members appointed by the President for a term of three years. There shall be an annual appointment of three members. Vacancies occurring from other causes shall be filled for the unexpired term. This committee shall organize sub-committees in each county, whose duty it shall be to assist in the framing and passage of such laws as may be desired, and in the enforcement of them in their respective counties afterward. It shall be the duty of the committee to prevent the repeal of such salutary medical laws as are now in effect; to frame and assist in the passage of such medical legislation as may be deemed necessary and beneficial, and to take proper steps to discover, report and prosecute all violations of existing medical laws. It shall be the duty of the main committee to meet in Atlanta during the sessions of the Legislature, or at such other times as is deemed best to carry out its purposes. (The attention of this committee is called to the following: To suggest a feasible plan for the introduction into court of expert medical testimony in criminal cases. To suggest a feasible plan for the prevention and spread of tuberculosis.) He stated that the object in making the report was to show the inconsistency of adopting this resolution which now becomes a part of the By-Laws, and that the committee could not use funds until they had been created. As the hour for adjournment had nearly arrived, on motion, this matter was deferred until the afternoon session, to be taken up immediately after reassembling. The President appointed as Auditing Committee, Drs. Slack, C. H. Richardson and George H. Noble. The President read a letter from Dr. Senn regretting his inability to be present to deliver an address on "Emergency Surgery." Dr. Westmoreland moved that in view of Dr. Senn's absence, Dr. Samuel Lloyd, of New York, occupy the time allotted to Dr. Senn. Seconded. Dr. McRae objected to this on the ground that it was discourteous to Dr. Senn after he had taken the trouble to prepare his address and had sent it to be read. He then moved, as a substitute, that the regular program be carried out, and that Dr. Elliott read it at the appointed time. A report was made by the Board of Censors with reference to action taken on thirty-four applications for membership between the last meeting and the present one, and, on motion, the report was adopted. The reading of papers was then proceeded with, the first one being read by Dr. T. Virgil Hubbard, of Atlanta, entitled, "The Eliminative and Antiseptic Treatment of Typhoid Fever." On motion of Dr. Hunt, the discussion on this paper was postponed until after the reading of Dr. Hare's address. Dr. Gilman Robinson, of Atlanta, followed with a paper on "Infant Feeding in Health and Disease." Dr. Barron reported in behalf of the Committee on Program, and, on motion of Dr. Noble, the program as printed was adopted. The program is as follows: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19. MORNING SESSION, 10 O'CLOCK. Prayer. Rev. J. W. Roberts, D.D., Macon. Address of Welcome. Hon. Emory Speer, Judge United States Court, Macon. Response to Address of Welcome. DeSaussure Ford, M.D., Augusta. * Presentation of the Members of 1849, Guests of the Association. Report of the Committee on Arrangements. Report of Committee on Program. Report of Committee on Publication. Report of Committee on Necrology. Report of Committee on New Members. Report of Committee on Medical Legislation. Report of Special Committees. Appointment of Auditing Committee. Applications for membership. * Owing to the illness and absence of Dr. Ford, this response was made by Dr. Virgil O. Hardon, of Atlanta. AFTERNOON SESSION, 2:30 O'CLOCK. Report of Board of Censors. 1. The Eliminative and Antiseptic Treatment of Typhoid Fever, T. Virgil Hubbard, M.D., Atlanta. 2. Infant Feeding in Health and Disease, Gilman Robinson, M.D., Atlanta. 3. Seven Cases of Diphtheritic Croup-and Treatment, R. M. Harbin, M.D., Rome. 3:30 O'CLOCK. Address on Medicine: Some Facts in regard to the Medical Complications, Sequelæ, and Treatment of Typhoid Fever, Hobart A. Hare, M.D., Philadelphia. 4. The Necessity of a State Pediatric Society, O. B. Bush, M.D., Colquitt. 5. The Endoscopic Treatment of Chronic Urethritis, W. L. Champion, M.D., Atlanta. 