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cial, as well as professional stations of society. I had met them occasionally as members of the Union League, and was indebted to the co-operation and countenance of such friends of this country in arrangements and facilities prepared for my journey. Many of them had, without intercourse with myself, cherished a warm sympathy in the events of my progress. It was repeatedly suggested that a visit to the Union League Club, at their club rooms, would be gratifying. I expressed a readiness to attend, the only evening I had free, the 1st of October. In several papers of that morning a paragraph appeared, intimating to the members that such an arrangement had been made. I dined that day with one of the members, who escorted me to the "Rooms." There were from a hundred to a hundred and fifty present. The club was called to order, and Jonathan Sturges, Esq., vice-president, in the absence of the president, then an invalid, took the chair. He introduced me, and then invited me to give some account of my mission and impressions as I had passed through the States. I spoke about an hour, detailing my progress and describing my general reception. The chairman then requested the Rev. Asa D. Smith, D.D., President elect of Dartmouth College, to make the acknowledgments of the club to me. Dr. Smith's cordial personal friendship prompted many kind words in commendation of my services; and then, in the name of the members of the club, he assured me that there were present mercantile and professional gentlemen of the most eminent firms and positions in the community; and that they were resolved, at the most costly sacrifice, to maintain the present conflict until rebellion and slavery were buried in the same tomb. The chairman rose and confirmed this sentiment by calling for three cheers, which were given with the most demonstrative effect. At the close, a resolution was presented to me, signed by chairman and secretary, in the following terms:

"At a meeting of the Union League Club' of the city of New York, held at the club rooms, Thursday evening, October 1, 1863, for the purpose of receiving James W. Massie, D.D., LL.D., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:


"Resolved, That the thanks of the Union League Club are due, and are hereby most cordially tendered, to James W. Massie, D.D., LL.D., of England, for the eloquent and instructive address delivered by him this evening.

"Resolved, That the Union League Club do most heartily approve of the objects, for the attainment of which Doctor Massie was induced to visit the United States of America. "JON. STURGES, Vice-President.

OH. D. SWAN, Secretary."

Though the meeting at Newark was held on the 2nd of October, the evening before I sailed from New York, the service in the Tabernacle, Broadway, was designed as my farewell to the friends of my mission; other friends, too, besides those present were debarred by previous engagements and the want of precise information, from giving their presence and co-operation. Among these was Dr. Tyng, Rector of St. George's. He wrote a letter of explanation; and, as from the beginning he was so heartily identified in my success, I give it a place, as a preliminary to the report from the pen of Dr. J. P. Thompson, which appeared in the "Patriot" of London, Thursday, October 22nd, 1863.

"ST. GEORGE'S RECTORY, September 29, 1863.


"REVEREND AND DEAR FRIEND,-The meeting held on Sunday evening was without my previous knowledge, and unnoticed by me, until it was too late for me to make any arrangement to attend it.

"It would have given me pleasure to have expressed in public the cordial feeling with which I welcomed your whole mission, and the sincere respect which I have learned to cherish for you, in your personal fulfilment of it.



"Though I cordially agreed to the reply which you carry with you from New York, adopted by the meeting of ministers, and read on Sunday evening last, you well know that I should have desired to welcome your mission in much more emphatic terms of brotherly love, and to have expressed in a reply a much more distinct estimation of the earnest faithfulness which prompted the address brought by you, and of the interest and effort from which it proceeded.

"I trust your own observations will have tended to impress you with the conviction that the people of the United States will never consent again to yield their territory to the acknowledged dominion of slavery, whatever may be the cost of life or treasure which shall be required to prevent it.

"If it be only by a prolonged contest that we can secure and maintain an universal and established freedom in our land, then must we fight until this triumph be obtained. Neither the Southern rebellion nor European intervention in any form, will ever be permitted to force upon us the acknowledgment of the renewed rule of slavery, until, as a people, we shall be impoverished and overcome beyond the power of farther resistance.

