Obrázky stránek


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David Porter born (1780); President and Vice-President chosen for the first time by the Electoral College (1789); George F. Edmunds born (1828); Texas seceded (1861).

Purification; Candlemas; Quinquagesima Sunday; treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo with Mexico signed (1848). Albert Sidney Johnston born (1803); Joseph E. Johnston born (1807); Horace Greeley born (1811); Elisha Kent Kane born (1820); Spencer F. Baird born (1823).

Shrove Tuesday; Josiah Quincy born (1772); John Mar-
shall born (1801); Mark Hopkins born (1802); South-
ern Confederacy formed (1861); Philippine insurrec-
tion started (1899).

Ash Wednesday; John Witherspoon born (1722); Zebulon
M. Pike born (1779); Hiram S. Maxim born (1840).
Aaron Burr born (1756); William M. Evarts born (1818);
James E. B. Stuart born (1833); capture of Fort
Herry, Tenn. (1862); Constitution ratified by Massa-
chusetts (1788).

Long distance telephone opened between New York and
Boston (1893).
First United States bank incorporated (1791); Richard
S. Ewell born (1817); William T. Sherman born
(1820); Jefferson Davis elected President of the Con-
federacy (1861).

Quadrigesima Sunday; Luther Martin born (1748); Will-
iam Henry Harrison born (1773); Samuel J. Tilden
born (1814); John A. Logan born (1826).

Isham G. Harris born (1818).

Daniel Boone born (1735); Alexander H. Stephens born
(1812); Thomas A. Edison born (1847).
Lincoln's Birthday; Abraham Lincoln born (1809);
Peter Cooper born (1791); William W. Story born

David Dudley Field born (1805); James B. Beck born
St. Valentine's Day; William and Mary College char-
tered (1693); Winfield S. Hancock born (1824); Oregon
admitted (1859); first telephone patented (1876); Ari-
zona admitted (1912).

John Bell born (1797); Susan B. Anthony born (1820);
S. Weir Mitchell born (1829); battleship Maine de-
stroyed in Havana Harbor (1898).

Henry Wilson born (1812): Henry Adams born (1838);
Fort Donelson surrendered (1862).

William L. Dayton born (1807).


George Peabody born (1795); Jefferson Davis inaugurated
Ohio admitted (1803); Francis P. Blair, jr., born (1821);
Edison phonograph patented (1878).

Joseph Jefferson born (1829).

Ebenezer R. Hoar born (1816); Washington Monument dedicated (1885).

Washington's Birthday; George Washington born (1732);
Rembrandt Peale born (1778); James Russell Lowell
born (1819); Florida ceded to United States by Spain
(1819); Battle of Buena Vista (1847); Wilmington,
N. C. captured (1865).

Henry Dearborn born (1751); John Quincy Adams died
William H. Crawford born (1772); Henry S. Lane born
(1811); George William Curtis born (1824); Arizona
Territory formed (1863).

Charles C. Pinckney born (1746); Vincennes, Ind.,
captured (1779).

Elihu Vedder born (1836); Eugene Schuyler born (1840).
Henry W. Longfellow born (1807).

Henry S. Foote born (1804); territorial government es

tablished in Colorado (1861).

The second greatest cattle raising country in the world is Russia.


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William Cushing born (1732); Territory of Illinois organized (1809); William D. Howells born (1837); Augustus St. Gaudens born (1848); Nebraska admitted (1867).

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Mid-Lent Sunday; De Witt Clinton born (1769); Samuel Houston born (1793); Carl Schurz born (1829); William B. Alison bolrn (1829); Decaration of Independence of Texas signed (1836).

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Independence of Texas recognized by the United States (1837); Florida admitted (1845); Alexander Graham Bell born (1847).

Inauguration Day; Casimir Pulaski born (1748); First Congress under the Constitution met (1789); Vermont admitted (1791).

Boston Massacre (1770); James Monroe inaugurated President (1821); Zachary Taylor inaugurated President (1849); Rutherford B. Hayes inaugurated President (1877)

Philip H. Sheridan born (1831); Massacre of the Alamo (1836); battle of Pea Ridge, Ark. (1862).

