Obrázky stránek

with the juice of the grape! I do not hesitate
to forswear the religion of my fathers.'
Judging from this poetical licence, it
may naturally be supposed that all the ad-
miration of Prince Mirza was exhausted on
England. When he arrived in France, like
an unhappy lover, he observed everything
with chagrin and ill-humour. Perhaps some
of his condemnations may be attributed to
the effects of indigestion. Our fetes, he
says, gave him the heart-ache; our meat
was always dried and burnt up; we are, in
his opinion, barbarians in the art of cookery.
The English excel in the pleasures of the
table. But our ladies, our fair Parisians,
displeased the Ambassador almost as much
as our dinners. He had before told us, that
they wanted the modesty and graceful man-
ners of the beauties of Britain;-he now
tis us, that they have the habit of paint-teaus, parcels, and packages, as it could
ing; that their head-dresses resemble those well carry; and lastly led up the rear, a grim-
of Indian dancers; and that their short-waisted looking Tartar, keeping order among half a
dresses give them the appearance of being dozen Frank servants of every description,
hump-backed. He examined them closely, jogging heavily along on their worn out jades.
in the ball-room, the theatre, the public At this sight the Drougueman blood began
gardens; but not one ever made the slightest to speak within me. These are strangers,
impression on him; "and yet, (he says,) I Anastasius," it whispered: "be thou their
an naturally amorous, and easily capti- interpreter, and thy livelihood is secured." I
rated." It was doubtless in consequence obeyed the inward voice as an inspiration
of these reflections, that the Ambassador from Heaven, and, after smartening myself
deemed it adviseable, on his second visit to up a little, approached the first carriage
France, to bring with him a Circassian
Slare, and thus to travel with a fragment of
his Harem. Had our ladies perused this im-
pertinent book six months ago, they certainly
would not have clapped so heartily whenever
Prince Mirza-Aboul-Taleb-Khan appeared
in public. To say the French ladies are
hamp-backed, and to compare the English
ladies to the roses of Damascus! O, the
abominable Persian!

to this situation is very humorously re-
late; and as the diplomatic anecilotes
which follow are curious illustrations of
the genuineness of the work, we quote
the whole passage.

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This edifice," said 1, pointing to the first building of note in the suburb which we net on our way, is the palace of the Ichfruitful seminary of favourites, of Pashas, Oglans-the Sultan's pages. It is the most and of Sultanas husbands. In that direction Absorbed in this weighty consideration lives that most respectable of characters the (how to subsist) I slowly walked down the Imperial internuncio-the Baron Herbert ; hill of St. Demetrius, when I fancied I dis- who, with all the shrewdness of a thoroughcerned at a distance a caravan of travellers, paced minister, combines all the playful sunwho, with a slow and steady pace, were ad-plicity of a child. Further on dwells the vancing towards Pera, the residence of the French embassador Monsieur de ChoiseulFranks at Constantinople. I mechanically Gouthier a very great man in little things; quickened my pace, in order to survey the and opposite him lives his antagonist in taste, procession more closely. politics, and country, the english envoy Sir First in the order of march came a clumsy | Robert Ainslie-of whom the world mainealash, stowed as full as it could hold of tains exactly the reverse. Quite at the botwondering travellers; next came a heavy ton of the street, likewise facing each other, araba, loaded with as many trunks, portman-live the envoys of Russia and of Sweden. The former I feel bound to respect, whatever be his merit; the latter really possesses much. He is an Armenian, who writes in French a history of Turkey. Lately he has made with his bookseller an exchange profitable to both, he having given his manuscript, and the other his daughter: that is to say, the Armenian a single voluminous work, and the Frenchman a brief epitome of his whole shop. Wedged in between the palaces of Spain and Portugal is that of the Dutch embassador, whose name, Vandendidden-totgelder, is "Welcome to Pera, excellencies!" said I, almost too long for these short autumn days; with a profound bow, to the party within. and whose head is thought to be almost as At these words up started two gaunt figures long as his name: inasmuch as he regularly in night caps, with spectacles on their noses receives, twice a week, the Leyden Gazette'; and German pipes in their mouths-whose which renders him beyond all controversy the respective corners still kept mechanically best informed of the whole Christian Corps puiting whiffs of smoke at each other. The Diplomatique, in respect of Turkish politics. first action which followed was to lay their You see, gentlemen, the representatives of hands on the blunderbusses hung round the all the potentates of Christendom, from Pecarriage: but seeing me alone, on foot, and tersburgh to Lisbon and from Stockholm to After such outrages,national honour comto all appearance not very formidable, they Naples, are here penned up together in this pels us to close the book. We abandon the seemed after some consultation to think they single narrow street, where they have the adtaller to his fate :-he may visit the south might venture not to fire, and only kept sta-vantage of living as far as possible from the of France and Italy; he may go to Con- ing at me in profound silence. I therefore Turks among whom they come to reside, antinople, and relate his adventures to his repeated my salute in a more articulate man- and of watching all day long the motions of good friends the Turks ;-in a word, he may ner, and again said; "welcome, Excellencies, their own colleagues, from their most dis aish his travels by passing through Mossoul, to Pera, where you are most anxiously ex- tant journies to the sublime Porte, to their ssora, and Bombay-we care pected. As you will probably want a skilful most ordinary visits to the recesses at the thing about him. We are only sorry to interpreter, give me leave to recommend a bottom of their gardens." be obliged to confess, that the narrative is most unexceptionable person,-I mean my- These little specimens of my saroir-dire instructive and entertaining; that the transla-self. Respectable references, I know, are in- seemed to please my German friends. They tion is executed with talent, and that the dispensable in a place where every one is on immediately noted them down in their huge work has already come to a second edition." the watch to impose upon the unwary travel-memorandum books, which, no more than ler; but such I think I can name. As to their short pipes, ever were left idle an inwhat character they may give me; that," stant. Scarce had the party stepped into Memoirs of a Greek. added I with a modest bow," it becomes the inn, which I was allowed to recommend, 3 vols. not your humble servant himself to state." when they engaged me for the whole fort(Continued.) night which they meant to devote to the sur

