enhanced value proclamation of 1817, settling the value and weight of the pound Discussion on Mr. Evans' Paper- Sceatæ in connection with "scot and lot "Pilhelm" on penny of William I as origin of Bill Penny of George III . Gun-money in Ireland under James II. Bithell (Dr.). Libra and Pondo Meaning of sign £ Connection of "shilling" with "shekel" Metallic value of shilling and shekel estimated from the mina Walford (C.). Derivation of "sterling" from "Easterling" that the Easterlings were monks trading in the Baltic 83-84 84 origin of Royal Exchange 84 at Dover, where all foreign traders were to change their 84 84 The halfpence grievance in Ireland Hamilton (R.) Fluctuations in value of precious metals as cause of diminution in No copper coinage in colonies 84-85 85 85 85 85 EVELYN, on tokens EWART (John). Obituary notice of EXAMINATIONS, Institute of Bankers, remarks in Annual Report on Results. rates of, on London see Bills of Exchange. 2 12 514, 516, 586 EXCHANGES of Notes and Settlements between banks in Edinburgh, FOURPENNY PIECES, withdrawal from circulation circular of Assoc. of Country Bankers. FOWLER (Wm.) Resolution to abolish restriction on £1 notes, and debate thereon, in Commons FRANCE, gold currency in see Banks-Bank of France. FREMANTLE (Hon. C. W.) Report to H. M. Government on Inter- Circumstances leading to the meeting 420 423 358-361 321 424 424-425 conference of 1878, reply of England to invitation results; propositions of United States' Commissioners Latin monetary convention, suspension of silver coinage, invitation to England by France and United States to conference reply of H. M. Government 425 425 425-426 426 426 426-427 Opening address. Scheme of debate and procedure Of eighteen governments represented, reservations made by twelve 427 427 427 428 Declaration by German government, of willingness to help re-establish Reassembling of conference, scheme of debate 428 428 428-429 Reply of directors of Bank of England as to issue of notes upon silver GIBBS (H. H.), address at meeting of International Monetary GILBART'S HISTORY, Principles and Practice of Banking. New 220-221 62 draft clearing with a view to its reform (see Martin) GOLD COINAGE, our, an enquiry into its present defective condition, Annual Report of Deputy-Master of Mint on GOLD, in currency and as commodity in Germany. in United States PAGE. 228 359 130-131 269 297 6 321 322 322 210-212 152-154 306, 307, 310, 313 316-317 328-335 421-423 424-436 433 433 433 434 436 remarks in Annual Report of Deputy Master of Mint (1881) on Reports on International Monetary Conference, 1881 8, 12 300, 336, 345 199, 201, 202, 207, 208, 523, 525, 527, 531 GREIG (W. K.) Remarks in Discussion (Wenley, Banking in GRENFELL (H. R.) address at meeting of International Monetary Standard Association "What is a Standard ?" (notice of) Remarks in Discussion (Martin, on Gold Coinage) GRIGSBY (Mr.) Remarks in Discussion (Chalmers, on Bills of GROOME, London and County Bank v. Groome, report of case GUARANTEE, Questions, with Answers of the Council- discharge of, as to giving up instrument 167 216-217 363-365 346 203 73 233-239 419 of overdrawn account, if preference security in case of ུ བྷུ ལྕ7,, E---a; 9, 11 HALFPENNY of Alfred the Great HAMILTON (Rowland) Money and Barter` Definition of money that money is "purchasing power" Barter in communal village systems Primitive forms of exchange: Moneta ard pecus Use of precious metals for money historical illustration of its universal character Fallacy of "regulating value' that gold in currency and gold as commodity are different Conditions of interchange governing transfers of bullion Stability of gold or silver depends on university of demand, with limited nature of supply the silver question basis of exchange value Waste of precious metals B HAMILTON (Rowland)—continued. Forms of money bullion coin notes cash balances at bankers Tokens Higher mechanism of exchange defined as "barter by valuation' are transfers of "purchasing power" and therefore money Professor Jevons's "ratio of exchange" Intuitive perception of supply and demand Commercial crises are rectifications of accounts. Gold in Bank of England is reserve of the whole mercantile community Separate and distinct trade in bills. Bankers' differentiated from traders' bills Discussion on Mr. Hamilton's Paper- PAGE. 10 10 10 10 11-12 11 12-13 14 14 14-15 15 16-17 18-21 18-21 19, 21 Remarks in Discussion (Evans, on £ s. d.) HENDRIKS (F.) Remarks in Discussion (Hamilton, on Money and (Martin, on Gold Coinage). 25-26 85 21 348 199, 201, 202, HOLIDAYS, bank, and payment of Bills due on those days. 207, 208, 523, 525, 527, 531 half, bank 43 post office bank HOLLAND (John), first governor of Bank of Scotland HORTON (S. Dana) "Sir Isaac Newton and England's Prohibitive HUBBARD (J. G.) table of amount of gold received at Bank of HUSBAND AND WIFE- 43 37, 38 312 in regard to banking, under Married Women's Property Act, separate accounts at same bank, question as to paying cheques on INDIA, purchasing power of rupee, capacity of Empire to absorb new (see Temple) effects of disturbance in ratio gold and silver upon INDIGO, cultivation, in India, as field for capital INSTITUTE OF BANKERS in Scotland, Lord McLaren's Address INTERNATIONAL Monetary Conference, 1881 (see Fremantle and 243 435 252 210-212 123 424-436 INDEX TO VOL. III, YEAR 1882. INTERNATIONAL Monetary Standard Association IRELAND, clearing system return of gold and silver held by Irish and Scotch banks JENCKEN (H. D.) Obituary notice of PAGE. 104 270-272 308 44 JEVONS (Prof.) Investigation of loss by wear of coinage JOURNAL OF INSTITUTE OF BANKERS, remarks in annual report of 227 371 LANGLEY (E.) address at meeting of International Monetary Standard 219 74 507 LATIMER, Bishop, on the coinage, in his sermons to Edward VI. LA TOUCHE (William Digges) Obituary notice of LAVELEYE (Emile de) "Commonplace Fallacies concerning Money," notice LAW, German, of Note issue United States, National Bank Acts see Acts of Parliament, Legal Decisions. LEGAL DECISIONS affecting bankers see Advances, Bankruptcy, Bills of Exchange, Cheques, "LEAVES from the diary of an Edinburgh Banker in 1745," notice of LIEN, bankers', on securities deposited with them, case with Mr. see Company. LOANS, Bank of Scotland (1704). LOAN OFFICE, styling itself a bank, question as to paying cheques of 500 123 National Banks of United States, restrictions on on shares, as security for advance, question (with answer) LONDON AND COUNTY BANK, appellants; Thomas Ratcliffe, LONDON AND COUNTY BANKING COMPANY v. Groome, report of case 397, 399 46-59 84 63 197, 198, 208 23 L. S. D.; or, the Origin of Pounds, Shillings and Pence (see Evans) Remarks on Report of the Council read at Fourth Annual |