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At the Count of Toulouse's gallery, the to Dr. Burnet.-"The Duke caught a man choly and dismal an air as ever I saw. Mr officer said, My lord is the best of mas-a-bed with her, (said the Doctor,) and then Percival, his tenant, who still lives there. ters; but alas! he grows very old, and, I had power to make her do any thing."-The says he was a man of very few words; fear, can't last long; I would with all my Prince, who sat by the fire, said, "Pray, he would sometimes be silent and thoughtheart, give ten years out of my own life to madam, ask the Doctor a few more ques-ful for above a quarter of an hour together, prolong his if it could be done."-Upon tions."-Dean of Winton. and look all the while almost as if he was seeing us affected by what he had said; he saying his prayers: but that when he did added: "that this was no great merit in speak, it was always very much to the purhim; that most of his fellow servants, he pose.-May 14, 1755.-Spence, believed, would be willing to do the same: that the goodness of their master to them, and the greatness of their affection for him, was so remarkable and so well known, that a friend of the Count's once said to him; I don't know what it is you do to charm all the people about you; but though you have two hundred servants, I believe there is scarce any one of them that would not die to save your life."-That may be, (replied the Count), but I would not have any one of them die, to save it.'

There was a God called Pennus, much worshipped, on the great St. Bernard, some remains of his temple, and I think of his statue, are still to be seen there.-Count Richa. [Pen signified high or chief. Hence the Alpes Pennine, and the Apennines in Italy. And with us the Pen up pen, near High Wycomb in Buckinghamshire: the old Pennocrusium or Penkridge in Staffordshire: Pendennis in Cornwall: Penmaenmawr, and many others in North Wales.-Spence.

The side Oratories at St. Faul's were added to Sir Christopher Wren's original design, by order of the Duke of York: who was willing to have them ready for the popish service; when there should be occasion. It narrowed the building, and broke in very much upon the beauty of the design. Sir Christopher insisted so strongly on the prejudice they would be of, that he actually shed some tears in speaking of it; but it was all in vain. The duke absolutely insisted upon their being inserted, and he was obliged to comply.-Mr. Harding.

Monsieur de Montesquieu, the author of the Persian Letters, is now with Lord Waldegrave, and is come to England with him: He says there are no men of true sense born The Duchess of Portsmouth, when she any where but in England.—Mr. Brandreth. was in England in 1699, told Lord ChancelMonsieur de Voltaire says, that "the En-lor Cowper, that Charles the Second was glish plays are like the English puddings: poisoned at her house, by one of her footnobody has any taste for them but them- men, in a dish of chocolate.-Dean Cowper. selves.”—Fanshaw.

Mr. Pope said one day to Mr. Saville: "If I was to begin the world again, and knew just what I do now, I would never write a verse."

Mr. Pope was with Sir Godfrey Kneller one day, when his nephew, a Guinea trader came in. "Nephew, (said Sir Godfrey), you have the honour of seeing the two greatest men in the world.”—“I don't know how great you may be, (said the Guinea-man), but I don't like your looks: I have often bought a man, much better than both of you together, all muscles and bones, for ten guineas."-Dr. Warburton.

Reynolds of Exeter, when at Eton, dreamed that his father was dead, and that he was walking in the meadows very melancholy; when a strange woman came up to him, who told him that she was his mother, who died soon after he was born.-She said to him, What a singular book is "The business of "Yes, your father is dead, and your mother- the Saints in Heaven," by Father Lewis Henin-law has had too much influence over him:riquez: printed at Salamanca in 1631. He he has left all his property to the younger attempts to prove, in the twenty-second chapsons: but there is an estate which he had no ter, "That every saint shall have his parright to leave away from you: the writings ticular house in heaven; and Christ a most are in Mr.......'s hands, go to him, and you magnificent palace! That there shall be may recover it."-Reynolds having no news large streets, and great piazzas, &c."-He from home of this kind, soon forgot his says in the twenty-fourth chapter, that dream. About a year after, he goes down there shall be a sovereign pleasure in to his friends, and finds his father very well: kissing and embracing the bodies of the but he had been, at the very time of Rey, blest; that there shall be pleasant baths, and nolds's dream, extremely ill, and recovered that they shall bathe themselves in cach beyond expectation.-The friends, to whom others sight. That they shall swim like he related his dream, when he described to fishes; and sing as melodiously as nightinthem the person of the woman who appeared gales, &c."-He affirms, in the forty-seventh to him, said they who had been well acquaint- chapter, "That the men and women shall with her, could not have described his mo- delight themselves in masquerades, feasts, ther's person more exactly. About a year and ballads; "—and in the fifty-eighth, "That after, his father fell ill again, died, and left all the angels shall put on women's habits, and to his younger children.-Upon this Rey- appear to the saints in the dress of ladies, nolds's dream came again into his mind: He with curls and locks, waistcoats and fardingoes to the gentleman named to him by his gales, &c." See the "Moral practice of the mother in that vision, and finds that it is ex-Jesuits, " by the doctors of Sorbonne : it actly as he had been told, recovers the estate has been translated into English, and pubmentioned, and enjoys it at this day.-The lished in 1671.—Spence. Dean of Christchurch, 1726.

