over tion Population of cities, U. S., 100,000 or Progressive party: National organiza....216, 217 .363, 364, 768 -Of cities between 25,000 and 100,000. -New York State organization.........572 216-220- State committee chairmen -Of cities and towns between 3,000 and Prohibition in states 25,000 365 .....463, 464 222-228 Prohibition Party: National Committee.364 53 -National platform and candidates, 53 340, 360 society publications Postal bids, collusion in.... Of large cities of the world. Of continents 1912 -Indian, U. S. -Of foreign countries -Of metropolitan districts Of N. Y. City -Of N. Y. State Of states, U. S., 1910....... -Of states, 1800-1910. -Of towns and cities of New 561-563 Protestant Episcopal Church .568, 569 -Bishops of .214, 215 - Number of members 451, 452 - Organizations and agencies. .....569 Protestants, number of. color and Providence, metropolitan district 407-409 407, 408 402-406 408, 409 406, 407 61 of....221 ..228-231 Public and patriotic societies .439-448 .....146 Population, U. S., common school......429 Public lands of the U. S. Postage rates on fraternal and other Pupils, school, in N. Y. City. -Employes, organizations of 170 Quartermaster Corps, U. S. A..........615 .170 Race, population according to U. S.....228 135 Races of mankind... ...550 135, 136 - In United States 430, 431 Q. 173-175 Queens County officials ..543 R. ..60, 61 -Rural delivery .171 Radio communication, international Postal Savings Banks in U. S. .170 treaty 151-155 -In foreign countries 170, 171 Radio communication regulated ..121-125 Postal Service 169, 175 Radio equipments on steamers. ..125 Postmasters, fourth class, transferred to Railroads: Accidents Pounds and tons in use in U. S......78, 79 - Locomotives in use. Premature birth, deaths from. Presbyterian Church -Members of -Property of 134-Dividends .323 134 -Employes .326, 327 285, 286 -Funded debt 322 285 -Income account 323-325 ..327 483 -Mileage .320-322 410, 411 -Operating expenses 325 402-406 -Operating revenues 325 410, 411 - Passenger and freight service. 326 406, 407 -Stock and dividends 323 Presbyterian Church South. 411 -Taxes and assessments 325, 326 President U. S... 576 -Traffic, summary of .310 President: Vote for, since 1789. -Tunnels 64 367-369, 371-375-Wages of employes 327 -Vote for, electoral..367-369, 371-375 Railroad ownership of steamship -Vote for, popular .376-381, 767 legislation regulations lines, .119, 120 Presidential candidates, 1912. Presidents of foreign republics... 340 Railroads and liquor transportation....164 111 Rainfall and temperature, U. S. and principal cities of the world... 68-71 .381-387 Ratio of representation in Congress...366 Presidents of the early Congresses.....392 - In Electoral College. 496 Reading Railroad Presidents of the United States...387, 388 Réaumur thermometer Presidents pro tempore of the Senate.. Rear admirals U. S. Ν..... expenditures, .365 ....748 ..82, 83 .623-626 platform, 1912 tion -Vote for: 1912. See under states. Republic, Grand Army of the. Officials, N. Y. City.... Republican party: National organiza- -Expenditures -New York State organization. 402-406-Military service ..... 413, 414 -Trade with U. S .511 ..511 66 R. R. .558 -Metropolitan district of. ...672 Salvage at sea, legislation affecting ...141 36, 38 402-419 Sault Ste. Marie Canal. 64 of....366 -Tonnage of ..330 366, 367 Savings banks 238-240 .575 .602-605 -Postal .170 Scandinavian-American S. S. Line. 338 442 School attendance, N. Y. City .550 .538 Rochester, metropolitan district of..... 221 - Secretaries of tions 245 83-85 246 .243, 244 tion -Of the Army of the Ohio... - Of the Army of the Tennessee. -Of the Army and Navy of the Con- -Thoroughbred racing federate States, State of Maryland..440 -Of Colonial Dames. -Of U. S. Daughters of 1812. Societies, patriotic and public. Solicitors General Sons of the American Revolution. South African Union: General -Constitution and government. -Trade with U. S...... South America South American steamship -Election tables. -Military forces -State officials South Dakota: General -Election tables -Military forces -State officials .447, 448 Standards of beauty.. ..523 - Distance from the earth. information.449-488 State Department 716, 717 - Assistant Secretaries of. .619, 620, 631 - Secretaries of. 494 State Federation of Women's Clubs....448 information..449-488 States: General information. Southern Education Board. Southern Pacific Railroad 215, 216, 449-450 239, 240 686-784, 758-768 488-495 454-456 446 -Rowing 440 -Running 674-677 667-669 680-682 ..672 672, 673 669-671 446-Skating ..666 .447 -Swimming 685, 686 .679, 680 91 41-43 46, 47 50 36 .209 .448 577 .398 381-387 .449-495 Specie, imports and exports of......262, 263 -Popular election of Senators. 