expected to be his readers to what party he acknowledges allegiance, and what organization will be supported in his columns. "We acknowledge the justness of these customs, and in as plain and brief a manner as is possible, will endeavor to meet their demands. "It has long been obvious to every one, that there was greatly needed in this county, a newspaper differing greatly from the one heretofore in exist ence in this city, both as a medium for the circulation of news, as well as in the position it occupied upon political questions. "We have undertaken, and will endeavor to supply the deficiency which has heretofore existed. "It is the intention to make this sheet a welcome visitor to the firesides of every household; to give instruction, afford pleasure and enjoyment in the perusal of its columns, and if possible to bring about a little better understanding in the minds of the people, as to the true duties of neighborly citizenship. "To the farmer, we will weekly devote a reasonable portion of our space -selecting from the best authority within our reach such matter as will be interesting, instructive and profitable. "To the merchant and consumer, we will pay attention in our selections -endeavoring to keep him posted in the markets in our cities, and also will pay strict attention to our home sales-giving weekly the prices of all articles of produce sold in our market. "To the interest of the general reader we will not be neglectful. Every week will be found upon our pages selections of literary worth. Poetry, historical incidents, clippings that please the mind; and to those that love to spend an idle moment in romance, our paper will be a welcome guest. "As a newspaper, we intend that the Democrat shall rank among the first in the list of county papers. "In politics this paper will support the principles and stand by the organization of the Democratic party. It acknowledges allegiance to none other, and will pay fealty to the behests of its regular organization alone. "Believing that the safety of our republican institutions require a return to the principles of the party that established the Union, we shall labor for the overthrow of the party now in power; and insist upon a return to the condition of things that existed before traitors endeavored to destroy the goverment. Having always opposed treason, there will no pleas or excuses for those who have been guilty appear in these columns; but believing that section alone does not furnish the badge, we shall arraign those whom we believe to be guilty, no matter to what party or section they belong. As an advertising medium we expect from the extent of our circulation to make our pages sought after by business men of all kinds. Asking of all a candid consideration, we submit ourselves to you.” 66 CHURCHES. The first meeting called for the purpose of erecting a church was the Methodist Episcopals on October 25, 1852. The meeting was held at the house of E. G. Stanfield. The following persons were present: Rev. A. W Johnson, John Butcher, Conrad Walters, Luke McKern, John R. Palmer, James Cunningham, Levi Clearwater and A. W. Collins. Prior to that time, and probably as early as 1845, a Methodist minister by the name of Neur, visited Knoxville and formed an organization of this denomination. At the date first referred to; viz., October 25, 1852, the first definite measures were taken for the erection of a building. A. W. Collins was appointed secretary of the meeting, and preparations were made to secure from the county the donation of a building. A church building organization was formed, and trustees were elected, as it was necessary for the church to have trustees before the organization could receive or hold property. Among the records of the county judge we find the following, dated January 21, 1853: "On this day a petition of E. G. Stanfield and forty others, is presented, praying of the county judge to grant to the trustees of the Methodist Epis copal Church two lots lying in the city of Knoxville, in this county, said lots being the property of this county. After hearing said petition, and having examined the said matter, and being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered that said petition be granted; and it is further ordered by the county judge that the following named lots be donated to the Methodist Episcopal Church; provided the said church will build a church in the said town of Knoxville; to-wit., lots 6 and 7 in block 28, in the said town of Knoxville. "JOSEPH BROBST, The church building was accordingly erected on the lots before mentioned, and the house was dedicated to the worship of Almighty God on the 28th day of May, 1856, by the Rev. John Jay. This building was a small brick, which was sold to the United Presbyterians in 1858, and a large two story brick church was erected on a lot one block east and one block south of the public square. This building is still used by the denomination as a place of worship. The building is two stories high, 40x60 feet, and cost about $6,000. At the time this building was erected the organization had a membership of over 300. Owing to the division and subdivisions of the membership by the formation of other organizations of the same denomination through the surrounding country, and the erection of numerous other church buildings in the