ROLL OF MEMBERS OF THE Medical Association of Georgia. 1899. ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. ABBREVIATIONS-P., President; V.-P., Vice-President; S., Secretary; C. S., Corresponding Secretary; T., Treasurer; O., Orator; C., Censor; indicating the offices the members hold or have held. Members are particularly requested to notify the Secretary promptly on making any changes in their post-offices. The Secretary will esteem it a favor if any member will write him at once on noticing any inaccuracy or omission in the roll. Duggan, J. H Stephensville... Wilkinson 1884 Duncan, J. W Atlanta Fulton 1883 Duncan, Wm Savannah ... Chatham 1868 DuPree, Ira E. Danville Twiggs.. 1897 Earnest, J. G Atlanta........ Fulton 1882 Eberhardt, B. F Gillsville.... Hall 1898 Eberhardt, J. W Hartwell... Hart 1897 Edenfield, W. N Pinehurst Dooly 1897 Elkin, W. S Atlanta Fulton 1882 Elliott, W. H. (P.) Savannah Chatham 1884 Riner Johnson 1896 Evans, J. H Davisborough. Washington. 1897 Farmer, J. L Millen Screven 1897 Fitch, W. E Savannah... Chatham... 1898 Fitts, W. L.. Carrollton Carroll.. 1890 Fitts, P. W. Mountville Troup 1897 Folks, G. P Waycross Ware 1890 Ford, DeSaus're(v.-P.,c.,p.) Augusta Richmond 1857 Foster, Eugene(v -P., C.,P.) Augusta Richmond 1875 Frederick, H. F Grovania Houston 1897 Fulcher, M. O.. Waynesboro.... Burke 2.1895 Gann, Wm. F. Columbus..... Muscogee 1891 Hillsboro... Jasper 1889 |