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"EXTENSION of the septic products along the vascular highways is prevented by the use of Antiphlogistine."

"The abstraction of blood from the deep blood-vessels into the superficial capillaries through physiologic inervation is physiological phlebotomy. Bleed, but save the blood, is the mechanics of Antiphlogistine."

KIDNEY AND URINARY AFFECTIONS.-Dr. O'Henly Snider, Atlanta Ga., says: "I have proven Satyria's remarkable value in kidney and various urinary affections; one case especially of chronic nephritis being improved as no other medicine could do that I have tried."

P. CHESTER MADISON, M.D., Specialist in Nose and Throat, Chicago, Ill., reports the following case : "Willie N., kindly referred by Dr. G., having had the regular treatment for Diphtheria, without relief. By the use of antitoxine, and direct application of Glyco-Thymoline undiluted, patient made rapid recovery.

I have also found it very effective in all cases of subacute and chronic nasal catarrh, ulcerated and cankered sore mouth."

NEW ORLEANS POLYCLINIC.-Seventeenth Annual Session opens November 2nd, 1903, and closes May 28th, 1904.

Physicians will find the Polyclinic an excellent means for posting themselves upon modern progress in all branches of medicine and surgery. The specialties are fully taught, including laboratory work.

For further information, address, New Orleans Polyclinic, Postoffice box 797, New Orleans, La.

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NEOFERRUM is a neutral, organic, assimilated, non-constipating form of Iron, combined with the valuable nutrient and starch-converter, Maltine, and a minute amount of absolutely pure arsenious acid. Give it a trial in your cases of Chlorosis, Anemia and Blood Impoverishmeut, whether due to malaria or other causes,

"H. V. C.”—As a remedy in Dysmenorrhea is most excellent; and also at that critical period in a woman's life-the Menopause, its sedative action upon the pelvic nerve centers is most valuable. To get satisfactory results, see that you get it in "original package"-and beware of substi


JENNINGS' BUSINESS COLLEGE.-Of all the many excellent, highgrade and successful educational institutions in the city of Nashville, none are more worthy of confidence than the Practical Business College of Prof. R. W. Jennings. For years connected with the heavy wholesale business interests of the city, the latter years of his life have been spent in imparting his practical business methods to a large number of young people who have shown the ability of his teaching methods by the readiness with which they attain and permanently hold the most important business positions in banks, manufactories, mercantile establishments, railroads, and all the lines of active commercial work. A Diploma from Jennings is the "Hall Mark” that commands respect and arrests the attention of every one in need of a thorough, competent and thoroughly trained bookkeeper. His graduates occupy important and remunerative positions everywhere. They rapidly rise to prominence wherever tried, and the mere statement that they obtained their training at Jenning's insures a trial.

Reviews and Book Notices.

AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF SURGERY. For Practitioners and Students. Edited by WILLIAM W. KEEN, M.D. LL.D., F.R.C.S. (Hon.), Professor of the Principles of Surgery and of Clinical Surgery, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; and J. WILLIAM WHITE, M.D., John Rhea Barton Professor of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Fourth Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Greatly Enlarged. Handsome octavo of 1363 pages, with 551 text-illustrations and 39 full-page plates, many in colors. Philadalphia, New York, London: W. B. SAUNDERS & COMPANY, 1903. Cloth, $7.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $8.00 net.

Of the three former editions of this work nearly 50,000 copies have been disposed of. Its sale, indeed, has been the wonder of the medical publishing world. In this present edition every chapter has been extensively modified, and many of them have been partially, and some entirely, rewritten. Notably among such chapters are those on Surgical Bacteriology,

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Tumors, the Osseous System, Orthopedic Surgery, the Surgery of the Nerves, the Joints, the Abdomen, etc. The most recent researches of Monks on the Intestines, Crile and Cushing on Shock and Blood Pressure, Matas on Neural Infiltration and Aneurysm, Edebohls on Renal Decortication, etc., have been included. The use of paraffine in nasal deformities, the methods of spinal and local anesthesia, and the newer anesthetics have also been described. And this is but an illustration of the completeness and thoroughness of the entire work.

Besides the extensive revision and amplification of the old matter, there have been added six new chapters of the utmost importance, written by men whose positions and experience especially fit them to speak with authority. These chapters are Military Surgery, Naval Surgery, Tropical Surgery, Examination of the Blood, Immunity, and Surgery of the Pancreas. Though there was a brief chapter on the Pancreas in the third edition, in this present edition it has been expanded so greatly that it really is wholly new, the modern surgery of the Pancreas having been created since the last edition. A number of the old illustrations have been replaced by hetter ones, and, in addition, there have been added a number entirely new. In fact, we know of no single volume work that is even its equal in the expounding of the advanced and practical principles of modern surgery.