county, the membership at present is not as great as it was in 1858. The members at present number 210. In connection with the church there is a flourishing Sunday-school with an enrollment of about 175 pupils. The church and Sunday-school contributed during the last conference year over $1,000 for the various benevolent purposes. W. G. Wilson is the presiding elder, and J. W. Robinson is the pastor, he being now in his second year as pastor of the church. R. Baxter is superintendent of the Sunday-school. The next religious society which undertook the erection of a church building, though possibly not the second to be organized, was the Congregationalist. Bearing date of July 21, 1853, about six months after the donation of the two lots to the M. E. Church, was issued by the county judge the fol lowing order: "On this day a petition of A. B. Miller and others is presented, pray. ing the county judge to grant to the trustees of the First Congregational Church of Knoxville, two lots lying in the town of Knoxville, in this county, the same being the property of the county. After hearing said petition and having examined said matter, and being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered that said petition be granted; and it is further ordered by the county judge that the following named lots, Nos, 7 and 8, in block 9, all being and lying in the town of Knoxville, Marion county, Iowa. It is ordered by the court that said lots be sold, and the amount sold for be set apart and donated to the First Congregational Church of Knoxville, provided said church will be built in the said town of Knoxville. "JOSEPH BROBST, These lots were sold for the sum of fifty dollars, and the amount donated to the church in accordance with the order of the county judge. The Congregationalist church was erected in the course of time and the organization flourished for a time. From some cause the church went down and the building was sold to the Christians. There is at present no organized Congregationalists in Knoxville, nor has there been for a number of years. The United Presbyterian Church was organized November 26, 1853. Wm. Black, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Henry McKinnis, Margaret McKinnis, H. McMeekin, Margaret McMeekin, and Messrs. Gaston, Stewart, Young, Henderson and their families, constituted the first members of the organization. As before remarked, this religious organization purchased the old Methodist church building in 1858, which was their place of worship till 1865, when they erected a new church edifice, which is the one now used by the organization. The building is frame, 36x48 feet, and cost $3,000. The building was dedicated in 1865 by the Rev. D. F. Bonner, who was the pastor for a time. Mr. Bonner was succeeded by Rev. H. F. Wallace; the next, pastor was J. H. Nash, and the present one is Rev. Mr. McKitrick. The present membership numbers seventy. In connection with the church is a Sunday-school with an enrollment of 100. A. J. P. Barnes is the superintendent. The contributions for benevolent purposes during the past year amounted to $700. Shortly after the organization of the U. P. Church, the First Presbyterian Church was organized. The following is a brief history of the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville. Organized December 17, 1853, with a membership of twelve; the names of the original members were: Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Welch, Mr. and Mrs. John Welch, Mr. and Mrs. James Welch, Mrs. Mary Clark, Miss Elizabeth B. Clark, Mr. Joseph M. Clark, Mr. Joseph II. Morrison, W. B. Young and wife. The elders were W. B. Young and James Welch. The deacons were John Welch and Joseph Clark. The first minister was Rev. Geo. M. Swan. The building was erected in the summer of 1858, situated on lots 7 and 8, block 25, size 34x48, built of wood, and is still used for services. Rev. P. H. Jacobs was the first regular pastor, and continued therein eighteen years. It now has a membership of 215. The elders are W. B. Young, James Welch, Geo. Kruck, Thos. Kelly, John Reed, John Smith. The present minister is Rev. J. II. Marshall, who is now in his first vear. The first sabbath-school was organized September 27, 1858, with about forty scholars; the first superintendent was Jacob Elliott. The school now contains one hundred and seventy-five scholars. The present superintendent is John Reed. It has been the history of all church work throughout the West, that the Baptists have followed close after the Methodists. This is true of Knoxville as of other towns. The Baptist Church of Knoxville was organized in October, 1845. M. J. Post, H. C. Conrey, L. G. Terry, Anna Jones and Martha Terry were some of the first members. The first clerk was L. C. Conrey. Elders M. J. Post and G. W. Bond were the first ministers who expounded the, gospel to the young organization. Rev. G. W. Bond was elected first pastor and took charge in October, 1847. In July, 1851, G. W. Bond, C. L. Ryley and W. D. Everett were appointed messengers to attend the Des Moines Association at Agency City, Wapello county, and asked for admission to that association. February 13, 1852, Elder Arnold received $7.00 as a donation for his services in a protracted meeting of nine days. In December, 1853, Rev. Zopler Ball took the pastorate of the church. În 