Rise and growth of deposit system. 133-134 Effect in Scotland of suspension of payment by Bank of England in 1797 134 Failures of Western Bank of Scotland and City of Glasgow Bank 139-140 Average dividend 143 Tables: statement of Scotch banks at 1845, with circulation authorised by 8 & 9 Vict., c. 38 144 banks of issue in Scotland in 1845, not now existing 145 paid-up capital of Scotch banks at decennial periods, 1845 to 1857, number of banking offices in Scotland and proportion of population 149 classification of banks according to places. number of offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow 149 149 banks in Scotland position of Scotch banks as per last annual accounts Bank of Scotland; dividend and bonus on capital paid-up Rules for exchanges of notes and general settlements of banks in 150-151 152-154 155-156 157-159 Position of Country bankers in London contrasted with that of WENLEY (J. A.)—continued. Greig (W. K.) Unfairness to English bankers arising from Scottish monopoly Currency of notes dependent, not upon gold set aside to meet them, PAGE. Endorsement of cheques to bearer. 167 168 168 168 169 169 170 170 170 170 170 WILKINSON and Co., v. Unwin, report of case WILLIAMSON (Stephen), address at meeting of International Monetary WOMAN, married, banking account in name of, her separate property, WOMEN'S (married) Property Act, 1882 (see Paget). WOOD (Mr.). Remarks in Discussion (Temple, on India-purchasing WOOLLEN TRADE in India as field for capital WRIGHT-Carter v. Wright, report of case 241, 295, 367, 451, 511, 513, 515, 517,587 252 68 PAYMAS VADER, ILLUD 19th century. Rise and growth of deposit system. Lord Liverpool's proposed suppression of Failures of Western Bank of Scotland and Deposits, 1845 to 1881 Note circulation, 1845 to 1881 Clearing houses Branches of Scotch Banks in England Causes of development of Scottish banking Tables: statement of Scotch banks at 1845, banks of issue in Scotland in 1845, not 11 total deposits, ditto number of deposit customers classified n Yearly averages of note circulation for 1" proportion of notes in circulation classication of banks according to places. Bank of Scotlant, dovidend and domus in ca of stock and rate of fivil des and general sit |