There was a Lord Russell who, by living too luxuriously, had quite spoiled his constitution. He did not love sport, but used to go out with his dogs every day, only to hunt for an appetite. If he felt any thing of that, he would cry out, "Oh, I have found it!" turn short round, and ride home again, Tonson and Lintot were both candidates though they were in the midst of a fine chace. for printing some work of Dr. Young's.-It was this Lord, who, when he met a beg- He answered both their letters in the same gar, and was entreated by him to give him morning, and in his hurry misdirected them. something, because he was almost famished-When Lintot opened that which came to with hunger, called him "a happy dog!" and envied him too much to relieve.-Pope. From what are designated Supplemental Anecdotes from Mr. Spence's Papers," and of later date, we select the following.


Sir Isaac Newton, though he scarce ever spoke ill of any man, could hardly avoid showing his contempt for virtuoso collectors and antiquarians.-Speaking of Lord Pembroke once, he said, "let him have but a stone doll and he is satisfied. I can't imagine the utility of such studies: all their pursuits are below nature."-Fr. Chute.

"How could the Duke of York make my mother a papist?" said the Princess Mary

him, he found it begin, "That Bernard Lin-
tot is so great a scoundrel, that, &c."-It
must have been very amusing to have seen
fellow-Dr Young.
him in his rage, he was a great sputtering

"Why do you refuse the wine to the laity?"
-Why, in process of time it was found that
there were several inconveniences in allowing
it to them, (spilling the wine giving some
offence, &c.) which our Saviour did not fore-
see, at the time of its institution: and so
the church was forced to remedy it afterwards.
The Curé***, at his Bastide near Nice.

Sir Isaac Newton's house at Coldsworth is a handsome structure.-His study boarded round, and all jutting out. We were in the room where he was born. Both of as melan

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Ambrose Philips was a neat dresser, and very vain.-In a conversation between him, Congreve, Swift, and others, the discourse ran a good while on Julius Cæsar. After many things had been said to the purpose, Ambrose asked what sort of person they supposed Julius Cæsar was? He was answered, that from medals, &c., it appeared that he was a small man, and thin-faced.— "Now, for my part," said Ambrose, "I should take him to have been of a lean make, pale complexion, extremely neat in his dress; and five feet seven inches high: " an exact description of Philips himself. Swift, who understood good breeding perfectly well, and would not interrupt any body while speaking, let him go on, and when he had quite done, said; "And I, Mr. Phillips should take him to have been a plump man just five feet five inches high: not very neatly dressed, in a black gown with pudding sleeves."-Dr. Young.

There is an interesting Appendix o

letters from Mr. Spence, and to him, written by eminent persons, ofwhich we shall give an example in our next.

Burckhardt's Nubian Travels, 4to. (Continued.)

The next tribe whose territory the caravan crossed, was the Hadendoa, who seem to be only less infamous, but not less odious than their neighbours. On the 1st of June they passed Om Daoud, a large encampment of the tribe of Nefidjab of the Bisharcin; this is the most southern boundary of the Bisharye dominions, and the

The account of Taka is highly cu

eat the flesh of birds, and I several times
heard them sneeringly call the Egyptians rious
"bird-eaters." On resuming our journey
we entered the sandy desert in the direction.

of S. E. b. E. In the afternoon the Souakin

traders chased with their swiftest dromedaries
a wild beast which they descried at a dis-
tance; they called it in Arabic, Homar el
Wahsh, which means the wild ass. It did
not come near enough to be distinctly seen;
but they say it is of the size of a Hyæna,
with a head and tail much resembling those
of an ass: it has no horns. In the Arabian
deserts they speak of an animal to which they
give the same name; whether it is really the
able footsteps of the Gazelle species, some
was covered in every direction with innumer-

