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Mr. Wilson to Mr. Jackson....do.... Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 683, which has

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Same subject. Transmits the purport of Mr. Innes'
letter of May 31, to the effect that the North Coast
Company's project is a swindling scheme directed
against the Cuban Central's vested interests.


Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox June 9 Same subject. Explains the relative merits of the (telegram).

1529 Mr. Knox to Mr. Innes...... June 14 502 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox...

Nov. 15

claims to a concession made by the North Coast Railway Co. and the Cuban Central Railway Co. Same subject. Reply to Mr. Innes' May 31; quotes thetelegram from Mr. Beauprédated June 9. Concession for construction of a bridge across the entrance to the port of Habana. A letter from the Havana Coal Co. protests against the concession as calculated to do great harm to its property. The minister has requested the Cuban Government to defer action until the department's wishes can be ascertained.

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox.... Nov. 27 Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Incloses data





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relating to the contention ofthe Cuban Central Ry.
Co. and requests their consideration and such
action as the department may find just.
Same subject. Incloses data to add to those sub-
mitted by Mr. Bryce on Nov. 27.


Dec. 2 Same subject. Incloses data to be added to those
submitted by Mr. Bryce and Lord Percey on Nov.
27 and Nov. 30.


Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré... Dec.


Same subject. Informs him of the arguments sub-
mitted by the British Embassy on Nov. 27 and 30
Dec. 2, and instructs him to address the Cuban
Government in regard thereto.


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Same subject. Incloses copy of his note to the Cuban
Government in pursuance of the department's
instruction of Dec. 4.


Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce..... Dec.



538 Mr. Beaupré to Mr Knox... Dec. 11

Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of the British
Embassy's notes of Nov. 27, Nov. 30, and Dec. 2.
Their substance has been transmitted to the
American Minister, with instruction to investi-

Same subject. Incloses Cuban note of Dec. 10 in
reply to his note in pursuance of department's in-
struction of Dec. 4.

177 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré. Dec. 13 Concession for construction of a bridge across the
entrance to the port of Habana. Acknowledges his
502 and instructs him to make further investiga-
tion, particularly as to the land grant.

560 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox.. Dec. 19 Cuban amnesty bill. Incloses copy of a bill passed

by the House of Representatives, with summary.




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587 Same to same...

Jan. 10


Same subject. Reports execution of the instruc-
tion of Jan. 6.




Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré.. Jan. 11


Mr. Knox to Mr. Rodgers......do....


Concession for construction of a bridge across the en-
trance to the port of Habana. Refers to the lega-
tion's 502 and incloses a note from the foreign office
showing that the Havana Coal Co.'s objections
were taken into consideration when formulating
the decree of Dec. 12, 1912, which embodied modi-
fications in the bridge plans.

Zapata swamp concession. Instruction to say to
the Cuban Government that in view of amend-
ments suggested by the concessionaire curing the
defects of the concession as viewed by the depart-
ment, this Government withdraws its objection to
the concession, but without thereby endorsing the
project as a commercial enterprise.

Same subject. Acknowledges the consul general's
No. 674 of Nov. 20, 1912, and No. 675 of Nov. 23,
1912, and informs him of the instruction to the
minister of Jan. 11, 1913.

Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré......do.... Naval station at Guantanamo. Calls attention to a

Same to same (telegram)... Jan. 15

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox Jan. 16 (telegram).

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox... Jan. 20


Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox.. Jan. 21


Same to same..


slight error of description in the agreement with
Cuba for enlargement of the station.
Concession for construction of a bridge across the en-
trance to the port of Habana. Acknowledges the
legation's 587 and instructs him to inform the
Cuban Government that the war and Navy De-
partments point out that even the amended bridge
plans threaten seriously to congest trailic, and to
make possible a military peril of moment to both

Same subject. The instruction of Jan. 15 has been
executed. Suggests that the land grant in the
concession is prejudicial to the use of the military
reservation for quartering troops.
Caibarien-Nuevitas railway project. The British
minister at Habana has been instructed to support
the petition of the Cuban Central Co. to cancel the
concession to the North Coast Co. and grant it to
themselves. Requests the influence of this Govern-
ment in support of this action.

