Obrázky stránek

parish be dedicated to his memory, whereon this expression of respect be transcribed, a copy thereof presented to his family, and the same published in the leading Church papers.


At the memorial service held in memory of Mrs. J. R. Peirson by the Woman's Missionary Society in the parish house of the Church of the Incarnation, Brooklyn, N. Y., the following resolutions were adopted:

"WHEREAS, This Society has sustained a most serious and grievous loss in the death of Mrs. Susan R. Peirson, for many years its most faithful and efficient treasurer,

"Resolved: That we place on record an expression of our heartfelt and profound sorrow for the loss which we have sustained as a body, and also for the personal bereavement to each member, for her strong, loving, generous, sympathetic Christian character endeared her to all. Her place in the Society can never be filled. It was her highest ambition to strengthen and uphold the missionary work of the Church, and her efforts in its behalf were untiring.

"Resolved: That we extend to her stricken family our deepest sympathy and condolence, and that a copy of these minutes be sent to them; also that the same be printed in Church Notes and THE CHURCHMAN." M. LOUISE KENNEDY, Secretary.

Dec. 20, 1905.



If you

is the Church in the United States organized for work-to fulfil the mission committed to it by its Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. are baptized you are a member of that Society. -The care of directing its operations is intrusted to a Board of Missions appointed by the General Convention.

These operations have extended until to-day more than 1,600 men and women-bishops, clergymen, physicians, teachers and nurses-are ministering to all sorts and conditions of men in our Missions in North and South America, Africa, China, Japan and the Islands.

The cost of the work which must be done during the current year will amount to $750,000, not including "Specials." To meet this the Society must depend on the offerings of its members.

ALL OFFERINGS should be sent to Mr. George C. Thomas, Treasurer, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York City. They will be acknowledged in THE SPIRIT OF MISSIONS.

MITE BOXES for families or individuals will be furnished on request.

THE SPIRIT OF MISSIONS tells of the Mission's progress and is fully illustrated. Price $1 per year.

THE YOUNG CHRISTIAN SOLDIER is the young people's paper, and ought to be in all the Sunday-schools. Weekly edition, 80 cents. Monthly edition, 10 cents,

OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF THE BOARD giving information in detail will be furnished for distribution free of cost, upon application. Copies of all publications will be supplied on request to "The CORRESPONDING SECRETARY," 281 Fourth Avenue, New York City.

ALL OTHER LETTERS should be addressed to "THE GENERAL SECRETARY," 281 Fourth Avenue, New York City.

Correspondence is invited.



We are trying to get information of the utmost importance before the clergy and laity of the Church. How shall we do it? It is impossible by letters. It would require too many. It would cost too much. So would personal calls. The only avenue open is by circulars. We try to make these clear and readable. They suggest a most necessary work. They ask your help. It will only require a moment to do the good deed suggested, perhaps five minutes year. We beg of you to read our circulars before you throw them away.


At least know what your official pension organization in the Church is planning to do. Learn that there is one official organization. Most important plans are now being pushed. Nothing more important has ever been suggested.

The clergy over sixty-four can be pensioned if the Clergy and Laity will. The disabled and widows can receive pensions, annuities, relief, sufficient, if you will. There is sore need and distress among a few. There is justice and mercy to be meted out to many.

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We are in receipt of advices that a man giving his name as J. H. Conron, about 5 feet, 5 inches in height, thirtyfive years of age, of light complexion and harsh voice, has been endeavoring to secure subscriptions to THE CHURCHMAN and collections in Michigan. He was last reported at Albion.

We beg to advise subscribers and other friends of THE CHURCHMAN that we have no representative answering to this name, or corresponding in any way with him. You are advised not to have any dealings with him, and we shall be grateful for any information concerning him or his present whereabouts.

Publishers of THE CHURCHMAN.

[blocks in formation]


PROBATION NURSES NEEDED-At Paso, Tex., in the Hospital of the Sisters of Charity. Young women of good health and good education, over twenty-two years of age. The course is three years, and during this time a small salary is paid. None but earnest young women desired, The course is excellent. The climate of El Paso is very desirable. Competent graduate nurses are greatly in demand, and earn from $20 to $25 a week. Address SISTER SUPERIOR, Hotel Dieu, El Paso, Tex.

seven, Ex

NURSERY GOVERNESS for child who would make herself generally useful. perience not necessary. Best personal reference. Address H. J. C., 438 West 116th St., City.


A CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER desires a poWilling to travel. sition as Governess, Secretary or Companion. Best references. Address ANNIS, CHURCHMAN Office.