Anastasius; or

At so Christian-like a speech, uttered in Our reluctance to part with Anasta- the very heart of Turkey, the travellers grin-vey of the Turkish Capital. sius, is shown by the exception which ced another short consultation; after which sort. Every body used to fly at their apned froin ear to ear with delight. It produ My travellers were of the true inquisitive the pleasant and profligate hero has the two chiefs cried out in chorus: "Oui proach; a circunstance highly favourable caused us to make from our general rule, chai pesoin ;" and bade me mount by their to my interest. Under the notion of always of closing the subjects of the year within side. This enabled ine, after a little com- applying for information at the fountain-head, the last Number of our annual volume.pliment on Germany their birth-place, and they would stop the surliest Turk they met, Our apology follows. on their proficiency in the French idiom, im- to ask why Moslemen locked up their womediately to enter upon the duties of my of men. One day they begged the Imperial fice for which I thought myself sufficiently minister, at his own table, to tell them conqualified by the squibs which I had heard the fidentially whether Austria was to be trusted. Drogueman of the Porte, Morosi, let off in They were very solicitous to know from the company with my patron at the diplomatic Russian envoy the number of Catherine's corps of Peru. lovers; and they pressed hard for an audi

When released from the Bagnio, the destitute but pliant Greek has to seek for means to sustain life; and he happily gets employment as an interpreter in the European quarter. His introduction

