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The enthusiasm, with which this speech was received, was well calculated to encourage the Prince under the immeasurable difficulties' which at the close of his speech he said would have to be overcome in carrying out the scheme the full extent of which even he could not at present measure. His audience, among whom were the representatives of all the municipalities of the kingdom, carried this enthusiasm back with them, and they were not likely to forget the words with which Sir Robert Peel on the same occasion concluded one of his best speeches: You will return with a firm resolution that this noble undertaking, to which the character and honour of England are now committed, shall not fail, but shall be borne triumphantly through every obstacle by the energy and determination of the British people.'

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Congratulations poured in upon the Prince from all sides. The assurance, that his cherished scheme had taken hold of the hearts of the people was far more precious to him than the praises of his eloquence. These came to him from the press in no measured terms, especially from those journals, which were the least disposed to credit Princes with liberal opinions, or an active interest in making men happier and better. Writing of the speech to the Queen, the Duchess of Sutherland condensed her admiration in a single sentence. How entirely worthy I thought it of himself!' With natural pride the Queen tells King Leopold (26th March) that the speech had given the greatest satisfaction, and done great good. Albert,' Her Majesty adds, is indeed looked. up to and beloved as I could wish he should be; and the more his rare qualities of mind and heart are known, the more will he be understood and appreciated. People are much struck by his great power and energy; by the great self-denial, and constant wish to work for others which are so striking in his character. But this is the happiest life. Pining for what one cannot have, and trying


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