A TRAINED ATTENDANT would like a position as Travelling Companion in the South this winter. References exchanged. Address E. D., CHURCHMAN Office.

A LADY wishes to secure position as Companion for a young lady who has lived with her most acceptably in that capacity, and who gives highest references. Is a thorough Churchwoman. Address X. Y. Z., CHURCHMAN Office.

BRITISH LADY desires position with lady who needs assistance in care of household or children, or as Companion. Musical, useful, cultivated. Best references. Address M., CHURCHMAN Office.

REFINED, well-educated young Churchwoman desires a congenial home. Glad to be useful in any way. Address "B.," CHURCHMAN Office.

TEACHER wishes position in Private School or family. German, music, primary, kindergarten. Excellent references. Address K., CHURCHMAN Office.

YOUNG CHURCHWOMAN desires position as Secretary, Companion, or Governess. Would assist in housekeeping or take entire charge of house and children. Address "A.," CHURCHMAN Office.


BOARD-A reliable woman, having best references, has opened a home in the Berkshire Hills for Protestant women, either middle-aged, elderly, or semi-invalided; or would take man and wife. Rates according to rooms and service rendered, as massage, extra care, etc. Terms upon application to MISS J. M. WEBSTER, 272 Tyler Street, Pittsfield, Mass.

BREVARD, N. C., in the beautiful Sapphire Country. Best winter climate. Private board. One furnished cottage for rent. Home comforts. Consumptives not taken. Address MRS. C. W. HUNT.

CHARLESTON, S. C.-Board in private house near Harbor front. Address MISS M. M. McCRADY, 27 Meeting Street.


COLONIAL INN, Winnsboro, South Carolina. -Families going South for the winter find accommodations in an attractive home, large rooms and grounds, modern improvements, open wood fires. Good hunting and horseback riding. Fine dry climate. Till Jan. 1 address MISS REYNOLDS, 27 Hillside avenue, Montclair, N. J.

EDUCATED WOMAN, owning comfortable home, will take two children to train and care for. Refined surroundings and intelligent care. Healthy location within hour of New York. References given and required. Address I. R. F., CHURCHMAN Office.

SMALL PARTIES of tourists, visiting the Capital for a few days, can find comfortable board with the Misses Gemmill, 1817 Riggs Place, N. W. Washington, D. C.


FOR LEASE-One to five years, house completely furnished on the hill convenient to "Bon Air," "Hampton Terrace" hotels and Country Club grounds. Address CLARENCE E. CLARK, Real Estate Agent, Augusta, Ga.

FOR RENT during this season a thoroughly furnished home. Ten rooms, also three bathrooms, kitchen and pantry. References given and required. Large grounds. Five minutes* walk from post-office. Apply to MRS. S., P. O. Box 143, Aiken, S. C.


[blocks in formation]

Julian the Apostate.

Few of the greater figures in history have more perplexing interest than the Emperor Julian. One of the most highly educated men of his time, one of the most cultured and mentally alert, distinguished as a philosopher, no less distinguished as a man of action, a shrewd administrator, a great general, he cast the whole fortune of his unexpected reign on a project so chimerical, apparently so absolutely incapable of realization, that one is puzzled, not indeed to account for its immediate, absolute and irredeemable failure, but for any adequate motive that could have led him to commit himself to it. To explain, if it may be, what manner of man it was that came to make this fatal error, and also to show precisely what the error was, was the purpose of an elaborate study by Gaetano Negri, an Italian politician and historical essayist which was published just before his death in 1902. This is now translated from the second Italian edition by the Duchess Litta-Visconti-Arese, as "Julian the Apostate." (2 vols. Imported by Scribner, $5.)

In approaching any such study we are justified in asking from what point of view an author regards his subject and what his own attitude may be toward Christianity. It is not easy to answer this question. Internal evidence is not lacking, but it is not consistent. Negri seems, however, to have regarded the essence of Christianity much as Harnack does. Its ethics he calls now and again divine; the Gospel, in Harnack's sense, seems to him inspired, but he nowhere in dicates faith in the Master. And, though he professes objectivity, this attitude seems to affect his judgment.