ence of the Kislar-Aga, only to enquire whence came the best black eunuchs. Had

correct account, of an adventure in which | jammed up against the wall, and the button they been in company with the Grand Mufti, Anastasius proceedsone of our own countrymen figured. maker six feet high, and as strong as a horse. All therefore I could do in the way of hethey certainly would have asked his honest roism would have been to have let him blow opinion of the mission of Mohammed; and This first experiment gave me a taste for out my brains at once;-after which, adieu they would scarce have neglected the oppor- the Tergiumanie life. It also encreased my my turn, at least here below! I therefore tunity, had it odered, of enquiring of the means of success in that line. Until I took signed, had the satisfaction of seeing the reSultan himself, whether he was legitimate up my residence at Pera, I had little inter- ceipt neatly folded up and deposited in a little heir to the Califate, as he asserted. In con- course with that odd race of people yclept red morocco pocket-book with silver clasps, sequence of this straight-forward system, I Franks, except through the stray specimens was offered a sequin for the exercise I had was every moment obliged to interfere, and that now and then crossed the harbour, on a afforded, took the money, and, leaving the to pledge myself for the guiltless intentions visit of curiosity or business to Constantino-button maker to write home what mean rasof our travellers. The statistics of the em- ple. I now got acquainted with their ways, cals the Greeks were, departed fully imprespire, its government, politics, finances, &c. while they became familiarised with my per-sed with the usefulness of learning languages. indeed, they troubled themselves little about. son. This gradually procured me the adAlmost every evening the man of buttons All such things they thought they could learn vantage of seeing and serving in my new ca- used to walk from Pera, where he had his much more compen liously at home from the pacity, samples of almost every nation of lodgings, to a merchant's at Galata, from Leipsic gazetteer; but the botany and mine- Europe. Thus I formed a sort of polyglot whence he frequently returned home pretty ralogy of the country were what they studied collection of certificates of my own ability late at night, without any escort; trusting to both body and soul. Every day we brought and merits, which I filed very neatly accor- his small pocket instrument, and to his own home from our excursions such heaps of ding to the order of their dates; and to a colossal stature, for his safety. A dexterous what the ignorant chose to call hay and sight of which I treated every new comer thrust, at an unexpected turn, might easily stones, that the wags whom we met on our whom I thought worthy of that distinction. have sent him to the shades below; but this way used to ask whether these were for food Once, however, the lofty manner and the would not have sufficed to assuage my thirst and lodging; while the more fanatical among imperious tone of an English traveller, newly for just revenge. I wished to inflict a shame the Turks swore we carried away patterns arrived, completely deceived me. From his more deep, more lasting, than my own, and of the country, in order to sell it to the infi- fastidiousness I made no doubt I was ad- which, like Prometheus's vulture, should dels; and one party, by way of giving us dressing some great Mylordo. It was a but- keep gnawing the traitor's heart while he enough of what we wanted, was near stoning ton maker to whom I had the honour of lived. His great ambition at Constantinople us to death. Hereupon, to elude observa- bowing. He came red hot from a place was to boast the good graces of some Turktion, my cunning travellers determined to called Birmingham, to show the Turks sam-ish female,-young or old, fair or ugly, no dress after the country fashion: but this only ples of his manufacture. Unfortunately matter! On this laudable wish I founded made bad worse; for they wore their new Turks wear no buttons, at least such as he my scheme. garb so aukwardly, that the natives began to dealt in; at which discovery he felt exceedthink they put it on in mockery, and were ingly wroth. My ill fated back was destined frequently near stripping them to the skin; to feel the first brunt of his ill humour. Afindependent of which, whenever they went ter spending nearly two hours in spelling out, they got so entangled in their shaksheers every word of every one of my certificates and trowsers, their shawls and their papoo"this then," said he in a scarce intelligible shes, that our progress might be traced by idiom, which he fancied to be French, "is the mere relies of their habiliments which the evidence of your deserts?" "It is," an- He soon arrived, and, as I expected, stopstrewed the road. Sole manager both of the swered I, with an inclination of the head. ped to survey the lonely fair one, whose aphome and foreign department, I however "And I am to make it the rule of my beha-pearance seemed to invite a comforter. The tried to give all possible respectability to viour?" "If your Excellency be pleased bait took. My friend, on his nearer approach, their appearance, and never would suffer their to have that goodness," replied I smirking aware that his pantomime was more intellidignity to be committed by paltry savings; most agreeably. Very well," resumed the gible than his idiom, had recourse to the uniat the same time that, to shew them how traitor, never inoving a muscle of his insipid versal language: he held up a sequin,-his careful I was of their money, I took care countenance, "My Excellency will have that regular fee on all occasions,—and my acceptsometimes to detain them an hour or two in goodness." And up he gets, gravely walks ance of which encourages my shepherd to driving a close bargain about a few paras,--without uttering another syllable-to the become more enterprising. He now wishes especially when I saw them in a hurry. Acto unveil me I resist :-but by way of comcordingly, if they had any fault to find with promise for keeping concealed my features, me, it was for my over scrupulous economy. That failing alone excepted, they thought me a treasure; and so I certainly found them.

The fortnight of their intended stay having elapsed, they were all impatience to depart. Out of pure regard for science, I contrived to prolong their sojourn another fortnight, by various little delays, which with a little industry I brought about in the most natural way imaginable, but which I joined them in lamenting exceedingly: and when at last they set off-which I saw with very sincere regret I was left by them in possession of a inost flattering written testimonial of my zeal and fidelity. As to their behaviour to me, its liberality might be sufficiently inferred from the change in my appearance. I looked a different person.