Naval station at Guantanamo. The error of descrip-
tion in the agreement has been corrected; incloses
corrected copy.

Jan. 23 Same subject. Reports probable success of opposi-
tion in the Cuban Senate to ratification of the

Same to same (telegram)... Jan. 25 Concession for construction of a bridge across the

entrance to the port of Habana. Quotes the reply
of the foreign office, saying that as the concession
was made by an act of Congress, the President can
not suspend its effect, but he will defer its execu-
tion for a reasonable period to permit investigation
by this Government.

Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré Jan. 28 Same subject. Instruction to reply to the Cuban

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox.. Jan. 29

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note saying that this Government's investigation
will soon be concluded.as to the alleged inability of
the Cuban President to suspend the effect of the
act making the concession, it would seem that the
Zapata Swamp matter affords a precedent for act-
ing as desired by this Government.
Same subject. Acknowledges department's instruc-
tion of Jan. 28 and incloses a note that he has ad-
dressed to the foreign office embodying that in-
instruction. Discusses the bearing of the Zapata
Swamp matter on the present case.

.do.... Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of
France, Germany and Great Britain. The Presi-
dent of Cuba has requested authority of Congress
for arbitration.


6 Concession for construction of a bridge across the
entrance to the port of Habana. Refers to his 610
and discusses the Cuban law bearing on the sub-

Same to same (telegram)......do.... Newspaper attack on the American Legation. The

newspaper "Cuba" charges Mr. Beaupré and Mr.
Gibson with blackmail and graft, in scurrilous and
libelous articles in the issue of Feb. 5. The minister
recommends that he be authorized to request
Cuban Government to bring suit for criminal libel.















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Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox (telegram).

619 Same to same..



Same to same (telegram)...



Same subject. Reports another libelous article in
the same newspaper on Feb. 6.
Same subject. Incloses copies of the libelous articles
and reiterates his recommendation.
Same subject. Reports another libelous article in
the same newspaper on Feb. 7, and other matters
pertaining to the editor, Soto, who is declared by
'Cuba" to be immune from prosecution, as a Con-

Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré ...do.... Same subject. Instruction to request at once of the

Same to same (telegram)... Feb.

193 Same to same..

Cuban Government immediate, active and ade-
quate prosecution of those quilty of the scurrilous
and libelous statements against the personnel of
the Legation.

8 Concession for construction of a bridge across the
entrnace to the port of Habana. Summarizes the
report received from the War Department, which
sets forth reasons why the bridge would be inju-
rious to the interests of both Governments. In-
structs him to communicate the objections to the
Cuban Government.

...do.... Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Informs him
of the British request of Jan. 20, and instructs him
to point out to the Cuban Government that the
seemingly well-defined attitude of Great Britain
appears to require the most serious attention of
the Cuban Government to the matter.

1749 Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce.......do.... Same subject. Informs him of the instruction given

the American minister in pursuance of the British
Ambassador's letter of Jan 20.

621 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox.. Feb. 10 Newspaper attack on the American Legation. Re

195 Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré.. Feb. 13

196 Same to same..

Feb. 14

fers to his dispatch 619 and gives detailed report
of the matter. Incloses copy of note sent to the
foreign office in pursuance of the instruction of
Feb. 7.

Concsesion for construction of a bridge across the
entrance to the port of Habana. Refers to depart-
ment's Feb. 8 and observes that while the depart-
ment is not now disposed to argue upon the ques-
tion whether or not the project is now legally
binding on the Cuban Government, the depart-
ment finds it proper to instruct the minister to call
the Cuban Government's attention to the apparent
advantages of the plan of harbor improvement pro-
jected by the Government Board in 1907. Fur-
ther instructs to leave the Cuban Government in
doubt as to the unalterable character of the de-
partment's opinion that the project is inadmissibly
detrimental to the vital interests of both Govern-
ments. Discusses the Zapata matter.
Same subject. Acknowledges the Legation's 620
and in reply refers to department's Feb. 13.