The Church in the time of Constantine taught, Negri tells us, a paganized Christianity. For this Julian sought to substitute a Christianized Hellenism. Had he endeavored to "purify" Christian ethics by rationalizing them, Negri thinks he might have claimed the title of reformer. As it is, he was only "the last hero of Hellenism." Corrupt and discordant as was the Church which he sought to displace, it is quite too much to say, as Negri does, that "the divine and simple religion of the Gospel had become a field of curious and often bloody contentions concerning empty metaphysical subtleties" (p. 164), or that with the victory of Nicene orthodoxy "the pure and divine inspiration of the Gospel was buried" (p. 174). Only prejudice could dictate the statement that "there was not the slightest struggle between paganism and Christianity as to the greater or less prevalence of superstition and ceremonial." Church's external worship became, says Negri, "nothing else than the restoration of the ancient worship."


Julian might conceivably have thought Christianity powerless to remodel a new society on the sublime principles of its Founder. But why he should have thought those principles likely to be more efficacious when blended with neo-pagan mysticism, is a puzzle. "He desired," says Negri, "to Christianize polytheism so as to make of it an instrument of moral regeneration," not perceiving that the essence of Christianity lay not in its ethics but in the person of its Founder. (Pp. 296, 595, 597.) The keynote of Julian's attempt was "to introduce into the practical every-day life those virtues that worldly Christianity forced to take refuge in the convents. Christianity had not made the

world moral. He believed that he could
do that by reviving Hellenism, which for
him was the sum of wisdom, beauty and
justice." "If Julian was not a reaction-
ary," says Negri, "he was certainly the
absolute living antithesis of what to-day
is called a free-thinker."

There is a great deal in these volumes
that is extravagant, and some things that
seem fundamentally untrue, but there are
many new and suggestive points of view,
and the thorough mastery of all contem-
porary sources of information gives the
study permanent value. Professor Vil-
lari in a brief introduction, notes "a close
bond of intellectual kinship between Negri
and his hero." Indeed one might almost
say that the book "was felt and lived by
its author."

he has endeavored to answer in "Thoughts of the Spiritual." (Jacobs, $1.) Here he deals first with those who doubt the spiritual altogether, though he feels that the age is awakening in regard to the realities of that other universe, and soon goes on to examine how we come into touch with it through prayer, what relations we can establish with the dead, and how we may develop through Christ spiritual faculties to discern the higher spirit life. To those who feel that they gain strength for the work of the Church in this world by turning their thoughts to the other, this book may be commended. It is certainly less morbid than most homiletic eschatology.

Fifty practical talks to young people, with an ethical purpose that can hardly fail of spiritual result, are collected in Calvin Dill Wilson's "Making the Most of Ourselves." (McClurg.) A number of these talks have appeared from time to

Homiletic and Devotional Books. time in Chicago and Philadelphia news

Among the most important recent appeals to man's higher nature is surely a volume of sermons by the late Bishop Creighton, preached at Merton College and now collected in "The Claims of the Common Life." (Longmans, $1.75.) These sermons, twenty of them, were preached while Creighton was Fellow and tutor at Merton in the years immediately following his ordination. They were thus the words of a young priest to young men of whose modes of thought and ways of life he had himself an intimate knowledge. This gives a peculiar character of immediateness to the sermons, plainspeaking on the one hand; reserve, justified by the fact that he knew that they knew that he knew, on the other. There is a wonderful tactfulness about the sermons that will be appreciated only when the character of the audience is borne in mind, and when so read they throw a great deal of light on the lines of undergraduate thought in the early seventies, which was, as some of us may remember, a rather critical period.

The Rev. G. H. Morrison, one of the
most popular of Glasgow ministers, gath-
ers thirty addresses in "The Unlighted
Luster." (Armstrong.) Each has its text,
yet they are addresses rather than ser-
mons, for there is little of exposition, the
preacher passing immediately to some
practical matter of daily life and conduct

for which the text has furnished only a
suggestion. One cannot read a volume
like this without being impressed by the
vitality of the Scotch pulpit and by the
great part that it is still given its minis-
ters to play in the national life.

"That They All May Be One," by Amos
R. Wells (Funk & Wagnalls, 75 cents), is
a volume made up of brief paragraphs
suggested perhaps by the late confer-
ence on federation and all looking prayer-
fully toward a fuller comity and an ulti-
mate unity for Christians of every name.
Introspective, as its title implies, is "The
Inward Life" (Crowell, $1.20), by the Rev.
Amory H. Bradford, a Congregationalist.
This series of essays has somewhat close
relation with the teaching of the Friends
There is, he says
suggested by its title.
in summarizing his conclusions, "in every
man light sufficient to disclose all the
truth that is needed for the purpose of
life." Hence the source of authority is to
be found within the soul, rather than in
Church, or Creed, or Bible. We had sup-
posed that the day of this ultra-individual-
ism had passed.

