Dema: ks. Receiving books. Capice grantees in alphabetical order. He shall make in such general index or indexes, correct entries of every instrument required by law to be entered in the general index or indexes, direct. And whenever any mortgage, bond or other instrument has been released or discharged from record, whether by written release upon the margin of the record, or by recording a deed of relcase, the register shall immediately notein the appropriate index, both under the head of grantor and grantee, and in column headed "remarks," and opposite to the appropriate entry, that such instrument has been satisfied. SEC. 9. He shall also keep a receiving book, each page of which shall be divided into six columns, specifying the time of reception, the names of grantors, the names of grantees, from whom received. to whom delivered, and fees received. Whenever any instrument has been received by him for record, he shall hamediately indorse upon such instrument his certificate, noting the day, hour and minute of its reception, the book and page where recorded, and the fees received for recording the same, and the date of record of such instrument shall be from the date of filing; whenever any instrument has been filed as aforesaid, the register shall immediately make an entry of the same in his receiving book, under the appropriate heading, with the amount paid as fee for recording the same, and after such instrument is recorded, he shall deliver it to the person authorized toreceive the same, writing the name of the person to whom it is delivered in the appropriate column; but no register of deeds shall be bound to perform any of the duties required to be performed by this act as such register, for which a fee is allowed, unless such fee has been paid or tendered. SEC. 10. Copies of all papers filed in the office of register of deeds, and transcripts from the books of record kept therein, certified by him under the seal of his office, shall be prima facia evidence in all cases. ARTICLE IV. Sheriff SEC. 1. There shall be in each county organized for judicial purposes, a sheriff, who shall be ex officio county collector, shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified, or appointed and qualified, as the case may be, and who shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take an oath to support the constitution of the United States and the act organizing the territory of Wyoming, and to faithfully discharge the duties imposed upon him by law as such sheriff and ex officio collector, which said oath shall be indorsed on the back of his certificate of election or appointment, and he shall also execute a bond to the people of the territory of Wyoming, with sufficient sureties, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars, to be approved by the board of county commissioners, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties. of sheriff as required by law, and that he will pay according to law, all moneys which shall come into his possession belonging to the territory, county school fund, or to any person or corporation, as such sheriff, and that he will render a just and true account thereof, and shall deliver to his successor in office or to any other person authorized by law to receive them, all moneys, books, papers, and other things appertaining thereto or belonging to his office as such sheriff; and he shall at the same time execute another bond to the people of the territory of Wyoming, in such penal sum as may be prescribed by the board of county commissioners, conditioned that if said sheriff as ex officio collector, and his deputy or deputies, and all persons employed in his office, shall faithfully and promptly perform the duties required of collector by the laws of this territory, to the satisfaction of the board of county commissioners, and if he, the said sheriff and his deputies, shall collect and pay according to law, to the proper officer or person, all moneys which shall come to his hands as ex officio county collector, and shall render a just true account thereof whe: ever so required by the board of Oath of sheriff. Ex officio col lector. Proviso. Under sheriff. Deputy sheriff's Bond. Proviso. county commissioners or any provisions of law, and shall deliver to his successor in office, or to any other person authorized by law to receive the same, all moneys, books, papers, and other things appertaining thereto, or belonging to his office, said bond shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, which said bond, together with the certificate of his election or appointment, shall be filed in the county clerk's office, and no person shall be received as a surety on said bond who is not worth at least two thousand dollars over and above his just debts and exemptions provided by law; Provided, That no person shall be elected sheriff for more than two terms in succession. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the sheriff to appoint an under sheriff who shall qualify as required by law of deputy sheriffs, and who shall be sheriff in case of the death, resignanation, or other disability of the sheriff. SEC. 3. The sheriff of each county, may, after entering upon the duties of his office, appoint in writing, one or more deputies to assist him in the performance of the duties required of him by law, as such sheriff and ex officio county collector, and for whose official acts he shall be responsible, and he may require each of such deputies to enter into bonds to him for the faithful performance of the several duties of his office; the written appointment of each deputy with the usual oath indorsed thereon, shall be filed in the county clerk's office of the proper county; each deputy shall hold his office during the pleasure of the sheriff, who shall upon revoking the appointment of any deputy, indorse such revocation and the date thereof upon such written appointment, and shall also give ample notice of such revocation. Each sheriff may also appoint special deputies to do particular acts, which shall be specified in each of such appointments, and for each of whose official acts he shall be responsible, but such appointments are not required to be filed or revoked as in the case of regular deputies. Provided, That no assessor shall be appointed deputy sheriff or collector. SEC. 4. The sheriff shall have charge and custody of the jails of his county, and of the provisions in the same, and shall keep them himself or by his deputy or jailor whom he may appoint specially for that purpose, and for whose acts he and his sureties shall be liable. SEC. 5. The sheriff in person or by his deputy or deputies, shall serve and execute according to law, all processes, writs, precepts and orders issued out of any court of record in his county in all criminal and civil cases or made by lawful authority and to him directed, and he shall attend upon all courts of record in his county. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the sheriff and deputy Peace officers sheriffs to keep and preserve the peace in their respective counties, and to quiet and suppress all affrays, riots, and unlawful assemblies and insurrections, for which purpose and for the service of process in civil and criminal cases, and in apprehending and securing any person for felony or breach of the peace, they, and every coroner and constable, may call to their aid such person or persons of their county, as they may deem necessary. Service of Sac. 7. Every paper required by law to be served on the sheriff, may be served on him in person or left at his papers. office during business hours, and no sheriff or deputy shall appear or advise as attorney or counselor in any case in any court. Suc. 8. Every sheriff as ex officio county collector shall have and keep in his office, a "cash book," wherein shall be entered and set down every sum of money paid to him by virtue of his office, and the date of such payment, and the name of the person paying the same, the account upon which the same was paid, and the nature of the funds so paid, to him whether gold, silver, United States treasury notes, bank bills, or territorial or auditor's warrants or other territorial or county scrip, or evidences of territorial or county indebtedness, and the amount of each separate kind; and such cash book shall at all reasonable hours of the day be open to the inspection and examination of all persons desiring to inspect or examine the same. "Cash book." Receipts Faithful per formance of duty SEC. 9. Upon the payment of any money to him as aforesaid, he shall issue his receipt therefor to the person paying the same, setting forth in such receipt all of the matters prescribed in the preceding section, to be entered in such cash book. SEC. 10. Every sheriff as sheriff and ex officio collector shall faithfully perform all other duties required of him by the laws of this territory, in addition to those specified in this act. Neglect of duty. · SEC. 11. Every sheriff as ex officio county colleetor, who shall fail, neglect or refuse to have and keep in his office such cash book as required by section eight of this act, or shall fail, neglect or refuse to set down in said cash book each and every requirement as set forth in said section, or shall make any false or deficient entry thereof, or shall fail, neglect or refuse to have and keep said cash book at his office during business hours, or shall fail, neglect or refuse to permit any person to inspect or examine the same at any reasonable hour of the day, or shall fail, neglect or refuse to issue his receipt for any moneys collected or received by him, as such collector as required in section nine of this article or shall fail to collect and pay over any moneys required to be collected and paid over, or shall fail, neglect or refuse to do any other official act required of him by law; shall in addition to other penalties that may be prescribed by law, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and the court may, as an addi tional penalty, adjudge that such sheriff be removed from his office. This section shall extend to the deputies of every such sheriff. Assessor. ARTICLE V. Assessor. SEC. 1. There shall be in each organized county, an assessor, who shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified according to law, or appointed and qualified according to law, as the case |