town, surrounding spires and wall with a frame of glory.

"Perhaps I shall find the pot of gold," thought the lad, as he crossed the bridge over the moat and passed through the stately gateway. (To be concluded.)

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JANUARY 7 to DECEMBER 30, 1905. (52 Weeks.)

It was impossible for us to publish this index in our December 30 number and we insert it here, complete by itself, so that our readers may cut it out and bind with last year's volumes.

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Religion and Directors, 935.

Reconciliation in Practice, 371.

Responsibility for Gifts, 559.

Resurrection a Test of Christianity, The, 595. Revival in Religion, The, 409.

Rockefeller Gift; Congregationalists and the, 479; Conditions of the, 559.

Russia, The Distrust of, 895.
Sacerdotalism and Ritualism, 797.

Seminaries and Universities, 969.

Spiritual Birth rate, The, 7.

Sunday Observance, 797.

Talbot, Board of Inquiry on the charges against
Bp., 85.

Universal Education is a Postulate, 671.
What is the Carpenter doing here? 721.
What is the Church for? 637.

What should be the Church's attitude toward
Public Schools, 672.


Addicks, J. E., and politics in Delaware, 480.
Alderman, D. E. A., inauguration of, 597.
American Church Missionary Society, and Board
of Missions, 285.

Apostle's Creed, Canon Beeching on, 529.
Arabia, Insurrections in, 674.
Arbitration, 2nd Peace Conference, 596.
Arbitration treaties and the Senate, 214, 250,

Archaeology; excavations at Herculaneum, 9;
ruined synagogues in Galilee, 971.
Architects, Dinner of Am. Association of, 86.
Arkansas, Church building in, 58.
Armenia, Consular report of massacres in, 162.
Army Bill, Senator Hale on, 161.
Athanasian Creed; E. C. U. memorial on, 323,
328; the Metropolitans on, 899.
Austria, The Hungarian Elections, 216.
Bake-shop agitation, 638, 673.

Baldwin, W. H., Proposed memorial to, Tuskegee, 128.


Baptists; N. Y. Conference of, 218; influence of ritual on, at No. Brookfield, 413; joint meeting of Northern and Southern, 800. Battle Flags, return of, ordered by Congress, 320.

Bedell Bill, defeat of, 411.

Berkeley Divinity School, commencement at, 941.

Bible; Public School censorship of, 129; Italian

edition of, published by R. C. society, 898; in Public Schools, see Religious teaching. Bible League, convention of, 640, 802. Bible Teachers' Training School, students at, 57. Biblical Criticism; among English Clergymen, 676; "progressive criticism," 724; Canon Cheyne on, 801; among English Presbyterlans, 843; Bps. of Ossony and Derby on, 939; Archbishop of Montreal on, 972. Birmingham, Evening Communions in, 761. Birth rate in the U. S., 309.

Bonaparte, C. J., appointment of, as secr'y of navy, 897.

Boutflower, C. H,, on representation for unbenched clergy, 130.

Brent, C. H., an official view of, 898. Briggs, C. A., interview of, with Pope, 760, 841. Bronx, conditions and prospects in, 527. Brookfield Congregationalists; letter to Bp. Vinton, 286; Bp. Vinton's answer, 376. Bruce, Lieut. Gov., on Christianity and Citizenship, 939.

Bruton church, Proposed restoration of, 413. California House of Churchwomen, constitution of, 222.

Cambridge Theological School, commencement at, 941.

Campbellites, opposition of, to missions, 11. Canada; conference on unity at Toronto, 58; school question, 526, 639, 722.

Canteen legislation, Secretary Taft on, 284.
Canterbury, Archbishop of, see Davidson.
Carnegie Hero Commission, 841.

Cathedral Spirit, Gould Stanley Lee on the, 218.
Charity Organizations, in Atlanta, 448.
Cheyne, Canon T. K., on higher criticism, 482.
Chichester, Bp. of, on the dangers of a sense of
humor, 449.

Child Labor; First annual meeting of national committee, 283, State laws concerning, 759. China; army of, 87; neutrality of, 87, 128, 161; and exclusion, 799.

Christianity, comparative statistics of, 499. Church attendance; W. R. Huntington on, 90; statistics of, in N. Y., 562.

Church Clubs; prospectus of thirteenth annual conference of, 639; report of, 726. Church Congresses;-Brooklyn :-plans for, 129; provisional programme for, 447; report of, 762; England: objections to, 287; plans for, 375; organization of, 761; new constitution for, 899.