The continuation of this course affords us a droll, and we dare say, not very in

Muffled up in the feridjec which entirely covers the figure of the Mohammedan fair, and the veil which conceals their faces, I went and seated myself, immediately after dusk, on one of the tomb-stones of the extensive cemetery of Galata, where my traveller had to pass.

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door, turns the key in the lock, takes a little
bit of a pistol scarce five inches long-also
from Birmingham I suppose-out of his shew my necklace, my bracelets, my girdle.
pocket, snatches up a cudgel as thick as my In an infantine manner I slip the manacles
wrist, and turning short upon me, who stood from my own wrists over those of my com-
wondering in what this strange prelude was panion, and, before his suspicions are arous-
to end, holds the pistol to my throat, and lays ed, have the satisfaction to see him fast
the cane across my back.
bound in chains, not only of airy love, but
This operation performed to his satisfac-of good solid brass; and with a soft lisp wish
tion: "It was No. 5, " coolly said the mis-hi joy of being at once handcuffed and pi-
creant, "whose contents I thought it right nioned. It was now I shewed my face, and
to comply with first; as being written by one drew out my handjar. Seeing him disposed
of my countrymen, and because I make it to remonstrate, "No noise," cried I," or
rule, in every species of business, to get the you die; but return me the receipt." Un-
worst part over first. Had you understood able to stir, my prisoner in a surly tone bade
our language-as an interpreter by profession me take it myself. I did so, and thanked
ought-you might have known the certificate him; "but, added I, " as we have not
in question to be a solemn adjuration to all here as with you-all the conveniences for
the writer's countrymen, to treat you as I writing, accept the acknowledgement of the
have had the pleasure of doing; and all that poor and illiterate:" saying which, I drew
remains for you to perform, is to give me the holy mark of the cross after the Greek
regular receipt, such as I may have to shew." form, neatly but indelibly, with the button-
The pistol was still tickling my throat, I, maker's own sequin, on his clumsy forchead



poured into the wound some of the gunpowder out of his pouch; and, apologizing for the poorness of the entertainment, bade him good night and walked off.

A troop of Caleondjces of my acquaintance, reeling home from a tavern, happened to come up just as I retired, and took all that I had left. The next morning the man of buttons departed from Constantinople without sound of trumpet, before sunrise; and never since has been heard of in the Turkish dominions.

(To be continued.)


one passage, in which the author seems to
have made a singular mistake.

Sir W. Ouseley, when speaking of the isle of Ceylon and its productions, and referring to a curious passage of the Nozhat alholoub, a work by Hamd-Allah Kazwini, frequently quoted by the name of the Persian Geographer, employs a long note on the mineral substance called in Persian Sunbadèh. Our author having quoted what we find in the Tarkang Djekanguiri and in the Burhan kati, on the Sunbadeh, or Emery, adds: "These notions appear to be partly borrowed from Hamd-Allah Kazwini, who in that part of his work which relates to mineralogy, describes the Sunbadèh, as a sandy rough stone of which the lapidaries make use to pierce Art. IV. Travels in various Countries of the hard stones, and "when pulverized and East, by Sir William Ouseley. Vol. 1. 4to.rubbed on beards that have decayed through We have had of late such frequent occa- age, it serves to restore them." The meansion to direct our attention to Persia, in ing of the original is this: "It is reduced to noticing the travels of Mr. Morier, Lieute-powder, and applied to inveterate wounds, nant Col. Johnson, &c. that in the great and it cures them." This property of emery press of other matter, we have hitherto is certified by the Greek physicians; and the omitted to notice the present important whole passage of Hamd-Allah appears to be borrowed from Dioscorides, whose text seems, however, to want some correction. (Dioscor. de Med. Mat. lib. V. cap. 166.) Sir W. Ouseley has been led astray by the double meaning of the original word, which signifies both wound and beard.