1854, by vote of the church, they withdrew its connection with the Des Moines Association for the purpose of uniting with the Central, to which association they still belong. April 14, 1855, Rev. S. G. Hunt took the pastorate of the church, and in August, 1855, they purchased the lot on which the present church was afterward built. In January, 1856, the church voted unanimously in favor of building a church house. The building committee, Elder S. G. Hunt, R. B. Mitchell and H. C. Whitney, decided to build a brick house, 40x60, with a capacity foa seating about 500. Cost for building, about $4,000. In March, 1859, Elder Hunt resigned and was followed by Rev. J. Currier; in January, 1860, Elder Ball was again called to the pastorate of this church and served one year; Win. Whitehead was then called as pastor and served three months; Rev. R. D. Hartshorne was then chosen; Rev. Hildreth was then chosen pastor. Rev. T. J. Arnold was elected pastor January, 1865, who served them two years, and was followed by Rev. A. Pratt in January, 1868, and served till August, 1869, and was followed by James Frey, and remained as pastor till November, 1872; then Rev. A. Robbins, January, 1874, and served one year. Rev. C. Payne, November, 1876, and served two years. May 1, 1879, Rev. N. H. Daily, who is their present pastor. Their present membership is 171. Church clerk is E. F. Sperry, who is also superintendent of the Sunday-school. The Sunday-school has an average attendance of seventy. Their present pastor rereceives a salary of $500 per year. Current expenses for the past year were $846.42. The Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized November 26th, 1853. The original members were: Joseph Brobst and wife, Abraham Rizor and wife, Henry Marthorn and wife, Henry Marthorn, Jr., Levi Morkert and wife, Geo. W. Marthorn and wife, Miss Margaret Dappert, Geo. Momyer and wife, James G. Young and wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Biddinger. A frame church building was erected in 1858 at a cost of $1,200. The membership at present numbers seventy. The following are the names of the pastors: First, Rev. F. R. Scherer; second, Rev. A. A. Trimper; third, Rev. David Hamaker; fourth, Rev. A. A. Trimper; fifth, Rev. G. W. Schaeffer; sixth, Rev. J. O. Hough; seventh, Rev. A. Yetter; eighth, Rev. J. H. Stough; ninth, Rev. A. I. Crigler; tenth, Rev. G. W. Dively; eleventh, Rev. D. P. Grosscup. All the pastors are now living but Revs. Hamaker and Crigler. Lot and church building were built and sold to the church by Hon. Joseph Brobst, who lived until 1878. Of the original members six are yet on the roll (1880). The Christian Church was organized at an early date. The first place of worship was the old Congregationalist church, which they bought of the latter denomination when their organization went down. In 1877, mainly through the liberality of Mr. Larken Wright, an elegant and commodious brick building was erected, where the congregation has since worshiped. The Universalist Church was organized a few years ago. Revs. Eberhart and Brooks first lectured in the city, expounding the doctrines of the church from which this religious sect was established and an organization formed. The Universalists of Knoxville have no church building of their own. At present they worship in the building erected and owned by the Adventists. Mrs. Gillette is the present pastor. There is also a strong organization of Seventh Day Baptists or "Adventists", but we have been unable to procure the date of organization or the number of members. They have a neat little church building in the southeast part of the city, free from debt, and the society is in a flourishing condition. SOCIETIES. Perhaps no city of its size in the State is better supplied with benevolent organizations than is Knoxville. They comprise in their membership many of its best citizens, and their charities are numerous and extended. A brief history of each is all the limits of this volume will permit us to give. Home Lodge, No. 108, A. O. U. W.-Was instituted March 22d, 1877, by W. B Kerns, D. G. M. W. The names of charter members are as follows: I. Y. Atherton, C. J. Amos, M. J. Ake, A. J. Briggs, F. C. Barker, G. L. Boydston, W. W. Burris, A. R. Clark, D. C. Ely, J. D. Gamble, T. G. Gilson, T. A. Ijams, W. A. Moody, J. C. Merrill, T. C. Masteller, P. F. Margart, W. R. Rigg, C. Rinehart, T. G. Robinson, S. B. Turner, W. E. Wright, J. F. Waugh, H. L. Wolf, E. B. Woodruff, J. R. Wilson. The officers elected at that time were as follows: I. Y. Atherton, P. M.W.; W. E. Wright, M. W.; J. D. Gamble, F.; D. C. Ely, O.; T. C. Masteller, G.; W. R. Rigg, recorder; T. G. Gilson, financier; A. J. Briggs, receiver; J. F. Waugh, I. W.; J. C. Merrill, O. W.; trustees, W. A. Moody, J. D. Gamble, W. W. Burris; W. E. Wright, medical examiner. Present of ficers: A. M. Brobst, P. M. W.; T. G. Gilson, M. W.; G. Miller, F.; J. Putnam, O.; J. Hanly, G.; S. G. Cushing, recorder; C. Rinehart, financier; W. A. Moody, receiver; L. G. Duff, I. W.; D. C. Ely, O. W.; trustees, J. Putnam, A. M. Brobst, L. G. Duff; medical examniners, J. W. Mitchell, C. C. Shinnick. Cost of beneficiary per member, to present time, $33, on policy of $2,000. The membership of the lodge at present is 57. The lodge is in good condition and prospering financially. |