Obrázky stránek




See Wage agree-

Amalgamation, Metal trades,
89, 92, 95; Miners' Unions,
98; see also Industrial or
trade unionism, jurisdiction.
American Federation of Labor,
Chap. II; autonomy of in-
ternationals, 16-20, 98-99;
amalgamation, 89, 92, 95, 98;
boycott, Chap. X; class
action, 13-14, 18-19 (see also
Industrial or trade unionism,
Sympathetic action); conven-
tions, 16; executive council,
24; federation, 15; "Federa-
tion of federations," 95-97;
federal unions, 21; I. W. W.,
criticism of, 57-58; industrial
unionism, Chap. V; inter-
national unions, 16-20 (see
also Autonomy, Jurisdic-
tion); jurisdiction, 16-17, 84-
87, 95; 101-105; label, Chap.
IX, 23; legislation, Chap.
XII; limitation of output,
Chap. XVII; local unions,
16, 20-21; partnership rela-
tions, 11-12, 18-19; political
action, Chap. XIX; and
Socialism, 13, 243-244; state
branches, 25-26; statistics of
unions, 15-16; tax, 16; trade
departments, 22, 85-98; union
shop, Chap. VIII; violence,
191-193; wage agreements,
27, 255-266; women's organi-
zation, 65-67, 69, 76-77.
Apprenticeship regulations, 225-

Arbitration, Chap. XI; Cana-

dian Disputes Act, 155-157;
Erdman Act, 37, 149-150;

Locomotive engineers award,
150-152; New Zealand and
Australia, 157-159; Newlands
Act, 154-155; Railroad broth-
erhoods, 36-38; State boards
of, 178.

Aristocracy of labor, 115-116;

high dues, 54; limited, 228.
Autonomy, A. F. of L. inter-
nationals, 16-20; of electrical
workers, 100-101; printing
trades, 98-99; building trades,
86-89; metal trades, 89-95;
I. W. W., opposition to, 58-
59, 61-62.

Blacklist, employers' boycott,

Boot and Shoe Workers, op-
position to class action, 18;
use of label, 131.
Boycott, Chap. X; A. F. of L.

committee on, 138-140; basis
for its use, 136; Buck Stove
and Range Co., 137; conspir-
acy decisions, 145; bill op-
posing conspiracy interpreta-
tion, 168-169; Danbury Hat-
ters, 140-144; Halloway opin-
ion, 145-146; Montana deci-
sion, 145; secondary boycott,
147; Van Orsdel opinion,

Brewery Workers, Socialist
sentiment, 13; industrial
unionism of, 101-106; juris-
diction of, 102-105.
Bricklayers' union, 226.
Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers, union shop, 124;
dynamite conspiracy, 184-
186, 190-197.

[blocks in formation]

Court injunctions, federal bill
opposing, 168; orders of re-
straint, 170; state legislation,
179; Montana federation,
145; A. F. of L. officers, 167.
Courts, The, labor's conflict
with, Chap. XIII; dynamite
case, 184-186; prejudice of
judges, 183-184, 186; free
speech, 187; decisions in boy-
cott cases, 137-147; opposi-
tion to interpretation_of
trusts, 142-144, 165-170; Pat-
erson strike. 204.

Direct action, Chap. XX, 56.
Electrical Workers, opposition

to industrial action, 100.
Erdman Act, 37-38; 149-150.
Federation, A. F. of L., federal

plan of organization, 15-26;

A. F. of L. railroad em-
ployees, 95-97; Railroad
brotherhoods, development
of, 42-45.

Firemen. See Railroad broth-

Guards. See Strikebreakers.
Gunmen. See Strikebreakers.
Hatters' union. See United

Hotel and Restaurant Em-
ployees' union, 83.

Industrial or trade unionism,
Chap. VI; in A. F. of L.,
82-85; Brewery workers, 102-
105; as class action, 110; in
I. W. W., 48-50, 53-54, 108-
109; Metal workers, 90-
95; Miners', 98, 101-102;
Light, heat, and power coun-
cil, 99-100; and Sympathetic
action, 112-119.
Industrial Workers of the
World, Chap. IV; attitude
towards A. F. of L., 57-58;
autonomy opposition, 58-59,
61-62; class action, 50-58, 108-
109; centralization, 61; direct
or political action, 56, 251-252;
industrialism of, 48-50, 53-
54, 58-63, 108-109; Law-
rence strike, 188-189, 205-206;
mass picketing, 205; member-
ship, 63; Paterson strike, 203-
204; and Socialism, 51; and
Syndicalism, 51-52; short
strike, 55; sabotage, 215-216,
219-221; unskilled workers,
56, 63; violence, 188-190, 204;
and women's organization,
68, 70, 74.

Injunctions. See Court injunc-

Insurance, Railroad brother-
hoods, 33-35.

Journeymen Tailors, Socialist
sentiment, 13.

Jurisdiction, in A. F. of L., 16-
17, 84-85, 101, 112-113; build-
ing trades, 86-87; Brewery
Workers, 102-106; Metal
trades, 94-95; Miners, 102.