6. { a. Some Fallacies in the Modern Treatment of Nose and Throat Diseases. b. The Effect upon the Eye of Electric Flashes of Light, Dunbar Roy, M.D., Atlanta. a. Suprapubic Cystotomy for Stone, 7. Technique of-b. Varicocele, W. F. Westmoreland, M.D., Atlanta. 8. Mitral Stenosis, M. F. Carson, M.D., Griffin. 9. The Therapeutic Value of Hypnotism, J. R. Rose, M.D., Eastman. 10. The Best Remedy for Opium Poison, W. A. O'Daniel, M.D., Milledgeville. THURSDAY, APRIL 20. MORNING SESSION, 9 O'CLOCK. Reading of Minutes. Applications for Membership. Report of Board of Censors. Report of Secretary. Report of Treasurer. Report of Special Committees. 11. a. Catarrhal Laryngitis, b. Ecce Quam Bonum, H. R. Slack, M.D., LaGrange. 12. Newly Recognized Flora and Fauna of the Blood in some Acute Infectious Diseases and Simple Anemia. Original Research. (Illustrated), St. J. B. Graham, M.D., Savannah. 13. The Surgical Treatment of Empyema, W. S. Elkin, M.D., Atlanta. 14. Acute Obstructions of the Bowels, F. W. McRea, M.D., Atlanta. 15. Nasal Obstruction and its Influence, J. Lawton Hiers, M.D., Savannah. 16. Appendicitis: From the Standpoint of a Country Doctor, A. C. Davidson, M.D., Sharon. 17. Chronic Diarrhea, T. M. Greenwood, M.D., Mineral Bluff. 11 O'CLOCK. Address on Surgery: Emergency Surgery, Nicholas Senn, M.D., Chicago. 18. Mouth Breathing, J. M. Crawford, M.D., Atlanta. 19. Some Conclusions from Personal Experience in Operations for Appendicitis, J. B. S. Holmes, M.D., Atlanta. 20. Colles's Fracture, A. C. Blain, M.D., Brunswick. 21. Mumps and Metastasis, A. A. Davidson, M.D., Augusta. 22. A Case of Pachymeningitis, Result of a Chronic Syphilitic Rhinitis, Eugene R. Corson, M.D., Savannah. 23. Report of cases in Eye, Nose and Throat Practice, Ross P. Cox, M.D., Rome. 24. The Importance of a More Thorough Preliminary Education of the Medical Student before Entering College, A. A. Smith, M.D., Hawkinsville. AFTERNOON SESSION, 2:30 O'CLOCK. 25. Abdominal Surgery, with Cases, F. M. Brantly, M.D., Senoia. 26. Improved Perineorrhaphy, Geo. H. Noble, M.D., Atlanta. 27. Cold in the Treatment of Pneumonia, J. D. Herrman, M.D., Eastman. 28. A Report of Two Interesting Cases, W. D. Travis, M.D., Covington. 29. Some Remarks on the Tact and Delicacy Necessary in Prognosing Ear Cases, Arthur G. Hobbs, M.D., Atlanta. 30. a. Adenoid Vegetations in the Post Nasal Region-Their Influence upon the Ear, b. An Experience with Thirteen Hundred Cataract Operations, A. W. Calhoun, M.D., Atlanta. 31. Removal of an Ovarion Cyst Containing Two Peculiar Solid Masses Weighing Seventy Pounds, K. P. Moore, M.D., Macon. 32. The Education of Young Girls-the Modern School Curriculum and its Demands upon Health, W. E. Fitch, M.D., Savannah. 3:30 O'CLOCK. Address on Abdominal Surgery: An Analysis of Appendicitis 33. A Case of Intestinal Obstruction-with Specimens, W. P. Nicolson, M.D., Atlanta. 34. Malignant Aphthous Tonsillitis or Diphtheroid Sore Throat, Mark H. O'Daniel, M.D., Bullards. 35. Posterior Displacements of the Uterus, W. B. Gilmer, M.D., Macon. 36. Our Past Celebrites, I. H. Goss, M.D., Athens. 37. Nasal Hypertrophy, and Its Cure, by Means of Gentle Dilatation, Geo. Horine, M.D., Americus. 38. Injury from Accident; Medical Expert Testimony, C. D. Hurt, M.D., Atlanta. 39. Treatment of Carbuncles, Oliver H. Buford, M.D., Cartersville. FRIDAY, APRIL 21. MORNING SESSION, 9 O'CLOCK. Reading Minutes. Applications for Membership. Report of Auditing Committee. Report of Board of Censors. Symposium-Ether Anesthesia: 40. Crawford W. Long and His Discovery, L. H. Jones, M.D., Atlanta. 41. Physiology of Ether Anesthesia, J. B. Morgan, M.D., Augusta. 42. Ether vs. Chloroform, W. H. Elliott, M.D., Savannah. 43. The Administration of Ether and How to Meet its Dangers, S. C. Benedict, M.D., Athens. 44. Sympathetic Ophthalmia, Alex W. Stirling, M.D., Atlanta. 45. The Rights and the Wrongs of the Medical Witness in Courts of Justice, Jas. B. Baird, M.D., Atlanta. 46. The Prevention and Treatment of Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases in the Female by the General Practitioner, R. R. Kime, M.D., Atlanta. 11 O'CLOCK. Address on Rectal Surgery: The Technique of Rectal Examinations, Jas. P. Tuttle, M.D., New York. 47. Some Experiences in a Country Practice, W. L. Story, M.D., Sycamore. 48. The After Treatment of Abdominal Sections, V. H. Taliaferro, M.D., Savannah. |