626 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox.. Feb. 17 Caiburién-Nuevitas railway project. Gives a ré

Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré Feb. 18 (telegram).

sumé of the whole matter of the Caibarién-Nuevitas

Same subject. Instructs the minister to suspend
action till further instructed, in view of a request
for a hearing made by the North Coast Company.

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox...do.... Newspaper attack on the American Legation. Re-

Same to same (telegram)... Feb. 20

ports delay of Cuban Government in instituting
proceedings. Recommends formulation of the
department's views for presentation to the Cuban

Same subject. The scurrilous press is growing
bolder in the belief they have nothing to fear from
this Government.

Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré ...do.... Same subject. Quotes aide mémoire of Feb. 20 di-

rected by the department to the Cuban Legation,
insisting on immediate and adequate action against
the libelous newspaper.

€27 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox......do.... Caibarien-Nuevitas railway project. Refers to de

partment's Feb. 8 and reports that in view of the
British minister's request to the Cuban Govern-
ment the department's Feb. 8 would not meet the
present situation.

Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce..... Feb. 25 Same subject. Refers to department's note of Feb.

8, and of its subsequent decision to postpone action
and hear the argument of the North Coast Com-
pany, which has caused the department to con-
clude that this Government can not give prefer-
ence to either company as against the other.


















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Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré (telegram).

1913. Feb. 26

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox.. Feb. 26

Mr. Bryce to Mr. Knox..... Feb. 27
Mr. Knox to Mr. Bryce.... Mar. 3

Mr. Knox to Mr. Beaupré......do.... Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Knox Mar. 4 (telegram).

Same to same (telegram).. ...do... Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré Mar. 5 (telegram).

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan Mar. (telegram).


Mr. Rivero to Mr. Bryan.... Mar.


Same subject. Refers to department's Feb. 18.
After hearing the North Coast Company's state-
ment the department finds that the controversy
is not such as to require this Government to give
preference to either company as against the other.
Instructs the minister to disregard the instruction
of Feb. 8 and inform the foreign office of the later
attitude of this Government.
Concession for construction of a bridge across the en-
trance to the port of Habana. Encloses copy of
the note sent to the foreign office in pursuance of
department's instruction 195. Reports an inter-
view with the Concessionaire Waddell.
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Requests re-
consideration of the department's decision.
Same subject. In view of the British request the
minister will be instructed to take up the subject
with the British Legation at Habana with the aim
of reaching some common understanding.
Same subject. Instruction in accord with the reply
to the British ambassador, of even date.
Cuban amnesty bill. Reports final form of the bill.
Same subject. Corrects above report.

Same subject. Instruction to say to the President
of Cuba that this Government hopes the bill will be
restricted to political offenses.

6 Same subject. Reports execution of instruction of
Mar. 5, but the President of Cuba is determined to
sign the bill.
Same subject. Explains that the bill comprises no
offenses against international law and does not
affect the status of those that may be found guilty
of attacks on members of the legation of the United

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré ...do.... Same subject. Instruction to say to the Cuban Gov-

ernment that this Government is firmly convinced
that the President of Cuba will upon further study
decide to veto the bill; reasons given.

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan...do.... Same subject. The President of Cuba has signed the

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré Mar. 8 (telegram).

bill with full knowledge of the department's ob-

Same subject. Instruction to express the serious
concern of this Government, which holds the
Cuban Government fully responsible for any re-
sulting injuries to American citizens in violation of
their rights.














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Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan Mar. 14 Newspaper attack on the American Legation. The
delay of the Cuban Government continues. Re-
iterates his recommendation of vigorous measures
by the department.

Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 14 Cuban amnesty bill. The President of Cuba has
returned the bill to Congress for amendment so as
to cover only political offenses.

Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 15 Same subject. The House amended the bill and

passed it. It now comprises only political and
electoral crimes; speeches attacking the attitude of
this Government were made during the debate.

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan....do.... Caiberién-Nuevitas railway project. Reviews his

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656 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan. Mar. 18 Newspaper attack on the American Legation. In

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Beaupré ...do.... (telegram).

657 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan.

.do. Same to same (telegram)....... Mar. 20

727 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Bryan.....do....

064 Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan. Mar. 22

662 Same to same..

closes a letter from an attorney, A. W. Kent, ex-
pressing his doubt of the possibility of punishing
those responsible for the libelous articles. The
minister suggests insisting on arrest and indict-
ment during the recess of Congress, as provided in
the constitution.

Cuban amnesty bill. Instruction not to press objec-
tions any further.

Same subject. Elaborates his telegram of Mar. 15.
Same subject. The Senate has rejected the House

Zapata swamp concession. Informs him of the
transfer of the concession to an American corpora-
tion that will at once proceed to make surveys and
begin reclamation work.
Same subject. Incloses copy of a presidential decree
reviving the decree of June 18, 1912, by which the
concession had been granted, but with stipulated
interpretation thereof in accordance with the sug-
gestions of the department.

.do.... Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Submits his
opinion that the renewed contention of the British
minister offers no fresh argument and is taken up
with legal technicalities.

Same to same (telegram)....... Mar. 27
Same to same (telegram)......do.....

Cuban arunesty bill. Congress has adjourned. New
Congress to convene on Apr. 6.

Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of
France, Germany, and Great Britain. The Senate
has approved the House bill quoted in the minis-
ter's Mar. 18.

Same to same (telegram)......do.... Naval station at Guantanamo. Congress adjourned

Mr Bryce to Mr. Knox.... Mar. 31

without acting on the Guantanamo matter.
convene again Apr. 6.














Same subject. Note relative to expiration of Guan-
tanamo treaty, by limitation, on June 27, 1913.
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. Forwards a
copy of the British minister's report (referred to by
Mr. Beaupré in his Mar. 22) for the department's

215 Mr. Adee to Mr. Beaupré.. Apr. 4 Zapata swamp concession acknowledges his No. 664

[blocks in formation]

of Mar. 22, and incloses copy of a letter to the con-
cessionaire making it clear that this Government
does not indorse the project as a commercial enter-

Cuban amnesty bill. The House has passed a new
bill. Its provisions are given.

Same subject. Inquires difference between the new
bill and the one before the last Congress.
Same subject. The bill differs from the old one only
as stated in the minister's last telegram.
Caibarién-Nuevitas railway project. It appears
from Mr. Beaupré's Mar. 22, and from Mr. Bryce's
Mar. 31 that the contentions urged by the British
Government are of a legal nature, which this Gov-
ernment does not feel called on to discuss with the
Cuban Government.

Same to same (telegram).... May 14 Inauguration of President Menocal. The minister is

Mr. Moore to Mr. Beaupré May 15 (telegram).

Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Bryan..do.... (telegram).

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Beaupré May 17 (telegram).

informed of the personnel of the special mission
appointed to attend the inaugural ceremonies.
Same subject. Instructs him that the legation staff
is attached to the special mission.
Same subject. Mr. Gibson will meet the special
mission at Key West.

Proposed arbitration of insurrectionary claims of
France, Germany, and Great Britain. Instructs to
say that this Government cordially approves the
measures pending in the Cuban Congress designed
to create boards for arbitration of claims of Euro-
pean citizens against Cuba.

19 Mr. de la Vega to Mr. Moore May 20 Inauguration of President Menocal. Notification of

Mr. Bell to Mr. Bryan....... May 23

the inauguration of President Menocal and Vice
President Varona.

Same subject. The secretary of the special mission
reports the order of inaugural ceremonies; ad-
dresses by the special mission to the retiring and
the incoming Presidents and their replies; grect-
ings of the President of the United States and other

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