Obrázky stránek

Chronological Table

1682 Accession of Peter the Great. The Tsarevna Sophia Regent.
Outbreak of war between Austria and the Turks.

Brandenburg African Trading Company established at Königsberg.
Privileges of City of London and other towns attacked by the Crown.

1682-90 Sir John Child Governor of Bombay.

1683 February. Association against France formed at the Hague.


June. Rye House plot discovered. Execution of Russell and Sidney.
July. Siege of Vienna by the Turks begun.
September. Relief of Vienna by John Sobieski.

Death of Colbert.

December. War between France and Spain.

1684 March. The Holy League between Austria, Poland, and Venice, against the Turks.

August. Truce of Ratisbon between France and the Empire.

The Apologetical Declaration of the Scottish recusants.

Spener's Klagen.

1685 February. Death of Charles II of England and accession of James II. June. Risings of Monmouth and Argyll.

July. Monmouth defeated at Sedgmoor and executed.

August. Treaty of alliance between Great Elector and United Provinces.
Recapture of Neuhäusel from the Turks.

October. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

November. Edict of Potsdam.

1685-8 Reforms in English naval administration.

1686 March. Treaty of alliance between the Emperor and the Great Elector. July. Formation of the Augsburg Alliance.

September. Buda recovered from the Turks.
Leibniz' on the Calculus.

1687 January. Tyrconnel made Viceroy in Ireland.

Feb.-May. Diplomatic mission of Dykvelt in England.
April. The Declaration of Indulgence issued.

August. Turkish overthrow at Harkány, near Mohács.
Halifax' Letter to a Dissenter.

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September. Venetian siege and conquest of Athens.

November. Fagel's letter on Declaration of Indulgence.

December. Restoration of Austrian ascendancy in Hungary. Coronation

of Archduke Joseph.

Deposition of Mohammad IV and accession of Solyman II.

Newton's Principia. Pufendorf's De habitu religionis ad vitam civilem.
Dryden's Hind and Panther.

1688 May. Death of the Great Elector.

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Declaration of Indulgence ordered to be read in churches.
Petition of the Seven Bishops against reading of Declaration.

June. Birth of Prince James Edward (afterwards the "Old Pretender").
Trial and acquittal of the Seven Bishops. Invitation to William,
Prince of Orange.

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September. The Emperor takes Belgrade.


Army of Louis XIV advances on the middle Rhine.

Landing of William of Orange at Torbay.

December. William of Orange enters London. Flight of James II, and

fall of the House of Stewart.

Bossuet's Histoire des Variations des Églises Protestantes.

1689 February. Declaration of Right.

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William and Mary proclaimed King and Queen of England.

March. Rout of the Irish Protestants at Dromore.

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Kapfi, S. C. von. helmsdorf.

Latitudinarianism and Pietism

Die Würtembergischen Brüdergemeinden Kornthal und Wil-
Kornthal. 1839.

Palmer, C. von. Die Gemeinschaften u. Sekten Würtembergs. Tübingen. 1877.
Preger, W. Geschichte der Deutschen Mystik im Mittelalter. Leipzig. 1874.
Ritschl, A. Geschichte des Pietismus. Vol. I. Der Pietismus in der reformirten
Kirche. Vols. II and III. Der Pietismus in der Lutherischen Kirche des 17.
und 18. Jahr. 3 vols. Bonn. 1880-6. [The standard work on the subject.]
Schelwig, S. von. Sectirische Pietisterei. Dantzig. 1696. Part 1 at Hamburg.
Schmid, H. Die Geschichte des Pietismus. Nördlingen. 1863.
Sepp, C. Het Godgeleerd onderwijs in Nederland gedurende de 16 en 17 eeuwen.
Leyden. 1873, 1875.

Struve, B. G. Historie der Religionsbeschwerden zwischen den Katholiken u.
Evangelisten. Leipzig. 1722.

Tholuck, F. A. G. Der Geist der lutherischen Theologen Wittenbergs im 17. Jahrhundert. Hamburg. 1852.

Vorgeschichte des Rationalismus.

1 Abt. Das akademische Leben des

17. Jahrhunderts. 2 vols. Halle. 1853-4. 2 Abt.: Das kirchliche Leben des 17. Jahrh. 2 vols. 1861-2

Lebenszeugen der lutherischen Kirche. Wittenberg. 1624. Later edn. Gotha. 1859.

Die Mystik. Vortrag. Halle, Leipzig. 1853.

Walch, C. W. F. Entwurf einer Geschichte der Ketzereien etc.

zig. 1762-85.