The Rev. Arthur Chambers, vicar of
Brockenhurst in Hampshire, has given
himself to much speculation on life after
death, and the two books that he has pub-
lished on it have brought him, he says, in-
quiries from all parts of the world, which

papers, some in other journals, so that a considerable public is already prepared to welcome their collection. A large human sympathy, a facing of facts as they are, and a confidence in the power of Christianity to make them better, characterize

this tonic little volume.

"A Young Man's Religion and His Father's Faith," by the Rev. Dr. N. McGee Waters (Crowell, 90 cents), suggests how in practical every-day life the old thought may be reconciled to the new and the es-, trangement prevented which arises in many families when the son returns from college with the ideas he has gathered there and finds them in strange dissonance with those that his parents have held unmodified for a generation. Waters shows knowledge of the new, sympathy with the old, and suggests that they are not so far apart as father or son may suppose.


"When the Song Begins," by the Rev. Dr. J. R. Miller, of whose devotional books it is said more than a million copies have been sold, shows the same cheerful optimism that characterized its predecessors, and seeks "to translate the teachings of the Christian Scripture into the language of the common days and the common experiences of life, so that even a child may understand them," and that some perhaps may learn from them "to live more beautifully, more victoriously, more usefully."

Readers of reflective mind and analytic temperament will find much to interest them in Professor Felix Adler's "Essentials of Spirituality." (Pott, $1.) Dr. Adler, the apostle of ethical culture, is, it may be recalled, Professor of Political and Social Ethics at Columbia University. He seeks here to show that spirituality is "morality carried out to the finish," and that it depends on keeping the ultimate end of existence in view, which ultimate end is to elicit worth in others.

Samuel Valentine Coe, president of Wheaton Seminary, in "The Life that Counts" (Crowell) "deals with some aspects of service, but chiefly with certain qualifications of the life that would serve," for it is service that counts, and the only thing that counts in this world. Of the nine chapters or addresses that make up the volume we have found greatest interest in the last, "Losing and Finding," where we have, as it were, the philosophy of disinterestedness, which by no means implies lack of interest, but only being dead to lower motives that we may be alive to the higher ones. "The reward of a good life is the good life itself. All it asks is that it may continue to be the good life. It needs no other glory."

Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, the "Christian lobbyist" of the International Reform Bureau, published in 1883 "Successful Men

of To-day," now issued in a revised edition. (Funk & Wagnalls, $1.) Its purpose is to show, by the example of distinguished statesmen, educators, merchants and manufacturers, how far moral qualities have been the basis of lasting success, and that "Christ is fitted to be the business man's helper and adviser."

Books about Books.

The late Canon Ainger was one of the most genial of the cultured clergymen of his generation and his canonry gave him leisure to interpose in the duties of his clerical office the literary delights of which he was so discriminating a judge. His literary executor, Canon Beeching, has gathered "Lectures and Essays" (Macmillan, 2 vols., $5), and thus completed the task of giving to the world his literary remains. Most of the papers appeared in Macmillan's Magazine, the first of them in 1859, the last in 1896. Of the lectures, the larger part were given in the Royal Institution and are here first printed. They deal with Shakespeare, Swift, Cowper, Burns, Scott and Mrs. Barbauld, with "Humor" and "Euphuism." One of the most delightful of them tells of "Children's Books of a Hundred Years Ago." Two essays on Lamb, of whom Canon Ainger was so diligent and sympathetic a student, are included in the volumes. In these papers and lectures, as Canon Beeching says, there is but little research and in a sense but little originality. For Ainger, "the function of criticism was not to coruscate, but to analyze; to get down to the truth about any matter, nol to say brilliant things for the amusement of his audience." Yet, that he wrote with instinctive amenity, every page of these volumes testifies.

"How to Collect Books," by J. Herbert Slater (George Bell, $2) is a practical but also delightfully readable history of book making, written, as its title indicates, for the instruction and guidance of book-collectors. The various signs by which old books are detected are carefully plained; there are chapters on paper and the water mark, on title-pages and colo


phons, on incunabula and early printed books, on illustrated books, celebrated presses and printer's devices. In the chapter on book-binding interesting examples are given of the special library bindings used in the libraries of great collectors. The book is charmingly illustrated by fac-simile pages and devices, and will be welcomed by all book-lovers, whether or no they be collectors in the technical sense of the term.