Church Co-operation, discussed at Pittsburg, 723.

Church Discipline, Felix Adler on, 164.
Church gifts, 481, 759.

Church growth in congested districts, 599. Church Temperance Society, annual meeting and reports, 57.

Church Unity; Canadian conference



Rev. Dr. Werlein on, 217; Dr. G. F. Henry on, 217; West Texas on, 412; "The Lutheran' on, 448; N. Y. Evening Post on, 800. Churches in the U. S., general statistics of, 56, 676.

Churchman's League at Washington, Bishop Randall at, 447.

Clergyman's Retiring Fund Society, ninth report of, 252.

Clerical Incomes, 11, 843.

Cleveland, Grover, address of, to Philadelphia Y. M. C. A., 164.

College Church Societies, third annual conference, 675.

Colorado, governorship of, 446.

Columbia University, new programme of, 412. Congress of the U. S., work of the 58th. 410. Connecticut, baptisms and burials in, 217. Conventions (diocesan): Alabama, 803; Arkansas, 903; California, 221; Central New York, 973; Central Pennsylvania, 844; Chicago, 845; Colorado, 846; Connecticut, 974; Dallas, 771; Delaware, 943; East Carolina, 904; Easton, 943; Florida, 771; Fond du Lac, 944; Georgia, 803; Harrisburg, 975; Indianapolis, 804; Iowa, 804; Kansas, 904; Kentucky, 805; Lexington, 905; Long Island, 805; Los Angeles, 847; Louisiana, 772; Maine, 806; Maryland, 847: Massachusetts, 848; Minnesota, 849; Nebraska, 850; Newark, 807; New Jersey. 773; North Carolina, 807; Ohio, 850; Pennsylvania, 726; Pittsburg, 808; Quincy, 808; Rhode Island, 809; South Carolina, 727: Southern Ohto, 809; Southern Virginia, 905; Tennessee, 728: Texas. 809; Virginia. 810 Washington, 775; Western Massachusetts, 810; Western Michigan, 944; Western Missouri,

811; Western New York, 811; Western Texas, 812; West Virginia, 906. Convocations: American :-Arizona, 812; Boise, 976; Honolulu, 851; Indian Territory, 851; New Mexico, 812; North Dakota, 906; Oklahoma, 851; Olympia, 907; Porto Rico, 813; Salina, 813; Salt Lake, 729; Shanghai, 775; Southern Florida, 172; Spokane, 814. English:-Canterbury, 374, 842, 899; York,



Cowley Fathers, house of, in London, 899.
Cremation, Roman Catholics and, 563.
Crime in U. S.; Chicago Tribune on, 87 causes
of, 216.

Cuba; financial situation in, 480; progress of, 561.

Darlington, J., election of, as bishop, 216; consecration of, 527, 680.

Davidson, Archbishop: On prayers for the dead, 57; reply of to American memorial, 57, 89; discussion of visit of, 91, 130, 414; advocates joint sittings of convocations of Canterbury and York, 528; on disestablishment, 939.

Delitzsch, Prof., third lecture of, on "Babylon and the Bible," 450.

Delyannis, M., murder of, 970.

Dioceses of the World, chart published by Nat. Cath. Library, 799.

Divinity Schools, Commencement at, 941. Divorce; Action in England concerning, 375, 801, 842; action in U. S. concerning, 11, 55, 56, 85, 86, 128, 129, 161, 163, 323, 373, 446, 479, 561, 562, 760, 842, 937, 971. Doane, George Hobart, Death of, 130. Drumelzier Rescue, The, 10.

Duffy, Father, on Science and the Bible, 286. Eastern Churches, Bp. Coleman and the, 723. Ecclesiasticism and Brotherhood, 939. Ecumenical Councils, An American translation of, 938.

Education England:-tax on non-conformists, 57; improvement in, 644.

America:-Conference at Columbia, S. C., 480, 673; legislation in 1904. Eliot, Pres., on the ethics of football, 215. England: discussion of free trade in, 9; Mr. Balfour and the bye elections, 162; Mr. Balfour abandons Chamberlainism, 480. English Church: Episcopal appointments of Mr. Balfour, 11; church and the colonies, 91; bishops suffragan, 91; outlook for 1905, 130; popular attitude toward religion, 166; parson's freehold, 253; belief of bishops, 253; four episcopal appointments, 482; church year book, 563, 834; May meetings, 800; Lent ordinations, 842; clerical stipends and new sees, 843.

