213, 214 Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. ..537 Cheese, production of, U. S304, 305 .182-183, 580 Cheese, filled, internal revenue tax on.266 Bureau of Licenses, N. Y. City Bureau of Pensions, U. S...189-192, 401,579 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- Bureau, Weather, U. S....209, 210, 579 Chicago, Great Western Railroad.......745 Butter, production of, U. S304, 305 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- Capitalization of railroads, U. S..322 - Taxes and valuations of. 480, 481 Capitals, foreign. See under countries. -Works operated by. .481 -Population of states, etc., 1910..214, 215 Cleveland, metropolitan district of......220 Coke, production in United States..311, 312 Senators elected in 1912... College, Electoral, United States. ..365 -Treaties ratified, 1911-'12147-163 Congregational officers, etc. 61 Court of Claims, New York State, abol- -Appropriations of 62d, second session, Courts of New York City. .540-542 Episcopal Sees and bishops, Methodist. 409 Florida: General information.......449-488 -Sees and bishops, Protestant. 407, 408, 768 - Military forces -Trade with U. S... 619, 620, 635 Hogs on farms, U. S........ .....489 Holidays, legal .519 Holland-America S. S. Line.. 517, 518 Homes for soldiers Gold: Coinage of U. S. mints....240, 241 -Trade with U. S.... 29 62 16-28 ...685 303, 304 ..338 ..620 519 Honduras: General information. 496-499 .519-Military service 507 .507 -Coins of foreign nations. 83-85 Hop crop of the world. .291, 292 -Coins of U. S.... ..246 Horizon at sea level. 50 -Exports and imports, U. S. Horse racing .679-682 243, 244, 252, 263 Horses on farms, U. S.... .303, 304 --Exports and imports, principal coun- House of Representatives, U. S., 62d tries 243, 244 Congress 598-601 Grain and seeds, adulterated, excluded..144 -Election tables Grand Trunk R. R. of Canada Great Britain: General information..496-499 -Election tables -Colonies and dependencies... -Constitution and government. -Military service -Trade with U. S.... Great Lakes, commerce of. Greek Church calendar .241, 242 -63d Congress .602-605 241-243 -Clerks of 391, 392 244, 245 -Representation of States in. .366, 367 1492.....246 - Speakers of .390, 391 .663-666 House flags on transatlantic steamers..339 32 Human family, races of...... ...60, 61 559-563 Hungary. See Austria-Hungary. 495-529 Hunter's moon 51 488-495 Hurdle racing 671, 672 .576-637 Hurricane warnings 209, 210 ..580 I. .563-565 ..488-495 Idaho: General information. .449-488 692, 693 |