Sir Gore Ouseley, the author's brother, having been appointed Ambassador Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Russia, it was natural that Sir William Ouseley, who had applied himself for many years to the study of the language The second chapter contains the voyage and literature of Persia, should take this op- from Ceylon to Bombay, the stay made in portunity of visiting a country the history the last place, the visit paid by the traveller and antiquities of which were the constant to the ancient monuments of Kineri, in the objects of his meditations. He was, conse- island of Salsette, and to the subterraneous quently, attached to the Embassy as private temple of Elephanta. The text of this secretary to Sir Gore Ouseley. We shall chapter appears to us to elicit nothing pass over the descriptive part of the voyage, new; but the notes, as in the preceding, conand merely say that this first volume termi-tain various learned researches: for instance, nates with the arrival of the Embassy at on the loves of Joseph and Zuleika, which is Schiraz. a subject handled by many Persian poets; on the Banian tree; on the similarity that has been observed between the divinities of India and those of the Egyptians and the Greeks; on the period to which the monuments of Elephanta belong, &c. At the end of the second chapter, Sir W. mentions the Parses or fire worshippers, to whom, and their religion and customs, the whole third chapter is employed. Sir W. is of opinion, that the Trinity of God was at all times a principal point in the religion of the Persians; but if we examine the affair with full impartiality, I fear we shall find some exaggeration in the favorable idea which Dr. Hyde, and after him Sir W. Ouseley, have conceived, of the religion of the Parsès. When speaking of the Parsès, Sir W. takes occasion to do full justice to the labours of Mr. Anquetil du Perron, and expresses much regret that Sir William Jones did not perceive the value of the services rendered to literature by the learned Frenchman.

This volume is divided into six chapters: 1st. from England to Madeira, Rio de Janeiro, and Ceylon. 2d. From Ceylon to the coasts of Malabar and Bombay. 3d. On the Parses and Guebres, the worshippers of fire. 4th. Voyage from Bombay to the Persian Gulph and Buschire. 5th. Encampment of the Embassy near Buschire. 6th. Journey from Buschire to Schiraz.

The nature of the antiquarian and crudite researches founded on the travels of Sir W. O. and which, according to the author's intention, were to constitute its chief merit, appears in the first chapter, in the notes by which it is accompanied. The ancient name of Tapiobana, the other ancient and modern names of Ceylon, the principal productions of that island, the commercial intercourse of the ancients with China, inquiries relative to the situation of Ophir, an ancient expedition of a Persian monarch against the inhabitants of Ceylon, romantic adventures of Alexander, the visit of that prince accompanied by the philosopher Belinas to Adam's Peak, and many other accessory objects, are treated of, either in the text or the notes of this first chapter. What is most curious in these researches, are the quotations from a great number of oriental writers, always given in the original language, and translated with great accuracy. We have, however, observed

centre of the commerce of the Arabs with India and China. The notes on this chapter, though very interesting to the lovers of oriental literature, are not susceptible of analysis.

The remaining part of this volume will be examined in another article. Art. V. Tresor des Origines, et Dictionnaire raisonné de la langue Françoise, par Ch. Pougens. Specimen. 4to.

We shall not enter into an examination of this specimen of the immense labours of Mr. Pougens, but merely state; some circumstances relative to them. Mr. P. intends to publish, 1st. a Tresor des Origines, &c. in six volumes in folio; 2d. an abridgement of the same work, in 3 vols. 4to. and 3d. a great Dictionary of the French Language. These three lexicons will contain the results of the learned researches in which the author has employed upwards of forty years. When we are informed that Mr. Pougens has been wholly deprived of his eye-sight since the age of twenty-three, we must still more admire the extent of his labours, and the powers of his memory. We can hardly conceive how he could collect and so happily distribute so many facts, testimonies, and words of all languages, in his Tresor, and so many classical texts in his grammatical dictionary. The number of authors consulted to compose his Tresor, is above 4200. This specimen cannot but increase the eagerness of the learned to be soon in possession of these most important works. Art. VI. Esprit, Origine et Progrès des Institutions, judiciaires, des principaux pays de l'Europe, par S. D. Meyer. Tome ler. A highly important and interesting work, to which we may probably return when the subsequent volumes are published.



St. Petersburgh, 30th November.-The literary collection of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburgh has been enriched, this summer, with a treasure which deserves particular mention in the annals of the Academy, not only on account of its novelty and value; but also of its importance, and the great influence which it may have in future, or the cultivation of a department of science which has long been neglected in Russia.

