RAILWAYS, of India, as field for capital and enterprise RATCLIFFE (Thomas) Respondent, London and County Bank REED (G. Dayrell) retirement of, Sir J. Lubbock's announcement RENTES, 3 per cent. French, price of (weekly Returns) REPORT of Deputy-Master of Mint (1881). of Comptroller of Currency of United States PAGE. 248-250 46-59 26 515, 517, 587 of Council (Institute of Bankers), read at fourth annual general REPORTS on International Monetary Conference, 1881 (see silver) National Banks of United States. RESERVES, Bank of England resumé of controversy in regard to RETURN, 1881, of gold and silver held by Irish and Scotch banks RETURNS, Australasian Bank, summary of weekly. see Statistics, Tables. RICE cultivation in India as field for capital RICHARDSON (Mr.) on average daily amount of Clearing House ROADS of India, as field for capital 369-380 424 ROWETT (Mr.) Remarks in Discussion (Chalmers, on Bills of 251 93 251 203 RULES for clearing country cheques in London. 98 for Exchanges of Notes and General Settlements of Balances 157-159 for Edinburgh Clearing House 159-161 for Manchester Bankers' Clearing House 223-225 RUPEE, purchasing power of, relative to labour, produce, &c., in various parts of India (see Temple). 243 SAVINGS BANKS, Post Office, abstract of Parliamentary Return SCEATTAS, coins SCOTLAND, history and development of Banking in (see Wenley) Cash credit system in Institute of Bankers in, abstract of Lord McLaren's address 42-43 127 210-212 283-284 521-522 Return of Gold and Silver held by Irish and Scotch banks 308 SCOTT (Sir Walter), letters from "Malachi Malagrowther" limited liability company's shares, notice to company agreement to secure overdrawn acccount, in case of bankruptcy deposited with bankers, as to lien, case with Mr. Chalmers' opinion SEIGNORAGE, proposed, to cover loss on coinage by wear International SETTLEMENT draft or ticket, of Clearing House. SETTLEMENTS of banks in Edinburgh, rules for. SHARES, limited liability company's, with banker, as security for advance, questions of notice to company (with answer) SHEKEL, origin of shilling. SHERBROOKE (Lord), "What is money ?" notice SHILLING, origin of (see Evans) "SHIP BANK," Glasgow SIGNATURE, Agents' Law of (see Bills of Exchange Act) Questions with answers of Council upon- Bills Partners see Endorsement. SILVER, used for pennies in currency and as commodity certificates (bank notes) in United States withdrawal of fourpenny pieces from circulation extracts from annual report of U.S. mint on PAGE. 318, 351 99 262, 263 82 277-279 63 position of Government of Netherlands on the 230 resolution of Association of Chambers of Commerce 228 Association for establishment of International Monetary 104 see Bimetallism. Reform (1816) 76 Report of Deputy-Master of Mint (1881) on coinage of 420 average price for the year 420 Indian Silver coinage 421 Reports on International Monetary Conference, 1881 424-436 426 Declaration of German Government as to re-establishment of position of Reply of directors of Bank of England as to issue of notes upon SLATER (Mr.) Remarks in Discussion (Chalmers, on Bills of Exchange SMITH (B.) Obituary notice of . SMITH (J.) Remarks in Discussion (Chalmers, on Bills of Exchange 199 44 204 SOVEREIGN, coinage of, by Henry VII 78 STAMP DUTIES, on "Cash Order,” accepted payable at bank 178 on cheques drawn by Trustees in Bankruptcy, letter from 179 on cheques drawn abroad, question (with answer) 214 264 42 STEEL (W. A.) Remarks in Discussion (Wenley, Banking in Scotland) 163 TABLES, amounts of Clearing House . note issues in United Kingdom, monthly averages, Oct. 22, 1881, position of comparing guinea with sovereign and half-sovereign "remedy or variation of weight in gold coinage. total gold coinage of English and Australian mints, 1817-1880 amount of gold received at Bank of England, and percentage of gold currency in United States annual depreciation of gold coinage number of sovereigns and half-sovereigns analysis of weight of 1,000 sovereigns and half-sovereigns Scotch Banks, 1695 to 1878 at 1845, with circulation authorised under 8 and 9 Vict., c. 38 paid-up capital of, at each decade 1845 to 1875, and at 1881 number of, with amounts, 1874-5 classification of, with relative percentages, 1875. 93 592 593 298 299 301, 326 312 323-324 327 144 145 145 146 146 147 note circulation, yearly averages 147 averages of. 148 proportions of notes in circulation 148 number of partners 148 number of offices, and proportion of population to each office Bank of Scotland, dividend and bonus on capital paid-up 155-156 average price of stock and rate of dividend and bonus paid. 157 556 particulars on chief points of all clearing houses. 559 562 National Banks of United States: note issue 1863 to 1881 393 396 reserves and proportion to liabilities 401 surplus and undivided profits, and proportion to capital TABLES, National Banks of United States-continued. cost of liquidations record and analysis of failures failures of state savings and private banks dates of expiry of charters, &c. Weekly Returns PAGE. 408 409 410 411 412 60, 115, 186, 240, 294, 366, 450, 510-517, 586-591 TEA, cultivation, in India, as field for capital 251 243 243 244 245 245 246-247 247 248 248-250 250 251 251 251 251 252 252 252 252 253 253 254 255-261 Purchasing power of the rupee: notice of Mr. McLean's paper at Purchasing power of rupee not diminished; reference to papers Reasons why prices did not rise in India, as given by Silver 256-257 Trade of 25 years ago contrasted with the present Discussion on Sir R. Temple's Address Disabilities of English banking in India: cash balances kept by 257 London as source of capital for India: necessity for Government Temple (Sir R.) Reply 257-258 Disabilities of exchange banks of India: Mr. Bell's suggestion 258-261 TESTOONS or shillings coined by Henry VIII TRITTON (J. Herbert) Remarks in Discussion (Barnett, on National Banks of United States). 416 73 381, 493 TURNEMIRE (William de) agreement with Edward I for coinage 35 105-107 322 30-34 179 424-436 106-107 110-114 398 evasion of 415, 416, 417 VENN (W. W., junr.) Remarks in Discussion (Chalmers, on Bills of WALFORD (C.) Remarks in Discussion (Evans, on £ s. d) 197 WEEKLY RETURNS 60, 115, 186, 240, 294, 366, 586-594 WENLEY (J. A.) On the History and Development of Banking in Scotland Bank of Scotland established 5 119 120 |