Obrázky stránek
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Mr. Howard to Mr. Bryan Aug. 8 (telegram).

Same subject. The President assures him that he
will take every precaution to safeguard the ex-
President; cause of his arrest; his friends are try-
ing to persuade him to go abroad.

Same to same (telegram)......do.... Boundary dispute between Peru and Ecuador. The

Mr. Pezet to Mr. Bryan.... Aug. 10

President of Peru has proposed to Ecuador, if that Government fears arbitration, that a tentative boundary line for each country be agreed on, beyond which the award should not be effective. Same subject. Incloses a memorandum of the Government of Peru enlarging upon the views already expressed; historical review of the boundary dispute from 1887; reaffirmation of Peru's position; discrepancies of Ecuador's various policies; review of arbitral events in Latin America; insistence on arbitration as the only feasible means of settlement.

Mr. Howard to Mr. Bryan ...do.... Arrest, imprisonment and deportation of ex-Presi(telegram).

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wicker Aug. 11 (telegram).

231 Mr. Howard to Mr. Bryan. Aug. 19

Mr. Wicker to Mr. Bryan Aug. 20 (telegram).

396 Same to same..

Sept. 2

Same to same (telegram)... Sept. 9

Osborne to Mr. Pezet....... Sept. 10

Sir Cecil Spring Rice to...do....
Mr. Bryan

Mr. Bryan to Mr. McAdoo. Sept. 11

Mr. Paredes to Mr. Bryan.. Sept. 12

dent Leguía. Ex-President Leguía and his son
sailed this day for Panama.

Same subject. Instructs him to extend courtesies
to ex-President Leguía on his arrival in Panama.
Same subject. Enlarges on previous communica-
tions: gives information showing that the Peruvian
Government has recognized the right of a political
refugee to seek and be accorded asylum in the lega-
tion of a foreign country; says that the departure
of the ex-President appears to be due to deporta-

Same subject. Refers to Department's Aug. 11; he
met the ex-President on his arrival and escorted
him to his hotel; he will sail for New York in
about two weeks.

Tacna-Arica dispute between Peru and Chile; good
offices of the United States and other Governments.
No progress has been made since his No. 384 of
Apr. 29 in the Chile-Peru negotiations; gives de-
tails of the attitude of Chile.

Arrest, imprisonment and deportation of ex-Presi-
dent Leguía. The ex-President and his sons José
and Juan sailed this day for New York.
Boundary dispute between Peru and Ecuador. Ac-
knowledges his Aug. 10.

Slavery in Peru; joint investigation by the Govern-
ments of the United States and Great Britain.
Refers to Mr. Knox's Feb. 25 and inquires what
conclusions this Government has arrived at in the

Arrest, imprisonment and deportation of ex-Presi-
dent Leguía. Requests for the ex-President and
his sons the usual courtesies on their arrival in
New York.

Same subject. Requests permission to meet the ex-
President at quarantine on his arrival at New

Mr. Davis to Mr. Paredes Sept. 15 | Same subject. Refers to his Sept. 12 and informs
him of his request of the Treasury Department to
permit him to meet the ex-President at quaran


Mr. Osborne to Sir Cecil Sept. 18 Slavery in Peru; joint investigation by the Govern-
Spring Rice.

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Pezet.... Sept. 24 166 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Harvey.. Oct. 1

ments of the United States and Great Britain. Refers to the Ambassador's Sept. 10 and replies that the Department will communicate with him further in the near future. Boundary dispute between Peru and Ecuador. Acknowledges his July 18. Tacna-Arica dispute between Peru and Chile. Refers to Mr. Fletcher's No. 396 of Sept. 2 and instructs him to keep the Department informed. 273 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Bryan.. Nov. 17 Same subject. Incloses copies of correspondence between the Legation of Chile in Rio de Janeiro and the Brazilian Foreign Office. Chile has apparently not yet notified Argentina of this correspondence and appears to intend awaiting the views of Brazil and the United States before doing




















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1918. Mr. Creevy to Mr. Knox... Feb. 27


Mr. Adee to Mr. Creevy.... Mar. 27


American citizenship of certain persons born in
Portuguese territory; dual citizenship. Transmits
copy of his despatch to the American Minister at
Lisbon in the matter of refusal of Portuguese mili-
tary authorities to recognize the American citizen-
ship of Antonio Cabral Rezendes, for whom a pass-
port to the United States is désired. Requests
that steps be taken to settle the status of American-
born children of Portuguese parents: also the status
of Portuguese-born children of American parents,
native or naturalized.