A collection of near five hundred Persian, Arabic, and Turkish MSS. has been added at once to the treasures already possessed by the Asiatic Museum of the Academy. They were collected in Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia, by a person versed in those languages, namely, M. Rousseau, formerly the Consul In the fourth chapter the author resumes General of France at Aleppo, and since at the thread of his narrative, from the depar-Bagdad, and taken to France, where they ture of the Embassy from Bombay, to their landing at Buschire. The most interesting part of this chapter, on the historical and geographical details relative to Ormuz, and the other islands in the Persian Gulph; and also to the maritime city of Siraf, which under the reign of the Abassides was the

were immediately purchased for Russia, before any competition arose from other countries. His Majesty the Emperor has now made a present of them to the Academy of Sciences. It deserved to be acquired for Russia, and the first learned institution of the empire may be proud of having this treasure

confided to its care. Its Asiatic Museum, which was already distinguished by its fine collection of Chinese, Japanese, Mantchou, Mongol, Kalmuck, and Tungusian writings, as well as of Oriental coins and antiquities, has by this sudden and great addition of Musselman MSS, gained in utility as much as it has acquired in higher rank among similar collections in foreign countries. For this new collection contains, in each of the three languages, and in almost every science, a number of the most distinguished and classical works of Islamism, which it would be in vain to look for in the whole continent of the Russian empire, in the libraries of the most learned Mollahi among its Mahometan inhabitants. Professor Froehn has published, in an extraordinary Supplement to the St. Petersburgh Gazette, a valuable report upon this measure, of which the above is the in



of divine protection. Some time had elapsed,
when he found that he had acquired by his
industry the sum of a hundred florins (about
ten pounds), two carts, and three horses. He
happened to break a wheel in the village of
Langendorff: this accident appeared to him
to be an invitation from providence to begin
in this place the execution of his favourite
project. The plan for building an Orphan-
House was soon fixed upon. Two workmen
who assisted him in building, were the first
benefactors to the intended establishment,
one giving twelve groschen (eighteen-pence)
and the other ten groschen. A gardener of the
name of Dunkel joined in this good work;
he put the garden in order, and planted
a vine.

It was with such slender means, but with
confidence in God, that Bucher commenced
what he had long considered as the object of
bis existence in this world. In 1712 he took
up his abode here with four orphans.

Pray and work this was his principle: according to this he regulated the habits of his pupils, that they might, above all things, imbibe the fear of God; and then that they might learn to provide themselves for all their wants. Instruction, according to him, should tend to give to man the knowledge and the use of his own powers.

duce of their labour is employed in increasing their own comforts. They are taught reading, writing, and arithmetic, with a little history and geography. Religious instruction is particularly attended to. Most of the teachers are former pupils in the establishment, assisted in their functions by the eldest of the present pupils, who, together with the directors, keep the books, and make the reports to the government. At the age of fifteen they may quit the house, and choose themselves a profession, but they still continue their connection with the director, who pays for their apprenticeship on acconnt of the establishment. + The girls are put out to service in good families, and keep up, until they are of age, a correspondence with the director, a highly respectable man, and indeed their father; it is by this name that the teachers as well as the pupils call him. The merit of having brought back to its true des tination, an establishment so interesting in its origin a truly Christian charity; a great deal of simplicity, which does not exclude firmness of character; great talents, and indefatigable activity, tempered by a patience which is proof against every trial, eminently distinguish the Rev. Mr. Wurker.


OXFORD, Dec. 25.

The whole number of Degrees in Michaelmas Term was-D.D. three; B.D. one; B. C. L. two; M. A. thirty; B. A. sixtyfive. Matriculations ninety-five.


Mr. Editor. The importance of ameliorating the education of the people becomes every day more evident: all governments are sensible of the necessity of it, but most of them are still far from placing this object in the first rank, as they will probably be obliged to do sooner than they are aware. That vaThese principles, which he exemplified by luable time may not be lost, it is to be de- practice, produced the happiest effects. sired, that till governments give the effica-Poor, but ardent in the cause of truth, percious aid which they alone can give, the severing in the conviction that he had found friends of humanity may not relax in their it, Bucher made his enterprize succeed. In endeavours to prepare the way. In England, 1720 his pupils amounted to fifty-one; and it is true, benevolence does not want a spur he then received some assistance from when any plan is brought forward which af- the Duke of Weissenfels, and a hundred There being two of Sir William Browne's fords even but a plausible prospect of reliev- crowns per annum, with exemption from Medals, (the one for the Latin Ode, and the ing the distress of our fellow-creatures. But certain taxes, from the Elector of Saxony.other for the Greek and Latin Epigrams,) we are so used to do things on a large scale, Dunkel the gardener remained faithful during which have not been disposed of in former that we are, perhaps, not sufficiently aware his life to his first resolution, and bequeath-years, it is the intention of the Vice-Chanof the good that may be done with very limited to the establishment the fruits of his cellor to give them to such resident Underel means, and how often a single seed, savings. graduates as shall produce the best compoplanted in confidence of the blessing of hea- Bucher died in 1729. The simple and sitions of the above description; viz. one ven, has been gradually reared into a stately just ideas which had guided him, were aban-medal for the best Latin ode in imitation of tree, producing the noblest fruits. The fol-doned after his death. It was desired to do Horace, and one medal or the best Greek lowing is a remarkable example, and will better: the Directors introduced the study and Latin eplans, after the manner of the doubtless interest your readers. of the dead languages, and the school of Anthologia, and her the model of Mart, Langendorff suffered by it. It was not till respectively. the year 1811, that the spirit of the founder resuined its influence. At this period the orphans of Langendorff were united with those of Torgau, and the two combined establishments were placed under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Wurker.