11 vols. Leip

3. Biography and Letters

Bender, W. J. K. Dippel der Freigeist aus dem Pietismus. Bonn. 1882. Berkum, H. van. Jean de Labadie en de Labadisten. Sneek. 1851. Colerus, J. C. Historia Gottfridei Arnoldi. Wittenberg. 1718.

Engelhardt, M. von.

Dorpat. 1853.

V. E. Lodenstein in seinem Leben und Wirken dargestellt.

Guericke, H. E. F. A. H. Francke, eine Denkschrift. Halle. 1827.
Histoire curieuse de la vie, de la conduite et des vrais sentiments du Sr. Jean de

Labadie. The Hague. 1670.

Hossbach, W. Ph. J. Spener und seine Zeit. 2 vols. Berlin. 1828. 3rd edn. by Schweder. 1861.

Keulen, G. Geistliche und Erbauliche Briefe über das inwendige Leben und wahre Wesen des Christenthums von Tersteegen. Mühlhausen a/R. 1799. Tersteegen, der fromme Liederdichter. Mühlhausen a/R. 1853. Koelman, J. Der Labadisten dwalingen grondig ontdekt en wederlegt. Amsterdam.


Kramer, G. August Hermann Francke. Ein Lebensbild. Part I. Halle. 1880. Beiträge zur Geschichte Aug. Hermann Francke's. Halle. 1861. Lappenberg, J. M. Reliquien des Fräulein Susanna Catharina von Klettenberg. Hamburg. 1849.

Mohl, C. Die beiden Moser. In Monatsblätter zur Allgemeinen Zeitung. 1864. Pp. 359-85.

Moser, Joh. Jacob. Lebensgeschichte von ihm selbst beschrieben. Stuttgart.


Reitz, J. H. Historie der Wiedergeborenen. Idstein. 1717. [Part IV contains biography of Lodenstein.]

Rieger, Joh. Conrad. Die Würtemberger Tabea (= Beata Sturm). Stuttgart.


Schmied, A. Das Leben Joh. Jac. Moser's. Stuttgart. 1868.

Tholuck, F. A. G. Philipp Jakob Spener. In Realencyclopädie für protestantische Theologie. Vol. XIV, pp. 614–34. Gotha. 1861. Stuttgart. 1885.

Wächter, O. Joh. Jac. Moser dargestellt.

Chronological Table

1682 Accession of Peter the Great. The Tsarevna Sophia Regent. Outbreak of war between Austria and the Turks.


Brandenburg African Trading Company established at Königsberg.
Privileges of City of London and other towns attacked by the Crown.

1682-90 Sir John Child Governor of Bombay.

1683 February. Association against France formed at the Hague.

June. Rye House plot discovered. Execution of Russell and Sidney.
July. Siege of Vienna by the Turks begun.
September. Relief of Vienna by John Sobieski.

Death of Colbert.

December. War between France and Spain.

1684 March. The Holy League between Austria, Poland, and Venice, against the Turks.

August. Truce of Ratisbon between France and the Empire.

The Apologetical Declaration of the Scottish recusants.

Spener's Klagen.

1685 February. Death of Charles II of England and accession of James II. June. Risings of Monmouth and Argyll.

July. Monmouth defeated at Sedgmoor and executed.

August. Treaty of alliance between Great Elector and United Provinces.
Recapture of Neuhäusel from the Turks.

October. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

November. Edict of Potsdam.

1685-8 Reforms in English naval administration.

1686 March. Treaty of alliance between the Emperor and the Great Elector. July. Formation of the Augsburg Alliance.

September. Buda recovered from the Turks.
Leibniz' on the Calculus.

1687 January. Tyrconnel made Viceroy in Ireland.

Feb.-May. Diplomatic mission of Dykvelt in England.
April. The Declaration of Indulgence issued.

August. Turkish overthrow at Harkány, near Mohács.
Halifax' Letter to a Dissenter.

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September. Venetian siege and conquest of Athens.

November. Fagel's letter on Declaration of Indulgence.

December. Restoration of Austrian ascendancy in Hungary. Coronation

of Archduke Joseph.

Deposition of Mohammad IV and accession of Solyman II.

Newton's Principia. Pufendorf's De habitu religionis ad vitam civilem.
Dryden's Hind and Panther.

1688 May. Death of the Great Elector.

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Declaration of Indulgence ordered to be read in churches.
Petition of the Seven Bishops against reading of Declaration.

June. Birth of Prince James Edward (afterwards the "Old Pretender").
Trial and acquittal of the Seven Bishops. Invitation to William,
Prince of Orange.

September. The Emperor takes Belgrade.

Army of Louis XIV advances on the middle Rhine.

November. Landing of William of Orange at Torbay.

