officer at any port, they shall be countersigned by him; and where there is a surveyor but no naval officer, they shall be countersigned by him; and a copy of each shall be transmitted to the said register, who shall cause a record to be kept of the same. 11. SECT. XI. Where any citizen or citizens of the united states shall purchase, or become owner or owners of any ship or vessel, entitled to be registered, by virtue of this act, such ship or vessel, being within any district, other than the one in which he or they usually reside, such ship or vessel shall be entitled to be registered by the collector of the district, where such ship or vessel may be, at the time of his or their becoming owner or owners thereof, upon his or their complying with the provisions herein before prescribed, in order to the registry of ships or vessels: And the oath or affirmation which is required to be taken, may, at the option of such owner or owners, be taken, either before the collector of the district, comprehending the port to which such ship or vessel may belong, or before the collector of the district, within which, such ship or vessel may be, either of whom, is hereby empowered to administer the same : Provided nevertheless, That whenever such ship or vessel shall arrive within the district, comprehending the port to which such ship or vessel shall belong, the certificate of registry, which shall have been obtained, as aforesaid, shall be delivered up to the collector of such district, who, upon the requisites of this act, in order to the registry of ships or vessels, being complied with, shall grant a new one, in lieu of the first; and the certificate, so delivered up, shall forthwith be returned by the collector who shall receive the same, to the collector who shall have granted it: And if the said first mentioned certificate of registry, shall not be delivered up, as above directed, the owner or owners, and the master of such ship or vessel, at the time of her said arrival within the district comprehending the port to which such ship or vessel may belong, shall, severally, forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars, to be reGovered, with costs of suit; and the said certificate of registry, shall be thenceforth void. And in case any of the matters of fact, in the said oath or affirmation alleged, which shall be within the knowledge of the party so swearing or affirming, shall not be true, there shall be a forfeiture of the ship or vessel, together with her tackle, furniture and apparel, in respect to which, the same shall have been made, or of the value thereof, to be recovered, with costs of suit, of the person by whom such oath or affirmation shall have been made: Provided always, That if the master, or person having the charge or command of such ship or vessel, shall be within the district aforesaid, when application shall be made for registering the same, he shall, himself, make oath or af firmation, instead of the said owner, touching his being a citizen, and the means whereby, or manner in which, he is so a citizen; in which case, if what the said master, or person having the said charge or command, shall so swear or affirm, shall not be true, the forfeiture aforesaid shall not be incurred, but he shall, himself, forfeit and pay, by reason thereof, the sum of one thousand dollars. 12. SECT. XII. When any ship or vessel, entitled to be registered, pursuant to this act, shall be purchased by an agent or attorney for, or on account of a citizen or citizens of the united states, such ship or vessel, being in a district of the united states, more than fifty miles distant, taking the nearest usual route by land, from the one comprehending the port to which, by virtue of such purchase, and by force of this act, such ship or vessel ought to be deemed to belong, it shall be lawful for the collector of the district, where such ship or vessel may be, and he is hereby required, upon the application of such agent or attorney, to proceed to the registering of the said ship or vessel, the said agent or attorney, first complying, on behalf, and in the stead of, the owner or owners thereof, with the requisites prescribed by this act, in order to the registry of ships or vessels, except, that in the oath or affirmation, which shall be taken by the said agent or attorney, instead of swearing or affirming that he is owner, or an owner of such ship or vessel, he shall swear or affirm, that he is agent or attorney for the owner or owners thereof, and that he hath bona fide purchased the said ship or vessel, for the person or persons, whom he shall name and describe as the owner or owners thereof: Provided nevertheless, That whenever such ship or vessel shall arrive within the district comprehending the port. to which such ship or vessel shall belong, the certificate of registry, which shall have been obtained, as aforesaid, shall be delivered up to the collector of such district, who, upon the requisites of this act, in order to the registry of ships or vessels, being complied with, shall grant a new one, in lieu of the first; and the certificate, so delivered up, shall forthwith be returned by the collector, who shall transmit the same to the collector who shall have granted it. And if the said first mentioned certificate of registry, shall not be delivered up, as above directed, the owner or owners, and the master of such ship or vessel, at the time of her said arrival within the district comprehending the port to which she may belong, shall, severally, forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered, with costs of suit, and the said certificate of registry shall be thenceforth void. And in case, any of the matters of fact, in the said oath or affirmation alleged, which