Subject for the Latin ode:
Χρυσία Φόρμιγξ.
For the Greek epigrain:

Εἰ; Αγάλμα

της μακαρίτιδας Καρολέττας, Γεωργίου του την Βρεταννιών "Αρχοντος Θυγάτερος. For the Latin epigram : "Optimos nos esse dum infirmi sumus.”

Christopher Bucher, a Saxon by birth, had from his youth felt an irresistible inclination to devote himself to the education of children. His benevolence was particularly directed to orphans. Serving as hostler at the inn at Weissenfels, he took pleasure in teaching some poor children, and often went to talk upon subjects of education with the The number of pupils is now a hundred clergyman of his village, who encouraged and sixty ninety-eight boys and sixty-two him to follow his impulse. One day he girls. The former cultivate a piece of ground was at Leipsig, without money and without of 130 acres, and make their own clothes means to procure any. In his distress he and most of the instruments which they use: retired into a corner of the stable, and throw the girls are employed in the internal ecoing himself on his knee, implored the divine nomy, and in the labours belonging to their assistance. Finding himself strengthened by sex. This education is directed by the inthis pious act, he went to take a walk out of fluence of the good examples which they rethe gates of the town. A paper, containing ceive from their superiors, and give to each some pieces of money, which a passenger other, without any emulation but that which had dropped, caught his eye; the sum was proceeds from the desire of doing well, havsufficient to relieve him from his embarrass-ing neither rewards nor punishments. Idleness ment; he made inquiries, but in vain, to dis-is represented to them as the most dangerous cover the owner; and thought he saw in this enemy to man; and this is a maxim which combination of circumstances a manifest sign they soon comprehend, because all the probe the best consolidated,

It seems singular that natural history is not included among the branches of instruction. To initiate children into the secrets of nature increases their reverence for the Creator; and, for those who labour in the fields, it renders agriculture doubly interesting; and consequently, tends to make them love the station which God has assigned them. Proofs of this truth, if it

needed them, might be found at Hofwyl.

+ At Hofwyl, they remain in the establishment till the age of twenty-one years, serving their apprenticeship before they quit the sphere, where the good results of their education may

The subject of the Hulsean prize disserta-protected from total destruction, and this | One fatal blow dissolv'd the bond of years; tion for the present year is-The Importance master-piece of human genius preserved. of Natural Religion



We translate the following from a respectable Italian Journal.

Frequent attempts have been made to separate Fresco Pairtings from the walls on which they are executed, in order to rescue them from the destructive effects of time and weather; but all have been unsuccess




It is therefore intended to erect another monument in its stead; yet it is thought advisable to fix the plan for the new one before the old is destroyed.

The monument erected to the memory of Petrarch at the fountain of Vaucluse, consists of a column about thirty feet high. It was begun in 1804, under the direction of M. Bourdon de Vatry, then prefect of the department, and was finished by M. Delatre, his successor. It cost between three and four thousand francs. In any other situation it might be viewed with pleasure, for it is well executed, and in good taste. But, standing as it does, in the deepest extremity of a narrow valley, overhung by a Antonio Contri, of Ferrara, was the first mountain seven hundred feet high, it is rewho made a public attempt in the beginning garded by nearly all who have visited the ceof the 18th century at Mantua. He suc-lebrated fountain, as a mean and almost ceeded in taking several heads of Giulio Ro- ridiculous monument inano from the wall, and transferring them to canvas; these were sent to the Imperial Court of Vienna. But this work required long and difficult preparations, which besides only calculated for even walls, and for taking off smaller paintings. To this it must be added, that the labours of Contri, as well as the later trials in France and other countries, were confined with more or less success to transferring paintings, piece by piece, from walls or linen to new linens, and never to pannels. Such attempts have lately been renewed in Naples, Modena, and other places; but the result has not yet A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF A RELATIVE proved fully satisfactory. Subsequently, the mode of sawing the paintings from the wall was adopted; this method, however, which was always attended with danger, was only applicable to pictures of a small size. Steffano Barezzi, a native of Milan, has the honor of having been the first to render an essential service to the Arts, in transferring to pannels, by a most simple, expeditious, and safe process, Fresco Paintings of whatsoever size from the wall, whether level or not, without doing the least damage to the original design.