Same subject. Refers to his No. 721 of Oct. 17 and
incloses a passport for Rezendes, since he may be
considered a citizen of the United States, being a
native thereof, although of Portuguese parentage;
instructs him as to the interpretation of Article 18
of the Portuguese Civil Code and the Citizenship
Act of 1907.

Same subject. Refers to his despatch No. 721 and
quotes letters from the American Consular Agent
at Fayal showing the Portuguese attitude regard-
ing the status of Portuguese-born children of nat-
uralized American citizens; requests instructions.
Same subject. Refers to his No. 765 of Feb. 27 and
incloses copy of an instruction in the matter to the
American Chargé d'Affaires at Lisbon.

Mr. Adee to Mr. Andrews.....do.... Same subject. Incloses copy of Mr. Creevy's No.


Mr. Andrews to Mr. Bryan. Apr. 22


Mr. Bryan to Mr. Creevy... May 7



765 of Feb. 27 and instructs him to take up the
matter with the Portuguese Government; quotes
the law bearing thereon; instructs him to ask that
Government to recognize as American citizens per-
sons born in Portuguese territory of American
fathers, native or naturalized unless, having
reached the age of 18 years, they have failed to
make declaration of intention to retain American
citizenship or, having reached the age of 21 years,
they have failed to take the oath of allegiance to
the United States.

Same subject. Refers to Department's No. 29 of
Mar. 27 and incloses copy of his aide mémoire to
the Foreign Office in execution thereof.
Same subject. Refers to his No. 721 of Oct. 17, 1912,
and incloses for his information a copy of Mr. An-
drews' No. 108.

Mr. Creevy to Mr. Bryan.... July 16 Same subject. Refers to his No. 721 of Oct. 17, 1912,

Mr. Andrews to Mr. Bryan. Aug. 2

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

and Department's No. 350 of May 7; cites cases
indicating that the Portuguese authorities are still
regarding as Portuguese certain persons considered
by this Government to be American citizens.
Same subject. Incloses copy of a note from the For-
eign Office setting forth the Portuguese view of
the law relating to citizenship and requesting his
opinion thereon.

Same subject. Refers to Department's No. 29 of
Mar. 27 and incloses copy of a note from the For-
eign Office; gives the substance of his reply thereto,
thanking the Portuguese Government for its favor-
able decision of the citizenship cases brought to
its attention by this Government.
Same subject. Refers to his No. 721 of Oct. 17, 1912,
and incloses for his information Mr. Andrews' No.
133 of Aug. 2, calling his attention to the suggestion
of the Portuguese Government of a means open to
American consular officers of aiding it to solve the
difficulty regarding military conscription of per-
sons claimed by this Government to be American

Same subject. Refers to his No. 133 of Aug. 2, of
which a copy has been sent to Mr. Creevy; indicates
the instructions given to Mr. Creevy.
Same subject. Refers to his No. 136 of Sept. 5; ex-
presses the Department's gratification of the satis-
factory result of the Legation's efforts in behalf of
the persons relieved from military service by the
Portuguese Government.














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Mr. Meléndez to Mr Taft Feb. 13 (telegram).

36 Mr. Knox to Mr. Mejía..... Feb. 15

Same subject. Expression of sympathy.........
Same subject. Instructs him to supplement the
President's message to Mr. Meléndez with an ap-
propriate communication to the Foreign Office.
Same subject. Reports compliance with Depart-
ment's instruction of Feb. 10.
Same subject. Officially informs him of the death
of President Araújo and the succession of Carlos
Meléndez to the Presidency.