Taka is as celebrated for its herds of cattle

as for its Dhourra; they are very numerous ; the cows are particularly handsome, and have all humps on the back, like those on the Nile; they serve as in Darfour and Kordofan, for a medium of exchange. The price of a large fat cow was four pieces of Damwhich is equivalent to about two Erdeybs, mour, or ninety-six Mouds of Dhourra, or thirty bushels. The price of a strong camel is one fourth more. As it was now the hottest part of the year, just before the period of the rains, when the ground is quite several months before to the Eastern desert, the annual custom, the herds had been sent

beginning of the territory of the Hadendoa, same animal I am not certain. The ground parched up, I saw few cattle. According to

Shikh had come with us from Shendy, and of which appeared to belong to animals of a where they feed in the mountains and fertile

much larger size than any I had yet seen.

Next day an unexpected sight struck our traveller's eyes, and we feel deeply his regret at not being able to explore the object thus mentioned.—

a very powerful tribe, of which I shall again
have occasion to speak; the son of their
we had therefore little to fear, except from
their pilfering habits. The caravan halted
near the village, and I walked up to the huts
to look about me. My appearance on this
occasion, as on many others, excited an
universal shriek of surprise and horror, espe- In approaching the river, I saw at a dis-
cially among the women, who were not a ance, two insulated hills close to each other
little terrified at seeing such an outcast of in the plain, and at a short distance from the
nature as they consider a white man to be, river; and when we drew nearer to them, I
peeping into their huts, and asking for a little was extremely surprised to see upon the
water or milk. The chief feeling which my summit of the largest a huge fabric of ancient
appearance inspired I could easily perceive times. Being naturally short-sighted, and
to be disgust, for the Negroes are all firmly my vision having been further impaired by
persuaded that the whiteness of the skin is two attacks of ophthalmia while I was in
the effect of disease, and a sign of weakness; Upper Egypt, I could not trust my eyes, and
and there is not the least doubt, that a white therefore asked my companions what it was
man is looked upon by them as a being that appeared like a building upon the hill.
greatly inferior to themselves. At Shendy" Don't you see," they replied, "that it is
the inhabitants were more accustomed to the
sight if not of white men, at least of the light
brown natives of Arabia; and as my skin was
much sun-burnt, I there excited little sur-
prise. On the market-days, however, I often
terrified people, by turning short upon them,
when their exclamation generally was:
"Owez bilahi min es-sheyttan erradjim :"
(God preserve us from the devil!) One day,
after bargaining for some onions with a
country girl in the market at Shendy, she
told me, that if I would take off my turban
and shew her my head, she would give me
five more onions; I insisted upon having
eight, which she gave me; when I removed
my turban she started back at the sight of my
white closely shaven crown, and when I jo-
cularly asked her whether she should like to
have a husband with such a head, she ex-
pressed the greatest surprise and disgust, and
swore that she would rather live with the ug-
liest Darfour slave.

June 2d. We travelled this morning about four hours, in a south-east direction, over a plain of cultivable soil, though distant several miles from the river. No mountains were any where visible. We rested during the mid-day hours in a grove of Nebek, Syale, and Allobe trees. I here observed several unknown birds; one was of the size and shape of a black-bird, with a long tail striped with white. I saw some large crows with a white neck. The Bisharein seemed to have no names in their language for these different birds, amongst them it is a great scandal to

