Obrázky stránek

When all aloud the wind doth blow,
And coughing drowns the parfon's faw,
And birds fit brooding in the fnow,
And Marian's nofe looks red and raw,
When roasted crabs hifs in the bowl,
Then nightly fings the flaring owl,

Tu-whit, to-who, a merry note,

While greafy Joan doth keel the pot.

Arm. The words of Mercury are harsh after the fongs of Apollo. You, that way; we. this way.



[Exeunt omnes.





Don PEDRO, Prince of Arragon.
LEONATO, Governor of Meffina.

Don JOHN, Baftard Brother to Don Pedro.

CLAUDIO, a young Lord of Florence, Favourite to Don Pedro,
BENEDICK, a young Lord of Padua, favoured likewife by
Don Pedro.

BALTHAZAR, Servant to Don Pedro.
ANTONIO, Brother to Leonato.
BORACHIO, Confident to Don John.
CORNADE, Friend to Borachio.

[blocks in formation]

HERO, Daughter to Leonato.

BEATRICE, Niece to Leonato.

MARGARET, } trvo Gentlewomen, attending on Hero.


A Friar, Messenger, Watch, Town-Clerk, Sexton, and


SCENE, Meffia in Sicily.



Before LEONATO's Houfe. Enter LEONATO, HERO, and BEATRICE, with a Messenger.



LEARN in this letter that Don Pedro of Arragon comes this night to Messina.

Meff. He is very near by this; he was not three leagues off when I left him.

Leon. How many gentlemen have you loft in this action?

Meff. But few of any fort, and none of name.

Leon. A victory is twice itself, when the atchiever brings home full numbers. I find here, that Don Pedro hath bestowed much honour on a young Florentine, call'd Claudio.

Meff. Much deferv'd on his part, and equally remembered by Don Pedro: He hath borne himself beyond the promife of his age; doing, in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion; "he hath, indeed, better better'd expec"tation, than you must expect of me to tell you how."

Leon. He hath an uncle here in Meffina will be very much glad of it.

Meff. I have already delivered him letters, and there appears much joy in him; even fo much, that joy could not fhew itself modeft enough without a badge of bitterness.

Leon. Did he break out into tears?
Mel. In great meafure.

Leon. A kind overflow of kindness:

faces truer than those that are fo wash'd.

There are no

"How much

"better is it to weep at joy, than to joy at weeping!"

[blocks in formation]

Beat. I pray you, is fignior Montanto return'd from the wars, or no?"

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Me. I know none of that name, lady; there was none fuch in the army of any fort.

Leon. What is he that you afk for, niece?

Hero. My coufin means fignior Benedick of Padua. Meff. O, he's return'd; and as pleasant as ever he was. Beat." He fet up his bills here in Messina, and chal"lenged Cupid at the flight; and my uncle's fool, read"ing the challenge, fubfcrib'd for Cupid, and challenged "him at the bird-bolt."I pray you, how many hath he kill'd and eaten in thefe wars? But how many hath he kill'd? for, indeed, I promis'd to eat all of his killing.

Leon. Faith, niece, you tax fignior Benedick too much; but he'll be meet with you, I doubt it not.

Meff. He hath done good fervice, lady, in thefe wars. Beat. You had mufty victual, and he hath holp to eat it he's a very valiant trencher-man, he hath an excellent ftomach.



Meff. And a good foldier too, lady.

Beat. And a good foldier to a lady;But what is he to a lord?


Meff. A lord to a lord, a man to a man; stuff'd with "all honourable virtues.

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"Beat. It is fo, indeed; man: but for the stuffing, Leon. You must not, fir,

he is no less than a stuff'd well, we are all mortal." mistake my niece: there is

a kind of merry war betwixt fignior Benedick and her : they never meer, but there's a fkirmish of wit between them.

Beat. Alas, he gets nothing by that. In our laft conflict, four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man govern'd with one: fo that if he have wit enough to keep himfelf warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horfe; for it is all the wealth that he hath left, to be known a reasonable creature.-Who is his companion now? he hath every month a new fworn brother.

Meff. Is it poffible?

Beat. Very eafily poffible: he wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat, it ever changes with the next block.


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