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bers of this journal. The President's Address, which appears in this issue, was published in full in the leading daily journals of the city, as was the Address of Welcome, the paper of Dr. Key, 1st Vice President, with copious abstracts of other papers, and a full report of each day's session.

The Association endeavored by a standing and unanimous vote to return thanks for all the kindnesses and courtesies received, bu' they could not do it-words were inadequate.

DYSMENORRHOEA.-Chief among the symptoms for which the patient seeks relief in this condition is the pain preceding or accompanying the menstrual flow. This pain is often of so agonizing a nature as to incapacitate her from all work, or even to render her life unbearable. In these cases there may be present a displacement of the uterus, usually anteflexion, disease of the ovaries, or tubes. In many instances, however, no pathological lesions can be found, the pain being due to a neuralgic tendency or to hypersensitiveness of the ovarian and uterine nerves, which manifests itself by painful sensations during the menstrual period, owing to the congestion of the tissues at this time, and may be accompanied by cramps of the uterine muscles. In this class of patients Hayden's Viburnum Compound is especially applicable, produces a marked sedative effect, relieving the pain and uterine colic, and if its use is persisted in it will gradually remove the hyperesthetic state and effect a permanent cure. If the Dysmenorrhoea be due to uterine or ovarian disease, it will serve as a most valuable auxiliary to the local measures, thus greatly shortening the period of treatment.

PAIN AND ITS REMEDY.-Believing that the bar in the way of the profession, in the use of opium, is its tendency to evil after-effects, and the harum-scarum idea that a little opium will induce the habit, and these terrible concomitants (?) I wish to call their attention to a preparation that I have long been using, and have not yet seen one case in which the habit was formed, nor ever had any complaint as to evil after effects. This remedy is papine, a preparation of opium from which the narcotic and convulsive elements have been removed, rendering it a safe remedy for children, as well as for those of mature age. Up to a year ago I always gave chlorodyne tablets and viburnum for after-pains. Then I came across a case that refused to yield in the time I was accustomed to have them do so, and I concluded to try papine. Its results, to make the story short, were such that I now never give anything else for after-pains,

and they yield in about half the time that was required with the abovenamed remedies.-J. D. Albright, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa., in Medical Summary,

IRON AND MANGANESE are two constituents of the normal blood. The latter occurs in but limited quantity—but is no less essential. The fact that it occurs in but limited quantity in all products ussd for our daily food makes it a very important item to restore it to the blood whenever lost by hæmorrhage or disease producing destruction of the vital fluid. In Gude's Pepto-Mangan these two essential metallic elements of the blood are held in solution as an organic compound, one which is always neutral, administered promptly and readily, cannot be acted upon by the gastric acids, thereby changing to an insoluble or inert compound. Hence, we find Pepto-Mangan, when taken into the stomach, undergoes no chemical change whatever, is not converted into chlorides that have a caustic or irritant action on the stomach, as shown by Prof. Bunge in his paper read at the Congress of Medicine at Munich, and it is therefore one of the most valuable additions to the Therapeusis of true blood restoration. It is both palatable and readily assimilative.

CELERINA.-Owing to the great increase in the substitution of inferior and harmful remedies for those of well-known and proven value, we advise purchasers, for their protection, to insist on having Celerina, and not to accept anything that is offered as "just as good" or cheaper, which unscrupulous druggists continue to offer in order to make a few cents more. You know what you want, insist on having it; if he has not got it, go somewhere else, or get him to order it for you. We think this will explain to you the necessity of getting the genuine article, in order to produce satisfactory results, for in some cases of failure it has been owing to the substitution of an inferior article, thus not only doing you no good, but even imperilling your life. But as this hydra-headed monster, like Banquo's ghost, "will not down" as long as dishonest men exist, the best way to check it is to purchase in original packages, and be sure that you get it in that form.

PHYSIOLOGICALLY, Supranalin is remarkably active. One-two-hundredthousandth (1-200,000) gram injected intravenuously into an adult man, causes a distinct rise in blood pressure. One drop of one to ten thousand (1:10,000) solution blanches the conjunctiva in one-half to one minute.

It is the most powerful astringent and hemostatic known, when used locally, and it is the strongest known heart stimulant.

Suprarenal Extract has given very satisfactory results in the treatment of hay fever, eye, ear and nose diseases (especially in operations thereon), epistaxis, heart disease, and diseases of the throat, and has been recommended by authorities in diabetes, rachitis, intertrigo, Addison's disease and exophthalmic goitre. Suprarenalin will give even more satisfactory results, as it is stable, free from foreign material, and can be given in well regulated doses.

CORRECTION.-There appears on page 239 of our April number an article published in the interest of the Maltine Company, and signed "C. E. de M. Sajous, M.D., in Monthly Cyclopædia of Practical Medicine." We learn that the notice referred to was first published by the business manager of the Monthly Cyclopædia, and its authorship was doubtless misinterpreted.

SANDER & SONS' Eucalyptol (pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract).— Apply to Dr. Sanders. 88 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill., for gratis supplied sample and litature of Sander's Eucalyptol, It it invaluable in inflammations of the mucous membranes and in all septic anb infections diseases, Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. sole agents.

I AM FOND of prescribing Cactina Pillets in those obstinate cases of palpitation caused either by nicotine poisoning, indigestion or derangements of the uterus and its appendages, because it produces such happy and splendid results. TITUS ALBRIGHT, M.D.

Hatfield, Pa.

PAINFUL MENSTRUATION.-I take pleasure in reporting to you that I prescribed Neurilla in a typical case of painful and irregular menstruation with gratifying results, in that it allayed the nervousness of the patient.-G. M. SHAFER, M.D., 1302 L Street, N.W., Washington, D. C.

Too MUCH cannot be said in favor of Chionia as a gentle and safe remedy in hepatic torpor. In a practice of over thirty years I have never prescribed a more effectual remedy in jaundice and chronic constipation. Woolmarket, Miss. D. F. MYERS, M.D.

FOR shaking palsy nothing excels tinct. Aesculus Glabra, one-half drachm, Celerina, eight ounces. Teaspoonful every two or three hours.


Listerine is extensively employed in the treat

ment of various forms of DIARRHEA

occuring in children and adults. It is administered in doses of TEN DROPS to a TEASPOONFUL, as an antidote and corrective to the fermentative and putrefactive changes taking place in the alimentary canal.

In combatting serious illness, it is doubly important to be assured that the patient is supplied with genuine Listerine, as the substitutes sometimes offered by the trade are generally of undetermined antiseptic strength and too often worthless for the purpose for which they are required.


"Summer Complaints for Infants and Children,"




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Prescriptions and Formulary.

SALT CURE FOR CANCER.-It is reported from Simla, India, that Captain Rost, of the British Army Medical Service, has announced that he has discovered what he believes to be a cure for cancer. Captain Rost has been investigating the matter for three years at the hospital Rangoon, Burmah, and states that he has found in both carcinomata and sarcomata cancers distinct germs of saccharomycetes, which can only develop when the natural chlorine in the tissues falls below the normal quantity. Captain Rost proceeded with treatment suggested by this fact, reinforcing the chlorine of the body by special diet, enabling large quantities of common salt to be absorbed. Eight patients have been made the subjects of experiment. One is said to be completely cured and the condition of the others improved. The experiments are being continued.-Medical Record.


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Sir W. Jenner.

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