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the surface to interfere with the growing crops. Even where the drains are too small to immediately give vent to all the surface water no harm ensues, because the action of the drains is kept up to its full extent after the rain ceases to fall, and until the level is reduced to that of the bottom of the drain. We may then assume that water enters the drain from the bottom, and that on soft ground drains are often closed by the soft mud or quicksand being forced up from below, and very seldom, if ever, from material from above. Hence on this kind of bottom it is the safest to use narrow boards under the tile. Theoretically, this water lever should be at the bottom of the tile all over the drained land, but practically it is found to rise between the drains to a height which varies with the nature of the soil and the distance of the drains apart. This is chargeable to the capillary action of the soil rais. ing the water like a sponge.

Hence, the degree of the dryness and temperature of the soil will be in proportion to the depth of the cross-sectional drains, also the porosity of the soil and depth from the surface to the water table, which rests below the subsoil. This position is sustained by noting the difference in time of the growth of the various species of vegetation growing in the different formed soils during the spring season of the year. Look at the tiny formed leaves of the Kentucky blue and the stout form of the orchard grasses, growing in a sandy loam formed soil, presenting a very healthy condition almost as soon as the earth is disrobed of its snow formed covering, compared to those that are asleep, resting wrapped in the cold clay and the vegetable mould formed soils. Therefore thorough drainage warms the soil by keeping the cold spring water below the surface of the ground, and permitting the soil to filter the rain water and absorb whatever is valuable in it to promote the growth of vegetation, which is illustrated in drainage of mound springs, which will cause an earlier growth of vegetation which surrounds them.

The vitality and the depth of the plant roots growing in the various classes of the soils will depend upon the natural characteristics of the formation of the plant form. Also in the exact proportion to the degree of the moisture of the soil. To prove

our position, we would call your attention to growing of the several varieties of the clovers, the common red, crimson, even the alfalfa, which grows a long top formed root, penetrating the depth of the soil in proportion to the degree of its dryness. In our exam ination and observation of the above like plant forms, we note they naturally require deep, moderately dry soil to insure a matured growth, as in relation to alfalfa we have selected specimens whose roots varied from four to thirty inches in length from the same seeding, which very plainly demonstrates that that plant requires a deep, dry soil to make its cultivation a success. To illustrate

our position, select two pieces of land that parts reluctantly with its water; thoroughly drain one piece, and let the other remain in its natural state; it may happen that when the thaws and freezes alternate in the spring the former will have but one strata of ice, while the latter has two to contend with in opposite directions, putting a strain upon the life of any plant root which few can withstand. To test this without going to any great expense, many a farmer has a knoll on which vegetation starts very early in the spring, but does not in a dry season sustain valuable plants that have roots close to the surface, but does mature weeds with. parsnip-like roots. A trifling expense will satisfy anyone whether the alfalfa will grow on this kind of land. It will not freeze out.

The above illustration is applicable to the growing of winter wheat, and many a farmer has witnessed the disastrous effect, and the blasting of the future prospect in the yield of grain of sufficient quantity to remunerate him for the time and money expended. Again, the quantity, quality and value of the cereal crops will depend upon, and in exact proportion to the distance. from the surface of the soil to the water level below, which is demonstrated by very closely observing these various conditions during the season of their maturing growth. From numerous experiments and observations, we will submit the following report, viz. In the growing of a good sound crop of corn, equal to the standard weight to the measure, the water level should not be allowed to approach nearer than the distance of four feet from the surface of the land upon which it grows, especially if it is located upon low or bottom land. Because by the influence of hydrostatic

pressure of water, and the capillary action of the soil, it will create cold and excessive moisture of the soil, thus cutting off the necessary supply of the various classes of plant food as selected, collected and stored by the young and active fibers for the nourishment of the plant while maturing its ripening fruit. I will admit that the stalk may grow large in size, though the grain will be deficient in weight. Oats will bear about the same excess of moisture of the soil as a crop of corn.

