INDEX. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT― Geo. I., 1718, founding Equivalent Company Bank Charter Act, 1844, quoted as to power to issue notes against Bankruptcy, 1869, in case ex parte Richdale. In re Palmer Bills of Exchange Act, 1882, 45 & 46 Vict., ch 61, full text of Schedule of Enactments, repealed Coinage Act, 1870, text of Companies (Joint Stock), suggested amendment sect. 30, on Notice Married Women's Property Act, 1882 (see Paget) Scotland- 1695, establishing Bank of Scotland 1765, regulating Note issue. Bank Act, 1845 Lord McLaren's criticisms on Indian Negotiable Instruments Act (see Chalmers) ADVANCES, banker's lien on security, decision in London and County Questions with Answers of Council--- on limited liability company shares, notice to company, and PAGE. 124-125 429 453-492 492 336-344 227 263 541 120 132 138-139 210-212 265 46 262 on foreign bonds, claim of interest on drawn bond 263 see Overdrawn Account. ASSOCIATION OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, resolutions passed at AUSTRALIA, bullion shipments to United States AUTHORITY, letter of, to sign cheques, question if stamp necessary, AMERICAN BANKERS' ASSOCIATION, proceedings of convention of, 35-37 226-228 188, 296 43 273 301, 326 501 99 122 389 374-375 BANKERS, private, Scottish. relinquished trade BANKERS' (American) Association, proceedings of convention of, BANKERS' INSTITUTE IN SCOTLAND, Lord McLaren's address. BANKRUPTCY, of Payee before date of post-dated cheque, legal decision BANKS- BANK OF ENGLAND, admission to Clearing House reserve. Suffell r. Bank of England. report of case weekly Returns Nov. 2, 1881, to Oct. 25, 1882 BANK OF FRANCE, new Governor of statement by Governor, on transactions for year 1881 PAGE. 127 132 35-37 119 171 284-293 227 179 91 312 429 450, 510, 512, 514, 516, 586, 588 588 43 61, 117, 187, COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, origin and growth of ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, origin NATIONAL BANKS OF UNITED STATES (see Barnett) BARNARD (G. E.) Remarks seconding vote of thanks to President at 126 155-156 157 125 126, 133 126 128 129 130 133 202 379 BARNETT (R. W.) The London Bankers' Clearing House Origin of clearing by Bankers' clerks Date of first official clearing Establishment of country cheque clearing. Amount of country clearing. Admission of Bank of England Number of clearing bankers. Average daily amount of clearing Total clearing in 1839 . Comparative table of amounts of clearing Daily operations of the Clearing House Time table of clearings General rules Rules for clearing country cheques in London Form of general balance-sheet Form of draft or "ticket" for settlement that country notes should be cleared The National Banks of the United States of America adoption of proposal to issue national bank-notes secured by U. S. bonds, in place of notes authorised by State laws PAGE. 89 3 89 89 90 91 91 92 92-93 93 93 94-97 97 97-98 98 99 99 100 100-102 100-101 101 381 382 382 382 Condition of banking prior to organisation of national banking system 383 383 383 loss abuses: remarks in messages of Governors of Indiana, Michigan, variety of species of currency, resulting in inconvenience and loss, especially by domestic exchange National Banking Bill, opposition and passing of the measure Progress of national banking system 384 384 384 385 385 385 Act of 1865, imposing tax on private note circulations. 386 386 present position 387 Comptroller of the Currency: definition of his position, powers, and duties System of control 387 Reports of banks, and Comptroller's reports, giving statistics and data of stock: executors, administrators, guardians, or trustees, liable only 391 Directors' qualifications 391 deposit of bonds with Treasury; receipt of circulating notes from 391 Restriction of note circulation 391 Characteristics and legal tender of notes 392 notes issued by bank since failed are legal.tender to other banks 392 392 Redemption and Reserve Cities note issue, 1863-1881 (table). 393 393 Payment and redemption of notes, according to original Act, and Act 393, 394-395 Banks must keep on deposit at Treasury in gold or U.S. notes 5 per cent. Legislation regulating circulation Act removing limit and restrictions not followed by increase National gold banks Deposit of bonds against circulation in 1865 and 1881. Cost to banks of existing system: commercial rate of interest higher Actual net profit upon circulation (table) 394 394 394 395 395 395-396 BARNETT (R. W.)—continued. PAGE. Restriction: on real estate 397 may not loan or discount on own stock. 397 total liabilities of any one customer not to exceed one-tenth of 397 on liabilities 397 provisions as to usury 398 Two restrictions pointing directly to methods of business, of which we notes not to be used for purposes of capital and loans. certification of cheques Reserve of banks, and proportion to whole liabilities (table) Surplus and undivided profits, and their proportion to capital (table) Bad debts to be deducted from net profits before declaring dividend, and to be reported to comptroller Losses since March, 1876 (table) in geographical divisions (table) in principal cities fall on undivided profits number of banks declaring no dividend (table) in geographical divisions (table) Pecuniary burdens imposed on banks amount paid from commencement of system ratio of taxes to capital since 1866 (table). inequalities of State taxation two cent. stamp on bank cheques 398-401 399 399 401 402 402-403 403 403 404 404 405 405 405 406 406 406-407 407 compared with failures of State and Savings banks, and private 339 banks which, finding advantages of Acts no compensation for Future of the system Banks whose charters are about to expire (table) derangement of currency which must ensue from retirement of 410-411 411 412 413 413 413 proposed legislation security for notes in connection with redemption of National Debt 413 414 Discussion on Mr. Barnett's Paper 414 Martin, (J. B.) 414 Question as to clearing-house certificates, including certified Great importance of watching closely effects of approaching crisis 415 Effect of having no branches in preventing aggregation of 416 Evasion of usury law 416 Proportion of coins, notes, and cheques, compared with our own Evasion of usury law, and of restrictions on certification of cheques Abolition of small notes Absence of aggregation of deposits 417 417-418 418 418 418 |