found. After the inundation, they are valleys, and where springs of water are brought back to the plain. The camels of Taka are highly prized, from an idea that the young shoots of the acacia trees, on which they feed in the woods, render them stronger than camels fed with other food. The people use the skin of the long neck of the camel, sowed up on one side, and left open on the other, as sacks to transport their grain in when travailing; their form is very convenient for loading. The quantity of cattle would be even greater than it is, were it not for the wild beasts which inhabit the forests, and destroy great numbers of them; the most common of these are lions, and what they call tigers, but which I suppose to be leopards or panthers. I never saw any of these a church?" (Kenise, a name often applied by animals, but I heard their howlings every the Egyptians to their ancient temples, which night. The flocks of the encampment, near they ascribe to the Christians)" and no doubt which a few sheep are always kept, are driven the work of infidels." We continued to ap- in the evening into the area within the circle proach the hill, and encamped at about half of tents, and the openings in the thorny enan hour's distance from it. As soon as we closure already described, are filled up with had alighted, and placed our baggage in a heap of thorns. No one dares stir out of order, I started for the hills, in great eager- this entrenchment during the night; it is ness to examine those Ethiopian remains; sufficiently strong to be impenetrable to the but a loud cry from the Souakin people wild beasts, which prowl about it the whole brought me back. "The whole country," of the night, filling the air with their dismal they said, "is infested by the peasants of howls, which are answered by the incessant Goz Radjeb; you will not be able to move barking of the dogs within. It rarely hapa hundred paces alone, without being at- pens that either lions or tigers are killed in tacked." Indeed several suspicious looking these countries; when such an occurrence persons were seen lurking among the trees happens, it is in self-defence; for the inhathat lined the banks of the river farther on. bitants having no other weapons than swords My companions added, that the hill was in- or lances, have little chance of conquering habited by Hadendoa robbers, who lived in the king of the forest, of which this district caverns in it, and were at war with all their appears to be a favourite hauut Some of the neighbours. As they could have no interest Shikhs, but very few, have lions skins in in deceiving me, I readily believed them, and their tents; they appeared to be of middling returned, not with the intention of aban- size; but if the testimony of the Hadendoa doning my design, but in the hope of being may be credited, a lion here sometimes able the next day to concert measures with reaches the size of a cow. Persons are fresome of the country people who might come quently killed by them. In the woods wolves, to barter with us, for their accompanying gazelles, and hares abound; and the Bedoume to the ruins, which I was then fully de-ins relate stories of serpents of immense size, termined to visit, whatever might be the which often devour a sheep entire. The consequences. Unfortunately I was deceived fiercest animals, however, that inhabit these in my expectations; and I shall never forgive myself for the momentary irresolution which prevented me from examining the most interesting object which occurred during my journey.

The Souakin merchants are equally unused to fire-arms. A few Arabians sometimes pass this way armed with matchlocks, in company with the Souakin caravans, on their road to Shendy or Sennaar.

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woods are the Bedjawy, or inhabitants of The Souakin people assured me that no oath | which they carry their snuff. The Souakin Bedja, themselves. Great numbers of asses can bind a man of Taka; that which alone traders sell here also natron, which they are kept by all these Bedouins. In the they hesitate to break is when they swear, bring from Shendy: all kinds of spices, esmountains of Negeyb, the Giraffa is said to By my own health." A Hadendoa seldom pecially cloves, which are in great demand be very numerous. I saw a piece of the skin scruples to kill his companion on the road in among the Hallenga; incense, beads, and of one in the tent of a Hadendoa. Locusts order to possess himself of the most trifling hardware; but the chief articles are tobacco, are always seen in Taka, which seems to be article of value, if he entertains a hope of Dammour, and cloves. Dhourra is taken their breeding-place, from whence they doing it with impunity; but the retaliation in exchange for all these articles, and is the spread over other parts of Nubia. However of blood exists in full force. Among the main object with the merchants from Souainnumerable their hosts may be, they appear Hallenga, who draw their origin from Abys- kin, because that place depends solely upon to be incapable of destroying the verdure of sinia, a horrible custom is said to attend the Taka for its supply of this necessary of life, this country, as sometimes happens in Egypt revenge of blood; when the slayer has been none, or very little, being cultivated in its and Syria. Those I saw were of the largest seized by the relatives of the deceased, a fa- neighbourhood. size, with the upper wings of a red, and the mily feast is proclaimed, at which the murlower of a yellow colour. The trees are full derer is brought into the midst of them, of pigeons, and crows in large flocks. I do bound upon an Angareyg, and while his not remember having seen any birds remark-throat is slowly cut with a razor, the blood able for their plumage. From the acacia trees gum arabic is collected, which is sold at Souakin to the Djidda merchants; from Djidda it finds its way to Egypt; but it is of an indifferent quality, owing, probably, to the moisture of the soil: for the best gum is produced in the driest deserts.

is caught in a bowl, and handed round
amongst the guests, every one of whom is
bound to drink of it, at the moment the vic-
tim breathes his last. I cannot vouch for the
truth of this, although several persons as-
serted it to be a fact, and I heard no one
contradict it.