Episcopal Century, an, 216. Equitable Assurance Society; report of investigation of, 897; settlement of affairs of, 937, 971; Mr. Cleveland made trustee of, 971. Evangelistic campaign in New York: Mass meeting in Carnegie Hall, 799; gospel tent meetings, 851; preaching in Wall Street, 915.

Evangelical Free Churches, tenth national council of, 483.

Evening Communion: "Church Times" on, 165; in Birmingham, 761.

Farrar, W., consecration of, as Bp. of Antigua, 899.

Favier, Bp. A., death of, 563. "Federation's" tabulation of Christian workers in N. Y. C., 758.

Fillingham, R. C.. and the ordination of Mr. White, 563, 677.

Forestry, American Congress of, 54. Foundlings, in Arizona, decision concerning, 251.

France: P. Doumer chosen president of chamber, 88; cabinet changes, 127; Premier Rouvier's policy, 163; new separation bill, 254, 324, 376; schism through liberty, 529; first article of separation bill passed, 596; debate on bili, 638, 677, 724, 841, 970; M. Delcassé and the European situation, 638; resignation of M. Delcassé, 937; comment on disestablishment. 940; Anatole France on the Concordat, 59. Germany: Miners' strikes, 127, 215, 252; statistics of religious bodies, 324; dedication of Berlin Cathedral, 325; tariff legislation, 373, 672; theological freedom, 529; national insurance, 675. Gibson, E. C. S., succession of, to Dr. Ellicott, 482. Gill, C. H., nomination of to bishopric of Travancore and Cochin, 483.

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Gore, Bp. farewell address of, 58; on Evening Communion, 58, 761; on the parson's, freehold, 253; indisposition of, 324; enthronement of, 448; first pastoral of, 482; portrait of, 761.

Greer, Bp. D. H., on the ministry, 723. Grenfell, Dr. W.; in New York, 253; work of, 294; helpers for, 598; contributions for, 675.

Grimthorpe, Sir Edward Beckett, Lord, death of, 677.

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Holy Communion, church of the, endowment of, completed, 10.

Hooper, Bp., 350th anniversary of martyrdom of, 324.

Horner, Bp., pamphlet of, on Southern Education, 56.

House of Bishops, special meeting of, 322, 562. How, Rev. Wm. Walsham, memorial to, 724. Hughes, P., election of, as Bishop, 482. Huntington Memorial Fund, 681. Income Tax, the clergy and the, 939. India, new bp. of Chhota Nagpur, 641. Indians; sectarian schools for, 127, 160, 215, 251; appropriation bill for, 320, 372. Ingram, Bp. A. F. W.; on a bishop's expenses in London, 58; on vestments, 130; Lenten mission of, 529, 599, 641, 676; on "Christian Science," 724; on remarriage, 842. Institutional churches, the "Independent" on, 528.

Insurance, National, in Germany, 675. "Interpreter," The, first issue of, 254. Interstate Commerce, Federal regulation of, 8. Ireland; church conference at Derry, 449; meeting of general synod, 843.

Islington Clerical Meeting, 165. Japan; plans of, for Korea, 56; commercial prosperity of, 128; religion in, 131, 166, 342; military surgery of, 215; popular reading in, 252; duties of soldiers in, 327. Joan of Arc, French controversy over, 93. Johnson, F. F., election of, as bishop-coadjutor, 937.

Johnston, J. S., anti-divorce campaign of, 129. Kensit, J. A., conviction of, for "brawling," 641. Knight, Bp. A. W.; in Havana, 131; in Cuba, 488.

Korea, Japan's plans for, 56.

Labaree, Benj. W., indemnity for, 58.
Labor Unions; N. Y. Transit strike, 411; Chi-
cago teamsters' strike, 722, 758; supreme
court decision on bakery question, 638; dis-
cussion on the open shop, 673.

Laity, church ministration of the, 323.
Land Frauds in Idaho, 54.

"Lena," officers of, break parole, 284.
Lepers, work for, 463, 560.
Lewis, Bp. R., death of, 166.
Liquor legislation; in New Hampshire, 162; in
Vermont, 411; in New York, 561, 639, 897;
in Missouri, 673; in England, 940; statis-
tics of liquor consumption in U. S., 897.
Lodge, Sir Oliver, on theories of life, 898.
Loomis, Francis B., charges against, 672.
Luther, F. S., speech of, at Brooklyn, 11.
Lynching in the North, Ray Stannard Baker
on, 252.