"American Book Plates," by Charles Dexter Allen (Macmillan, $2.50) is a valuable guide for collectors of plates. A brief history of the book-plate in America is given with careful descriptions of the different forms, illustrated by notable examples. Brief biographical sketches of early American engravers of plates follow, with examples of their signed work. Fully half the book is occupied with a list of early American book-plates, and of mottoes. Among more recent examples, the plates of Thomas Bailey Aldrich and Adam Van Allen are particularly unusual. The book is profusely illustrated, and contains also a bibliography compiled by Eben Newell Hewins.

No critic or literary essayist has more lasting charm than Sainte-Beuve. It matters little whether we bring to the reading of one of his "Monday Talks" any previous knowledge of its subject or interest in it, with him as with Montaigne, our interest is sure to be captivated at the outset and held to the end. Twenty-five of his more important biographical

studies have been gathered in two volumes of "Portraits of the Eighteenth Century (Putnams,. $2.50 each) and to them is prefixed the appreciative notice of Sainte-Beuve, by Edmund Scherer, written on the occasion of his death in 1869. Some half of the portraits are translated by Miss Wormeley, who in her note makes the inexplicable bibliographical blunder of reducing the twenty-five volumes of the "Causeries" to fifteen and the fourteen volumes of the "Nouveaux Lundis" to four. The others are translated by Mr. George Burnham Ives. As these two translators have measured their abilities in rival editions of Balzac, it is interesting to have this opportunity of comparing them side by side. Excellent reproductions of old portraits add very much to the interest and value of the volumes.

The Drama as Literature.

It is very gratifying to note evidence of the growing popularity of the drama as literature in the republication at one time of three plays by Henry Arthur Jones, which, taken together, and in their relation to the latest published in this country, "Whitewashing Julia," show most interestingly the stages of the dramatist's progress in technic during thirteen busy years. "The Crusaders" (Macmillan, 75 cents) dates from 1891. Six plays had preceded it and five others followed before the author surprised the whole English theatre-going public and scandalized the greater part of it with "Michael and His Lost Angel" (Macmillan, 75 cents) which the more serious of English dramatic critics pronounced as thus far his masterpiece, and in the highest sense of the word "one of the most successful dramas of the age." That was in 1895. Two years later came "The Physician." (Macmillan, 75 cents.) Then, after another interval of two years, "The Manœuvres of Jane," which we have already noticed and four years later "Whitewashing Julia," reviewed a few weeks ago.

These five plays show steady progress in facility, in the faculty of dramatic elusion, and in the power of concealing defects inherent in the dramatist's genius, though these defects are by no means overcome and are certainly as much present, for instance, in "The Physician" of 1897,

as they are in "The Crusaders" of 1891. In each case man is made too suddenly and too much passion's slave; in each case women of gentle breeding and refinement do incomprehensible things and chivalrous men let them.

In other words, the pulleys of the dramatic action creak, the puppets are too ostensibly jerked into place. But, on the other hand, the dialogue is often tensely dramatic, the characterization is at once rapid and precise, the satire keen but never caustic, the purpose always high, though there may be, as there has been, discussion, especially in the case of "Michael," as to the ethical outcome. None of these plays will, on sober second thought, be pronounced a masterpiece; all have too many and too obvious defects, but all are very well worth reading, and there will be an added interest if they are taken up in the order in which they were written.

Mr. Clyde Fitch's "The Girl with the Green Eyes" (Macmillan, 75 cents) is a drama of a wife's jealousy, relieved by comic interludes. It ends with a bit of cheap melodrama which may have given scope to some actress to mimic death by asphyxiation and thus have pleased the eyes of the groundlings, but it seems singularly flat to the reader, who would

have been better content had the play closed just before the close of the third act, with the undeceived wife "forgiven."

"Maitre Patelin," possibly the oldest of French farces, has in it comic elements of such sterling quality as to make it still amusing and to justify the successive efforts that have been made in one century after another to adapt it to a changed taste and stage. Written in the second half of the fifteenth century it is in its oldest form now first turned into English, by Richard Holbrook and published as

"The Farce of Master Pierre Patelin"

with exemplary typography, by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. ($2.) A preface and introduction tell the history of the farce on the French stage, and the setting that it receives at the Comédie Française.