shall be within the knowledge of the party, so swearing or affirming, shall not be true, there shall be a forfeiture of the ship or vessel, together with her tackle, furniture and apparel, in respect to which, the same shall have been made, or of the value thereof, to be recovered, with costs of suit, of the person by whom such oath or affirmation shall have been made: Provided always, That if the master, or person having the charge or command of such ship or vessel,shall be within the district aforesaid, when application shall be made for registering the same, he shall, himself, make oath or affirmation, instead of the said agent or attorney, touching his being a citizen, and the means whereby, or manner in which, he is so a citizen; in which case, if what the said master, or person having the said charge or command, shall so swear or affirm, shall not be true, the forfeiture aforesaid shall not be incurred, but he shall, himself, forfeit and pay, by reason thereof, the sum of one thousand dollars. 13. SECT. XIII. If the certificate of the registry of any ship or vessel shall be lost or destroyed, or mislaid, the master, or other person having the charge or command thereof, may make oath or affirmation, before the collector of the district where such ship or vessel shall first be, after such loss, destruction, or mislaying, who is hereby authorized to administer the same, which oath or affirmation shall be of the form following: "I (inserting here the name of the person swearing or affirming) being master (or having the charge or command) of the ship or vessel, called the (inserting the name of the vessel) do swear (or affirm) that the said ship, or vessel hath been, as I verily believe, registered, according to law, by the name of (inserting again the name of the vessel) and that a certificate thereof was granted by the collector of the district of (naming the district, where registered) which cer, tificate has been lost (or destroyed, or unintentionally and by mere accident mislaid, as the case may be) and (except, where the certifi cate is alleged to have been destroyed) that the same, if found again, and within my power, shall be delivered up to the collector of the dise trict, in which it was granted;" which oath, or affirmation shall be subscribed by the party making the same, and upon such oath or affirmation being made, and the other requisites of this act, in order to the registry of ships, or vessels, being complied with, it shall be lawful for the collector of the district, before whom such oath or affirmation is made, to grant a new register, inserting therein, that the same is issued, in the room of the one lost or destroyed. But in all cases, where a register shall be granted, in lieu of the one lost or destroyed, by any other than the collector of the district, to which the ship, or vessel actually belongs, such register shall, within ten days, after her first arrival within the district to which she belongs, be delivered up to the collector of the said district, who shall, thereupon, grant a new register, in lieu thereof. And in case the master, or com mander shall neglect to deliver up such register, within the time afore. said, he shall forfeit one hundred dollars; and the former register shall become null and void, 14. SECT. XIV. When any ship or vessel, which shall have been registered, pursuant to this act, or the act hereby, in part, repealed, shall, in whole, or in part, be sold, or transferred to a citizen or citizens of the united states, or shall be altered in form, or burthen, by being lengthened, or built upon, or from one denomination to another, by the mode or method of rigging or fitting, in every such case the said ship or vessel shall be registered anew, by her former name, according to the directions herein before contained, (otherwise she shall cease to be deemed a ship or vessel of the united states) and her for mer certificate of registry shall be delivered up to the collector to whom application for such new registry shall be made, at the time, that the same shall be made,to be by him transmitted to the register of the treasury, who shall cause the same to be cancelled. And in every such case of sale or transfer, there shall be some instrument of writing, in the nature of a bill of sale, which shall recite, at length, the said certificate, otherwise the said ship or vessel shall be incapable of being so registered anew, And in every case, in which a ship or ves sel is hereby required to be registered anew, if she shall not be so registered anew, she shall not be entitled to any of the privileges or be nefits of a ship or vessel of the united states. And further, if her said former certificate of registry shall not be delivered up as aforesaid, ex, rept where the same may have been destroyed, lost, or unintentionally mislaid, and an oath or affirmation thereof shall have been made, as aforesaid, the owner or owners of such ship or vessel shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered, with costs of suit. 15. SECT. XV. When the master, or person having the charge or command of a chip or vessel, registered pursuant to this act, or the act hereby in part repealed, shall be changed, the owner, or one of the owners, or the new master of such ship or vessel, shall report such change to the collector of the district where the same shall happen, or where the said ship or vessel shall first be, after the same shall have happened, and shall produce to him the certificate of registry of such ship or vessel, and shall make oath or affirmation, shewing that such new master is a citizen of the united states, and the manner in which, or means whereby, he is so a citizen; whereupon the said collector shall endorse upon the said certificate of