We note the following as the condition of a crop of oats grow. ing upon land where the water level is allowed to approach too near the surface of the soil, viz: Weak straw, liable to rust; small quantity of grain; deficient in weight. Barley will not stand the same amount of moisture as oats; also wheat is sensitive in relation to the moisture of the soil. Hence, the most satisfactory kind of wheat is grown upon land where the water level does not approach nearer than seven to eleven feet from the surface of the soil. Let it not be forgotten that excess of moisture will reduce the temperature of the soil which lies uppermost, and we will demonstrate which is the limit, as follows, viz:

[blocks in formation]

We will now review the condition of the classes of soil, which

are naturally adapted for the growth of grasses.

In the relation of the per cent. of marsh land contained in this state, I find the following result: The per cent. of marsh land, 5,176,704 acres; the per cent. of prairie land, 5,521,817 acres; a difference of 345,113 acres in favor of the prairie land. As we

do not command the complete data to determine the following question, we would very respectfully submit it for an inquiry, to wit: In what ratio does the annual improvement of the class. of land known as marsh or natural grass land compare with other classes of agricultural lands? for the quality of their product will be in proportion to the improvement they secure, which our specimen will illustrate. The formation, distribution and the con. dition of this class of land is variable throughout this state, for we find them located along the side of various sized streams of # water, from the small pond and creek to a large sized river; soil rich and deep, resting upon a subsoil of clay, naturally adapted to produce the most luxuriant growth of the cultivated grasses adapted to that class of soils. Again, we find them located on higher elevations of land; soil good, resting upon a subsoil whose formation is almost as impervious to drainage as an iron dish. Also we find them located in the depressions of higher lands; soil rich in plant food, resting upon a porous subsoil, and that underlaid with a stratum of sand, gravel and water, located at various depths from the surface of the land, even, we found this to be the condition of a clay subsoil.

To successfully drain this class of land, it requires careful work in locating and constructing the drains to secure the desired result; because the hydrostatic pressure and the capillary action of the soil will give a wet surface to the land, which will not change the condition of the vegetation growing thereon. We have obtained the most satisfactory result in cutting the main catch ditch down to the sand, gravel and water, thus relieving the pressure, which will produce a wonderful flow of water; also quickly draining the adjoining land. I have traced the roots of the slough grass to the distance of four feet, through the soil, subsoil, and a strata of hard formation eighteen inches thick, and connected with the stratum composed of sand, gravel and water. When this is accomplished you can successfully cultivate the tame grasses and the native ones will soon disappear.

When the subsoil is of an impervious character, we have an excellent foundation for the structure of gravel drains, which are constructed in the following manner: Leave the ditch in the V

form. At the entrance with the main line of drains, place a wooden tub from six to eight feet in length, filling the next two feet with small stones, so as to correspond with the thickness of the tubs; fill with gravel in proportion to the volume of water. Six cubic inches of gravel will convey two and one-fourth inches of water. One cubic yard of gravel will construct about 70 feet of drain for the discharge of two and one-fourth inches of water. This class of drains are not expensive when the material can be obtained at a near distance from the land to be drained, which will raise the temperature of the soil from ten to fifteen degrees, in exact proportion to the depth of the drains from the surface of the soil.

The most reliable and satisfactory manner in securing the grade of all drains is to apply the following rule: Commence the drain at the outfall, then allow the water to follow in the bottom of the drain through its entire length. Return in the same manner to the outfall, which will give you one of the most satisfactory grades that could be constructed, which is most thoroughly and practically demonstrated on the farm of a Mr. Redmond, located on Big Foot Prairie in this state, who has reclaimed the wet section of his farm so that it is now the most productive field in that section of the state.

The tile is laid at the average of four feet from the surface of the soil; the style of tile he used was the half round or the horse shoe, laid upon a strip of narrow board, distance apart from two to five rods, in proportion to the degree of the excessive wetness of the soil. We have reviewed this topic in its general character, and now we will briefly review the collection of the specimens brought, stating the condition of soils upon which they grew, illustrating the failure or success in the application of various systems in land drainage for agricultural use.

Mr. Burdick showed the convention his instruments for measuring the height of water in the ground, and also specimens of wood affected by water, and different grasses and grains grown upon wet and drained lands, respectively.

9-W. S. A. S.

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