McLaren, Bp., Wm. E., death of, 293. Macedonia, rivalry of nationalities in, 88. Manchuria; American trade in, 128; future of, 896; see also Russo-Japanese War. Ministry; Respect for the, 413; non-sectarian education for the, 842. Missionary Conferences; 2nd, of 6th depart

ment, 132, 169; young people's, 218; 3rd, of 7th department, 527, 766; 2nd, of Laymen's Forward Movement, 723; Richfield Springs Conferences, 675.

Missions; Alaska, 128, 135, 322, 412, 598, 760. Canada, tragedy in Manitoba, 90. China, St. John's College, 58, 254, 414; Shanghai Hospital, 376; Gankin Hospital, 422, 678; work at Hankow, 641, 971; outrage to French missionaries,

678; new diocese at Hong Kong, 939. Cuba, 323, 525, 938.

England, work of C. M. S., 414, 677, 761.
Germany, 131.

Honolulu, 374.

Japan, fire at Mayebashi, 254; work at Tokyo, 324, 898; S. P. G. in Japan, 324; effect of war on churches, 324; christian unity and prospects, 563, 842; Japanese church, 695; work at Mito, 842; general church synod, 938.

Liberia, 449, 678.

Mexico. 414.

Porto Rico, 374, 640, 937.

South America, 725.

U. S., Meetings of church board of, 89, 285, 447, 598. 759, 971; finances of, 285, 938; A. C. M. S. and board, 255; Summer school for, 129, 598; report of A. B. C. F. M., 11; Congregationalists and Rockefeller gift, 481, 527, 528, 562, 566, 597, 598, 640; Baptist Union and Rockefeller gift, 597 deficit of Presb. board, 599; Church Mission Publ. Co., 799; new leaflets, 841; federation of, in China and India, 414. Zululand, 57. Mitchell, Prof. H. G., and the Methodists, 760. Morocco, France and Germany in, 560, 897, 937, 970.

Morton, Paul, resignation of, 897. Municipal Lighting; corruption in, 673, 722; in Philadelphia, 799, 840, 897. Municipal ownership in Chicago, 561. National Civic Federation, discussion of, on open shop, 673.

National Federation of Churches, convention of,
Naturalization Laws, need for reform of, 127.
Navy Department; lessons for, from Japanese
war, 55; appropriation bill for, 160, 320.
Negroes; and the Church, 323; convention of
churchmen, 760.

Newfoundland, U. S. treaty with, 596.
New York "Review," The, 641.
Non-conformists in England, numbers of, 287.
Northfield; deficit at, caused by increased work,

57; summer conference at, 675. Norway declaration of independence, 936. Oxford University lectures for clergy, 600. Panama Canal; sanitary conditions at, 251; new commission for, 526; and commerce, 596; and the tariff, 798.

Paret, Bp. Wm.; on the observance of Friday, 59; anniversary of, 89; on when new canons take effect, 167.

Peabody Fund, distribution of, 162. Pearson, Alfred, appointment of, as bishop-suffragan, 91.

Perry, Rev. Dr., on students for the ministry, 528.

Peterkin, G. W., letter of, to Board of Missions, 89.

Philadelphia, fight for municipal reform in, 374, 799, 840, 897, 970. Philadelphia Divinity School; new appointments at, 412; commencement at, 941. Philippines; American policy in, criticised, 9; report of commission on, 86; Taft's policy in, 160, 446; government survey of, 250; railroads in, 251; Egypt's lesson for, 759; marriage laws in, 759.

Porto Rico, the seal of, 526. Pott, James, death of, 253. Prayer, Book of 1549, use of the, 529. Pre-Revolutionary churches of N. Y., 497. Presbyterians; union of Cumberlands with, 252, 448, 482, 640, 800, 841; proposed cathedral of, 599; and the Episcopal church, 938; proposed prayer book, 841. Presbyterian general assembly; northern, 800, 841; southern, 800.

Primary elections, spread of, 447. Priory Farm, Verbank, N. Y., work of, 598. Prosperity of U. S. shown by statistics, 596. Protestant alliance, annual meeting of, 761. Public schools, centenary of, in N. Y., 322;. see also Religious teaching in Public Schools. Quincy scheme of theological study, 89. Railroad rates and rebates; federal regulation of, discussed, 8, 86; Atchison case, 55; new bills for, in House and Senate, 127, 214, 251; Attorney-General Moody on, 722; Pres. Roosevelt on, 758; railway congress 758; arbitration of freight differentials, 798. Raines' Law Hotels, fight against, 897. "Record, The," reduction in price of, 376. Reid, Whitelaw, appointment of, as ambassador, 411. Reformed Church in America, general synod of, 939.