An interesting experiment in didactic drama, going back to a model earlier than "Maitre Patelin" is "Lady Catechism and the Child," by Marie E. J. Hobart (Gorham), in which it is not difficult to trace the immediate influence of "Everyman" as presented in this country last year by an English company. The play was written by a teacher in St. Agnes's Sunday-school, New York, to arouse and quicken the interest of children in the catechism which is here personified, as are also the various parts of the baptismal vow, the commandments, the Creed and sacraments and prayer. The dialogue is accompanied by sufficient dramatic action to appeal to children of from ten to twelve, and only such properties are required as may be improvised anywhere. This "mystery play" was presented by the catechism class of 1905 at the Sundayschool commencement at St. Agnes's, and we have the assurance of the vicar, Dr. Manning, that it met with much success.

Stories of American Life.

"St. Abigail of the Pines," by William Allen Knight (Pilgrim Press, $1), is a romance of New Bedford in its whaiing days. With a shrewd eye to his own advancement Captain Cotter, the narrator, had in his boyhood arranged to divert the course of true love and persuade Captain Endicott to marry Ruth Savory, whose influence might help him to a berth on the captain's ship, rather than Abigail Rock

well. The true lovers had a way of communicating with one another by Bible texts. A change in the chapter and verse numbers was their undoing. Cotter lived to repent bitterly of his folly when it was too late to undo its effect. Some of the sea scenes in the book are admirable, especially the whale hunt, but the overshadowing interest is psychic, in sorrow nobly borne and repentance transforming


It is difficult to speak briefly of Margaret Sherwood's "The Coming of the Tide" (Houghton, Mifflin, $1.50) so elusive and chameleon-like is this story, sometimes witty, often weird, sometimes pushing the romantic to a point where it


wholly unintentionally on the comic, sometimes sparkling with the spirit of truest comedy. The early chapters, those that tell of the Southern girl's reception at a New England sea-coast inn, are to our mind the most pleasing, the close the least satisfactory. Indeed it is hard to see what claim Paul Warren had to be accounted noble or even interesting, unless it were to a psychopath, and the reader feels that Frances was certainly much too good for him, for all his array of colonial ancestors.

A classified and descriptive list of books received during the week will be found on page 2.


not in any way exaggerated. I therefore ordered of them fifteen bells, by which we can have a peal of twelve, descending in the scale of E flat from F to B flat, and a peal of eight; adding three notes, A, E and F sharp the leading note into the relative minor; by which combination it is possible to play a large number of hymn tunes.

The next consideration was, with what inscriptions and ornamentations the bells were to be furnished. As the new cathedral is of Gothic design, the lettering, etc., would have to be of that style; how befitting the ornamentation is, appears in the photographs. The following inscriptions were finally decided upon. There not being room for any couplets on the five smallest bells, on the face of each is printed:

The intention being to allow the bells to speak the various purposes of their use, each one of the lower ten bells declares one of the services. Sixth bell:

To worship God, in Spirit, Truth and Fear,
With ringing peal we summon people here.
On this Cathedral Church may God's peace

May all who come to worship here be blest..
We strike the Hours, which bear man to his

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Ninth bell:

Tenth bell:

Eleventh bell:

Twelfth bell:


From tower high we sight the rising sun,
And in God's Name proclaim the Day begun.
We bless in God's great Name this Denver

Beseeching Him its life and work to crown.
We thrill with joyous peal the wedding-day,
And on the happy pair God's blessings pray.
Our "Passing-bell" bids all the neighbors pray,
That into God's care the soul may pass away.
Thirteenth bell: We flood the air with melodies divine,
To fill men's hearts with thoughts of Thee
and Thine.

Fourteenth bell: With note of prayer we close the eventide, "The darkness deepens, Lord, with us abide." Our donor's praise we chime with sweet accord;

Fifteenth bell:

"To him and his grant light perpetual, Lord." These couplets run around the top of the bells between two belts of ornamentation. On the face of the last three bells are the inscriptions:

Thirteenth bell:

Fourteenth bell: Fifteenth bell:


H. Martyn Hart, D.D., Dean.
Charles Sanford Olmsted, D.D., Bishop..

This peal of fifteen bells was presented to
St. John's Cathedral, Denver, Colo., by George
C. Schleier. 1905.

For the time being the bells will be hung in a wooden structure, until they are removed to their permanent place in the central tower of the cathedral; and it is to be devoutly wished that someone will give $75,000 to erect this tower, for until the chimes are far up into the sky they will not be heard to their best advantage.

It is not a little to be wondered at that the inscriptions on bells have evidently cost the makers but little thought. They may be quaint, but when their lasting nature is considered, it surely would have been worth somebody's while to see that the inscription was worthy of its position. Here are some to be found on English bells. A common couplet is: "I to the Church the living call

And to the grave do summon all."

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