Millard Fillmore died (1874).

Simon Cameron born (1799); Matthew C. Butler born
(1836); Niagara Suspension Bridge opened (1855);
the Cumberland sunk by the Merrimac in Hampton
Roads (1862).

Passion Sunday; Americus Vespucius born (1451); Isaac
Hull born (1773); Edwin Forrest born (1806); David
Davis born (1815); Battle between the Monitor and
the Merrimac (1862).

Albany made the capital of the State of New York
(1797); Dudley Buck born (1839).


Robert Treat Paine born (1731); Francis Wayland born
John L. Worden born (1817); Simon Newcomb born (1835).
Magellan discovered the Philippine Islands (1521); sys-

tem of standard time established (1884).
Thomas H. Benton born (1782); cotton gin patented by
Eli Whitney (1794); Battle of Newbern, N. C. (1862).
Andrew Jackson born (1767); Battle of Guilford Court
House (1781); Maine admitted (1820); Michael C.
Kerr born (1827).

Palm Sunday; James Madison born (1751); West Point
Military Academy established (1802); Edmund Kirby
Smith born (1824).

St. Patrick's Day; William Pinkney born (1764); Roger
B. Taney born (1777); Walter L. Gresham born (1832).
John C. Calhoun born (1782); Grover Cleveland born


Thomas McKean born (1734); William J. Bryan born

Neal Dow born (1804); Charles W. Eliot born (1834).
Good Friday; Battle of Somerset, Ky. (1863).

Stamp Act became a law (1765); Braxton Bragg born


Easter Sunday; Purim; Don Carlos Buell born (1818);
Schuyler Colfax born (1823); Aguinaldo captured

Purim; Joel Barlow born (1764); Rufus King born (1755).
Annunciation (Lady Day); Lord Baltimore's first col-

ony landed in Maryland (1634).

Benjamin. Thompson (Count Rumford) born (1753).
Florida discovered by Ponce de Leon (1513); Vera Cruz

Wade Hampton born (1818).

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captured (1847).

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John Tyler born (1790).

89 30 Sun.

90 31 Mon.

Low Sunday; ether first used as an anæsthetic (1842);
Alaska purchased from Russia (1867); Fifteenth
Amendment to the Constitution went into force (1870).
Alexander B. Mott born (1826); John La Farge born

The Amazon River owes its name to Orellana, one of Pizarro's officers, who explored it in 1541.

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week.. Day of

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All Fools' Day; James McCosh born (1811); Henry B.
Anthony born (1815); Simon B. Buckner born (1823);
Edwin A. Abbey born (1852); Battle of Five Forks,
Va. (1865).

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Thomas Jefferson born (1743); United States Mint established (1792); Richmond evacuated (1865). Washington Irving born (1783); Mississippi Territory established (1798): Edward Everett Hale born (1822); John Burroughs born (1837).

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Confederate Memorial Day in Florida; Thaddeus Stevens
born (1793); James Freeman Clarke born (1810); Ed-
ward C. Walthall born (1831); President William
Henry Harrison died and John Tyler succeeded to
the Presidency.

Elihu Yale born (1649); Samuel F. Miller born (1816).
Confederate Memorial Day In Louisiana; William R.
King born (1785); Battle of Shiloh begun (1862).
William Ellery Channing born (1780); Battle of Shiloh

ended (1862).

Louisiana admitted (1812); Howell E. Jackson born (1332); Mergenthaler linotype patented (1890). Rufus Putnam born (1738); Army of Northern Virginia Lewis Wallace born (1827); The New-York Tribune first issued (1841).

surrendered (1865).

Edward Everett born (1794); Fort Pulaski surrendered
Henry Clay born (1777); Fort Sumter fired on (1861).
Present United States flag first raised (1818); Pennsyl-
vania Railroad Company organized (1846).
Justin S. Morrill born (1810); President Lincoln assas-

sinated (1865).

Marriage of Pocahontas (1614); first American theatre
opened in Pniladelphia (1754); John Lothrop Motley
born (1814); Joseph E. Brown born (1821); Henry
James, jr., born (1843); Andrew Johnson became
President, succeeding President Lincoln, who died
this day (1865).

