III. When lawless mobs infult the court, That man fhall be my toast, IV. But oh! for him my fancy culls Who conftitutionally pulls Your house about your ears. V. Such civil broils are my delight; Tho' fome folks can't endure 'em, Who fay the mob are mad outright, And that a rope muft cure 'em. VI. A rope! I wish we patriots had Such firings for all who need 'emWhat! hang a man for going mad? Then farewell British freedom. ON OBSERVING SOME NAMES OF LITTLE NOTE RECORDED IN THE BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA. Oн, fond attempt to give a deathless lot So when a child, as playful children use, 7 REPORT OF AN ADJUDGED CASE, NOT TO BE FOUND IN ANY OF THE BOOKS. I. BETWEEN Nose and Eyes a strange contest arofe- II. So Tongue was the lawyer, and argued the caufe With a great deal of skill, and a wig full of learn ing; While chief baron Ear fet to balance the laws, So fam'd for his talent in nicely difcerning. III. In behalf of the Nofe, it will quickly appear, And your lordship, he faid, will undoubtedly find, That the Nose has had spectacles always in wear, Which amounts to poffeflion time out of mind. IV. Then holding the spectacles up to the courtYour lordship obferves they are made with a ftraddle, As wide as the ridge of the Nose is; in short, V. Again, would your lordship a moment fuppofe ('Tis a cafe that has happen'd, and may be again) That the visage or countenance had not a nose! Pray who wou'd, or who cou'd, wear spectacles then? VI. On the whole, it appears—and my argument shows, With a reafoning the court will never condemn, That the spectacles plainly were made for the Nose, And the Nose was as plainly intended for them. VII. Then, fhifting his fide, (as a lawyer knows how) So his lordship decreed, with a grave folemn tone, That, whenever the Nofe put his fpectacles on, By day-light or candle-light-Eyes fhould be fhut! BURNING LORD MANSFIELD'S LIBRARY. 275 ON THE BURNING OF LORD MANSFIELD'S LIBRARY, TOGETHER WITH HIS MSS. BY THE MOB, IN THE MONTH OF JUNE 1780. I. So then the Vandals of our isle, Have burnt to duft a nobler pile II. And MURRAY fighs o'er Pope and Swift, The well-judg'd purchase and the gift That grac'd his letter'd store. III. Their pages mangled, burnt, and torn, The lofs was his alone; But ages yet to come fhall mourn The burning of his own. |