The encampment where we remained con- Their own quarrels, and their national ensisted of from one hundred and fifty to two mity to the Bisharein, with whom they are hundred tents, divided into four Douars, or never known to be at peace, have rendered circles; these were separated from each other the people of Taka a warlike nation. They by fences lower than the general thorny en- use the same weapons as the inhabitants of closure, by which the whole were surrounded. the Nile countries; bows and arrows are unIn every settlement in Taka, as at Shendy known amongst them. Their chiefs keep and Atbara, there are several Bouza huts, orses, and arm these ves with coats of and many public women, with some of mail. They are said to be brave, but I newhom even the most respectable of the Sou- ver saw scars on any part of their bodies exakin merchants took up their quarters. These cept the back. The saine remark applies to women seemed to me to be more decent in all the people of Nubia, where I have never their behaviour than those of the same des- seen any individuals with scars upon their cription in the countries on the Nile; at least breasts, while the backs of most of the men they seldom appeared abroad during the day, bear the marks of large wounds, in which whereas the others were seen walking about they seem to pride themselves. The shield at all hours. Both sexes wear the common is said to protect the sides from blows. I Nubian dress, a Dammour shirt, and a cloke found a custom here, which in my journey of the same stuff thrown over the shoulders. towards Dongola I had been told of, as exI observed one peculiarity amongst the wo-isting among the Bisharein; when a young men, that of wearing brass or silver rings on man boasts of his superior prowess, in the their toes; many of them wear leathern presence of another, the latter draws his aprons, instead of the Dammour cloth which knife and inflicts several flesh-wounds in his the Nubian women generally wrap round own arms, shoulders, and sides; he then the middle; the same custom prevails amongst gives the knife to the boaster, who is bound the Bedouins of the Hedjaz. In their tents in honour to inflict still deeper wounds upon they suspend various ornaments of white his own body, or yield for ever in reputation shells (Woda), from the Red Sea, intermixed to his antagonist. They are certainly a strong with black ostrich feathers. All the women and hardy race of men; and are more robust go unveiled, and the most respectable think and muscular than any Bedouins I ever saw. it no shame whatever to receive a man in During winter they live almost wholly upon their tent, and to be seen chatting with him flesh and milk, tasting very little bread; and during the husband's absence. This, how it is to this they attribute their strength. 'ever never happened to me, for whenever I presented myself before a tent, the ladies greeted me with loud screams, and waved with their hands for me to depart instantly. Nothing astonished them more than my beard and mustachios; for the beards of the Bedouins never grow long or thick, and they cut their mustachios very short, it being a disgrace amongst them to wear them long, and considered as great a mark of slovenliness as an unshorn beard among Europeans.

The principal article sold by the foreign merchants at Taka, is tobacco, as well the produce of Sennaar as of Persia and the Yemen: that which comes from the latter countries is called here Suratty, and is the yellow leaved sort called Tombac in the Hedjaz and Egypt, and which is smoked in the East in the Persian pipe or Nargyle; being much stronger than the Sennaar tobacco, it is preferred in Taka principally for the manufacture of snuff, of which the Treachery is not considered here as crimi-people are very fond; the snuff is prepared nal or disgraceful, and the Hadendoa is not by mixing natron or salt with the pulverised ashamed to boast of his bad faith, whenever tobacco. No man or woman is seen without it has led to the attainment of his object. a small gourd, the size of a goose's egg, in

(To be continued.)



The operations for the season commenced with great vigour in Albemarle Street on Tuesday, when Mr. Millington began a course of lectures on Experimental Philosophy, to be continued twice a week. The plan he has marked out for himself seems to be one of infinite importance; and when we consider the clearness of his arrangements, and the extent of his information, we are led to anticipate a most luminous and interesting developement of the subject undertaken. Mr. Brande of course resumes his chemical illustrations; but the most novel and attractive feature in the programme for this year, is a series of lectures upon Poetry by one no less competent to perform the task admirably than Mr. Thomas Campbell. A course of lectures on Botany, by Sir J. B. Smith and another on Architecture by J. Soane, Esq. complete the whole; and if we reflect on the great and various talent engaged, we must say that the present bids fair to be the most distinguished era of this valuable Institution.


By Correspondents.



The sun has sunk behind the western hill,
O'er whose dark summit comes the ev'ning gray;
The murky mists which all the valley fill,
The songsters sleep with cach its head reclin'd
Hang like the pall of the departed day.
Beneath the shelter of its downy wing;
No sound is floating on the peaceful wind,
Save the soft murmurs of the bubbling spring.
But hark! I hear the distant village chime,
Breaking the silence of his lower sphere.
It justly warns me of the lapse of time,
In accents smooth and soothing to my ear,
Telling that years roll on, nor wait for me,
Till all be lost in dark eternity.

