Proceedings of the British AcademyBritish Academy |
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Strana 7
... Armado is thinking when at the end of L.L.L. he declares " The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo ' . Shakespeare thus regards Apollo pre - eminently as the divinity of music and the arts . When Sly is offered ...
... Armado is thinking when at the end of L.L.L. he declares " The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo ' . Shakespeare thus regards Apollo pre - eminently as the divinity of music and the arts . When Sly is offered ...
Strana 21
... the struggle for the mastery of the Mediter- ranean world between the African city and Rome . The Shake- speare Concordance does not include the Scipios . Armado appearing CLASSICAL LEGEND AND HISTORY IN SHAKESPEARE 21.
... the struggle for the mastery of the Mediter- ranean world between the African city and Rome . The Shake- speare Concordance does not include the Scipios . Armado appearing CLASSICAL LEGEND AND HISTORY IN SHAKESPEARE 21.
Strana 24
Don Armado plays characteristically upon it in his love - letter to Jaquenetta ; Rosalind declares that there was never anything so sudden as the love between Oliver and Celia , but Caesar's thrasonical brag of ' I came , saw , and ...
Don Armado plays characteristically upon it in his love - letter to Jaquenetta ; Rosalind declares that there was never anything so sudden as the love between Oliver and Celia , but Caesar's thrasonical brag of ' I came , saw , and ...
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Achilles Ajax Alcides Alexander allusion by Shakespeare Althaea Amores Anchises ANNUAL SHAKESPEARE LECTURE Antony Apollo Armado avowed fool Bassanio Benedick Berowne Britain BRITISH ACADEMY Brutus bull Caes Carthage Cassibelan Cassius chamber of Lucrece Cleopatra Cress cries Cupid Cymbeline declares deities Dido echo episode Europa eyes F. S. BOAS Falstaff figures flight of Aeneas ghost gods Greek Hamlet Hector Hecuba Hercules Hermia hero Heroïdes Holofernes husband imperious Caesar Jove Julius Caesar Jupiter king Latin Leander legendary Lichas lord Lucrece's Marlowe's medieval Metamorphoses Nestor night Nine Worthies Octavius Olympian Ovid Phaethon Phoebus player's recital Pompey Pompey's Portia Priam Prince Pyramus and Thisbe Pyrrhus references Roman history plays Rome Rosalind Shake SHAKESPEARE BY F. S. Sinon speare's Tarquin Tempest masque thee Thersites Thisbe thou Timon of Athens tribute Troilus and Cressida Troy Tunis valour Venus and Adonis Virgil Volumnia Worthies in L.L.L.