Inventory of the County Archives of Utah: Utah County (Provo)

Přední strana obálky
Utah Historical Records Survey Project, 1940

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Oblíbené pasáže

Strana 23 - To examine and audit the accounts of all officers having the care, management, collection, or disbursement of moneys belonging to the county, or appropriated by law or otherwise for its use and benefit.
Strana 52 - Dates shown in the description of the master entry or entry of miscellaneous content are only for the part or parts of the record contained therein, and are shown only when they vary from those of the master entry. Separate third-paragraph cross references from entry to entry, and See also...
Strana 52 - Records The description of the contents of a record applies only to the current or most recent record unless change in contents is actually shown in a record entry . Indexing All indexes to records, unless otherwise stated, are self-contained. Condition of Records Records are in good condition unless otherwise indicated.
Strana 52 - When all or the majority of the records of an office have a common location, the location is indicated in the last sentence of the office essay instead of in each individual entry.
Strana 18 - When a judgment, except of death, has been pronounced, a certified copy of the entry thereof upon the minutes must be forthwith furnished to the officer whose duty it is to execute the judgment ; and no other warrant or authority is necessary to justify or require its execution.
Strana 26 - The secretary must immediately make out and deliver to such person a certificate of election, signed by him, and authenticated with the seal of the board.

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