Charles Wilson Peale born (1741); slavery abolished in
the District of Columbia (1862).
Samuel Chase born (1741); J. Pierpont Morgan born
(1837); Virginia seceded (1861).

Battle of Cerro Gordo (1847).
Roger Sherman born (1721); Revolutionary War begun
at Lexington (1775); hostilities end (1783); Clayton-
Bulwer Treaty signed (1850).

Siege of Boston begun (1775); Matthew C. Perry born
Battle of San Jacinto (1836); war declared against

Spain (1898).

First Day of Passover; Oklahoma opened to settlement
St. George's Day: James Buchanan born (1791); Stephen
John Trumbull born (1751); Farragut passed the forts

A Douglas born (1813).

below New Orleans (1862).

St. Mark; Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama and
Georgia; Frederick Law Olmsted born (1822).
War with Mexico declared (1846); General Joseph E.
Johnston surrendered to General Sherman (1865).
Rogation Sunday; Samuel F. B. Morse born (1791);
Ulysses S. Grant born (1822); Matanzas, Cuba, bom-
barded (1898).

James Monroe born (1758); Constitution ratified by
Maryland (1788); Baltimore & Ohio Railroad or-
ganized (1828).

Oliver Ellsworth born (1745).
President Washington inaugurated (1789); Louisiana
Purchase consummated (1803); Louisiana admitted

The name Australia, meaning the "southern Island," was adopted by the colony
In 1817.


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St. Phillp and St. James; Ascension (Holy) Thursday;
New Orleans occupied (1862); Battle of Chancellors-
ville begun (1863); Battle of Port Gibson (1863);
Battle of Manila Bay (1898).

Constitutional Convention assembled in Philadelphia
(1787); Battle of Chancellorsville continued (1863).
Jamaica discovered (1494); Lot M. Morrill born (1813).
James Audubon born (1782); William H. Prescott born
(1796); Horace Mann born (1796); Haymarket riot
in Chicago (1886).

Delaware ratified the Articles of Confederation (1779);
Battle of the Wilderness began (1864).
Arkansas seceded (1861); Sherman's March to the Sea
began (1864).
William Bainbridge born (1774); Territory of Indiana or-
ganized (1800); Joseph G. Cannon born (1836).
American Peace Society founded (1828); Battle of Palo

Alto (1846).

Jacob Brown born (1775); John Brown born (1800);
Battle of Resaca de la Palma (1846).

Confederate Memorial Day In North and South Caro-
lina; Fort Ticonderoga captured (1775); Montgomery
Blair born (1813); John Sherman born (1823); William
Windom born (1827); Centennial Exposition opened
at Philadelphia (1876); Pacific Railroad completed

Pentecost (Whitsunday); Charles W. Fairbanks born
(1852); Minnesota admitted (1858).

Charleston, S. C., captured by the British (1780); Robert
C. Winthrop born (1807); Battle of Spottsylvania
Court House (1864).

Society of the Cincinnati organized (1783); Zebulon B.
Vance born (1830).

Convention assembled to draft the Constitution (1787);
Lewis and Clark expedition begun (1804).
Maximilian abdicated as Emperor of Mexico (1867); Bat-
William H. Seward born (1801); Levi P. Morton born
(1824); Battle of Champion Hill, Miss. (1863).

tle of Resaca, Ga. (1864).

John F. Mercer born (1759).

Trinity Sunday; Père Marquette died (1675); Siege of

Vicksburg begun (1863).

Johns Hopkins born (1794); Cervera's fleet arrived in

Santiago, Cuba (1898).

North Carolina seceded (1861).
Reverdy Johnson born (1796).

Corpus Christi; Aaron Burr's trial for treason began
(1807); Preston S. Brooks assaulted Charles Sumner

Constitution ratified by South Carolina (1788); Ambrose E. Burnside born (1824); Henry M. Teller born (1830).

Stephen Girard born (1750); Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
opened (1830); Morse telegraph line from Baltimore
to Washington first used (1844).

