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Resolved, That the governor is hereby requested to forward a copy of these joint resolutions to the president of the United States, the secretary of state at Washington, and each of our senators and representatives of congress. Approved February 22, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION to amend the constitution of the state of Wisconsin.

Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That section five of article five of the constitution of the state of Wisconsin is amended to read as follows:

SECTION 5. The governor shall receive during his continuance in office an annual compensation of five thousand dollars which shall be in full for all traveling or other expenses incident to his duties; and

Be it further resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That section nine of article five of the constitution of the state of Wisconsin is amended to read as follows:

SECTION 9. The lieutenant governor shall receive during his continuance in office an annual compensation of one thousand dollars.

Approved February 28, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION providing stationery for certain clerks.

Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That Geo. W. Stoner and E. H. Webb, assistant enrolling clerks of the senate and assembly be allowed stationery to the amount of $12,50, the same as regularly appointed clerks.

Approved February 28, 1868.

JOINT RESOLUTIONS.---No. 11, 12, 13. 215


JOINT RESOLUTION providing for furnishing musical instruments, &c., to the state reform school.

Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the quartermaster general, or other persons having the same in charge, be and they hereby are authorized to deliver to the managers of the state reform school at Waukesha, such musical instruments, guns and equipments, and one safe, as may not be in use about the capital, and may be needed at said state reform school: provided, that said above mentioned articles shall only be delivered upon the written approval of the governor, and duly receipted for by said managers.

Approved March 2, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION instructing committee on finance of senate, and com mittee on ways and means of assembly to co-operate for the purpose of con sidering revenue bills for the state.

Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the committee on finance of the senate, and the committee of ways and means of the assembly, be and are hereby instructed to act together as a joint committee in considering the necessary bills for raising by tax the necessary revenue for the support of the state government.

Approved March 2, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the governor and others to examine and report upon a heating apparatus for the state prison.

Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the governor, state treasurer and state prison commissioner are hereby authorized to examine into and investigate the various improved methods of warming public buildings which have been or may be presented for their consideration with reference to the selection of a suitable apparatus for the state prison at Waupun, and they are further authorized to receive proposals for warming the whole or any portion of such building, and to report the same, with the recommendation in regard thereto, for the information and action of the next legislature.

Approved March 3, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION providing for the regents of the university to investigate and report relative to the specimens obtained by the geological commissioner.

Resolved, That the regents of the state university be requested to investigate and report to this or the next session of legislature the number of specimens collected by the geological commission formerly employed by the state, actually deposited in the cabinet of the state university, the number now remaining in said collection, and whether any have been removed therefrom, and by whom. Whether all the collection made by such commission have been delivered over to the state as required by law; and if not, what if any legislation is necessary to retain the present collection and secure the balance of the specimens belonging to the same, and generally, whether the objects contemplated by said commission have been fully carried out as required by the act creating the same. Approved March 4, 1868.



JOINT RESOLUTION relative to Miss Vinnie Ream.

Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the state of Wisconsin has just reason to be proud of the eminent skill, as an artist, of Miss Vinnie Ream, a native of this state, and that in the opinion of this legislature, whenever the financial condition of our state shall warrant the filling of the two niches assigned to Wisconsin in the national capital with the statues of her illustrious dead, the claim of Miss Vinnie Ream to the contract for the execution of the work should be considered paramount to that of any competitor not a native of our state who may seek to obtain it.

Resolved, That the refusal of this legislature to award to her a contract for said statues at this time, is by no means based upon a want of appreciation of her work as a lady or her genius as a sculptor, but rather upon the inability of the state to incur at present the pecuniary obligations consequent on such contract.

Approved March 4, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION instructing our senators and requesting our representatives, to adhere to the policy of the loyal people of the republic, as adopted by congress.

WHEREAS, The events which have very recently taken place and are now transpiring at the federal capital, are such as distinguish times of great national peril, and

WHEREAS, It is the right and duty of the people of the state, when occurrences like the present are pressing upon them, to give utterance to their will and to strengthen and support those upon whom the responsibilities of the occasion directly rest,


Be it resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That our senators in congress are instructed and the members of the house of representatives from this state are requested to adhere with unflinching firmness to the policy of the loyal people of the republic, adopted by congress; that they resist by all constitutional, just and efficient means, any and all attempt ed usurpation of power by any officer of the government; and that in this they discharge their whole duty as guardians of the rights and liberties of the people of the country.

Resolved, That we declare our confidence in the patriotism and statesmanship of the Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, secretary of war; that we admire the courage and constancy with which he

successfully resists the unwarranted attempts at executive encroachments; that we approve the action of the United States senate in restoring him to the office from which he was unjustly suspended; that it is the desire of the citizens of the state of Wisconsin, that he shall remain in the war office so long as the country is in danger from the conspiracies of its enemies, whatever be their character or position, and that we honor General Grant for that obedience to law which prompted him at once to surrender the office of secretary of war to him upon whom it was conferred by our martyred president.

Resolved, That the governor of the state is hereby requested to transmit an attested copy of the foregoing to each of our senators and representatives in congress; to the presiding officer of each house of congress, and to the honorable Edwin M. Stanton.

Approved March 6, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the attorney general to discontinue the suit against Peter Stout & Co. and others as sureties on state printing contract.

Resolved by the senate, the assmbly concurring, That the attorney general of the state is hereby authorized and directed to discontinue the suit now pending in the circuit court of the county of Dane against Peter Stout & Co. and other [their] sureties for failure to fulfill printing contract awarded to them in 1864; and said parties are hereby released from all penalties and damages arising from the non-fulfillment of said contract, on payment of costs of said suit.

Approved March 5, 1868.


JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the governor to appoint a committee to examine a route for a canal from the Rock to the Wisconsin river.

WHEREAS, The legislature of this state at its last session authorized the governor to appoint a committee to collect statistics relating to the Rock river improvement; and

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