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Hush'd is that voice that whisper'd peace,
And gone that lovely smile,
That grief allay'd, bade sorrows cease,
And rais'd my hopes the while.

No more shall beam th' entrancing ray,
That shot from Mary's eye;
Her bed is now the cold, cold clay—
I saw her droop and die.

The world, with all its busy crouds,
Is solitude to me;

And o'er my spirit grief's dark clouds
Are gath'ring heavily.

But ah! a thought comes o'er my mind,】
Oh grief away, away.

In clay her soul is not confin'd,

But soars to realms of day.

Then will I hope that after death,{

Our souls shall mingle there;

And such e’en with my dying breath
Shall be my constant pray'r.
Leeds, Jan, 8.

W. H. T.

"Sweet Cell,
Where Joy is felt like Sadness, and our Grief
A Melancholy pleasant to be borne"-WILSON,

There is gloom in the air, "and my spirit within
Is rayless and heavy with care:

For I leave the charm'd light of an eye that
could win

A soul from the shroud of despair.
To Him who in loneliness dreams o'er the past,
And glides o'er the present in fashionless

How bright are the fugitive visions that cast,
A nerve-thrilling flash o'er the shadowy waste,
Where he slumbers in fancied release '

Yet what hath "the world," save that gleam, to

To cheer the dulness of our ludian day,
And chase the foggy mist of spleen away,
Who in the van of taste and feeling came,
To aid its struggles into life and fame?
Who-deigned to smile upon its infant course,
And teach its efforts confidence and force?
Oh, need the muse its patroness proclaim,
When every heart is swelling with the name!
A name a thousand thoughts at once connect,
With all we love, we boast of, and respect'
Yes, from the loftier claims that asked her


The hours that rank for Charity could spare;
The leisure ever prompt to seek distress,
To soothe affliction and despair repress;
Ev'n from the luxury of doing good,
The Muse, a Loudon once not vainly wooed
To listen to the lighter strains-designed
To mend the manners and to raise the mind,
And grace with Fancy's gems and flowery strife,
The graver attributes of human life.

Propitious winds across the willing main,
Wa ́t swift her presence to these realms again;
And now again she comes once more to cheer
The Muse her fostering favour helped to rear;
And shall that Muse be mute? What though no


What though her measured phrase too faint ap-
From inspiration caught, her strain inspire;


To bid such lofty worth a welcome here!
Still shall her voice be raised, secure, around
From every bosom and from every tongue
A prompt spontaneous echo will be found,
To aid that feeble voice that welcome to



The slave of its spurious delights-
What bliss at his heart, or what beam in his Africa, is thus described in Burkhardt's Tra-
The author of the celebrated Travels in

His weary noviciate requites?
Since to soar on the pinion of fame is denied,
Oh grant me in honour'd seclusion to dwell;-
And well could I deem that my fate were sup-

If sympathy lur'd some dear form to my side,
To grace and enliven my cell!

Jan. 2.



At Calcutta there is a Theatre, called The Chowringhee Theatre, which has for the last five

years been under the direction of an Amateur Dramatic Society. It is principally supported by subscription; and in July last, its general report was so satisfactory, that the proprietors renewed the management in the same hands for five years more. Thanks were voted to the amateur performers; and about a week before, one of these gentlemen spoke an address, which

is thus introduced in the Government Gazette.

"The Theatrical amusements at Chowringhee on Friday last, were honoured by the presence of the Marquis and Marchioness of Hastings. Her Ladyship was received by the audience with enthusiasm, and in a manner that strongly marked the hearty welcome with which her return to India is hailed. When the curtain drew up, the following appropriate address was delivered by one of our most distinguished ama


"When in these walls the Drama reared its head, And kindling radiance from its cradle shed;


himself out of doors; he never walked out but on Fridays to the prayers of noon, in the great Mosque. One of the before mentioned dervishes told me that there had been a great deal of talking about this Aly Bey, at Damascus and Hamar; they suspected him of being a Christian, but his great liberality and the pressing letters which he brought to all people of consequence, stopped all further enquiry. He was busily employed in arranging and putting in order his journal during the two months of his stay at Aleppo.


KING'S THEATRE.-Last Saturday Rossini's Comic Opera of Cinderella, La Cene rentola, was produced at this theatre; and a Signor Torri made his debut as the Prince of Salerno.