Same subject. Expresses gratitude for his message
of sympathy.


Same subject. Acknowledges his Feb. 12 and offi-
cially expresses the sympathy of this Government
with that of Salvador.

283 Mr. Heimke to Mr. Knox.....do.... Same subject. Refers to his No. 283 of Feb. 11 and

Same to same (telegram)... Feb. 18



transmits a Foreign Office note in reply to his expression of this Government's sentiments. Same subject. Reports execution of three of the 1308 assassins of President Araújo.



Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox May 1 (telegram).

Same to same (telegram)... May 3

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Rock-...do.... hill telegram).

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox May 5 (telegram).

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Rock- May 8 hill (telegram).

193 Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox.. May 10

Sinking of the steamship Teras of the Archipelago-
American Line in Turkish waters by Turkish bat-
teries or mines: protest of the United States against
refusal of the Turkish Government to surrender
the captain thereof to American consular jurisdic-
tion. Reports the sinking; captain probably a
Greek subject; Turkish authorities may proceed
against him for criminal negligence; probable lack
of jurisdiction of American consular officers in the
case of a Greek subject.

Same subject. Suggests sending a commission to
investigate the sinking.

Same subject. Instructs him to send officers to
investigate as suggested.

Same subject. Reports arrest of the captain, a
Greek subject, and request of the Consulat Smyrna
for his surrender; probable lack of consular juris-
diction; reservation, however, of all rights by the
United States.

Same subject. Instructs him, as the Teras was an
American vessel flying the American flag, to re-
quest surrender of the captain to the American
Consul General at Smyrna pending determination
of responsibility for the sinking.

Same subject. Incloses copy of instruction to the
Consul General in pursuance of Department's in-
struction of May 8 and reports interview with
Turkish authorities.

23 Mr. Horton to Mr. Knox......do.... Same subject. Incloses memorandum on the sub

ject of jurisdiction, and reply of the Turkish Gov-
ernment to his demand for the person of the cap-
tain of the Texas.

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox May 12 Same subject. Turkish authorities claim disregard

Same to same (telegram)... May 13

of port regulations by the captain caused sinking
ofthe Texas. All reservations have been made and
Turkish Government has been asked for data
necessary to elucidate facts and for surrender of
the captain.

Same subject. Discusses the rights of the two Gov-
ernments in the case and consequent jurisdiction
as to the captain.










TURKEY- Continued.



From and to whom.






Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox May 15 (telegram).

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Rock-...do.... hill (telegram)

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox May 16 (telegram).

Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill (telegram).

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox (telegram).

May 29

June 1

Mr. Knox to Messrs. Griggs, June 4
Baldwin and Baldwin

Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill June 5 (telegram).

Mr. Knox to Mr. Horton

Same subject. Will telegraph results of the investi- 1316

Same subject. Department awaits report on the
investigation before sending instructions.
Same subject. The investigation shows that the
Teras violated port regulations; every precaution
taken by Turkish authorities; Teras was sunk by
a mine, in the opinion of the investigators. Offi-
cial report to follow.

Same subject. Department having considered the
report concludes that it can not waive the rights
of this Government because: American-owned
ships are entitled to fly American flag in foreign
ports and are internationally American vessels; a
seaman of any nationality serving under that flag
is subject to American jurisdiction; extraterritorial
rights give jurisdiction in criminal cases. There-
fore, notwithstanding probable refusal of Turkish
Government, Department instructs the Ambassa-
dor specifically to request surrender of the captain
to the American Consul General at Smyrna, and
to reserve all rights of the United States in the

Same subject. The Turkish Government protests
against the practice of the Archipelago-American
Line to permit its ships to violate port regulations.
Same subject. Advises the attorneys of the Archi-
pelago-American Line of the purport of the above,
and warns them that the protection of this Gov-
ernment will be withdrawn if such practice is not
immediately stopped.

