Hippolyta, I wooed thee with my sword, Enter EGEUS, HERMIA, Lysander, and Deme TRIUS. Ege. Happy be Theseus, our renown d duke! Thes. Thanks, good Egeus: what's the news with thee? Ege. Full of vexation come I, with complaint And interchanged love-tokens with my child : Turned her obedience, which is due to me, I beg the ancient privilege of Athens; Thes. What say you, Hermia? Be advised, fair To you your father should be as a god; The worst that may befall me in this case, Thes. Either to die the death, or to abjure Her. So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord, Ere I will yield my virgin patent up Unto his lordship whose unwished yoke My soul consents not to give sovereignty. Thes. Take time to pause; and by the next new moon (The sealing-day betwixt my love and me, For aye, austerity and single life. Dem. Relent, sweet Hermia: and, Lysander yield Thy craz'd title to my certain right. Lys. You have her father's love, Demetrius, Let me have Hermia's: do you marry him. Ege. Scornful Lysander! true he hath my love; And what is mine my love shall render him; And she is mine; and all my right of her I do estate unto Demetrius. Lys. I am, my lord, as well derived as he; As well possessed; my love is more than his; My fortunes every way as fairly ranked, If not with vantage, as Demetrius'; And, which is more than all these boasts can be, I am beloved of beauteous Hermia: Thes. I must confess that I have heard so much, And with Demetrius thought to have spoke thereof; But, being over-full of self-affairs, My mind did lose it.-But, Demetrius, come; you both. For you, fair Hermia, look you arm yourself I must employ you in some business Lys. How now, my love? why is your cheek How chance the roses there do fade so fast? Her. Belike for want of rain; which I could well Beteem them from the tempest of mine eyes. Lys. Ah me! for aught that ever I could read, Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth: But either it was different in blood: Her. O cross! too high to be enthralled to low! Lys. Or else misgrafféd, in respect of years: Her. O spite! too old to be engaged to young! Lys. Or else it stood upon the choice of friends: Her. O hell! to choose love by another's eye! Lys. Or if there were a sympathy in choice, War, death, or sickness, did lay siege to it; Making it momentary as a sound, Swift as a shadow, short as any dream; Brief as the lightning in the collied night, That in a spleen unfolds both heaven and earth, And ere a man hath power to say, "Behold!" The jaws of darkness do devour it up: So quick bright things come to confusion. Her. If then true lovers have been ever crossed, As due to love as thoughts, and dreams, and sighs, I have a widow aunt, a dowager Her. God speed fair Helena! Whither away? Hel. Call you me fair! that fair again unsay. Demetrius loves your fair: O, happy fair! Your eyes are lode-stars; and your tongue's sweet air More tumeable than lark to shepherd's ear, When wheat is green, when hawthorn-buds appear! Sickness is catching; O, were favour so, Were the world mine, Demetrius being bated, Her. I frown upon him, yet he loves me still. such skill! Her. I give him curses, yet he gives me love. Hel. O, that my prayers could such affection move! Her. The more I hate, the more he follows me. Hel. The more I love, the more he hateth me. Her. His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine. Hel. None; but your beauty: 'would that fault were mine! Her. Take comfort; he no more shall see my face; Lysander and myself will fly this place. Lys. Helen, to you our minds we will unfold: Decking with liquid pearl the bladed grass (A time that lovers' flights doth still conceal), Through Athens' gates have we devised to steal. Her. And in the wood where often you and I |