The story differs from the original in making the Prince visit the abode of Cinderella's father, Don Magnifico, (AmbroDandini (Placci); in other respects we have getti) changing characters with his valet, off extremely well. The music is, in genethe proud sisters, the ball, and the marriage of Cinderella (Bellochi). The opera went ral, very good, and the overture beautiful. The new singer has a pleasing tenor voice, and acquitted himself so as to give entire satisfaction. He has a great deal of the manner of Braham; but is by no means equal to him either in power or discrimination. In such comparisons he must indeed be content with the praise of a second rate artist; and especially when his style, as it sometimes does, resembles that of a pupil rather than a finely executed and encored, and he of musical performers: his last song was master. His acting is above the usual stamp better the second time than the first-a proof sang it fully displaying his abilities. Madame Belthat diffidence might be the cause of his not Ambrogetti was great in his part. Romero, lochi was in high voice and sang charmingly. who personated a pilgrim, is but an indifferent actor, and a worse singer. Miss Mori gains ground in every new character; and Mrs. Gatti's voice and action were well suited to the other sister, Thisbe. much on repetition; and in that expectation no doubt that the opera will improve We have first representation. content ourselves with this short notice of its

Another traveller of a singular description passed here two years ago. called himself Aly Bey, and professed to be He have received his education in that country. born of Tunisian parents in Spain, and to Spanish appears to be his native language, besides which he spoke French, a little Italian, and the Moggrebyn dialect of Arabic, but badly. He came to Aleppo by the way of Cairo, Yaffa, and Damascus, with the Spanish Government to all its agents, and strongest letters of recommendation from the be a particular friend of the Prince of the an open credit upon them. He seemed to Peace, for whom he was collecting antiques; and from the manner in which it was known pleasing ever new" play, As you like it, inCOVENT GARDEN-On Tuesday the "ever that he was afterwards received by the Span-troduced to the public an aspirante for draish Ambassador at his arrival in Constanti-matic honours, hitherto unknown upon the nople, he must have been a man of distinc- stage. The newspapers state her to be a tion. The description of his figure and what leetion the Spaniard Badia and his miniature he related of his travels, called to my recalin your library (this letter is addressed to Sir J. Banks). He was a man of middling size, long thin head, black eyes, large nose, long black beard, and feet that indicated the former wearing of tight shoes. He professed to have travelled in Barbary, to have crossed the Lybian Desert between Barbaryand Egypt, back. He travelled with castern magnifi and from Cairo to have gone to Mekka and ence, but here he was rather shy of showing

Miss Wensley, and of respectable family in pearance and manners, allowing for the emSomersetshire; and indeed, her lady-like apbarrassment of her situation, seem to justify the report. The part chosen for her debut was Rosalind, removed, undoubtedly, by several of its later occupants, from the perilous and trying difficulty of its preceding contrast, but still an arduous and hazardous undertaking. To counterbalance this, as well as creates, there was a very benevolent dispothe timidity which the occasion naturally sition to applause in a marked number of the

Sir W. Congreve has, we hear, invented a gun, which will discharge conical shot with a precision hitherto unattained in gunnery.

The plans drawn by M. Debret, the Architect, for the construction of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, in the Rue des Petits Augustins, have been approved, and the foundation of this interesting building will be laid next spring. (French Papers).


On the 5th ult. M. Pons of Marseilles
observed the comet which was discovered on
the 28th of November by M. Blanpain, Di-
rector of the Observatory of Marseilles. On
the 11th of December, the new
ascended in a direct line to the north, and
having crossed the constellation of Virgo, it
apparently took a direction towards Berenice's
Coma and the hounds of Bootes; so that
with the aid of good telescopes it may be vi-
sible for some time to come.

the day cloudy.

Tuesday, 11-Thermometer from 23 to 35.
Barometer 30, 15' to 29,86.

Wind S.W. 4.--Cloudy; snowing most of the day.

Wednesday, 12-Thermometer from 17 to 28.

Barometer from 30, 15 to 30, 35. Wind E. b. N. and N. E. 4.-Cloudy, with a little snow at times, till the evening, when it became clear.

Lat. 51. 37. 32. N.
Lon. 0. 3. 51. W.

Edmonton, Middlesex.