prepared linen against the wall, which exHis method consists in laying a piece of tracts the painting, in such a manner, that the artist, with a sure and uniform motion, can draw off the linen in a perfect state with the painting, so that the wall itself remains quite white. This linen is then stretched upon a pannel, and again drawn from this, so that the painting itself remains fixed upon the pannel without sustaining the smallest injury.

Mr. Barezzi has in this manner already transferred several paintings of Luino and Marco d'Oggione, which are exhibited to connoisseurs for their inspection. The Roman Government, in consideration of the importance of this discovery, has come forward to animate the efforts of this artist, by assigning him the Church della Pace, (now shut up) where he can apply his method to some greater paintings of Marco d'Oggione. By this discovery, it is to be hoped that we shall see the last supper of Leonardo da Vinci, the remains of which are in the efectory of the monastery of della Grazie,

It has been suggested that a pure inscription would be sufficient: if this plan be adopted, the task of selecting one will devolve on the Royal Academy of Belles-lettres. (French Paper.)



Death, thou art fearful; she we lov'd is gone!
And the pale mourner must return alone,
No mortals' tears could stay the fatal blow;
Without the partner of his weal and woe.
For him the land, and friends from childhood
She left for ever-'twas a powerful spell-
Ev'n then might hope have check'd the rising



Shared ev'ry thought within her faithful breast,

Yet sweet to think, tho' one was call'd to die,
No self-upbraiding caus'd the mourner's tears,
Or mingled with the parting spirit's sigh.
She died far from the land so lov'd, so fair,
Far from the guardian of her early years;
Her death-pangs lighten'd by no mother's care,
Her cold grave water'd by no mother's tears.
That parent's life was fragile,-yet there came
A beam of hope to light her aged eye;
One tie still bound to earth her shatter'd frame,
That tie is broken- she will weep and die.
She pray'd for lengthen'd life--she did not know,
That lengthen'd life, would be but lengthen'd

[blocks in formation]

My youth a dream, a fleeting cloud-is gone,

Or this-when night recedes from opening morn,
Like that which passeth o'er a summer's day;
And with it bears the vapour false away.
But what is now the waking dream I find?
Life's dull reality and sickly scene;
Alas! if we but knew for what we pined,

And yet she wept-it was her last farewell.
The years flow'd on in peace, and she was blest
Sooth'd ev'ry care, and heighten'd ev'ry joy.
In wedded love, her husband and her boy
Still her soul panted for her native home,
And chid the time which could her wish defer:
Counting the glad days which indeed might come,
Might come to all she lov'd-but not to her.
Shall I not grieve o'er thy untimely end?
Shall I not mourn thee, stranger, as thou art?-One after one appearing thro'
A second parent to my carliest friend,
Claims a warm place in this devoted heart.
And, gentle sister, tho' we'll hope thy gaze,
Now fix'd on brighter scenes, thy first grief fled:
Shall I not even at these distant days,
Weep o'er the grave o'er which thy tears were

Scant our desires for such a world I ween-
A world; a joyless waste where wretches weep,
And pain and sorrow their black vigils keep.
J. H.


[blocks in formation]


The blissful sky's ethereal blue,
The stars by their Creator given,
Salute the earth and light the heaven.
High o'er the mountain tops afar,

The moon rolls in her silent car.
And rivers underneath her light
Glide brightly thro' the hours of night.
Thousands, by Sleep's soft pow'r, have gleams
Of happiness in healthy dreams;
And Fancy's dear illusions give
Scenes in which Love could ever live.
How happy those whom Care forsakes,
Whom Sleep endears, whom Fancy takes;
For such Night sweetly dies away,
And gives the world another Day.


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