Same subject. Informs him of purport of the above.

..do.... Same subject. Refers to Mr. Horton's No. 23 of May

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10 and commends him for his treatment of the
question; Incloses for his guidance a copy of De-
partment's telegram of May 29 to Mr. Rockhill.
Same subject. Incloses copy of his note to the Turk-
ish Government in execution of the Department's
instructions of May 29.

Same subject. Reports removal of the captain to the
common prison of condemned criminals.
Same subject. Incloses copies of his notes verbales
of June 8 and June 27, and memorandum of May
11, all directed to the Turkish Government.
Same subject. Refers to Department's June 5 and
further discusses the question of jurisdiction.
Same subject. Reports beginning of trial of the cap-











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Mr. Horton to Mr. Knox... Oct. 22

300 Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox.. Oct. 31 Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill Nov. 11 (telegram).

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox (telegram).

Nov. 12

316 Same to same.

Nov. 14

Mr. Knox to Mr. Rockhill (telegram).

Nov. 19

Same subject. Incloses copy of despatches to Mr.
Rockhill, regarding the imprisonment of the cap-
tain and of the present status of the case against

Same subject. Relates his numerous and unavail-
ing efforts to expedite the case of Captain Macris.
Same subject. Refers to Mr. Horton's No. 63 of Oct.
15 and instructs him to repeat to Mr. Horton the
Department's instruction to continue making ap-
propriate representations to the local authorities
regarding the imprisonment of the captain of the

Same subject. Reports that sentence has been
passed on Captain Macris; summarizes his in-
structions to Mr. Horten.
Same subject. Incloses copies of correspondence
with Mr. Horton referred to in his telegram of Nov.
11; also copy of his note to the Turkish Govern-
ment dated Nov. 13.

Protest of the United States against requisition of
American property by the Turkish Government
for military purposes. Instruction to insist upon
payment in cash or by receipt for all property of
Americans requisitioned by Ottoman authorities
for military purposes; and to demand most-
favored-nation treatment in case of discrimination.
Same subject. Refers to Department's Nov. 19 and
incloses Turkish circular note on the subject, with
his reply thereto; reports instructing consular
officers as to most-favored-nation treatment.
Dec. 2 Sinking of the steamship Texas of the Archipelago
American Line. Incloses Turkish reply to his
note verbale of Nov. 13.

322 Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Knox.. Nov. 21

337 Same to same..

374 Same to same

1913. Jan. 31

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Protest of the United States against requisition of
American property by the Turkish Government
for military purposes. Refers to his 322 of Nov.
21 and incloses notes subsequently exchanged.
Same subject. Refers to his 374 of Jan. 31 and in-
closes a note verbale to the Turkish Government.
Same subject. Refers to his 429 of Feb. 24 and in-
closes reply of Turkish Government to the note
therein inclosed: also other correspondence with
that Government as to occupation of foreigners,
houses by Turkish troops.

War between Turkey and Montenegro, Serbia, Bul-
garia, and Greece. Informs him of the signing of
the treaty of peace at London on May 30, 1913.
Protest of the United States against requisition of
American property by the Turkish Government
for military purposes. Incloses copy of an identic
note verbale to the Sublime Porte in reply to its
circular note verbale Apr. 23, 1913.
War between Turkey and Montenegro, Serbia, Bul-
garia, and Greece. Acknowledges his June 3.
Protest of the United States against requisition of
American property by the Turkish Government
for military purposes. Refers to his 481 of Apr. 29
and incloses reply of the Embassy to the Turkish
note of Apr. 23 (inclosure 4 with his 481).
War between Turkey and Montenegro, Serbia, Bul-
garia, and Greece. Peace between Turkey and
Bulgaria was signed Sept. 29.

















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1913. Nov. 15


Arbitration convention between the United States 1346 and Uruguay. Text. Proclamation.


For the list of international conventions, see the table of contents, p. viii.

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