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audience; besides the common feeling by POTATOES. According to the most recent | Monday, 10-Thermometer from 17 to 32. Barometer from 30, 67, to 30, 61. which all must be actuated at the sight of a inquiries, naturalists declares Lima to be the Wind N. E. .- Morning clear, the rest of handsome young female, for the first time, true country whence potatoes were propafacing thousands of eyes all fixed on her, and gated. They are worth all the mines at attempting to perform a novel task, requiring | Peru. great talent and perfect self-possession. We BON MOT.- -The Chevalier Duplessis, a notice this, not invidiously, but as entirely very middling poet, author of a bad opera disapproving of unwise, exaggerated, partial called Pizarro, used to indulge himself in the plaudits, instead of leaving a British Theatre bitter satire against other poets. Once, as he to the free expression of sentiments which affirmed with great vehemence in the theatre we firmly believe would be much warmer in Paris, that he did not know a worse lyric and much more auspicious to the party, poet than Guillard, Chéron, a very witty acwere not an opposite current excited by in- tor, said to him, "Ah, Chevalier, you forget judicious and rather dogmatical predilection. yourself." That genuine public to which, after all, both plays and players must look for support, will, especially in matters like the present, if left to itself, take up the cause of merit with sufficient zeal; but it becomes cold even to merit, which seems to have so many friends as not to need its patronage; and the unlucky object of this obstreperous sustentation, being of necessity soon deprived of its ald, sinks unregarded to a level probably below its real desert. Miss Wensley has a pretty countenance, and a fine person, inclining to embonpoint. She displayed a neck of some prominency, and rather calculated to serve as a heaving index to the female agitations of the Debutante, than to comport with the male attire of Ganymede. On her performance in the first two acts, it would be severe, perhaps unjust, to speak in plain terms; for being almost overpowered by her terror, it may be believed that she did not fairly exhibit the extent of her abilities. It seemed however, that her Curious Manuscript.-A very interesting voice was weak, and ill adapted to the expression of pathos. A foreign friend, with piece of literary intelligence is the discovery us, not moved by her tender scenes, declared of the Life of the celebrated Duguesclin, in MS, written in verse, on parchment, and in that she wanted the power of physic, meanfolio, with twelve neat miniature paintings ing thereby, (heaven mend his English!) physical power; but much of this may be representing his battles with the English. attributable to tremulous apprehension and Another MS, of the twelfth century, likenervous sensibility. In the after-scenes she wise in folio, contains pretty fables and moral gained more command, and became more MSS, concerning Charles VII. and Francis tales. Among many other very important The cuckoo song, playful and spirited. that John Bull test, was sung in an arch and I there is also the Journal of Charles V. captivating manner; and, in conclusion, the which was written by his secretary VandeHe was inseparable from this monattempt ended more successfully than it began, being neither a triumph nor a failure. arch from 1514 to 1559; he wrote in French. Mr. Macready played Jacques, for the first Robertson and the other historians of Charles V. were not acquainted with it; in the time. His portraiture was altogether of Royal Library we finds proofs that the learnmasterly order. The description of the wounded deer not so exquisitely touching ed Meermann intended to copy it. as we have heard it delivered; but the celebrated "all the world's a stage," passage, given in a style of excellence, such as we can most truly say we never witnessed before, even in Kemble or Young, admirable as they were in this speech. Its effect was acknowledged by bursts of applause, hardly restrained till the actor finished.



Marshal d'Iluxelles was considered to be a misanthrope, which his answer to a person who rallied him on his celibacy seems to justify" I never," said he, "saw a woman whose husband I should have liked to be; nor a man, of whom I would have chosen to be the father."



JANUARY, 1820.
Thursday, 6-Thermometer from 19 to 36.
Barometer from 30, 25 to 30, 32.
Wind S.W..-Morning generally clear, the
rest of the day cloudy and hazy.
Friday, 7-Thermometer from 26 to 32.

Barometer from 30, 40 to 30, 62.
Wind E. b. N. 2. — Clear about noon, the rest
of the day generally clear.
Saturday, 8-Thermometer from 23 to 30.

Barometer, from 30, 70 to 30, 78;
Wind N. E. 2.-Morning clear, the rest of the
day cloudy, with a little snow in the morning.
Sunday, 9-Thermometer from 20 to 30.

Barometer from 30, 86 to 30, 67.
Wind N. E. 2, and N. b. W. 3. -
Clouds ge-
nerally passing; clear at times.

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make room for our review of Mr. Accum's book, which is of such universal interest as to render it expedient to take the subject in at one view, we have abridged and postponed many articles. Anastasius will be resumed in our next, and other interesting matters taken up. The lines signed W. B. are too irregular for inser. tion; the following thought is however worth preserving

Farewell!-the repetition

Of this word seems but poorly to express,
Affection of the heart; like the church bell,
So often tolled for funerals, that at length
Solemnity and death seem obsolete.

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