CLINICAL EXAMINATION OF THE URINE AND URINARY DIAGNOSIS. A Clinical Guide for the use of Practitioners and Students of Medicine and Surgery. By J. BERGEN OGDEN, M.D., formerly Instructor in Chemistry, Harvard University Medical School, Boston; Assistant in Clinical Pathology, Boston City Hospital, etc. Second Revised Edition. Handsome octavo volume of 418 pages, illnstrated, including 11 plates, 9 of them in colors. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. SAUNDERS & COMPAXY, 1903. Cloth, $3.00 net.

This is a work eminently in demand, since most of the books on the urine are devoted exclusively to urinary chemistry, a knowledge of urinary diagnosis being obtainable only by an ex. tended search through works on medicine, surgery, pathology and chemistry.

In this, the second edition, special effort has evidently been directed toward making the text complete and bringing it abso

lutely down to the present day advances in the subject. Important changes have been made in Part I, especially in connection with the determination of Urea, Uric Acid and Total Nitrogen; and the subjects of Cryoscopy and Beta-Oxybutyric Acid have been given a place. The changes in Part II, while not so extensive, are nevertheless numerous and practical, and show that the author has spared neither pains nor time in making the revision thorough. It is a good book, and hoth student and practitioner will find it a valuable aid in their clinical work. We recommend it.

NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES. BY ARCHIBALD CHURCH, M.D., Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases and Head of Neurological Department, Northwestern University Medical School; and FREDERICK PETERSON, M.D., President New York State Commissioner in Lunacy Chief of Clinic, Department of Nervous Diseases, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Fourth Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged. Handsome octavo volume of 922 pages, with 338 illustrations. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. SAUNDERS & COMPANY, 1903. Cloth, $5.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $6.00 net.

This is the fourth edition of this excellent work in as many years. The revision, indeed, has been thorough, all the latest knowledge on the subjects have been incorporated, including the recent work regarding the healing of nerves. The subject of Intermittent Limping, now definitely known to depend upon a lesion of the posterior root ganglia, and Herpes Zoster have been given a section each. Another addition is the discussion of that form of epilepsy marked by myoclonous, furnishing the so-called Combination Disease, Further importance has been given to symptomatology and symptomatic disturbances, and the diagnostic value of astereagnosis and of Kernig's Sign has been elaborated.

We also find that there have been added a large number of new and excellent illustrations. A useful addition to the portion of the book devoted to Insanity is a new section consisting of a critcial review of the German Schools which have recently made such important advances in psychiatry.

In many ways this work will be found of unusual assistance not only to the specialist, but also to the student and general practitioner.

A TEXT BOOK UPON THE PATHOGENIC BACTERIA. For Students of Medicine and Physicians. By JOSEPH MCFARLAND, M.D., Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology in the Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia; Pathologist to the Philadelphia Hospital and MedicoChirurgical Hospital, Philadelphia. Handsome octavo volume of 629 pages, fully illustrated, a number in colors. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. SAUNDERS & COMPANY, 1903. Cloth, $3.50 net.

This work gives a concise description of the technical procedures requisite in the study of bacteriology, a brief account of the life histories of the important pathogenic bacteria, and sufficient description of the pathologic lesions accompanying micro-organismal invasions to give an idea of the origin of symp toms and the cause of death. Although but a short time has elapsed since the appearance of the previous edition, such rapid strides have been made in the subject of bacteriology, especially in its relation to pathology, that the author deemed it necessary to rewrite the work entirely. All the old matter has been eliminated, much new matter is in evidence, and, in fact, the subjects treated have been brought precisely down to date. What impressed us most were the chapters upon Infection and Immunity. All the new facts recently added to our knowledge of these subjects can here be found. The value of the work as a book of reference has been materially increased by the introduction of a large number of references to bacteriologic literature. Another valuable addition is a bibliographic index containing the names of over 600 authors. Altogether the work in its new edition is very commendable, and practitioners and students will find it of unusual value.

A TEXT-BOOK OF OPERATIVE SURGERY.-Covering the Surgical Anatomy and Operative Technic Involved in the Operations of General Surgery. Written for Students and Practitioners. By WARREN STONE BICKHAM, Phar.M., M.D., Assistant Instructor in Operative Surgery, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; Late Visiting Surgeon to Charity Hospital, New Orleans, etc. Handsome octavo of 984 pages, with 559 illustrations, entirely original. Philadelphia, New York, London: W. B. SAUNDERS & COMPANY, 1903. Cloth, $6.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $7.00 net.

This work completely covers the surgical anatomy and operative technic involved in the operations of general surgery. It

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