Religious Education Association; plan of, for normal school, 90; conference of, 286, 294, 528. Religious teaching in Public Schools; legislation in Texas, 129; in California, 218; Dr. McKim on, 252; in England, 287; in Washington, 322, 447, 527, 760; in Canada, 376, 526; Dr. Gladden on, 561; Rabbi Loeb on, 599; Lutherans and, 842; in Kentucky, 899. Revivals; in Wales, see Welsh Revival; at

Schenectady, 164; at Boston, 374; in England, 449; in N. Y., see Evangelical campaign.

Rhode Island, clergy and politics in, 163, 285, 412.

Richey, Thomas, Death of, 898.

Richfield Springs Conference, 164, 675.
Richmond Thank Offering, 481.

Ritual; agitation in regard to, in England, 91,
165, 286,287, 323; Bp. Grafton on, 675;
Bishop Robertson on, 939, 972.
Roberts, Evan, see Welsh revival.
Robinson, Dean A., on the inspiration of the
Bible, 91.

Rochester; new bishop for See of, 482; and
Southwark, 600.

Roman Catholic Church; China, 563, 642; England, 91.

France, separation of church and state, 131;
defeat of clericalism, 166; church re-
union, 166; disestablishment and mis-
sions, 415; Protestant and R. C. views
of disestablishment, 563, 677.
Ireland, canonization of martyrs in, 414.
Italy, Vatican and the government, 59; Bill
for independence of conclave, 59; advisa-
bility of a catholic party, 92; Abbot
Gasquel, on the Pope and the Anglican
orders, 218; Pius X, on separation, 529;
work of Biblical commission, 678; Papai
encyclical on the catechism, 724; Dr.
Briggs and the pope, 760, 841; Rospigli-
osi Case, 824; letter from Pope to Mi-
kado, 937; religious journalism in Rome,
937; Japan, 937; Spain, 937; U. S., and
the jury, 10; and Sunday-schools, 11;
and the Arizona foundlings, 251; and
parochial schools, 286, 841; new R. C.
review, 641; and the negroes, 676; at-
titude of, toward marriage and divorce,
760; parties in, 939.

Roosevelt, President; on interstate commerce,
160; at Annapolis, 160; message of, on di-
vorce, 161; on Christianity and citizenship,
164; address of, at Lincoln dinner, 255; in
Little Hungary, 282; address of, at Phila-
delphia, 320; inaugural address of, 372; as
peacemaker, 936; decision of, regarding Rus-
sian ships at Manila, 936.
Rospigliosi Case, The, 842.
Russel, George, on socialism in the church, 641.
Russia; discontent in, 9; agitation in, 56;

changes in cabinet, 88; St. Petersburgh massacre, 126; strikes and riots, 161, 215, 251; revolt of editors, 162; assassination of Sergius, 284; Father Gapon, 284; verdict of North Sea Commission, 321; increasing seriousness of eternal salvation, 321; relief for dissenters, 372; czar's manifesto and script, 373; need of legislative assembly, 411; peasant disorders, 447; financial situ


ation, 447, 480; disorders in Caucasus, 480; church and state, 527, 561; formation of constitutional democratic party, 596; Czar's Easter gifts, 674; anarchy in Poland and elsewhere, 722; liberal moves of Czar, 799; increase of disorder, 840; religious liberty in Poland, 841; rescript for national assembly, 896.

Russian Church; and the state, 527; and the Holy Synod, 678; in Poland, 841. Russo-Japanese War; fall of Port Arthur, 8; Port Arthur after the surrender, 56, 87; Chinese neutrality, 87, 161, 215; progress of Baltic squadrons, 87; trend toward peace, 87; Japanese priest on war, 92; Russian sunken fleet, 128; battle in Manchuria, 161; prospects of peace, 284; Russian medical service, 284; Russian officers break parole, 284, 321; campaign in Manchuria, 321; battle of Mukden, 373, 411, 447; prospects of peace, 480, 526; financial situation, 447, 526; the Baltic squadron, 560, 596; question of France's neutrality, 638, 722, 759; campaign in Manchuria, 799, 840; Russian naval defeat, 840, 896; peace and the neutral powers, 896; balance of naval power, 896; Pres. Roosevelt as peacemaker, 936; Japanese demands, 936; neutrality of the U. S., 936; plans for peace conference, 970. St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, 563. St. John the Divine; Governor Morton's gift to Cathedral of, 60.

