FEBRUARY. David Porter born (1780); President and Vice-President chosen for the first time by the Electoral College (1789); George F. Edmunds born (1828); Texas seceded (1861). Purification; Candlemas; Quinquagesima Sunday; treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo with Mexico signed (1848). Albert Sidney Johnston born (1803); Joseph E. Johnston born (1807); Horace Greeley born (1811); Elisha Kent Kane born (1820); Spencer F. Baird born (1823). Shrove Tuesday; Josiah Quincy born (1772); John Mar- Ash Wednesday; John Witherspoon born (1722); Zebulon Long distance telephone opened between New York and Quadrigesima Sunday; Luther Martin born (1748); Will- Isham G. Harris born (1818). Daniel Boone born (1735); Alexander H. Stephens born David Dudley Field born (1805); James B. Beck born John Bell born (1797); Susan B. Anthony born (1820); Henry Wilson born (1812): Henry Adams born (1838); William L. Dayton born (1807). (1861). George Peabody born (1795); Jefferson Davis inaugurated Joseph Jefferson born (1829). Ebenezer R. Hoar born (1816); Washington Monument dedicated (1885). Washington's Birthday; George Washington born (1732); Henry Dearborn born (1751); John Quincy Adams died Charles C. Pinckney born (1746); Vincennes, Ind., Elihu Vedder born (1836); Eugene Schuyler born (1840). Henry S. Foote born (1804); territorial government es tablished in Colorado (1861). The second greatest cattle raising country in the world is Russia. MARCH. William Cushing born (1732); Territory of Illinois organized (1809); William D. Howells born (1837); Augustus St. Gaudens born (1848); Nebraska admitted (1867). Mid-Lent Sunday; De Witt Clinton born (1769); Samuel Houston born (1793); Carl Schurz born (1829); William B. Alison bolrn (1829); Decaration of Independence of Texas signed (1836). Independence of Texas recognized by the United States (1837); Florida admitted (1845); Alexander Graham Bell born (1847). Inauguration Day; Casimir Pulaski born (1748); First Congress under the Constitution met (1789); Vermont admitted (1791). Boston Massacre (1770); James Monroe inaugurated President (1821); Zachary Taylor inaugurated President (1849); Rutherford B. Hayes inaugurated President (1877) Philip H. Sheridan born (1831); Massacre of the Alamo (1836); battle of Pea Ridge, Ark. (1862). Millard Fillmore died (1874). Simon Cameron born (1799); Matthew C. Butler born Passion Sunday; Americus Vespucius born (1451); Isaac Albany made the capital of the State of New York (1796). Robert Treat Paine born (1731); Francis Wayland born tem of standard time established (1884). Palm Sunday; James Madison born (1751); West Point St. Patrick's Day; William Pinkney born (1764); Roger (1837). Thomas McKean born (1734); William J. Bryan born Neal Dow born (1804); Charles W. Eliot born (1834). Stamp Act became a law (1765); Braxton Bragg born (1815). Easter Sunday; Purim; Don Carlos Buell born (1818); Purim; Joel Barlow born (1764); Rufus King born (1755). ony landed in Maryland (1634). Benjamin. Thompson (Count Rumford) born (1753). Wade Hampton born (1818). captured (1847). John Tyler born (1790). 89 30 Sun. 90 31 Mon. Low Sunday; ether first used as an anæsthetic (1842); The Amazon River owes its name to Orellana, one of Pizarro's officers, who explored it in 1541. week.. Day of APRIL. 19 All Fools' Day; James McCosh born (1811); Henry B. Thomas Jefferson born (1743); United States Mint established (1792); Richmond evacuated (1865). Washington Irving born (1783); Mississippi Territory established (1798): Edward Everett Hale born (1822); John Burroughs born (1837). Confederate Memorial Day in Florida; Thaddeus Stevens Elihu Yale born (1649); Samuel F. Miller born (1816). ended (1862). Louisiana admitted (1812); Howell E. Jackson born (1332); Mergenthaler linotype patented (1890). Rufus Putnam born (1738); Army of Northern Virginia Lewis Wallace born (1827); The New-York Tribune first issued (1841). surrendered (1865). Edward Everett born (1794); Fort Pulaski surrendered sinated (1865). Marriage of Pocahontas (1614); first American theatre Charles Wilson Peale born (1741); slavery abolished in Battle of Cerro Gordo (1847). Siege of Boston begun (1775); Matthew C. Perry born Spain (1898). First Day of Passover; Oklahoma opened to settlement A Douglas born (1813). below New Orleans (1862). St. Mark; Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama and James Monroe born (1758); Constitution ratified by Oliver Ellsworth born (1745). The name Australia, meaning the "southern Island," was adopted by the colony MAY. St. Phillp and St. James; Ascension (Holy) Thursday; Constitutional Convention assembled in Philadelphia Delaware ratified the Articles of Confederation (1779); Alto (1846). Jacob Brown born (1775); John Brown born (1800); Confederate Memorial Day In North and South Caro- Pentecost (Whitsunday); Charles W. Fairbanks born Charleston, S. C., captured by the British (1780); Robert Society of the Cincinnati organized (1783); Zebulon B. Convention assembled to draft the Constitution (1787); tle of Resaca, Ga. (1864). John F. Mercer born (1759). Trinity Sunday; Père Marquette died (1675); Siege of Vicksburg begun (1863). Johns Hopkins born (1794); Cervera's fleet arrived in Santiago, Cuba (1898). North Carolina seceded (1861). Corpus Christi; Aaron Burr's trial for treason began Constitution ratified by South Carolina (1788); Ambrose E. Burnside born (1824); Henry M. Teller born (1830). Stephen Girard born (1750); Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Ralph Waldo Emerson born (1803). born (1826). Charles Francis Adams born (1835). Memorial Day; John A. McClernand born (1812). The famous "Almanach de Gotha" has been published annually at Gotha since 1764. week.. month. year... Day of JUNE. John Randolph born (1773); Philip Kearny born (1815); Jefferson Davis born (1808); Holiday In Alabama, John Eager Howard born (1752). Ohio, with the Indian Alliance (1782). Resolution for independence introduced in Congress Kentucky admitted (1792); Tennessee admitted (1796); Brigham Young born (1801); John B. Hood born (1831); John M. Harlan born (1833). John Howard Payne born (1791); Edmund Randolph St. Barnabas; First Day of Hebrew Pentecost; Josiah for Santiago, Cuba (1898). Winfield Scott born (1786); Fitz-John Porter born (1822); Arkansas admitted (1836); patent to Goodyear for mak- Battle of Camden, S. C. (1780). Battle of Bunker Hill (1775); Washington chosen com- First Colonial Congress met (1754); Maine separated Death of De Soto (1542); John T. Morgan born (1824); Alexander J. Dallas born (1759); Daniel P. Tompkins Richard Hildreth born (1807); James H. Lane born John Jay born (1817). St. John the Baptist; Henry Ward Beecher born (1813); Custer massacre (1876). Arthur Middleton born (1742); Constitution ratified by Battle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. (1864). The Amazon River was discovered by Vicente Yanez Pinzon in 1500. |