Public Interest Indiv IntereBasic Books, 12. 11. 1970 - Počet stran: 248 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-3 z 33
Strana ix
... statements concerning what is from distinct , recognizable judgments concerning what ought to be . At the same time it seems increasingly evident that the region between requires attention , that there are concepts having aspects of ...
... statements concerning what is from distinct , recognizable judgments concerning what ought to be . At the same time it seems increasingly evident that the region between requires attention , that there are concepts having aspects of ...
Strana 40
... statement concerning the validity of a particular rule of a system may be said to presup- pose the truth of the external statement of fact that the system is generally efficacious . . . . It would however be wrong to say that statements ...
... statement concerning the validity of a particular rule of a system may be said to presup- pose the truth of the external statement of fact that the system is generally efficacious . . . . It would however be wrong to say that statements ...
Strana 153
... statement containing a moral concept , that it is not equivalent to any statements about what all , or all but one , or a majority , or some citizens want , or think is in their interests , because these latter are not normative statements ...
... statement containing a moral concept , that it is not equivalent to any statements about what all , or all but one , or a majority , or some citizens want , or think is in their interests , because these latter are not normative statements ...
The Public Interest in Relation to Individual | 18 |
Autorská práva | |
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according alternative analysis argues argument Aristotle assert Barry Bentham Brian Barry Calculus of Consent Cambridge Chapter common interest concerning the public conflict consider David Hume decide decision method decision procedure decision rule discussion economic empirical equivalent ethical examined existence explication Flathman formal function G. H. von Wright given governmental H. L. A. Hart Hegel Hobbes Hobbes's Hume I₁ Ibid individual interests interest and individual interest of individual John Plamenatz Julius Stone justice justifiable Kenneth Arrow legal system legislation legitimate logical majority Mancur Olson meaning moral normative claim objective Oxford particular person Philosophy Plato political authority political system position possible preferences preponderance of individual principle problem programming proposed public interest question reasons relation require Rousseau scheme Schubert sense social society statements suggested television unanimity unitary conception University Press utility valid judgment various welfare welfare economics writes York