460 Special Sessions Court, N. Y. City......541 -Population of... -Path through Zodiac... 35 Transportation statistics 33, 36 Travellers' Aid Society. 35-Assistant Secretaries of..... .330-330 448 .577, 578 ....398 Supreme Court, New York State.559-561, 768 -Secretaries of .381-387 -Appellate Divisions 350, 560 Treasury, U. S.: Bonds on deposit ited 266-269 Supreme Court, U. S......393, 394, 605-610-Bonds held in trust by. Supreme Court decisions, 1912.164-166--Debt statement 165, 166-Internal Revenue receipts. -Initiative and referendum upheld.....165-Receipts and expenditures. -Inventors' monopoly and selling con -Reports of banks to... tracts -Liability Law, employes'. 165 Treaties ratified, 1911-'12. -Missouri anti-trust laws approved....165 Britain 260-262 235-239 147-163 Great 148, 149 161-163 163 .155-161 149-151 151-155 32 .525 Trust companies, N. Y. State. ..141 Trust companies, U. S........ Tax Commission, New York State...... 559 Tuberculosis, deaths from 35 ...622 680, 681 .574, 575 239, 240 .483 516, 517 64 496-499 Swimming Switzerland т. Tarsney law repealed. 496-499, Tax rates of cities, United States... 480, 481 Tunnels, longest Taxes and assessments of railroads Turkey: General information. United States Tea, international trade in..... 325, 326 Constitution and government. .301, 302-Military service .527, 528 528 Technology, schools of....... ..427, 428 - Trade with U. S. 528 Telegraphs and telephones. 331-333 Turkish-Balkan States war. 739 Temperature, average, U. S......68, 69, 70 Turko-Italian war and treaty Territorial judges, U. S.................611 Union Society of the Civil War..........448 Territories, U. S. See under states and Union of South Africa. See South 619, 620 Union Pacific-Southern Pacific merger ......494 decision Tonnage of canals in N. Y. State.......575 -Diplomatic service..594-397,580-595,768 -Entered and cleared in U. S258, 259 -Executive departnients .381-387, 576-580 -Of American marine. -Of warships of principal nations..532-536 -Exports and imports ....247-256, 262, 263 .239-260-Expenditures and revenue.260-262 ..232-247, 260-263 .185-189 U. S. Soldiers' Home Commission.......620 -State officials. 495 Universalist Church, members of...402-406 Wheat crop, United States. 274, 275 -Officers of 414 -Of the world. ..272-274 -Property of 406, 407 -International trade in.. 275, 276 University Forum of America.. 448 Wheat flour, international trade in.....276 University Regents, N. Y. State. .558 Whiskey, consumption of. 307 Universities 419-428-Production of.. 306 722, 723 -International Suffrage Alliance...462, 463 .619, 620 National American Woman Suffrage Vernal equinox, meridian passage of... 43 - National Association Vessels of the U. S. Navy..532-536, 626-629 Vessels of foreign navies Vice-President U. Vice-Presidential candidates, 1912. S... Opposed to 461 Association Woman Suffrage 462 532-536 -New York State Association Opposed 340 .462 to Woman Suffrage..... 595 -New York State Woman Suffrage As .388 sociation 461 Vice-Presidents of the U. S...... 494 World's championship, baseball....653, 654 39 Wrecks on coasts of United States.184, 185 ..88, 89, 482-486 Wyoming: General information.....449-488 .376-381, 767 - State officials. -Popular vote for Vienna, population of....... -Election tables -Military forces -State officials Visibility of planets Vital statistics Votes in the Electoral College. .367-376 - Election tables. -Military forces. President Vote in states. See under states. Y. -For New York City officials......550-557 Yachting W. Warships of principal nations.......532-536-Sun's path through. -Assistant Secretaries of. -America's Cup races. .727 .619, 620 495 .661, 662 661 ...750 Young Men's Christian Association..418, 419 525 .644 398 Zinc, production of, United States. 315, 316 381-387 -Of the world.... ..315 .34, 35 .34, 35 35 |