"I trust that our English and French brethren will be made to realize through your accurate expositions, the fact that however we may have been misrepresented and maligned in this contest, we are perfectly sincere in our determination, never to yield it until this great end has been attained, or ourselves have been destroyed.

"I trust our gracious Lord will carry you, my dear friend, safely to your home, and make your remembrance of your visit among us as agreeable and encouraging.

"I am, with very great respect,

'My dear Dr. Massie,

"Your friend and brother in the Lord,



To the Editor of the "Patriot."

"SIR, Our honoured guest, Rev. J. W. Massie, D.D., the representative of British sympathies with our national

cause, leaves us to-day after an extensive and highlyfavoured tour in the Northern and Western states. Dr. Massie arrived in New York at a time the most inopportune for his object-just as our citizens were scattering to their country retreats, when, too, a great battle was impending in Pennsylvania, and when the air was again full of rumours of British recognition of the Southern slavedrivers as an independent power. There was hardly anybody here of our representative citizens to greet such an embassy, and the public mind was intensely preoccupied with domestic affairs, and particularly sensitive toward England. But Dr. Massie's good sense and tact, and his kindly spirit, did much to overcome the latter obstacle, while the readiness of Christian ministers to promote international peace and to reciprocate fraternal courtesies in a measure obviated the former.

"Dr. Massie having laid his object privately before Drs. S. H. Tyng, of the Episcopal Church; A. D. Smith, of the Presbyterian; and J. P. Thompson, Congregationalist; a large and influential meeting of ministers was promptly convened by those gentlemen, at which the address of the Manchester Conference was formally received, and a suitable reply was adopted. This reply has since been signed by a large number of ministers, chiefly of the State of New York, and distinct replies have been adopted in Boston, Cleveland, and other places visited by your delegate.

"Dr. Massie was introduced to the Christian public of New York in my own church, the Broadway Tabernacle, on the evening of July 5, and was cordially received by a large assembly. He preached also in two or three other churches during his first sojourn in the city. Since then he has visited Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Portland, Worcester, Springfield, Providence, Hartford, New Haven, indeed, nearly all the leading towns of New England, and has extended his tour westward to Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and Louisville, the last two towns being in slave states, or rather, states now in transition from slavery to freedom.

"What observations Dr. Massie has made upon our country and its institutions in this wide survey, and what



opinions he has formed concerning us and our cause, he may well be trusted to report with his own lips. I doubt not that he has observed with discrimination and has judged with candour, and that in all he may deem it his duty to say of us as a people, in this grave crisis of our affairs, the law of Christian kindness will govern his speech. He will not disguise from you the fact that while he has been everywhere received with courtesy, and his mission has been entertained with favour, he has found among our best citizens not a popular political rancour against England, not a reckless tone of belligerance, but a feeling of disappointment and sorrow that the freest nation of Europe, allied to us by language, by religion, by history, and by institutional liberty, should have been so backward to appreciate our cause, and so willing to let her moral influence slide into the scale of rebellion against free government in the sole interest of slavery. It is well that Englishmen should understand what I am sure Dr. Massie now fully understands-that England has lost immeasurably in moral prestige in the view of American Christians.

"Only yesterday, New York rendered to the officers of the Russian fleet now in our harbour a civic and popular ovation like that rendered to the Prince of Wales. This was done with right good-will and for a purpose; for Russia, autocratic Russia, has been more just, honourable, and friendly in her attitude toward our national Government than has constitutional England or our ancient ally, France. The popular feeling in our loyal states is far more cordial toward Russia than toward England. The reasons for this Englishmen should not blindly overlook. The fact itself they cannot afford to ignore. Dr. Massie can shed some light upon it. At the same time he can assure you that there is a general disposition in this country to cultivate amicable relations with Great Britain, and even to study the things that make for peace. The visit of Dr. Massie has had a happy influence in this direction. His frank, intelligent, and earnest sympathy with our cause, not only in its anti-slavery aspects, but in its wider relations to that constitutional liberty which Englishmen ought to value no less than we, his candour in condemning the violations of neutrality by British ship-builders, the pro

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