Semi Architecture of Cathedral of, 899. St. Stephen's, N. Y., centenary of, 723. San Domingo; U. S. customs agreement with, 126, 160, 215; treaty with, 283, 410, 446; trouble in, caused by action of Senate, 480; action of president regarding, 526, 560. Scottish Chronicle, The, proposed issue of, 167. Scottish Church; annual council of, 843; and the confession, 972.

Scottish churches; controversy in, between Free and United Free churches, 58, 254, 596, 677, 899, 972.

Scottish Guardian, The, discontinual of, 91.
Seabury Society, organization of, 129.
Separate Schools, in Canada, 526, 639.
Spain, intolerance in, 937.

Settlement Work, East Side House, 56.
Seymour, G. F., on divorce, 129.
Sheffield, England, conditions in, 799.

Ship Yards, an Englishman's view of American, 86.

Simplon tunnel, 321.

Social distinctions in churches, 938.

South Africa, new constitution for Transvaal, 674.

Southwark; bp. for new See of, 482; service of

thanksgiving for, 600.

Statehood Bill, 250.

Stock, Eugene, proposed visit of to America, 448.

Stuck, Hudson, in Alaska, 128, 135.
Suffragans, functions of, 91.

Sunday Schools; Examinations in, 413;


Drown on, 481; convention of, in N. Y., 942; convention of International association, 972; class feeling in churches, 938. Sunday observance; in England and France, 527; in Spain, 674.

Swayne, Judge Charles, impeachment_of, 127.
Taft, W. H.; speech of, at Ohio Republican
Convention, 840; on divorce, 971.
Talbot, Bp. E., charges against, 10; action of
board explained, 88.

Talbot, E. S., appointment of, to See of Southwork, 482.

Texas; amount of church property exempt from, 676; franchise taxation in N. Y., 897. Temperance legislation; see liquor legislation. Temperance teaching in schools, N. Y. Teachers* Association on, 88.

Trade and Commerce; our commercial stability, 410; Germany and the tariff, 672; our foreign commerce, 799.

Trinity Church and the tenements, 972.
Trusts; Beef Trust, 54, 214, 320, 372; Paper
Trust, 8; railway combinations, 55, 251;
Standard Oil Co., 89.

Tuskegee, 14th annual conference at, 321.
Unitarians, and a liturgical service, 598.
United Brethren, union of, with Congregational-
ists and Methodists, 800.
University of California in Japan, 676.
University of Virginia,

president of, 597.

inauguration of


University of the South; commencement at, 58; summer school at, 121, 244, 385; yearly report of, 252; new buildings at, 482; summer school at, 640.

Van Allen, W. H., answer of, to Father Brophy, 217.

Venezuela; and the disagreeable over the As

phalt Co., 55, 127, 480; charges against Mr. Loomis, 672.

Vinton, A. H., letter of, to No. Brookfield congregation, 376.

Virginia Seminary commencement, 971.
Voluntary contributions in English church, 415.
Wagner, Charles, on America, 90.
Wakefield Cathedral, extension to, 724.
Washington, Booker T., on negro progress, 321.
Washington Cathedral, choir school of, 642.
Watson, Bp. A. A., death of, 639.

Welsh Revival; the church and, 11, 58, 375;
Bp. Owen on, 131; spread of, 165; char
acter of, 218; Bp. Moule on, 287; census
of, 414; progress of, 483; comity in, 642.
Werlein, Rev. Dr., on church unity, 217.
West Indies, religious teaching in


schools, 449. West Missouri, change of name of diocese, 216. Western Texas, increase of apportionment of, 216.

Westcott, Foss, appointment of, as bp. of Chhota.

Nagpur, 641.

Whittle, Bishop F., proposed memorial to, 374. Woodcock, Bp. C. E., consecration of, 56, 171. World's Student Christian Federation, work of,. 449.

Yale University, summer school, 800. Yeatman-Briggs, Bp. H. W.; decision of, as to residence, 165; enthronement of, 724. Y. M. C. A.; in Japanese army, 59; in Manchuria, 166; at Dalny and Fengwanchen, 530; world's conference of, 678.

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