Label, The, Chap. IX; defini-
tion of, 129-130; where suc-,
cessful, 131-132; demand a
duty, 132; difficulties of, 133;
an ethical proposition, 134;
United Garment Workers,
131; Cigar Makers, 131;
Boot and Shoe, 131; Metal
Polishers, 133; Musicians,

Ladies' Garment Workers, 75.
Lawrence strike, 188-189, 205.
Leather Workers' Union, atti-


tude towards class action, 18.
Legislation, Labor, Chap. XII;
attitude towards, 162; A. F.
of L. indorsement of, 171-
179; attitude towards Aus-
tralasian, 163; minimum
wage, 164, 178; opposition to
interpretation of trusts, 142-
144, 165-170; immigration,
170; workmen's compensa-
tion, 175; employers' liability,
175; on health, 176;
safety, 170, 176; convict la-
bor, 176; "loan shark," 177;
on mining, 177; on hours,
177; on women, 164, 177,
178; child labor, 178; wage
payments, 178; employment
bureaus, 178; trades disputes,
178; arbitration boards, 178;
labor bureaus, 179; anti-in-
junction, 179; direct legisla-
tion, 179.

Light, Heat and Power Coun-

cil of California, 99-100.
Limitation of output, Chap.
XVII; by capital, 222-223;
Textile Workers' experience,
223-225; regulation of ap-
prentices, 225-228; Brick-
layers', 226; Typographical,

[blocks in formation]

action, 92.

Metal trades councils, 92-94.
Metal trades department, 22,

Militia in strikes, 201, 203;

Lawrence strike, 189, 205;
Calumet strike, 209-210; in
Colorado, 212-213.
Minimum wage, 164, 178.
Mining department, 23, 97-98.
Molders' Union, on union shop,
123; failure in strike, 93-94.
Montana Federation of Labor,

Musicians' Union, use of label,

National Erectors' Association,
185-186, 191, 194-195, 197.
National Manufacturers' Asso-
ciation, 137, 191.

Newlands amendment, 154-155.

Open shop. See Union shop.
Order of Railway Conductors.
See Railroad brotherhoods.

Partnership relations, 11, 18,
134; union shop, 120; Rail-
road brotherhoods' identity
of interests, 31-32; boycott,

136; see also Wage agree-
ments; in opposition to, see
Class action, Sympathetic ac-

Paterson Silk Workers' strike,

Philanthropy, Chap. I.
Picketing, Chap. XV; the right
of, 200; as" disturbance," 201-
203; mass, 205; police and
military interference, 198-
201, 203-206, 209-210, 212; in
Paterson strike, 203-204; in
Lawrence strike, 188-189,
205; in New York, 206; atti-
tude of Railroad brother-
hoods, 46.

Police officers in strikes, 201,
203; arbitrary arrests in Pat-
in clothing
trades, 206.
Political action, Chap. XIX;
attitude of I. W. W., 56;
A. F. of L. and the S. P.,
243-244, 246; A. F. of L. in
practical politics, 245-246;
Washington State Federa-
tion, 247; see also Direct ac-

Preferential shop, 128.
Printing Pressmen, strike, 14,

Railroad brotherhoods, Chap.

[ocr errors]

III; opposition to class ac-
tion, 29-32; conservatism of,
30-32, 35; insurance feature,
33-35; protective policy,"
34-38; territorial divisions,
39-40; federation, 42-45;
standardization, 40-41; arbi-
tration, 36-38, 149-155; Erd-
man Act, 37-38; Newlands'
Act, 155; picketing, 46;
strikes, 35, 36, 44-45.
Railroad employees' depart-
ment, 22, 95-97.
Railway Trainmen. See Rail-
road brotherhoods.

Sabotage, Chap. XVI; defini-

tion, 215-217; I. W. W. ad-
vocacy, 219.

San Francisco Labor Council,


Scab, The, 121; official scab-
bing, 100.
Scientific management, Chap.
XVIII; A. F. of L. and I.
W. W. attitude, 231; "four
principles of," 232-233; a
workman's capital, 234; ini-
tiative, 238-239; wasted effort,
239-240; increase in produc-
tion, 240-241.
Sherman Anti-trust law, its ap-
plication to unions, 165-168;
in Hatters' case, 140-144;
proposed revision, 168-169.
Social reform. See Philan-


Socialism, in A. F. of L., 13,
243-244, 246; relation of I.
W. W. to, 51; in Miners'
Unions, 109.
Strikebreakers, professional, in
Calumet strike, 209-210; in
Colorado strike, 212-213; as
thugs, 206; as private guards,
203; importation of, 201;
agents of employers, 207;
anarchy of guards, 212; as
militiamen, 189, 212-213.
Sympathetic action, Chap. VII;
amalgamation, 114;
building trades,
88; coal
miners' experience, 114-115;
Colorado strike, 118-119; and
industrialism, III-112, 114-
115; I. W. W. purpose, 53-
55; Light, Heat, and Power,
Council, 99-100; Metal
trades, 89, 92-95, 117; print-
ing trades failure, 98-99; rail-
road employees, 95; see also
class action; for opposition to,
see Autonomy; Aristocracy
of labor; Wage agreements;
Railroad brotherhoods, 44-45.
Syndicalism, 51-52.

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