Ralph Waldo Emerson born (1803).
Jonathan Edwards, jr., born (1745); Edward Livingston
born (1764); General Kirby Smith surrendered in
Texas, ending the Civil War (1865); President John-
son acquitted (1868).

born (1826).

Charles Francis Adams born (1835).
Pierre G. T. Beauregard born (1818); B. Gratz Brown
Charleston, S. C., settled (1670); Patrick Henry born
(1736); Rhode Island ratified the Constitution (1790);
Wisconsin admitted (1848).

Memorial Day; John A. McClernand born (1812).
Horatio Seymour born (1810); Walt Whitman born
(1819); Battle of Fair Oaks, Va, (1862); Johnstown,
Penn., flood (1889).

The famous "Almanach de Gotha" has been published annually at Gotha since 1764.

Day of

Day of

year... Day of


John Randolph born (1773); Philip Kearny born (1815);
John G. Saxe born (1816).

Jefferson Davis born (1808); Holiday In Alabama,
Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Ten-
nessee and Texas; Battle of Cold Water (1864).

John Eager Howard born (1752).
Bushrod Washington born (1762); Battle of Sandusky,

Ohio, with the Indian Alliance (1782).
Nathanael Greene born (1742); Nathan Hale born (1755);
John Trumbull born (1756); Nathaniel Gorham born

Resolution for independence introduced in Congress
(1776); Alfred Pleasanton born (1824).
Thomas Sully born (1783); David D. Porter born (1813);
Tennessee seceded (1861).

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Kentucky admitted (1792); Tennessee admitted (1796); Brigham Young born (1801); John B. Hood born (1831); John M. Harlan born (1833).

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John Howard Payne born (1791); Edmund Randolph
born (1820); Battle of Brandy Station (1863).
Battle of Big Bethel, Va. (1861); Battle of Rich Moun-
tain, W. Va. (1861).

St. Barnabas; First Day of Hebrew Pentecost; Josiah
Warren born (1741); Eli Thayer born (1819).
John A. Roebling born (1806); United States Army sailed

for Santiago, Cuba (1898).

Winfield Scott born (1786); Fitz-John Porter born (1822);
federal attack on Port Hudson repulsed (1863).
Flag Day; Stars and Stripes adopted by Congress (1777);
Lafayette arrived in America (1777); Harriet Beecher
Stowe born (1811).

Arkansas admitted (1836); patent to Goodyear for mak-
ing rubber (1844).

Battle of Camden, S. C. (1780).

Battle of Bunker Hill (1775); Washington chosen com-
mander in chief of the army (1775).
British evacuated Philadelphia (1778); war against Great
Britain declared (1812).

First Colonial Congress met (1754); Maine separated
from Massachusetts (1819); West Virginia admitted
(1863); battle between the Kearsarge and the Ala-
bama (1864).

Death of De Soto (1542); John T. Morgan born (1824);
Benjamin H. Bristow born (1832); Battle of Peach
Tree Creek, Ga. (1864).

Alexander J. Dallas born (1759); Daniel P. Tompkins
born (1774); Constitution ratified by New Hamp-
shire (1788), and became effective, New Hamp-
shire being the ninth state to ratify; Horatio King
born (1811); American army arrived in Cuba

Richard Hildreth born (1807); James H. Lane born
William Penn made his treaty with the Indians (1683);

John Jay born (1817).

St. John the Baptist; Henry Ward Beecher born (1813);
Battle of Las Guasimas, Cuba (1898).

Custer massacre (1876).

Arthur Middleton born (1742); Constitution ratified by
Virginia (1788); Abner Doubleday born (1819); Battle
of Mechanicsville, Va. (1862).

Battle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. (1864).
Battle of Fort Moultrie (1776); Battle of Monmouth, N.
J. (1778); Battle of Donaldsonville, La. (1863).
Ss. Peter and Paul; Columbus arrived at Hispaniola on
his fourth voyage (1502); St. George Tucker born
(1752); John Q. A. Ward born (1830); Battle of Sav-
age's Station and White Oak Swamp, Va., (1862).
William A. Wheeler born (1819); Battle of Frazer's Farm

The Amazon River was discovered by Vicente Yanez Pinzon in 1500.

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