December. William of Orange enters London. Flight of James II, and fall of the House of Stewart.

Bossuet's Histoire des Variations des Églises Protestantes.

1689 February. Declaration of Right.

William and Mary proclaimed King and Queen of England.

March. Rout of the Irish Protestants at Dromore.

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1133 The Saxon North Mark (Brandenburg) conferred upon Albert the Bear. 1147 Foundation of Moscow.

1186 The Brandenburg Margraves establish a claim on Pomerania.

1226 The Margraves of Brandenburg acquire the Spree district. - Foundation of Berlin follows.

The Culm lands given to Hermann of Salza and the German Order. 1255 Building of Königsberg.

1311 The German Order secures Danzig.
1324-73 The Mark Brandenburg subject to the House of Wittelsbach.
1343 Peace of Kalisch between the German Order and Poland.
1374 The Mark Brandenburg united to the Bohemian Crown.
1385-8 Brandenburg mortgaged to the Margraves of Moravia.
1410 Polish victory over the German Knights at Tannenberg.
1411 First Peace of Thorn between Poland and the German Order.

1417 Investment of Frederick of Hohenzollern with the margravate of Bran-

1466 The Second or Perpetual Peace of Thorn between Poland and the German Order.

1472 Marriage of Ivan III of Russia and the Greek Princess Sophia.

1473 February. The Brandenburg Dispositio Achillea.

1525 Albert of Hohenzollern, formerly High Master of the German Order, invested with the secularised duchy of Prussia.

Giovio's Muscovy.

1533 Accession of Ivan IV, afterwards crowned Tsar (1547).

1543 Vesalius on Human Anatomy.

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Russian annexation of Kazan.

Sir Hugh Willoughby's expedition for the discovery of the Northern Passage. Foundation of the English "Muscovy Company."

1554 Russian annexation of Astrakhan.

1558-78 Gregory Stroganoff carries Russian colonisation beyond the Ural Moun


1560 The Academia Secretorum Naturae founded at Naples.


Gottfried Kettler, last High Master of the German Order in Livonia, becomes Duke of Courland.

1566 Administration of the see of Magdeburg secured to Joachim Frederick of


1569 Union of Poland and Lithuania at Lublin.

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1582-4 The Cossack Ermak Timotheevich captures Sibir. Russian subjugation

of Siberia follows.

1589 Foundation of Patriarchate of Moscow.

1589-91 Galileo at Pisa lays foundation of the science of Dynamics.

1591 Francis Vieta publishes his algebraic work.

1595 May. Peace of Teusin between Russia, Sweden, and Poland.

1605 Joachim Frederick of Brandenburg obtains administratorship of ducal

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1605-6 Rule of Dimitri the Pretender at Moscow.

1608 French colony at Quebec founded by Champlain.

1609 Invasion of Russia by King Sigismund of Poland.

Kepler publishes his development of the Copernican system of astronomy. 1612 Jacob Boehme's Aurora.

1613 1614

Michael Romanoff elected Tsar.

Treaty of Xanten regulates Brandenburg and Neuburg claims to Jülich-
Cleves-Berg inheritance.

Napier of Merchistoun on logarithms.

1616 Edict of Inquisition against Galileo's teaching of astronomy.

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Harvey's Exercitatio de Motu Cordis.

1632 War between Poland and Russia.

Galileo's dialogues on the Copernican theory of astronomy.

1634 Treaty of Polianovka between Poland and Russia.

1635 Truce of Stuhmsdorf between Sweden and Poland (including Prussia). 1637 Death of Bogislav XIV of Pomerania. Swedes remain in possession of duchy.

Descartes' Discours. Milton's Lycidas written.

1638 Death of Cornelius Jansen.

Publication of Chillingworth's Religion of Protestants.

1640 Death of George William of Brandenburg and accession of Frederick William (the Great Elector).

Posthumous publication of Jansen's treatise on the theology of St Augustine.

1641 Truce of Stockholm between Brandenburg and Sweden.


Milton's first pamphlet Of Reformation touching Church discipline in England.
English commercial treaty with Portugal.

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1648 War between Venice and the Turks. Beginning of siege of Candia. Ac

cession of Mohammad IV.

Bishoprics of Halberstadt and Minden secured by Brandenburg.
The Russian Sobor draws up a new Code of Laws (Ulozhenie).

1649 Portuguese Brazil Company established.

Condemnation by the Sorbonne of five propositions from Jansen's Augustinus.

1650-63 Portuguese thrown back by Dutch in Ceylon and Malabar.

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1652 Abdication of Christina of Sweden and accession of Charles Gustavus. Dutch East India Company form a settlement at the Cape of Good Hope.

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