registry, a memorandum of such change, specifying the name of such new master, and shall subscribe the said memorandum with his name, and if other than the collector of the district, by whom the said certificate of registry, shall have been granted, shall transmit a copy of the said memorandum to him, with notice of the particular ship or vessel to which it shall relate; and the collector of the district, by whom the said certificate shall have been granted, shall make a like memorandum of such change, in his book of registers, and shall transmit a copy thereof, to the register of the treasury. And if the said change shall not be reported, or if the said oath or affirmation shall not be taken, as above directed, the registry of such ship or vessel shall be void, and the said master, or person, having the charge or command of her, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars. SECT, XVI. If any ship or vessel, heretofore registered, or which shail hereafter be registered, as a ship or vessel of the united states, shall be sold or transferred, in whole or in part by way of trust, confidence or otherwise, to a subject or citizen of any foreign prince or state, and such sale or transfer shall not be made known, in manner herein before directed, such ship or vessel, together with her tackle, apparel and furniture, shall be forfeited: Provided, That if such ship or vessel shall be owned in part only, and it shall be made appear to the jury, before whom the trial for such forfeiture shall be had,that any other owner of such ship or vessel, being a citizen of the united states, was wholly ignorant of the sale or transfer to, or ownership of, such foreign subject or citizen, the share or interest of such citizen of the united states shall not be subject to such forfeiture; and the residue only shall be so forfeited. 16. SECT. XVII. Upon the entry of every ship or vessel of the united states, from any foreign port or place, if the same shall be at the port or place, at which the owner, or any of the part-owners reside, such owner or part-owner shall make oath or affirmation, that the re gister of such ship or vessel contains the name or names of all the persons, who are then owners of the said ship or vessel; or if any part of such ship or vessel has been sold or transferred, since the granting of such register, that such is the case, and that no foreign subject or citi. zen hath, to the best of his knowledge and belief, any share, by the way of trust, confidence, or otherwise, in such ship or vessel. And if the owner, or any part-owner, shall not reside at the port or place, at which such ship or vessel shall enter, then the master or commander shall make oath or affirmation, to the like effect. And if the owner, or part-owner, where there is one, or the master or commander, where there is no owner, shall refuse to swear or affirm as aforesaid, such ship or vessel shall not be entitled to the privileges of a ship or vessel of the united states. 17. SECT. XVIII. In all cases, where the master, commander, or owner of a ship or vessel, shall deliver up the register of such ship or vessel, agreeable to the provisions of this act, if to the collector of the district, where the same shall have been granted, the said collector shall, thereupon, cancel the bond, which shall have been given at the time of granting such register; or, ifto the collector of any other district, such collector shall grant to the said master, commander, or owner, a receipt or acknowledgment, that such register has been delivered to him, and the time, when; and upon such receipt being produced to the collector, by whom the register was granted, he shall cancel the bond of the party, as if the register had been returned to him. 18. SECT. XIX. The collector of each district shall progressively number the certificates of the registry by him granted, beginning anew, at the commencement of each year, and shall enter an exact copy of each certificate, in a book to be kept for that purpose; and shall, once in three months, transmit to the register of the treasury, copies of all the certificates, which shall have been granted by him, including the number of each. 19. SECT. XX. Every ship or vessel, built in the united states, after the fifteenth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eightynine, and belonging wholly, or in part, to the subjects of foreign powers, in order to be entitled to the benefits of a ship, built and recorded in the united states, shall be recorded in the office of the collector of the district, in which such ship or vessel was built, in manner following, that is to say; the builder of every such ship or vessel shall make oath or affirmation, before the collector of such district, who is hereby authorized to administer the same, in manner following: "I (inserting here the name of such builder) of (inserting here the place of his residence) shipwright, do swear (or affirm) that (describing here the kind of vessel, as, whether ship, brig, snow, schooner, sloop, or whatever else) named (inserting here the name of the ship or vessel) having (inserting here the number of decks) and being, in length, (inserting here the number of feet) in breadth (inserting here the number of feet) in depth (inserting here the number of feet) and measuring (inserting here the number of tons) having (specifying, whether any or no) gallery, and (also specifying, whether any or no) head, was built by me, or under my direction, at (naming the place, county, and state) in the united states, in the year (inserting here the number of the year;") which oath, or affirmation, shall be subscribed by the person making the same, and shali be recorded in a book, to be kept, by the said collector, for that purpose. |